Life After Being a Child Star

Published on Aug 8, 2022


Life After Being a Child Star 3

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

On Friday night I had a call from Jeff. He told me he had some old friends visiting him and told them about our meeting and they would like to meet me. He said we all shared a common interest. I told him that sounded interesting and asked if they would like to meet. I wasn't surprised when he said yes. A half hour later Jeff and his friends were at my door.

He introduced me to two Black men, Ed and Edgar. Ed was an imposing, heavy set, tall man of about sixty. Edgar was tall, but thin and maybe fifty-years-old. Jeff referred to Ed as Rev, so I guessed his occupation. I offered then a drink and we talked.

Ed told me they were old friends who like group experiences. Edgar added that they liked variety, and new experiences.

I smiled and asked, "Am I a new experience?" Edgar looked uncomfortable.

"To be direct, the boys have never been with a white guy sexually before. It told them you are open minded," Jeff said.

"Did you happen to mention my mouth and ass are open minded too?" I asked.

Jeff nodded. "I mentioned you took my load," he added.

"Luckily, I am feeling horny tonight," I said as I smiled. "I need to confess that I can resist anything except temptation. Maybe we could adjourn to my bedroom and we could work things out."

"Damn Jeff, when you said he was friendly, I didn't guess he was this friendly," Ed said.

Jeff, Ed, and Edgar were nice men, careful, and a gentle as sex crazed men could b. They had an objective, but they took their time achieving it. Sexual attraction is traditionally portrayed as a battle between the sexes. With Jeff, Ed and Edgar it was more of a cooperative effort to achieve a common goal. We had a common objective and goal: mutual pleasure.

My ass was the main focus for all three men. That might have been a problem, but I surprised myself at my openness. They had varied cocks. Jeff's cock was long and thick, Ed's was a beer can, and Edgar's cock was long and thin except for a knob the size of a large strawberry.

Ed fed me his cock and Jeff sucked me as Edgar entered my ass. The three men played musical chairs with each man taking his turn in my ass or sucking me. That was both pleasant and erotic. They were careful until the powerful demands for an orgasm took charge. They would pound like a mad man until the first ejaculations reduced the pressure. Each man had his own technique. Edgar stopped pounding after his first ejaculation. Ed only relaxed after four or five shots.

I also realized that Jeff was not just helping out his friends. Both Ed and Edgar shot off huge loads. Jeff was last in line so he could push though his buddies' cum. His cock was harder than before. Their sperm turned him on. After five minutes or so, Jeff shot off.

When Jeff pulled out we were all still. Jeff fed me his cock so that I could take the tail end of his orgasm. Edgar had been the first man to fuck me. He was hard again so he straddled my cock and sat on it. "Oh baby!" he moaned as he impaled himself. He gripped my cock with his sphincter and bounced until he and I shot off. Ed was near him and took Edgar' second load in his mouth. When we broke apart, they showered and went home. It had been a good night for all of us.

I had a quiet weekend. I received a packet of documents from my advisor about the two, just discovered, overseas accounts. They amounted to another five million. They had been modest accounts, but had invested in some risky start up companies. One of these companies bought 10,000 shares of a start-up at ten dollars a share. It had split and I now had 20,000 shares. The stock was now trading at $560.00 a share, and was now worth millions. The profit was incredible, and as it was made in a county that didn't have an income tax. It was tax free.

Summer school ended on a high note. Some of the students in my class did well and got back on track. Those who didn't were often attractive girls from wealthy families who were going to marry attractive boys from wealthy families. They planned to inherit anything they needed. They were born with everything they would ever need.

We had a new gym teacher Mrs. Wilkins. Her husband was gym teacher at a nearby public school. She specialized in dance as exercise and that was appealing to the school where athletics was not at the top of many girls' interest.

At a little party at the beginning of semester I met her and her husband, Ralph. I suspected there were a gay couple. Unmarried gym teachers were suspect, so your chance of getting a job was greatly improved when they were married.

Ralph was out going and cheerful. His wife, Sarah, was only as polite as she needed to be when talking with a male. She was into fitness big time, and had no interest in anything other than fitness and dance. Ralph had been a history major with a minor in Phys Ed in college. He told me he had been a wrestler and football player. He didn't need to tell me that. A quick look at his body made that clear.

We talked for about ten minutes. He knew I was gay and I knew he was gay. He went off to mingle, but I suspected we would meet again soon. I did see him talking with Rodney and having a long conversation with Rudy.

We were back to our normal schedule of classes and resumed our early morning swim sessions. Rudy mentioned Ralph seemed like a nice man.

"He seemed friendly," I remarked. We chatted and Rudy said Ralph's wife Sarah had a girls' night out on Wednesdays. Ralph was free. Rudy was a calculating man, and asked if we could have a poker game at my house with some friends and invite Ralph. My house was secluded and not visible from the street. I said I would need to buy a card table. Rudy smiled and said that wasn't necessary. Rudy, Wilbur, and Ralph arrived at eight. We had a drink and then adjourned to my bedroom. The divorcee who had renovated my house installed an eight-by-six-foot shower room. He did away with a small bedroom and turned half into a shower and half into a closet. Five men fit, but it was cozy.

We looked like the before picture of an unwanted hair removal ad. No one would mistake us for male models unless it was for a wilderness camping experience. It was clear that we all liked hyper masculine men. Ralph was muscular and in exceptional shape. He was semi-erect for almost a minute before his cock vanished down Rudy's throat. The shower had a marble bench on one side so Ralph sat down. Rudy continued sucking and Ralph leaned to one side to suck Wilbur's tool.

Ralph asked, "I don't like to be pushy, but how many of you are bottoms?"

Rudy looked up and said, "For you I suspect we are all willing to bottom."

"You boys are real friendly," Ralph said. "I don't take a cock on a first date. Do you men like to trade the special sauce?"

"We sure as shit do!" Wilbur said. "Cum is the icing on the cake."

Ralph was a good and energetic sport both friendly and energetic. Nature took its course.

After an intense session, the men went home, but Ralph lingered. "My wife spends one night a week with friends. Could we talk some?" he asked. Of course I said yes.

"Sarah says you are sort of famous," he said.

"If the phrase, a forgotten has been counts as being famous I might qualify," I said. "I came here to start from zero."

"I was a small time college football star. I am as far away from that as I can get," Ralph said. "I was good, but not good enough." He paused. "I've never been a group like tonight before. "Are the guys for real? Are they safe. I'm not ready to come out."

"It is a private, very discrete group. It's a group of friends who share recreational interests," I said.

"It seemed pretty intense to me," Ralph said.

"It is ninety percent play. It is sexual play, so it can be intense. There is an informal rule. You can fall in love five minutes before you shoot off and it can last five minutes after. For me, romance fades as my sperm drains from my cock," I explained.

"Shit, you're as fucking romantic as I am," Ralph said. We laughed.

"This has been a mind bending day for me. I had never been in an orgy before," he said.

"You're okay?" I asked.

"I'm a bit disoriented. I feel good about it. I have a feeling that in a few days I will be ready to do it again," he said. "I have a confession to make. I've never fucked guy, or been fucked."

I am no fool. I knew what he wanted. "Lets go to the bedroom and see what we can do about that? I can give you some fucking lessons." That was fine with Ralph. In the bedroom I coated his cock with lube. He was hard as a rock so he needed no additional inspiration. I got on the bed, and put my legs on his shoulders.

"By the way, Rudy provided some natural lubrication deep in my ass. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"I kind of doubt it," Ralph replied as he nudged his cock head into my ass. He was slow and careful.

"What do I do now?" he asked when his knob encountered my sphincter. I told him to pump his cock into me until it opened. He pushed and my sphincter gave way and he was in. I moaned and he moaned.

"What do I do now?" he asked.

"This is one of the few times you should let your cock be your guide," I said. "It knows what to do."

He pushed deep. Normally, I would have like for him to work my prostate some. Ralph's cock was thick and meaty. My prostate was fully engaged.

Ralph began to slowly push deeper into me. "It's slippery," he moaned. Is that Rudy's cum?"

"It's your precum mixing with his sperm," I said. Ralph wasn't listening by then. He was on automatic pilot. His cock was in control and a few minutes later I felt each of his forceful ejaculations. He left his cock in me until he lost his erection and it popped out of his ass.

We were quiet for a while and then he asked, "Are you okay?"

"I sure am, and I can assure you that all your sexual equipment is in good shape," I replied.

"Do you get to fuck me now?" he asked.

"Nope. This isn't a child's game. You have to want it. It's not up to me," I said.

"I sort of want it," Ralph replied.

"You are a natural top," I said, "It was good for me and from your orgasm, I assume it was good for you."

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

"Not at all," I replied. "I enjoyed you and your cock. I just want to make sure you enjoy yourself. Everyone likes to be sucked off. Getting a cock up you ass is not a sure fire success. Taking your time is a good thing.

Two months into the new semester Mrs. Wilkinson, the woman who came drunk to car pool, died when her car crashed into a tree. The accident was at 2:00 in the morning, so everyone knew the cause. This was a shock to most of the students. The Good Shepherd Academy was an expensive, elite school, and most of the students assumed that bad things didn't happen to kids an a good school.

This was not unreasonable since most of them lived in a bubble apart from the real world. One or two of the girls had a grandparent die, but that was not a shock. They knew the old people die. I am not sure they knew that they would be old some day. I had a suspicion that some thought that plastic surgery was a cure for old age.

Her daughters were out of school for the week, and the funeral was out of town. The Chairman of the school board attended the funeral. The husband came to see me at my house. I expressed my condolences.

"I want to apologize to you for not taking your warning seriously. We had a traditional relationship. She took care of the kids and the house, I worked," he explained. "I was promoted to be in charge of international business for the firm. I was away a great deal and I missed all the danger signs. I asked to be re-assigned to spend more time at home. That was too late."

I told him I was just doing my job. He needed to focus on his daughters. I told him the school would do what it could to help. He apologized again, and went home.

A week later his older daughter, Sandy, was having problems and she was sent to talk to me. She was mad at her mother and father. She felt they betrayed her. I told her my parents were killed in an accident. She asked me what I felt. I told her it was private, but if she promised to not tell anyone, I would tell her.

I told here I was Billy of Billy and Buster.

"The kid with the cute dog?" she asked.

I nodded. "You may have noticed I have filled out some." She laughed. "My parents ran my life completely until the show was canceled. I was home schooled and had no friends. My parents died just after my college graduation. It was a shock. I had been more or less been doing whatever they told me to do. I was alone. I later found out they had been putting a lot of the money I made being Billy into secret foreign accounts."

"Were they stealing it?" She asked.

"You have put your finger on the problem. I have no idea. It's possible they were going to keep it, or they were going to turn it over to me," I said.

"That would drive me crazy," she said.

"It didn't. I could spent years wondering what they were doing or thinking. I could also say, what is done is done. I'm going to live my life without dwelling on the past. Your mother is dead. Your father is alive. He may have made mistakes and misjudgments in the past. That stupid saying, today is the first day of the rest of your life, is true. I lost both of my parents. Start with what you have, not what you lost." I had no idea if I had any effect on her. Faculty and students wanted to be helpful as did her father and family.

Things were going along well at school. My social life expanded too. While that may have been due to my sparkly personality, it is possible that having a house in a secluded area played a role. My tendency to be willing and accommodating may have played a role too.

Edgar called me and said he had an old friend I might like to meet. He said we shared common interests. It was early November during the lull before the Thanksgiving-Christmas period. Edgar and his friend Lafayette came by at eight.

Lafayette was a younger man. He was the sound man in a recording studio. While he did recordings for pop music groups, he also did live concerts and church service recordings. Edgar said he produced sound studio quality recordings in live venues.

"He's in the closet, and I was hoping we could have a few hours out of the closet," Edgar said. "If I told you he needs a few lessons, would you be insulted?

"It takes a lot to offend me," I said. "Lafayette, are you here willingly or because Edgar wants you to be here?"

"Well, I'm here willingly, but I am really nervous," he said.

I smiled. "That just shows you have common sense," I said. "Doing something new is often a combination of exciting and scary. The good news is that sex with men is intended to be pleasurable. Sex with a woman is pleasurable too, but a potential child is a mixed blessing, especially if you are only looking for pleasure."

"Sex with men has no lifetime commitment associated with it. There is a problem too," I said. "It doesn't necessarily result in friendship either," I said. "Some men like one night stands. It depends on the man."

In the eternal battle between a man's sexual urges and fear of something new, sex almost always wins. It may take some time, but sex is a powerful urge.

Edgar began to unbutton his shirt. I did the same. A minute of two later Lafayette did the same. All men have cocks, but I feel a twinge of excitement when I see a cock. In a locker room or shower it may be a little twinge. When you strip in anticipation of sex, it's a lot more than a twinge.

I went over to him, dropped to my knees and licked his cock head. I didn't get whip lash when his cock went from being soft to erect in a split second. When I swirled my tongue around the tender edge of his cock head, precum began to drool from his slit. I am not always the most perceptive man in the world, but I knew Lafayette was more than a little ready for gay sex.

When Edgar joined us Lafayette joined me on the floor and we alternated sucking his cock. When Edgar began to shoot off, I leaned over and sucked Lafayette's cock. He began to squirt, I lapped up his sperm as he took Edgar's load. My new friend was fully loaded. When he stopped ejaculating, I got up and kissed him. By then Edgar dropped to his knees and we shared the sperm stew.

When we broke apart, Edgar exclaimed, "Damn, we went from the introduction to cock sucking to post graduate studies in ten minutes!"

"Is always this good?" Lafayette asked.

"If we get lucky it can be," I said. We arranged for another get together for Tuesday the next week.

Next: Chapter 4

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