Life After Being a Child Star

Published on Sep 16, 2022


Life After Being a Child Star 6

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

The problem at the Christmas Ball caused repercussions that impacted the Board of Trustees and the student's families. They were living in a mid-20th Century fantasy. They wanted to protect the students from the evils of modernity. They realized the we had advanced well into the twenty-first century and pretending otherwise was dangerous.

The tried and true formula for girls to marry a wealthy man, have two kids and spend the afternoons near the pool at the club, was not as secure at it had been. That might still be an option, but there were many more options that were more probable. Several older teachers at the school retired and were replaced with younger, more energetic women. The men who worked at the school, who were collectively known as "the boys," had higher status. It wasn't just that we had brawn. We had recognized the problem early and could intimidate the problem makers. Curiously, they seemed to regard Sarah as one of the boys.

Jeff and Penny Poole had formed an informal partnership. She was a landscape architect, problem finder and a problem solver. They both like plants, trees, and shrubs. They could tell what was what Penny called "post mature," and what was seriously overgrown. Jeff had an eye for problems and knew what was going to fall next. I took them around to look at other schools.

They arranged to met with these school's Building and Grounds Committee. Penny was a good speaker. She was not aggressive at all, but she was impressively knowledgeable. She mentioned that well maintained trees and shrubs eliminated hiding places. Jeff discussed what could or not be done to get over grown or sick trees under control. They gave the trustees a price. The presentations were apparently successful. In one case one of the trustees wrote out a check covering the cost, then and there.

I got know Jeff and some members of his crew well. They started pruning trees that had limbs that might fall in a bad storm, and eliminating hiding places in low shrubbery. Often cigarettes butts gave them a way. Jeff and his guys could prune a tree and no one would realize improved security.

Our early morning swim group grew by one man, a new night watchman, Pete. He was in his late thirties. Pete was a former police man who was shot while capturing a sniper. He could no longer pass the Police fitness test, and he was not a paper pusher. He was on disability and unhappy.

George our head security man hired him. George knew the secret police fraternity passwords. Pete was hired to go were ever there was a potential problem. Oddly Pete bonded with Rodney. The police knew of Rodney's aggressive approach to the drunk football players a the Christmas Ball. Rodney was the 96 pound weakling who did battle with three Bluto types.

Rodney discovered that no one had ever sucked Pete and he took care of that deficiency. Pete didn't know he could be sucked to completion or that it could be so thorough that there wasn't enough sperm left to leave a mark on his pants. Pete may have been 100% straight, but his cock had a different opinion.

Rudy recruited him to join our early morning swim group. Pete could swim, but Rudy taught him how to swim efficiently and rebuild damaged muscles without hurting himself. Pete had not liked physical therapists, but working with a swimming coach was fine with him. After several months of swimming, Pete was feeling better. Having friends he could be be at ease with was good good for him too. He met Willy at my house and they bonded.

Jeff's men were at work on our school's landscaping. One of his men, Moses, found a little hiding place in a cluster of overgrown azaleas. He found cigarette butts. That could have be one of the girls smoking, but he also discovered a needle, the hard way. He called Jeff who took Moses to the hospital to get inoculated. Pete was on duty so he told him of the discovery. Pete did a forensic level search of the area. He found two more needles, a binocular lens cover, and a turd covered by leaves. George called the police. It was Friday and all the students had left.

Moses was tested. He was fine, the needle was not infected. The police arrived and joined our security team searching the area. A few days later, they discovered a man's DNA on the needle. I didn't know if turds have DNA, but Willy was happy.

Jeff had strict safety rules, so the area had been roped off with signs saying "Landscape work. Beware of Falling Branches." By the time the students were back in class on Monday, there was no sign there was anything wrong.

The Police wanted to keep the investigation secret, and avoid causing alarm. Willy passed on useful tidbits of information about their plan to find rumored Peeping Tom to Pete.

Our headmaster acted quickly. A week later, Jeff's grounds crew had increased by two, and there were two probationary members of George's security staff, one young woman and a man. There were also several motion activated cameras overlooking potential hiding places.

The police also warned and checked nearby schools and colleges. The city police placed men and women at unprotected schools. We assumed girls schools were most at risk, however public mixed gender schools were all potential targets.

We had our own security. George and Pete were ex-police and were excited to confront a definite threat. Wilbur, our grounds man, was on alert and ready to help. Rudy, Rodney and I had our eyes open. My classroom faces south towards the first hiding place, but Rudy and Rodney's rooms looked to the north. Sarah was a driven gym teacher. She insisted that every one participate in her classes, and made sure that no one wandered off.

Pete lived twenty miles away from the school. That was a 45 minute drive and that was way to long for a quick response for him, so I let him use my guest room. My house was four minutes from the school. It is wrong to say that Pete ever truly relaxed, but when he was near the school he could rest and actually sleep.

He met my friends and was comfortable with them. Pete was a serious man. His vision of gay men came from the TV and media. Gay men tended to be zany, comic characters. My friends were serious men who had real jobs. Wilbur was a hard working grounds keeper. Jeff ran a growing landscaping firm who happened to be well hung. This surprised Pete.

As a general rule you don't expect a married man to give you a report of sex with his wife each morning. If a bachelor gives you a report on each of his latest conquest, you get uneasy. Curiously, no one calls them flaming heterosexuals. Today, if you make a pass at every woman at your work, you are probably on the way to be fired for harassment. For me and my friends work is work, friends are friends and sex is sex.

Pete could now see gay men as hardworking men, not delicate types. He could relax as much as he was capable of relaxing at my house. He was never intrusive or pushy. He got along well with Willy and Jeff.

Jeff and Penny were an ideal cover for discrete investigations. Many schools had overgrown landscapes, so cleaning things up was not a problem. Pete joined them part time. Jeff, Penny and Pete were a good team. They could could both identify landscape and security problems. I knew that most of Jeff's staff were minority. Having a white, female working with him was reassuring for older members of boards of trustees.

When Moses and Pete found another hiding place on the campus of another school, Jeff's business was flooded with work. Moses was the secret ingredient to the success. No one expects that a middle-aged, bearded, Black man with a rake and clippers is hunting for a possible hiding places. A White guy with a bad limp is not suspicious either. Pete looked like a charity case.

There was an incident at a school on the other side of town. A girl of fourteen was attacked. One of the school's cooks, who was known as Battle Ax Betty, came to the girl's rescue. The school's head master was born-again, and seemed to believe that prayer was the answer to all problems.

My mom's dad was a World War II vet. He was a member of the "praise be the lord and pass the ammunition" school of Christianity. I had loved his stories as a child and was surprised to discover at his funeral he was a Presbyterian.

Sadly, while Battle Ax disrupted the attack, she did not succeed in amputating any parts of the attacker. The Head master fired her. He didn't want her bravery to overshadow his bad judgment. She was working in our kitchen a week later. She was surprised to find that the police had warned all the local schools there was a problem. There had been no mention of it at her school.

Our school has a long Christmas break. This gave our students a chance to go to Vale, Florida, or Europe with their families. We had a short spring break, which made it difficult to go the Spring Break riots in Florida. That was a definite plus for our parents.

Since I had no family, I had little planned for the break. My house became an informal club house for friends. I had told Junior Poole that he should ditch the Junior nickname for business. His middle name was Webster. He became Webster Poole. Webster Poole had a good job and he called me after Christmas. His parents stayed home until Christmas, but went on a long vacation after. They both had busy schedules in the spring, summer and fall. They needed a rest. He came to see me as soon as his parents left on vacation.

Webster and Pete met while swimming nude in my pool. I was surprised they hit it off. Both were shy, socially inexperienced, and unsure of themselves. Webster was young and in good shape. Pete was older, but in good shape, except for his bad leg. Heroism did not diminish his attractiveness. Webster's parents knew about Pete and his search for the man in the bushes.

Pete had no interest in playing daddy, but he sure looked the part. Both men tried to play it cool, but cocks are bad actors, and they hit it off. Pete was an older man attracted to a younger guy and was gentle and careful.

When you combine gentle, careful and an erection, you end up with something similar to love and affection. I knew that wasn't Pete's intentions towards Webster, but he sure seemed to look like it. For Webster his previous anal connections had just been practice. With Pete it was sensual sex, not an experiment. I left them to their own devices and went to bed.

Webster was in Pete's bedroom when his parents called his cellphone the next morning. It was New Years Eve and they were on a beach in the Virgin Islands. All was well.

At Lunch time, Jeff, Rodney, Willy, and Moses came by. We were the guys who were distant from families or had to work on the holiday. To say we were a mixed bag of human types, understates the case. I thought Moses was an old man. He was 45, but had a hard life. He was a bit beaten up, but his body was in good shape and his over-sized cock was ideal for welcoming the New Year. Wilbur was the master of redneck sex and Rodney regarded sex as art. Somehow they got together and had a good time.

It was casual sex, low key, low pressure, and relaxed. The men spent the entire day at my house, so sexual episodes were well spaced. Sex was good too. Eventually, every cock was in action, every cock was sucked, and every ass was explored. No one hoarded sperm. Sometimes sperm was a snack, sometimes it was lubricant. Sucking and fucking were both a good way to get to know a man and it a thank you gift.

I saw Webster get more relaxed and accepting as the day progressed. The men went home after midnight. Webster had to visit his mom's parents the next day. He only had the clothes on his back and had go home to pack.

New Years Day, in the afternoon, Pete was sitting alone in the living room sort of staring into space.

"It's been a long day. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Okay," he said. "It was good, and fun."

"You don't sound very happy," I observed. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes and no. It was good to be with friends. It was too good," Pete replied. "I liked Webster too much."

"I'm not sure liking someone too much is technically is a problem," I said. He was silent. "It wasn't just sex with Webster was it?"

"It seemed different. I fucked him and it was good, real good. I like to fuck and use a guy's ass as a holder for my cum. He liked it, he liked it a lot. I usually top, but he fucked me. When I felt him shooting off deep in my ass I felt something different. Can sperm be loving? I can't believe I am that gay. He's a kid."

"He's younger than we are but being twenty-three makes him an adult," I said. "I also think that you may believe you have more control over your sex life than is possible. Guys used to joke about the brain in your cock leading you astray. I am beginning to think the brain in you skull isn't always in control of your sex life. Sometimes things just happen."

"It was hard for me to believe we were all stark naked and going at it," he said. "No one seemed to be embarrassed or worried about that."

"You weren't bothered by that?" I asked.

"I wasn't but looking back I should have been bothered," he said.

"There is a great tradition in our country to think that if it's pleasurable it must be sinful," I said. "I know it's stupid, but every once and a while I think, this is too pleasurable. It must be sinful or illegal."

Pete laughed. "You can read my mind." He looked at me. "Can you tell I want to fuck you now? This sex talk has turned me on."

"My ass has been well used, but I don't think it's been overused. Do you think you could relax and let your self enjoy it?" I asked.

Pete nodded. "Is it okay if I shoot off in your ass?" Pete asked. He didn't wait for an answer. Technically, a cock lodged deep in your backside is fucking. Pete was actually making love to me.

"Who shot off in last night?" he asked.

"Willy, Rodney and Moses," I replied. "Is that a problem?"

"Not at all," Pete replied. "It's beautiful and a real turn on." Pete seemed like a new man. He was as relaxed as a man with a full erection could be.

Pete had always hidden his sexual desires. Gay sex had often been fast to avoid exposure. That was especially true of cops. Sex was quick in and quick out. It was getting off.

When he met Webster, getting off wasn't enough. He wanted more. I was sure he never verbalized his affection. For Pete opening his ass for another man's pleasure was a huge step. He had also taken Webster's load. I was pretty sure that Webster was as excited as he forcefully injected sperm deep into Billy's ass.

When you ejaculate, you are deeply involved in your own reaction. I doubt Webster noticed Pete's reaction. I had a sense that feeling Webster's sperm ticking his ass was wonderful for Pete. My orgasm induced euphoria tends to fade as my cock returns to it's normal post-orgasm size.

I suspected that didn't happen Pete's exploration of Webster's ass. That was a total success with both men. Webster sat on Pete's cock and squeezed his sphincter to keep Pete hard after the orgasm. Webster told Pete he was milking his cock. It seems that this intense sexual episode converted into an equally intense romantic connection. The two men didn't get much sleep that night.

When Webster left, my time was not as intense for Pete as his time with Webster, but it was good. Remarkably, Pete seemed to be relaxed and at ease as he entered my ass. I don't exactly know how he was able to enter my ass, stay rock hard and shoot his load into me, and stay relaxed. He had a stress free orgasm. For the first time I had the sense that he was at ease with his sexual nature. He was a good man enjoying another man. He wasn't a fag doing something awful.

Webster came by after visiting his grandparents and he reconnected with Pete. That was a total success.

Jeff dropped by with an old friend of his, Lionel. They had gone to school together and discovered sex together. Lionel went to college and was now a professor. Jeff's father had a lawn mowing business. His father died of a heart attack a week after high school graduation. Jeff took over the business to support his mother and sister.

Jeff grew and expanded the business. He was able to send his sister to college and she was now a school principal. He kept in touch with Lionel. Lionel was successful personally and professionally. Lionel taught at a collage in the mid-west. One of his professors had a disastrous affair with a student that destroyed his professional life. Lionel was very reserved. He was in town for a funeral. He ran into Jeff and they relived the high points from their youth.

Lionel was a widower and had two grown sons. One was in officer training school, and the other was in Europe on a fellowship. My Billy and Buster show had been his sons favorite show when they were kids and Lionel recognized me as Billy. I told him I was trying to escape from my child star days. He understood.

Webster and Jeff were in Jeff's bedroom, and I showed Jeff and Lionel the pool. Lionel had been a college level swimmer. Lionel said he loved to swim, and Jeff volunteered that skinny dipping was typical. Lionel looked at windows. I pressed a button and closed the blinds. We in a completely private pool. A little later were were naked in the warm pool water.

I guessed that Jeff had mentioned our sexual relationship. We pretended to swim and then things turned intimate. Eventually, Jeff and Lionel took turns fucking me. That might seem like it was a mini-gang bang. Both men enjoyed fucking me, and by alternating they extended the quality time in my ass. Jeff was well endowed, but Lionel had an over sized Black man's cock as featured in gay videos.

As a college professor, Lionel avoided young men. If he was exposed having sex with a student, his career would be vaporized. He was also on almost all the departmental committees and an affair with a man seeking tenure was just as potentially damaging.

Lionel loved to top and I possessed an asshole. Lionel knew he had a world's fair exhibit hanging between his legs. Pain was a turn off for him so he was a careful fucker. He liked going deep, but he took his time. He would pull out once and a while and let Jeff work my hole. Jeff later told me that they had never double team a man before. "Was it a good for you as it was for me?" he asked. I told him that it couldn't have been any better.

Next: Chapter 7

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