
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jun 24, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know nor have I ever met BSB. I don't know or work for anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story, it's not real and did not happen. In other words I made it all up.

Warning: This story is really weird, like most of my stories. It's really out there in so many ways. I don't know how it's going to end I just know the how it's going to begin. There may be sex, so if your under 18 don't read it. If you don't like stories that involve relationships between two men then don't read any further.

Authors Note: As all of you know, well those that have read my other stories. I've lost my mind, and it reflects on my stories. I want to thank a few people, the first is Eddi. He is like so cool and my best buddy. He also checks my stories for screw ups, like any kind of errors. Secondly I would like thank Kenitra, you have helped me so much. If it wasn't for Kenitra I would have never started writing so thank you so much. For anyone I didn't put in this, sorry. Ok now on with my favorite part of my stories, the symbols. Ok these *** mean a character change. If I'm just starting a chapter I will put the name of the character in the middle of the symbols. After I've started the chapter I'll put the name after the symbols. I think that covers just about anything, well there is one more thing. If anyone reads this story I would really like to hear some feed back, good or bad. I hope you like the story.


That night I found myself in a world of nightmares, I was back at the beginning. Well, not the beginning, but close enough for me. I was fighting in a pointless war trying to save my friends. I had given them enough time to escape, but now I was alone and without armor. I continued to fight with just my sword, so far I had yet to be hit. That was when the light had surrounded me. The voices said that I needed to do was ask for the help and it would come. I shouted for help, I did not wish to die I was only ten. The armor came then, it changed everything around me. My speed had increased, everything had and soon the fight was over. I had single handily defeated ten armed men, it was amazing. That was until I looked around, the land itself cried out, the ground was red with blood. I was the only one left alive, my heart ached at my actions against the human race. I had been given a gift to fight for the human race, not destroy it. Or at least that was what I had been told so long ago. I moved about the battle feild searching for any kind of life. I found none, I had killed all of these men, when I could have ran away. The armor would have given me the speed to escape, but I had used it to kill all of these men. I ran to the nearest river and looked at the reflection, the armor was covered in blood.

I no longer looked like I had only hours ago, my hair was golden like the sun. My face slightly paler, but there was blood. I jumped into the river trying to wash it away I couldn't face my friends like this. I had to get rid of the armor, and once the thought entered my mind the armor slipped away. I pulled myself out of the river and looked around. I started traveling to the destination that we had planned to meet up if I survived the fight. I had no clothing which I found odd, but it was a nice summer night. I found myself alone in our meeting place. I started a small fire and decided to wait for everyone. I fell asleep soon after starting the fire, I was awoken by some very bright lights. I jumped up ready to fight, but I couldn't find my sword anywhere. The light was coming from every place I could run to. "Do not fear child, I am here to help you, you are one of my chosen. It is why you are hunted, it is why you have always had to run, I am sorry for this. Their are others like you, with the same gifts of my holy armor, and my holy weapons. You were born to destroy the false gods that have taken this land. The armor will come at your call, as will the swords. I have asked those who serve me to teach you what you need to know. You are already a great warrior in your own right, but you will be better, you must be." I looked deeply into the light, but there wasn't a face, or even a form.

I was scared, I had always known that I couldn't stay in the same place to long. Now I knew why, but why did this have to happen to me? I looked back to the light, why was I chosen, I had so many questions. "Your friends are in danger, go save them with my gifts." The light was fading away slowly, but I couldn't think properly. "How do I find them, where are they?" The light continued to fade and voice was nothing more than a whisper. "Your armor will lead you to them, go before it's to late." I thought of the armor and soon I was armed once again. I thought of the swords the voice had told me about and then they were in my hands. I thought of my friends and how much they meant to me. My body started moving at an amazing speed, after about thirty minutes I was there. They had my friends surrounded, their weapons were drawn, and they were moving in for the kill. "Stop, or you will leave me with no choice but to kill all of you." They looked at me, then at the armor and swords, they laughed. "Run while you can boy, or you'll be next to taste my blade." It was my turn to laugh, I knew very well what this armor was capable of. I moved toward them with amazing speed, and within seconds they were all dead. My friends looked at me with horror, their fear was heart breaking.

After that night I never saw any of them again, I was my own. I moved from village to village, never staying more than a month. Then I met her, she wonderful and everything I had ever dreamed of. She was my age and she looked at me without fear, that amazed me. I showed her what I looked like with my armor, but she didn't run she only smiled. I fell in love with her, soon after we were married. One year later I lost her to child birth, but I had a son now. At first I didn't know what to do, but I found friend that helped me a great deal. For the next three years he helped me raise him, how we did it I'll never know. He became my lover, my husband, in that time it was acceptable. He made me a promise, that I could only pray he kept. Still I wondered what my son's fate was, he was so young and so innocent. I woke up slowly to someone shaking my shoulder, at first I had almost attacked, then I remembered where I was. I opened my eyes to see Brian smiling down at me, he looked concerned. "I heard you moving around a lot, are you ok?" I nodded and sat up slightly then stepped out of the bunk. "Just my past coming back to haunt me in new ways." Brian nodded slowly and draped his arm over my shoulder, his smile brightened me up a little. "We really have to talk about this clothing thing, but since you were sleeping. Anyway were at our hotel, everyone else has already gone to their rooms." I nodded and tried to move forward, but Brian placed his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him with confusion, then I looked down. I reached back into the bunk and grabbed my boxers. I slid them on and looked at Brian, he raised his eye brows slightly. I looked back in the bunk and grabbed the pants, then slipped into them. Now he was smiling and leading the way toward the hotel. Once inside we went straight to Brian's room, it was a really nice room now that I thought about it. I saw the bed and crashed on one side, Brian soon joined me. We both got under the covers, I then took my clothing back off. Brian had slipped down to his boxers under the covers, I think he was trying to tell me something. I didn't pay any attention, I took a deep breath and tried to go back to sleep. I pushed my body up against Brian's, then I slid my arms around him, now I could sleep. I laid my head on his back and started drifting away, this time I had no strange dreams. I was at peace, and for once I didn't worry or fear anything in the world. I would soon find out that no matter what time I lived in there would always be something waiting to destroy me. That didn't matter right now, all that mattered was the peace that had taken me. The dreams that filled my mind this time were that of Brian and happy life. I could see myself growing old with him in my arms every second of the day.


I watched Jetta sleep with his new found companion, he looked so peaceful. I felt a ping of jealously, how could he forget me so soon? It was a given that I had tricked him into believing I was someone else. That didn't matter he was mine, even if I had imprisoned him in stone. I still cared for him, I kept him safe from others that would do him harm. I took care of his son, I had given him my word that I would. His son still lived, but now he was a god. For Jetta to carry out his mission he would have to kill his own son. I had made sure that I had a back up plan just in case he ever escaped his prison. I had never thought Venus would pity him and then give him a chance at freedom. After that I had to guard him, to keep others away from him as much as I could. Then along came his other half and set him free before I could change his mind. Even with Venus trapped in the crystal she still kept me from harming either of them. So I made sure to keep his son alive, and hating his father. "Father is that one, the one you wish for me to kill?" I looked at Coran, he had become a very strong man, a strong god. "Yes, but not yet my son, I want him to feel safe. Then I want you to look him in the eyes, then plunge your sword into his heart." Coran was looking at the picture of Jetta, and it worried me.

Coran moved closer, then he got this confused look on his face. "I remember him from somewhere, I remember his face. He use to cry with me as a child, father how can this be?" I looked at him giving him my saddest smile, it had taken years to perfect. "When you were very young he stole you away from me. After he killed your mother, he tried to raise you to destroy me, but I got you back." Coran looked angry now and I wondered if I really wanted Jetta dead. I could just let him live his life out on that mortal world, but there was still danger. He could try to awaken the others that still remained, and my rule would finally be over. I knew he was strong and smart, far smarter then ever gave himself credit for. He had an inner strength that just amazed me, that was the reason I had cared for him. When I had killed his wife making him think it was just the child birth I though he would break. He was so young, no he was stronger than that he went on and with his child. I had taken pity on him then, I made myself appear to be human and his lover. I helped him take care of Coran, and made sure Coran would survive for this very moment. I knew in my heart that I could never truly kill Jetta, he would always have a place in my heart. That didn't mean I couldn't send someone to kill him for me, but none of the other gods were good enough.

I knew that Jetta would strike them down without much trouble. Now his son on the other hand was a great warrior. That wasn't the only reason I knew he would win, if Jetta just knew it was his son. Jetta would never raise his swords against his own son, not in a million years. I just had to make sure that Jetta knew who he was fighting, that would be all it would take. Then Jetta would give up his life to his son, it would be sad but that was life. I worried that Coran would realize the truth after he killed his father, then he would come after me. Not that it would do him any good, I would just trap him with Venus. Which reminded me I needed to pay her a visit, she's been screaming a little to loudly. In seconds I was standing beside the crystal that held Venus prisoner, she looked at me and smiled. "He's free, and he's going to kill you, then he'll set me free, just wait." I looked at her and smiled, I was impressed that she could still sense him. "He will be dead shortly Venus, and I won't have to worry about him or you ever again. Coran will take his life for all the god's, trust me on this." She started laughing loudly, then she stopped. "It won't happen Jupiter, Coran will realize that Jetta is his father. They will join forces and destroy you so easily, I'll enjoy the show." I just laughed and turned away from the crystal.

I turned back slowly and looked Venus in the eyes. "He may realize it, but it will be to late then. If he tries to attack me or the other gods I will simply imprison him here with you." She didn't look to happy now, in fact she had tears falling from her eyes. "When did you become so heartless Jupiter, you use to love him." I was speechless, and almost tempted to release her. "I remember when you warned the other gods to never lay a hand on him. I remember it all, you spoke from your heart then, I could hear it. You loved him Jupiter, and you have never loved anyone else like you loved him. I remember the tears that fell the night you turned him into stone. I was watching you that night, you cried out for him. I watched you watch him from afar, always keeping your distance. You love him Jupiter, and no matter what happens you always will. So when you send his son to kill him, remember that when he dies you'll never see him again. That will be the end, no more watching him, no more guarding him. It will end quickly and simply, just know that when Coran's sword enters his heart." I refused to listen to any more of this foolishness, I just left her to her thoughts. It was her punishment for all the heartache she had caused us. I went to Coran's side and looked at him, he was studying Jetta closely. He was making marks on Jetta, and as I watched him my heart skipped a beat.

He was going to kill Jetta in a most unpleasant way, a painful way. "Coran, all you have to do his take his life, no need for all the blood." He looked at me with this dark smile and looked back to the picture. "I'm going to make him pay father, I'm going to make him scream in pain. Then when he's done screaming, I'll make him cry, then scream some more. Even in death he will never forget his last moments alive, they will be so filled with pain." I couldn't believe what I was hearing from his mouth, how could he be so evil? "Coran, there isn't the need for his pain, only his death. Plus you have to remember he is a great warrior. You won't have time to do all this, just worry about killing him." Coran slowly nodded, but I knew he wasn't really listening to me. He looked so much like his father it was scary. Then the thought hit me, maybe just maybe Venus was right. I pushed the thought out of my mind and reminded myself how great a danger he was. "Coran, there was once a time when Jetta wasn't completely evil. During that time he served us loyally, that is why I wish him a speedy death." Coran looked unmoved and I wondered if I had only made it worse. I knew now that I had to find a way to end this quickly. A new thought made it's way into my mind, if Coran spent to much time trying to kill Jetta, he may realize the truth.


I could watch the world from my imprisonment, Jupiter had no clue. I had watched over Jetta since the day he had been imprisoned. I watched him even now, and I feared his fate. I had tried my hardest to work my powers on Coran, but now I worried if I had done enough. Jupiter had poisoned his mind for so long, and now I didn't know if the things I had done would be strong enough. It would take Coran looking into Jetta's eyes and giving himself a chance to remember before he would. If Jupiter had Coran just kill Jetta then he wouldn't remember anything of his father. Jetta's love for Coran had gotten my attenion before his imprisonment. After his imprisonment I had tried to find a way to set him free. While I searched for a way I put images into Coran's mind, kept his love for his father alive. It had taken to long to help Jetta, and Coran was getting to old. Jupiter had made sure Coran hated Jetta, but still I tried. Soon I was given a chance to free Jetta, it hadn't worked out so well. I had taken half of his soul and was close to putting it into another body. That was when all hell broke so to speak, Jupiter had found me. I did the only thing I could, I let half of Jetta's soul free, so hopefully it would find it's master. I had no idea that it would find it's way into the river of life to be reborn, it was amazing. I had remembered laughing at Jupiter's anger, he kept asking how, like I had known.

I still didn't know how his soul had managed to be reborn. Time after time his soul was reborn after every death. There was only one problem, the soul had no control over it's memories. So it went through most life's without even thinking of it's original keeper, that was until Jetta wizened up. I still didn't know if her had done this knowingly, or simply by will alone. He wanted freedom and he was going to get it one way or another, so he sent images into his soul's mind. Now all of that work had paid off, he was free once again. He was ready to kill Jupiter, or at least I hoped he still held great anger toward the ruler of the gods. If I could get Jetta close enough, he could set me free, then I could help him. If nothing more I could send him to another time where he would be safe, where he could at least live. I could send him into the past, maybe give him another chance to destroy Jupiter. I had been saving up all the energy I could since I had been imprisoned. If I had to I would use all of it at once to open a portal to another time and place where I could send Jetta. I knew that with sending him back in time he would have a better chance at survival. Jetta was a warrior, in honesty I was surprised to see him making his way in this new world.

I guessed I felt a common bond with the boy, he to was a prisoner. He just didn't look like your normal prisoner. He was in a new world and time, he knew nothing compared to what he would need to know. Still he lived, even with the help of his new friends, and his growing love for the one he now slept with. I worried that just maybe he could not survive in the past alone. I would have to send others with him, together they could survive. I already had a time in mind for Jetta, one where he could easily become king in a matter of days. It was the time Merlin and Arthur had ruled the land with kindness and fairness. A time of swords and armor much like that of Jetta's, only he would truly be unstoppable. I would have to make a few other adjustments to all of them so they could speak and understand the languish. In truth it wasn't really all that hard to do, it was sending them back that was the hard part. It would take a very long time to save up that kind of energy again. It was worth it, at least I would know that I had done something right. That I hadn't spent my whole life just thinking of myself and the other gods, I could make up for it. I had to be ready to pull him out at just the right moment, other wise all would be lost. I had to wait until Coran tired to make the killing blow that would end his fathers life. Then I could pull him and his friends to another time, hopefully to a safer time.


I had a strange feeling wash over me the next morning, it wasn't something I had felt in a long time. I tried my best to push the thoughts out of my mind and continue with what lay a head of me. I had to get ready to fake who I was and where I had come from, not an easy job. Besides that I had this feeling that I wasn't going to make it to America. I don't know why it was just there, a fear of something coming. "Nice to see you again Jetta, how long has it been." I turned slowly to see Jupiter looking at me with this small smile on his lips. I wasn't afraid of him anymore, I simply summoned my armor and swords. I wouldn't allow him to just take my life this time. "I see you haven't lost your touch, willing to fight and all that." I smiled to myself and wondered if he knew just what this armor could do. I moved as quickly as the armor would allow, soon I was behind him my sword at his throat. "I do believe that the last time I struck out at you it left a mark. I wonder if this time will leave you without a head." His body shook lightly as he thought about trying to escape. "If you kill me now you will never see your son again Jetta, and trust me when I say I have him." It was nothing but a lie, my son was dead by now, there wasn't any way for him to still be alive. Then Jupiter's whole body changed and revealed something I couldn't believe.

I pushed him away and as he turned he held the face of my long lost lover. "Did you really think that I loved you then, I only wanted your son. He's a god now Jetta, and he doesn't remember you. So that would mean that you would have to kill him for you to complete your mission." I looked at him, my heart ached and my mind raced with thoughts of another betrayal. "No, I don't have to kill him, only you and the other gods, well most of them. I would spare Venus, after all she made sure I would find freedom again." Jupiter laughed as he started changing back to his true self, but my heart no longer ached. "You will have to kill him Jetta, or he will kill you, it's that simple. Even then you would have to find me and the other gods. Not an easy task, plus you could never take us all on at once." I shook my head, my son would never raise a sword against me. No matter what Jupiter did to his mind, or body my son wouldn't harm me. "You fool, I always thought you were a fool, now you've just proven it." I spoke to him in between fits of laughter. His face was turning bright red, I just laughed harder, then he tried to attack me. I easily dodged his little attack and tripped him, his face hit the ground hard. I looked at him and kicked him in his ass, then laughed a little more while he stood up.

He looked like he could rip me into a thousand pieces, I'd like to see him try. I don't know why, but there was no fear like the last time I faced him. "You're nothing Jupiter, and never were, I just wonder why I feared you. You're so weak, I could have killed you all those years ago. If only I had worn my armor, and used my swords like I should have." I looked at him and shook my head, he was regaining himself quickly, but not to attack. "I was going to wait a while before I sent your son to kill you. Now I won't, so be ready Jetta, he's coming for you. You know I should call him my son, after all I raised him like a god. He doesn't remember you, and he never will, to him you're nothing." I had enough of his little speech, it was time to kill him. Then he was gone, I was filled with rage beyond comparison. Nick and the others ran into the room, Nick had a copy of my armor. "I hope you weren't wearing any of your favorite clothing, but I didn't have a choice. An old friend decided that now was the time to reveal something to me, anyway sorry. By the way if you don't mind, don't travel to far away for the time being." They all looked confused, but none of them even tried to question me. I waited for what I knew would be an impostor, someone that would look like my son. Jupiter would do anything to get my guard down, but I wouldn't let it work.

As the day slowly slipped away I felt him coming, a god. It was the same feeling I had when Jupiter had shown himself. I had forgotten that it happened every time a god got near me. It was a warning system that I had gotten use to using a very long time ago. I looked to the others and asked them to follow me outside. All I had on was a robe, it was the same with Nick. I walked into a very dimly lit park, no need to give them any advantages. I stood waiting for him to show his face, I could feel that he was very near. "Jetta, for the crimes committed against the God's I will punish you, for the crimes committed against my father I will kill you." I turned and looked at the god and smiled lightly, he didn't look that strong. I dropped the robe, which through him off, he didn't understand my nudity. Seconds later the armor covered my body and my swords were now in my hands. "Take your best shot pretty boy, I'll show you how we did it in my time. To think that Jupiter thought you could make me believe you were my son." The god looked confused, but that didn't stop him from charging forward. I easily dodged his little attacks, he was getting frustrated. "I could have killed you a few times, I thought you were a god, not a child." He moved to quickly for my eyes to follow, to say I was shocked was an understatement. I ducked just in time to miss my head being taken off by his sword.

I jumped into the air kicking one leg forward, then the other backward. I kicked something very hard, it went flying into a tree. I landed and turned around, the god looked dazed. He looked into my eyes with confusion, in his eyes I could see someone else. I froze, his eyes were that of a child I had once known, once loved. He was my son, there wasn't a doubt in my mind. I dropped my swords and moved toward him, he looked confused once again. I let the armor slip away as I knelt down in front of him, he looked almost happy. "Coran, I've missed you so much, I thought that I had lost you." His smile got slightly larger, then I felt something slip into my stomach. The pain was instantly rushing through my body. I fell back and looked at him, he was still smiling, I didn't understand. "Coran, how could you do this to me, why would you do this to me?" He slowly stood and looked toward my friends, he looked confused. I turned to see Nick laying on the ground holding his stomach. Blood was pouring out of his stomach like mine, he was dying. "One soul, one heart, two minds, two bodies, when I die so does he." I looked at Coran and slowly stood up, the pain was almost blinding. I reached out summoning my swords, this man couldn't be my son, he was never this evil.

I pulled my armor on, if I was die I would take him with me. "You did a good job fooling me, I really thought you were my son. I won't make that mistake again, prepare to die, for my death and the death of a friend. For everything you and your kind has done to the human race, now and then." He looked scared almost like he was regretting his last actions. "Always with the little speeches, now Jetta I thought you would be dead by now." I turned around and faced Jupiter, he looked pleased with himself. I didn't think twice when I flug my hand toward him. My sword flew straight into his chest piercing his heart, he looked shocked. "I knew you would come, you're a fool, and fools always make mistakes." As he fell backward the other god ran to his side catching him, he looked heart broken. The blood was starting to leak through the armor and onto the ground. "You killed my father, I will make you pay, you will pay forever." He moved toward me holding his hand out, when he touched me my wound healed. I didn't give him a chance to realize his mistake, I kicked him in his chest. "Foolish god, now pay the price, and die a quick death like your father." He started laughing at me, not the wisest of choices. I looked toward Nick, he had been healed the same instant that I had. I opened my hand pulling my sword to my hand, it still had Jupiter's blood on it.

"My name is Coran by the way, I thought you would like to know the name of the god that's going to take your life." He wasn't playing any games anymore, he was pulling lightening out of the sky. I didn't know how much my armor could handle in that area, I just hoped I could take enough. I moved toward him only to be stopped by some kind of shield that I couldn't see. When he started launching the lightening at me I had to use everything I had to dodge it. He was throwing bolt after bolt, and every time he was getting closer and closer. I lost my footing and hit the ground hard, that was when I thought the lightening would finally catch up to me. I was wrong, because one-second before it made it's impact a blue light filled my vision. I don't know what happened, but I opened my eyes to see the sun. "What the hell is going on, and where on earth are we?" I looked at that area, it wasn't really a question of where we were it was when. The air was to clean, the tree's far to strong for it to be the same time. "Where I don't know guys, but I would guess that we just traveled back in time." Thirty seconds later I saw two men riding toward us. Each had their own set of armor, only it was no where near as good as mine. I smiled to myself, I had once lived in this time so to speak. I knew that a lot of men were treated like slaves. I wasn't going to let that happen, and I didn't have to worry about killing anymore.

As the men grew closer I drawled myself up and looked up at them. "Are these men yours, or are they for sale?" I looked at the guys who looked a little worried, then back to the slave traders. "There free men, but I would like to see you try and take them down." The traders laughed lightly as the looked at me more closely, I guess my age showed. "You are nothing but a boy, I could use a boy like you, bow before me." I laughed then, they looked amused, the guys behind me looked worried. "You know I love being in this time, it mean's I can kill you and not worry about." I had the traders attention now as they drew their swords. I lunched my swords in two different directions and looked up at the traders. "Well, what are you waiting for, come on come and get yourself a little pain." The first trader was off his horse in a matter of second and moving toward me. I opened my hand summoning my sword, it scared him somewhat since he stopped moving forward. "I could use those horses, so I think I'm going to take them now." In the matter of three seconds he no longer had a head, while the other trader remained frozen. I looked up at him as I cleaned the blood off my sword, he tried to ride away. I launched my sword into his back and watched as he fell off the horse. I moved to quickly for the others to follow, I grabbed the horse and stopped it from running any further.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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