Library Helper

By jamie free

Published on Jul 16, 2001


*** Hope you like the story guys - write if you want - jamie, ***

After that first time with David, the reference librarian that I worked with as a student assistant, we went at it hot and heavy. David couldn't get enough, and we had sex in the library a number of times.

One day after I'd given David a blowjob in the 3rd floor men's room we smoked a cigarette and David told me he had a big favor to ask. He said that he'd unexpectedly run into the new director, whose support David wanted for a promotion, at a gay bar in a nearby city. The director was married, but looking for an outlet for his lust for young guys, which he'd buried for a long time. Apparently he and David had gotten pretty chummy - actually, David had sucked him off - and he'd told David about a fantasy he had - when David said he knew somebody who would be perfect to fulfill the fantasy, the director was very eager to know more.

So, what was the fantasy I asked, and who is this naughty boy who will play in it (like I didn't know!), and what's in it for him? David filled me in on the fantasy, and promised that he would take very good care of me if I went along with it. It sounded like fun really, I always liked playing a part, and I thought why not? David arranged the time and it was all set up.

So a few days later, on a Friday after the library was closed and the director's secretary had already left, David marched me into the director's office. His name was Mr. Barton, and he was 50 something, medium height, stout, with thinning brown hair and an eager look in his eyes when I walked in. He greeted us and David shut the door saying, "Here's that student assistant I told you about Mr. Barton. He really is a very naughty thing and needs to be punished, don't you Jamie?" This last was said as he took my arm and moved me towards the desk.

He was twisting my arm a little and the helpless feeling I got off on so started to rise up in my belly. I licked my lips and following David's coaching from before quietly said, "Yes, I do. Please punish me as you think is best Mr. Barton. I'm very sorry and will do anything to please you."

Mr. Barton was obviously excited, and demanded of David, "Is the building closed? Everyone else out?"

"Yes Mr. Barton, I checked. No one else is here, just us." David replied, continuing, "What shall we start with sir?"

His mouth parted a little in excitement, Mr.Barton answered by saying to me, "Ohh, I think you should undress now Jamie, and bend over the desk so David can give you a good paddling. I have one here for you to use." Then from where he'd had it stashed behind a bookcase Mr. Barton pulled out a wooden paddle, like frat boys might paddle each other with.

Licking my lips in anticipation, I slowly undressed and put my clothes on the couch in Mr. Barton's office. I could see Barton following my every move, his eyes drinking in the curves of my firm young male body, lingering on the promise of my full round ass. When I was undressed I looked inquiringly at Mr. Barton and he patted the desk, saying, "Right here boy, right here is fine."

As I bent over the desk where he indicated, pressing my cock and balls against the cool wood, I saw Mr. Barton hand David the paddle, and heard him say in a husky voice, "Don't spare him David, give it to him hard." Leaning over the desk I could see through the windows of his 3rd floor office onto the campus quad, where many of my classmates were playing frisbie, walking to dinner... Little did they suspect what we were doing in that closed library!

Mr. Barton went and sat in a chair near the desk to watch David paddle me, and with my head bent in his direction I could see him struggle a little with his pants as he undid his fly and let out a cock that wasn't actually bad sized, although it looked a little small under his big middle age belly.

David took my attention away from the sight of Mr. Barton's cock with that first crack of the paddle. I'd never had a paddle used on me before, and I clutched at the edge of the desk and gasped as the first hard whack of the paddle cracked against my ass cheeks, sending a delicious quiver of pain up and down and through me. David took Mr. Barton's instructions seriously, and paddled the hell out of my butt that he loved to fuck so much. With each whack of the paddle against my vulnerable ass I became more lost in the experience, panting and clutching at the desk, oblivious to anything else. I lost track of the count after 5 or so; it must have been a good 20 blows with the paddle David had given me. When he stopped I just lay there across the desk, my ass burning and red, totally into being used by them. I was such a slut really; a few cracks across my ass put me into a mood where I was ready to suck and fuck until the cum ran out of me at both ends!

When David stopped he was breathing hard; he'd really laid into me. My ass was burning from his whipping, and Mr. Barton came and stood behind my panting form and lightly stroked my ass, his fingers lingering as they ran down the crack of my ass and plucked at my little hole, making me shift in pleasure. Then he started rubbing some lubricant, like KY, that he'd got from somewhere in his office, and slowly slicked up the crack of my ass, working some as deep in my ass as his fingers could go. I shifted and pushed my ass to him so he could get his fingers in deeper, and begged him to fuck me, "Please Mr. Barton, please fuck me, I need you sooo bad..."

Instead he pulled at me, telling me to get off the table and kneel on the floor. As I did I saw to my surprise that there was a naked man sitting on the couch, a tough looking biker kind of guy, skinny, tattoos, and he had a great long cock that he was slowly jerking off as he leered at me kneeling there before him. Mr. Barton said to me, "Surprised Jamie? My friend Tony was waiting in the bathroom when you came in, but once you were getting paddled he came in to watch. I want you broken in well for me, young man." You see, Mr. Barton's fantasy was to have a handsome young man brought to him, and to watch that young man fucked hard, before Mr. Barton brought him home to use forhimself. I had known David was going to fuck me before Mr. Barton, but I hadn't known about Tony!

With my ass reddened from my paddling though I was burning to give pleasure to a man, and Tony's cock looked just yummy. I looked at Mr. Barton and slowly running my hands over my ass, I begged for somebbody to please let me suck their cock, or better yet for somebody to use my ass hard...

Tony got up from the couch and with a sneer slapped me, startling me. He snarled, "You fucking college boy slut, you better suck and fuck good for me, hear me bitch?" My lips parted and trembling, I said, "Yes Tony, I will." Still sneering at me, he grabbed a length of rope from the couch and roughly tied my hands together behind me. Then he got back in front of me and with another slap said, "OK, face fuck time, college whore!"

His swaying hardon, not real thick but a good 8", was bobbing in front of my face, and I opened my mouth to receive it. Tony guided himself into my mouth with one hand while he used the other on the back of my head. His cock's musky smell and strong taste filled my mouth as he began to pump in and out of my mouth. He wasn't too gentle, and I gagged some, but he kept going and I sucked as best I could, clamping my lips around his cock tight and swirling my tongue down the length of it. I gagged some more though when he pushed harder, and with a contemptuous grunt he pulled out and said, "Here, take it like this bitch."

Tony jerked himself off on me, lubing his cock with some KY Mr. Barton had. He came soon, shooting thick strands of cum across my face and in my hair. The cum ran down my face and I strained to lick it from my lips and cheeks, while he finished stroking the last few drops onto me. Mr. Barton and David sat and watched the show from the couch while David fondled Mr. Barton's cock.

When Tony was done cumming on me he shoved me over and I fell on my side into the thick carpeted floor, cum streaking my face where I hadn't been able to lick it up. From where I lay I saw Tony go stand in front of Mr. Barton, who eagerly bent over and started sucking Tony's cock. I lay on the floor, hands tied and helpless, and in an amazingly short time Tony was hard again. He turned to me, his cock swaying out before him, and kneeling by me rolled me on my belly. He untied my hands and then retied them so they were tied to the legs of the desk, and then he knelt between my legs and just plain fucked the hell out of me. No fancy stuff; as soon as he had the head of his cock popping open my ass, he just rammed it home, making me grunt at the force of his cock spearing my ass to the floor. Without varying his rhythm he just pounded away, slamming into my ass, and the pain I felt at first as he used me so roughly soon turned into pleasure and I was just an ass full of good hard cock and loving it. I moved with him, lifting up and squeezing with his moves, and when he came I cried out, begging for his cum in my ass. Tony buried his cock in me with a particularly hard thrust, and I clamped my ass cheeks around his cock as he strained to empty his cum deep in my slutty body. I was so turned on that I came as Tony was cumming in me, my cum smearing my belly all warm and sticky. When Tony was done he pulled out and went back to the couch where he got his clothes, saying to David and Mr. Barton,

"OK, I fucked your bitch for ya man, not a bad ass either. If you're into it, when you're not using him I got some friends that like a nice little gangbang once in awhile." Then he knelt by me, slapping my ass hard, and squeezed my balls while he asked, "Hey, how'd ya like to have that sweet butt fucked good by some horny bikers babe?"

Lying there with my face streaked in cum, ass freshly fucked, breathing a little heavy still, I wriggled my ass at him and said, "Yeah, OK Tony, sounds good." He gave my balls another squeeze and left, David taking him out of the library. While David let him out, Mr. Barton decided he couldn't wait any longer; it was his turn.

I turned my head to the one side and saw him undressing; I saw a fat middleaged guy, big belly hanging over his hard cock, which was slick with pre cum, clumsily undressing, and then he was ready, moving behind me. His body moved between my spread out legs, and his weight sank down on me, his big soft belly spreading on my lower back as he pushed his cock into my just fucked ass. His weight mashed me hard into the carpet. With a grunt he shoved home, sinking his cock all the way into me, his big soft hands clamped on my shoulders.

Mr. Barton was very ready to cum, what with all he'd been watching. Breathing hard, he fucked me but I couldn't really move with him, mashed against the floor as I was. He was happy though to be pumping slowly in and out of my ass, and suddenly he shoved extra hard and slumped his weight even more onto me, crushing me against the floor, as he strained and grunted to empty his cock deep in my ass. As he finished he farted and with a grunt he slowly pulled himself up off me just as david returned to the office.

Panting, Mr. Barton motioned to David and said, "Please, David my boy, I insist that you fuck him too. That sweet young ass needs it badly." David chuckled and came over to help me up from the floor, pulling me to my feet. He reached down and caught my swaying cock in his hands, saying, "What's this Jamie, do you need to cum - again? Let me help you."

He sat me down next to Mr. Barton on the couch and then knelt between my legs to begin sucking my cock. Mr.Barton loved it, and reached over to fondle my nipples and kiss me while David gave me head. I came quickly and hard, and dear David swallowed every sweet drop. Then we switched places and I climbed on David's lap, making a show of it for Mr. Barton, as I slowly twisted and sank onto David's big cock.

After David had me it was Mr. Barton's turn to paddle me, this time as I hung by my hands from the door jam to his office! He paddled me good and hard as my slutty ass deserved, and then he and David got me dressed and took me out of the library to Mr. Barton's car. Mr. Barton told David he wanted some time alone with me, and drove me to a local hotel where we spent the night. Mr. Barton had me take a nice long tub and then after dinner - room service, delivered by a very cute Spanish boy! I sucked Mr. Barton's cock for the longest time, and after he came in my mouth I feel asleep for a little bit. Suddenly I was woken up by the sound of people coming in the room - it was Tony and two friends!

Mr. Barton had to go home to his wife, and as he put it, "I don't want that naughty ass to go to waste Jamie. Be a good boy for Tony and his friends, and I'll see you soon I hope." Then he left, and it was me and Tony and his two pals.

I shifted lazily on the bed and said, "Well, who wants some?" They all did, and when they were done I was half passed out from drinking with them and being fucked by their hard cocks. I lay there on the hotel bed, smeared and streaked with cum, and smiled as I fell asleep.

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