Life After Being a Child Star

Published on Jul 22, 2022


Life After Being a Child Star

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

I'm Teddy Norman. I am better known as Billy Jones, the cute boy who's best friend is Buster, the rambunctious Spaniel co-star in the hit series Billy and Buster. From the time I was six years old until I was sixteen, we had a top rated sit com. I was incredibly cute until I reached puberty. I became an ordinary adolescent, and then an odd looking adult. My body did not grow constantly. I have an average sized head and trunk, long arms and short legs. I appear to be top heavy,

I have what people say are beautiful eyes, but my hair was always a bright red-orange. My beard is the same color. I used to have a red, five-o'clock shadow. By the time I was 16, the shadow began to appear at three.

By then I had a hairy chest. The hair also spread from my chest over my shoulders and down my back. It moved down to my navel and then connected to my bush. My mom suggested shaving it, but it grew back quickly and itched. According to Mom, I filled out. That was not good.

In retrospect my parents were overbearing, and controlling. That wasn't a problem for me when I was a kid since it was all I knew. They kept every penny I earned. That too might have become a problem, but they died in an auto accident a week after I graduated from the University with a degree in history. When my parents died, I let my agent and publicity agent go. I had no desire to act. My parents had been frugal and invested well, so I was in good financial condition.

College was difficult, since I had been home schooled. Home schooled and being educated by monkeys are about the same. I could read and knew arithmetic. Science was what my dad could remember from his school days 25 years earlier. I did okay at college academically, but being an ungainly, formerly cute, child star was not a plus.

I got a job as a history teacher, at an up-scale private girls school, Good Shepherd Academy, near San Francisco. Nobody knew or guessed I was Billy Jones, since my cute days were long gone. I was very entry level. My predecessor had a heart attack in the classroom and died. He was seventy-five years old and the son of a major contributor.

The school was expensive but the salaries were minimal. My physical appearance was a plus. The girls tended to get a crush on good looking men. I was not in adolescent girls' dreams.

I was almost a star as a teacher. Since I had been an actor, I could lecture well, and I enjoyed history. That was good for the students, but most of thr faculty didn't like it. They liked things the way they were. I got along with two teachers; Rodney, the art teacher, and Rudy, the Chemistry teacher-swimming coach.

Rodney was thin, short and very talented. Rodney was an inspirational teacher. He had several gifted students, but his non-gifted students enjoyed his class too.

Rudy was tall and heavy set. He said if you remember that whales are good swimmers, he had a swimmer's body. He was a good coach, but a better chemistry teacher. Rudy mentioned to me that he had a swimming period early in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings for the male staff. The women had had a period Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. This was a leftover from the early days of the school when the sexes were strictly separated. I said I would think about it.

"I don't want to insult you, but you and I have the same svelte, elegant body type," Rudy said. "If you don't start some exercise, you will turn into a tank."

I thought about that. It was a bit insulting, but it was also true. I was at the pool at 6:30 the next Tuesday. Rufus and Rodney were there along with Wilbur, the head custodian. There was no mens locker room, so we changed in Rudy's office. He had a private shower.

I feared the early morning swim would be a disaster, but it turned out I loved it. It was invigorating and fun. We only swam for a half hour, so I had time to shower and get ready for my 8:00 class. I also noticed that in addition to being invigorating and fun, I had an inkling there might be another kind of fun possible.

No one actually got hard showering, but there was a slightly sexual feeling in the air. Rodney had a long, thin, firm cock. Rudy's cock was a firmer, meatier, beer can. Wilbur was an older man with nice, uncut, semi-erect cock. As I admired their cocks, I noticed my cock was getting firm. My cock is long and chunky. There is nothing child star about my cock. Nothing happened, but I was quite sure the other men had noticed me.

I also realized that that little suggestion of sexual interest was the closest to sex I had come in several years. It was minimal, but I liked it.

When I was Billy Jones in my sit-com, my co-star was Tinkle Murphy, America's sweetheart. She was pretty, charming and beautiful. She was thirteen and seemed grown up to me. She was nice to me we got along well. When she was sixteen, she got pregnant. A day after that news became public, she was fired and never seen again. I was sad to see her go. My parents were horrified. Her career was over in a second. When I got older they made sure that I knew that sexual activity was the worst thing I could do.

I wasn't much interested in girls anyway, but when I was in my mid teens I realized that you could have sex with men. I wasn't interested in men or women, but I was interested in cocks. By that time I knew that sex with girls was bad. Sex with a man was worse, much worse. Displeasing my parents was bad too. While I realized my career was dead and buried, my parents still had hopes.

At school, I went swimming regularly. I got used to seeing the men naked. I thought that would make it seem more ordinary and less exciting. It didn't.

A few months later Wilbur and I were in charge of the Friday afternoon carpool. Wilbur and I had to make sure each girl got in the right car. Wilbur was good about directing traffic. He was a bit rough-hewn, but if there was a problem, he could deal with it.

We has one parent who had overdone the cocktails at lunch. She was mad and offensive. Wilbur drove the mother and her kids them home. We called her husband who brought Wilbur back. It was embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as a head line,"Drunk Driver Kills Two Good Shepherd Students."

I waited for Wilbur. When I took him home he asked, "Are you okay with me at the morning swim?"

"Of course. Why do you ask?" I replied.

"I'm a janitor and I am the yardman. You are professional," he explained.

"This ain't Downton Abbey," I said. "I'm a little embarrassed swimming. I'm not buffed. I was worried I wouldn't fit in. I didn't impress guys in the showers at school."

"You impressed me where it counts," Wilbur said in a whisper. "I got a little hard."

"Was I right in thinking everyone got a little hard?" I asked. Wilbur nodded.

"Do you guys play around a little bit?" I asked.

"Nope," he replied. "We usually play a lot." He paused and added, "I live in a little cottage about a half mile away. It's real private."

I wasn't sure about this, but I joined him in his cottage. We briefly chatted and he asked if I would like to rinse off. Five minutes we showered and he was licking my cock head.

I am embarrassed to say this, but I had only modest sexual connections with a few students at college. I had never been with a working man. It might have been as long as two minutes to realize that once I was hard, cock sucking is a universal language.

Wilbur was a hard working manual laborer who had a PhD in man sex. He was also a nice guy. He knew I was new to the scene, and he could teach me everything necessary in the "Introduction to Man Sex" class. He was hard but fair, although the only hard aspect was his cock.

It wasn't good. It was spectacular. I wasn't sure I could suck him, but after five minutes my urge to suck his cock was too great to resist. We got on the bed in the 69 position. I licked the tip of his tool as he deep throated me.

A few seconds later I tried to take his entire cock. I realized this was what I had craved since I was a teenager. I wanted his cock, all of his cock. It was what was missing from my life. When his cock began to ooze, it was the food of the gods. I knew it was good for me, but I wasn't the only one who was into it. Wilbur was a full gown, adult man who was feeding me his personal sex drool.

About ten minutes later I lost it and fed him my seed. Maybe thirty seconds later I tasted my first ejaculation. Wilbur's cum was wonderful. I loved it, but I also felt honored. Wilbur was willing to feed me his man seed. It was beautiful.

After we calmed down he asked if I was okay.

"I didn't know anything could be this good," I replied. "It was beautiful."

"Some men spit it out the first time they take a load," Wilbur said. "You're a keeper!"

We talked and Wilbur told me the difference between a trick, a sex buddy and true love. "You find trick in a gay bar, a rest stop or in the park. You get off and walk away. A trick provides utility sex. A buddy is a guy you like, and you see regularly. He a friend that you can count on when needed. Sex may be how you got together, but you are friends. It may grow into love him, but it may remain a friendship. Love is the whole shebang."

"You need to careful about love. There are men who fall in love at first sight, and love you dearly until true love strikes again. That is with another man. True love is also used by needy men who are looking for free lodging and a man who can support them in the manner they deserve. I'm just a working guy so I don't encounter that often," Wilbur explained.

"Rudy told me you were a child star. Is that true?" he asked.

"I was Billy Jones of Billy and Buster." I said.

"You're fucking with me!" he exclaimed. "You've filled out some! Why are you here?"

"I want to be me, not Billy," I said. "I want to have my own life, not be a former child star. I've noticed that forty or fifty-year-old child stars look pathetic."

Wilbur chuckled. "You're right about that! If was to tell to Rodney and Rudy about your recreational interests, would that be okay?" he asked.

"Would they like me?" I asked.

Wilbur laughed. "That isn't a problem. Since you are new to this, you need to know that every man and every cock is different. If you think variety is the spice of life, you are a lucky man," he said.

"How different?" I asked.

"Don't worry, every sexual connection ends in an orgasm," he said. "That's all you need to know." We talked a little longer and then I dressed to go home.

As I left, the told me to relax, "You're a keeper!" and then he laughed.

It was Friday night, so I had to wait until Tuesday to go swimming again. That seemed like a long time, but the lawyer who was handing my parents estate called. I had to sign some documents, so I had to make a quick trip to LA. I was afraid there was something wrong in the estate.

My lawyer, Wilson Lamont, had found a document indicating my parents had a Swiss bank account in their name. He had sent my parents death certificate and a newspaper article headlined, Child Star's Parents die in Accident. The bank accepted that as adequate proof of death. I just had to sign a document requesting the money. It would be transferred to my bank account.

I had inherited a little more than a million from my parents. On Monday morning, I had a call from Wilson. I was eight million dollars richer. That was good, but I wondered what my parents had been up to. I knew my child star income was paid to them, but why was it going to a secret account in Switzerland?

My class that day was on women's suffrage, and my students were interested. My students were from wealthy families, and I had detected clear Republican tendencies. The plan for most of them was to marry a rich guy and get a membership in a good country club. That was fine for some of them, but I think some of them wanted a life of their own.

That afternoon I was called to the office. There I met the husband and father of the tipsy carpool driver of the previous Friday. I had been introduced as Teddy Norman. It was tense and uneasy conversation. Out of the blue the father asked. "I have a feeling I've heard your name, Teddy Norman, somewhere. Is that possible?"

"Did you ever watch Billy and Buster?" I asked.

"It was a favorite of my younger daughter," he said. "Are you Billy?"

"I sure ain't Buster!" I replied. He burst out laughing. We briefly talked about the dog Buster, who had been the main attraction and then returned to the problem.

"Do you think my daughter has a problem?" he asked.

"Has she had problems like this before?" I asked.

The woman's husband looked very sheepish. It was clear there had been problems before.

The Headmaster, who was usually an unpleasant woman said, "I have a feeling that this is not our problem. I think you know about the problem. You are not my students so I can't order you to deal with it. I am telling you that you must address it."

"It will embarrass my daughters," the husband said.

"Your daughter is fourteen. I can almost assure you that all her friends know about it. We will provide all the support we can to your daughters. You need to help your wife," the Headmaster said. It wasn't exactly and order, but I suspected few disobeyed her. The men left.

"Mr Norman, you did well. I assume you don't want you time as Billy to be general knowledge?" she asked.

"That is correct," I said.

"Buster was incredibly cute," she whispered as I left.

I went home for a quiet dinner. I was ready for the next mornings swim and got to the pool a half hour early. The other men got there early too. We had our normal half hour swim and then adjourned to the shower. As we entered Rudy's office, I noticed the Rudy and Rodney's cocks were more than firm in anticipation of sexual play. I realized I was in the same state. I was briefly embarrassed, then realized that signaling my interest to the other men was not a problem. Cocks are a sexual barometer indicating imminent sexual activity.

In the shower, Rudy said, "Wilbur told us of your interest. Welcome to the club! We aren't organized so we have no initiation ceremonies or rituals. We do have lot of fun and that often involves trading some special tokens of intimacy. You have already done this with Wilbur. Are you interested in joining our little group?"

"I'm more than just interested," I replied.

"I need to warn you. We are older and way more experienced than you are," Rudy said. "Our normal sexual habits may be," he paused, "more penetrative than yours. They may be too much for you."

"I usually go with the flow. If I'm uneasy, I will let you know," I said.

Rudy smiled. "There is one little problem. It's really hard to stop during an orgasm or just before or after." he said. "You do know the objective is to shoot off?"

I laughed, and said, "That part I have figured out!" Rodney was on his knees sucking me by then. The men seemed to have a routine, and that suited me just fine. The shower was a six by five foot room, with the shower at one end a wide, marble, bench at the other. While it was crowded with four men, one or two cocks were always within easy reach.

I sat on the bench with Rodney on his knees sucking me and Rudy was standing in the bench straddling me. His cock was at prefect sucking height. I had sucked Wilbur and taken his load. Rudy's cock was meaty and his precum was sweeter and thicker than Wilbur's was. Rudy was a big man and that seemed right to me.

Rudy's precum was drooling at a good rate when there was a sudden spurt of precum, followed by a thick glob of sperm. I was shocked and excited. I was too excited to know how many times he ejaculated, especially since I had begun to shoot off in Rodney's mouth. I had an intensely strong feeling that I was having a stereo orgasm with sperm filling my mouth as I shot into Rodney. It was more than beautiful and exciting, but I couldn't find the right word to describe it.

Everyone was happy and feeling good. Wilbur looked pleased as if he brought a present to a birthday party and it was a hit. We had another shower, dressed and went to work, four relaxed and mellow men.

On Friday on car pool duty, Wilbur asked if I might like to drop by his house after were were finished. I told him I would like that. I was there at five and we went to shower. He told me that he wanted to introduce me to ass fucking. He said a cock up his behind rocked his boat. He he though my cock looked like it was a good fit for his ass. I asked if he really liked taking it in the ass.

"I sure as shit do!" he exclaimed.

Next: Chapter 2

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