Life After Being a Child Star

Published on Sep 26, 2022


Life After Being a Child Star 7

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

The weather was mild and warm until mid January. For six weeks we had a snowstorm hitting on Friday night and leaving at noon or so on Sunday. That meant the snow plows could work their magic and schools could open. It was terrible for rapists and peeping toms.

You can't hide your tracks in fresh snow. The temperature barely got above freezing and we had a foot and a half of snow cover for two months. That was good for our security people. They could relax as much as they were capable of relaxing. Investigating leads and computer searches continued.

Jeff's landscaping had no winter lull. Trees and limbs were falling everywhere, and his company made the news for clearing up particularly difficult problems.

My pool used cutting edge energy conservation techniques. The solar panels used stored energy to melt snow from the panels and the sunny days were perfect. I was able to partially heat the house with the extra energy.

Many of my neighbors were older, and they escaped to Florida and Arizona. Empty houses were temptation, but Pete was on guard.

I met two of my neighbors, Whitey Stone, and Bunny Rollins. Whitey was a society architect. Bunny was an interior designer and a flamboyant party planner. Whitey was built like a gorilla, but was imaginative in dealing with difficult architectural problems.

Bunny made Mae West look butch. He was clever and imaginative, and the most conventional businessman admitted that the results were both livable and striking. Bunny also provided emergency decorating services. If the person hired to plan a charity ball left town with the advance payment, Bunny could help.

In February, my solar pool was covered in a newspaper article. Whitey called me and asked if he could see it. He came with Bunny. Everyone knew of Bunny, but I hadn't met him. Both men liked my house. Bunny said he knew Art's and Crafts style, but had never seen a well preserved house with the original colors. He said he knew some crafts people who did work that was be perfect for my house. He paused and added. "I hope you will forgive me. I am so used to promoting things I forget this is a social call, not a sales opportunity."

I smiled and said, "I understand. I teach six periods of history and government. I slip into lecture mode once and a while."

We went out to the pool. Both men liked the way it looked, and Whitey was fascinated by the solar integration. I told them about the Pools and that they were knowledgeable and direct. "Incidentally, they are good about telling you were it won't work. There is no way to make it work without the proper exposure," I explained. "I have the almost perfect location with full sun. Between 100% and 75% is ideal. If exposure is 40% or lower, it doesn't pay for itself. Mrs Poole is a landscape architect. She knows what plants and trees are or are not suitable." I told them the system had worked will during this cold winter.

Whitey was very interested in the equipment and the energy conservation aspects of the pool. We returned to the pool. It was warm. I pressed a button that retracted the insulated pool cover. The water provided heat storage for use in the house. The crystal clear water was beautiful.

"Damn, I wish I brought my trunks. I' love to take a dip!" Bunny said.

"I don't have any extra trunks. A few good friends and I are the only one to swim here. We skinny dip," I said. "This is a modern version of the old swimming hole."

"Is there any chance we could get a one day pass as a potential future good friend?" Whitey asked.

"Actually, there is a good chance of getting a pass," I said.

"You know I'm gay?" Bunny asked.

"I had a suspicion," I said. "How much of you is gay and how much is affectation?"

"The affectation is an act, but, I'm 100% gay," he replied. I began to unbutton my shirt. We were nude and in the pool five minutes later. Bunny had been on a college swim team. He was still in shape. Whitey said he could have been on the team if they had a Walrus division.

Whitey's blond body hair was almost white. His skin was pink except for his lavender cock head. His delicate coloring was unexpected in such a massive man. Bunny had an even tan, except for the areas covered by a bikini brief.

"You guys look like you are models for a Bears-R-Us store," Bunny said. "By the way, that is not a complaint."

I later discovered the Bunny and Whitey were strictly monogamous, but that sharing a third man was allowed. They weren't cheating if Whitey was fucking my ass and Bunny was sucking my cock, or vice versa. They also thought that my sperm was just a substitute for the load their partner was injecting in my ass. That arrangement worked for them and it worked for me.

In late April there was an attempted rape at Battle Ax Betty's former school. A man doing car pool duty saw the attack and raced to interrupted it. He was stabbed, but the girl escaped, another parent and an older brother came to the man's rescue and called the police. The police were nearby. The stabbed man had a good view of the attacker. He gave a full description to the police as they loaded him into the ambulance.

The headmaster who fired Battle Ax Betty, had ignored the problem. He said he prayed that his students would be safe. The parents, staff and Board of Director's were enraged. The Board had not been informed of the previous attack. The headmaster was fired.

The attacker left the knife in the back of man who save the girl. In this case modern medicine worked its magic. The knife did damage to the lung, but missed doing fatal damage. The knife was removed and modern science was covered in fingerprints. DNA indicated he was a white, Anglo-Saxon male. He also had an up to the moment collection of drugs in his blood system. Billy thought this was a clue to the man's day job. The new drugs greatly interested the police.

A quick computer search came up with a name, the man's record, and known associates. This was a late Christmas present for the police. They found attacks on women and girls in several of his known locations. Police in New York City, on Long Island and in the suburbs of Philadelphia all had open unsolved cases.

Pete discovered that the man had a pattern of several failed attacks and then move to another location after he had a successful rape. I would have thought that the failed rape and the stabbing of the man would have altered the pattern. Pete thought he would stay in our area until he had a success. He also thought our school was a target since his attack here had been unsuccessful.

As work continued up and down the east coast, other police forces came to the same conclusion. Now that there were linked attacks, the pattern became clear. Jeff's landscaping business added more men, so he could be present at more schools. Landscapers were perfect as the sort of guys you ignore. The undercover police loved the chance to be slovenly as they disguised themselves as landscapers.

Unexpectedly Sarah and Ralph became the interim co-headmasters of the born-again school that had just fired their headmaster. Two thirds of the board had resigned and the new members were less "prayer is the only answer" and had their feet on the ground. The new motto was "Christians for the Modern World."

Our School replaced Sarah with an undercover cop, Emily.

The attack had one unexpected side effect. Car pools became incredibly efficient. Everyone was on time. There were far more men, retired Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and neighbors who often road shotgun. Attendance at plays, field days and similar events soared. Absentee parents seemed to reconsider their priorities.

Even though I knew a lot more about the school's security arrangements than most, I was still on alert. Some teen aged kids know it all and regard being careful as an impingement of their rights. Some regarded being stupid equated with being bold and free.

Near the end of the semester I saw Marlene Major wandering across a playing field towards an area the students called the grove. It was on a neighboring property, and was not improved by Jeff's crew. She was a difficult student and should have been going to the gym. She was on the volleyball team and this was the usual practice time.

I called Pete on my cell and told him. He was two miles away and would be there. I went after her, just in case Pete was held up. I was a few yards from the grove, when I heard a scuffle. I bellowed, "What in hell is going on!" and pushed through the bushes.

Marlene was on the ground with a torn dress. An unattractive man with a knife stared at me. He charged at me. I kicked him in cock and balls. They were hanging out of his zipper. A second of two later, Pete and two under cover cops had the man handcuffed. He was screaming that I didn't fight fair. Half the city police force was there five minutes later.

I told Pete I did not want any publicity. "Do you want the collar?" I asked.

"No, but I will take it," he said.

The rapist was a member a gang that specialized in narcotic distribution. He was caught with his genitals exposed. That made it impossible to mount and defense. Eventually, he gave the police the names of all the members of the gang. He pleaded guilty and got a twenty-year sentence. I was pleased that my kick to his balls caused massive damage rendering him impotent. The doctor who castrated him was the father of one of our students.

Battle Axe Betty had the kitchen crew make a cake for me memorializing the rapist's missing balls. Amazingly not one of the girls who saw it told anyone of the x-rated cake.

The semester ended on a high note for me, the school and the police. I took the summer off. Pete took some time off and spent the summer with his family. Pete had felt he was less of a man because of the injuries. He had now proved he was fully capable and he took a vacation and saw his family. He felt whole again.

I did nothing that resembled work for the summer. Most of my friends from school were busy with little projects. Jeff and Penny's landscaping operation was fully booked, and the Pool company was over booked.

I was surprised that Lionel became a regular house guest. Lionel had a well ordered and successful life. He was successful and much admired.

"I thought sex was unimportant to me until Jeff introduced me to you. When I felt you react when I shot off in your ass I realized I was missing something. All orgasms were good for me. When I could feel you quivering in excitement each time I ejaculated. I discovered I need that. I know you physically enjoy me." he explained. "I have people who love and admire me and my mind. I want someone who enjoys my cock and my sperm," he said. "Does that offend you?"

"I have a confession to make. As long as you are naked and your cock is up my ass, all is well," I said.

Lionel laughed. "It's not just physical. I almost fall in love with you each time I ejaculate."

"Sometimes I think that for men love is a crutch to justify sex," I said as his over-sized knob slipped deeper into my ass. It was a friendly visitor until it magically turned into a sexual wand that dominates me. It totally dominated me until the orgasm had completely drained his balls into me ass. Five minutes later we were just friends.

Whitey and Bunny became regular visitors, as were some of their craftsmen. For Whitey and Bunny I was the ideal sex toy. They were playful and fun. I had a feeling that my own reaction to sex was more intense than my reaction to them. I think that was because sex with me was spectacular for them.

Bunny introduced me to two craftsmen. Brian Franklin was a potter. His friend Ken was a weaver. Ken wove tapestries and carpets. Brian made pots, planters and vases. Some of his vases were six feet tall. They were inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement of the early 20th Century. They didn't do reproductions unless they were needed for a period house restoration. Their original works were strikingly modern, but were harmonious with period houses.

I liked their work a lot, and they showed examples that were beautiful. I thought they were very expensive. I realized the cost would not dent my bank account.

Bunny came by with a furniture designer-builder, Sebastian Mills. He was a red headed bohemian type with a child like enthusiasm. He loved my house and came in a truck loaded with his furniture. He brought in three chairs. He sat them in my living room and I immediately saw they were perfect. They fit the style of the house perfectly. They looked architectural, but when I sat in them they were comfortable. Sebastian told me some of the period furniture was perfect architecturally, but a challenge for a normal back. He had solved that problem.

In early August, Whitey asked me to a party-picnic at his cottage. He told me I would enjoy his friends. He said Sebastian, Bryan and Ken would be there as well a several former clients. "This is my clients annual day to be gay."

"I'm not sure I would fit in," I said.

Whitey laughed. "You know that if you had trouble fitting into this group, you wouldn't fit in anywhere else in the world!" he said. "For you information they will be naked and horny as hell. They are all full service."

"Oh well, I guess I could make the sacrifice," I said in a whiny tone I copied from my students. We both laughed.

On Saturday morning Brian and Ken picked me up for the trip to the camp. It was not easy to find. After some small talk Brian asked if I knew it was going to be a sex party. I said yes.

"We do work for you, I'm a little worried relationships might get confused. You are a client," Ken said.

"I like to think I treat every one the with respect. We share common interests. I am pretty sure we share sexual interests. I think every relationship involves some give and take. Sexually I give and take. You will not get any demerits if your ejaculations don't tickle my ass the right way." I explained.

"You like the cream?" Brian asked.

"You have discovered my secret!" I said. "Sometimes, I like to lick sperm from a well used hole. By the way, orgasms and sperm are their own reward. They are too intimate to place a value on."

We had a nice trip. When they described the camp as being hard to find, they understated the case. It was secluded. It was a frame cottage on a crystal clear pond. It looked rustic until you went though the front door. It was beautiful.

Bunny was talking with two men, Nigel and Abraham. They were nude. I had a suspicion that Abraham was a Baptist Abraham, not a Jewish Abraham. Brian, Ken and I went to a side room to strip. When we emerged form the undressing room, Whitey was there with two men, Jason and Noah. I knew Jason as a coach at a nearby school. Noah was owned an upscale department store, Cohen's. Bunny and Whitey were perfect hosts and introduced everyone. Sebastian came into the camp with a man he called the Rev, and an older man, Ben. Ben was a city judge.

"The only newcomer to our group is Teddy Norman. He is a new to this area, history teacher. He has one deep dark secret. At one time he was the star of Billy and Buster. He was Billy, not Buster," Whitey said. The man laughed. "He is Teddy to us. He doesn't want to replay his television character. Bunny and I discovered we all same the same hobby. For your information, We are not giving an award to the first man to blow him. Just let nature take it course." The men laughed again.

Ben came over to me with the Rev. "I think describing you as a new history teacher, understates your role in the recent problems here," Ben said.

"I just happened to be in the right place," I said.

"It's nice to meet a big boy who is big where it counts," the Rev said. "Does it taste as good as it looks?" I smiled as the Rev dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock.

I expected for the men to be timid, but the group had been getting together for over five years. They were ready. I also thought I would be a bit timid. I was a little timid until I saw the first semi-erect cock. It doesn't take me long to change from shy to sex crazed when I am inspired.

Ten minutes later Rev's cock was deep in my ass. His theological education apparently included a master class on fucking. As his cock popped past my sphincter, he turned from being slightly sanctimonious, into a needy, but skilled and considerate ass fucker. I could sense he had had a lot of practice.

Next: Chapter 8

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