Liberation to Love

By Adjani Tanya

Published on Dec 28, 2005



This story is purely a lesbian erotic fiction between two girls. Please read "Liberation to Love" part 1 through part 4 to get the main picture. If you have any comments or suggestions (good or bad) please email me to this address:

Thanks for your comments and suggestions about my previous parts of the story. I really appreciate them. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

This is the last installment of the story. Thank you readers for all your comments and suggestions that you have given me to improve on my story. I really appreciate them. Thanks Chris for all the help you have given me and the encouragement!

Part 5: Love has been Liberated

The morning rays welcomed another brand new day and asking my butt to get out of the bed but my eyes refuse to open to the reality. I pulled my pillow closer to my chest enjoying the chilly wind caressing my body from the open window. But that didn't last long as my cell started to vibrate with Deidre's name flashing.

"Hello Deidre!" I greeted her groggily with sleep still in eyes.

"Rise and shine, Miss Sleepy head." Deidre cooed on the other end of the line.

"What's the matter?" I asked wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"It's your BIG day today. You better get up now and prepare your confession speech." She said reminding me of Sam's party.

"Yeah sure." I replied smiling to myself.

"I will pop by at your place in ten minutes. So you ought to freshen up! I would not want to talk to a zombie!" Deidre chuckled and then she hung up on me.

I switched off my cell and looked at it for a moment and then back to my bedside clock, which shows eleven. I put on a black camisole and panties and walked into the bathroom. My reflection stared at me hard for what seemed like forever but only a few moments wondering what I will do when I see Sam. I could feel wetness forming between my pussy lips. I erased the thoughts from my mind and cleanse my face with the cold water running down from the tap and then did my usual morning routine.

I walked down the kitchen slipping into my robe and started to prepare coffee. Pouring myself a cup, I switched on the TV to check out some dramas flicking through the channels when the doorbell went off.

"Hi Deidre! Hi Claudia! " I said as I welcomed them into my home.

"Hey girl! Are you coming to the party like this? I'm sure Sam will be watering her panties right now if she sees you in those clothes." She let out a laugh removing her coat and placing on the couch.

"You are dressed to kill Claudia!" I replied matching Deidre's grin.

She was indeed dressed up for the party in a red tank top and tight black jeans and took a seat on the couch when her cell started to hum and rattle on the glass table. I went back to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee for her.

"Verona! I do not want anything. Come here and sit with me!" Deidre called out to me and resumed her conversation with Claudia.

I settled next to her clicking on the sports channel which was a repeat telecast was of last year's Wimbledon's championship finals. The two sisters were putting up a nice battle at the court each giving a hard slam to the ball and winning each a set and bringing up a tie-breaker which would then determine the champion.

The game was starting to heat up when Deidre took the remote and switched off the TV and her cell. We maintained silence for a while and stared black screen. I rested my elbows on my lap wondering if I should go to the party as I fiddled with my fingers.

"You look tensed! Thinking about her?" Deidre asked pulling me back to her as she slid her arms around my waist.

"Yeah! Thinking about what to say." I told, releasing myself from her hold to look at her.

"It's quite stuffy in here. We can go up to your room and talk." Deidre suggested.

We stood up and proceeded upstairs bringing the snacks that Deidre had brought. I switched on the air conditioner letting the room get cool while Deidre plopped herself on the bed opening the chips and popping in some to her mouth.

"Hey sweetie! Relax. Everything will turn out fine." She reassured me with her smile.

"Shall I just don't go for the party? I can just back out from this." I said as my tone conveyed my anxiety.

This made Deidre sit up and stop what she was doing. She looked at me with utter shock and surprise. I didn't know what else to say. I didn't feel anything wrong about what I said. I couldn't bear to look at the anger being portrayed in her eyes but soon she calmed herself by taking in a deep breath.

I felt like throwing up in nervousness. Deidre walked up to me and pulled me down to sit with her. She started to rub my back gently putting me in ease as she pushed me back to the bed sheets.

"Don't you ever dare say that you are going to back out!" She commanded leaning over me with her face merely inches away from mine.

I nodded my head in agreement and sat up adjusting my robe as she looked at me making sure I will not say that again. She grabbed the bag of chips and popped in a few and offered me some but I refused it politely.

"How was your first time with Claudia?" I asked Deidre, which made her eyes pierce through me and her cheek blushed into strawberry color.

Deidre stared at me for a while and then diverted her gaze to the ground finding the proper words to explain it to me. Never had I seen Deidre blush like this but it made me giggle at her. I cajoled her for a few minutes until she showed up her white flag.

"I have liked Claudia since first year college. I also knew she liked me and but didn't have the guts to express herself. We met at several places in school and outside coincidentally but she would chicken out and assume that I don't know what she's thinking. Then one day, one of her friends invited her for a costume party. I took that chance and disguised myself to find out what she thought of me. When I went to the party, I saw her and introduced myself as one of her friend's friend and brought her up to her room to talk privately. She was indeed jovial and asked her about what she thought of Deidre which was me. Then Claudia spilled out all her feelings not realizing it was me who is sitting in front her listening to her and also told that she was too afraid to say anything." She abruptly stopped and started to walk towards the window leaving her story hanging in the air.

I was too excited to find out what happened but she refused. She started to laugh as she recalled the entire incident in her mind leaving me without any clue. I pushed her down to the bed and tickled her mercilessly hoping to get her other part of the story but she kept on saying that was up to my imagination. I walked away from her pretending to be angry as she came up to me.

"Okay I will tell the rest of the story but you got to promise me that you will confess your feelings to Sam. Got it?" She asked and I agreed as she hooked her little finger with mine.

"Good! I will continue. I removed my mask while Claudia was telling me her feelings. I lifted her chin to look at her face and you should have indeed seen her facial expression all stunned and telling her legs to take off some place far. But I grabbed hold of her and ravish her like nobody's business and we expressed our feelings to one another." She explained her story and laid back on my bed munching her chips.

"Are you aroused honey?" Deidre asked as her fingers traveled up to my inner thigh but I backed out from her reach pushing her hand away playfully.

Her watch chimed, saying it's four and Deidre quickly stood up asking me to take a shower as we had to be there in about an hour's time. I took out an orange polo shirt with black jeans. It was simple and, of course, quite warm for a cold weather like now. I laid them out neatly at the foot of the bed and asked if that was okay. She gave a grin, as if not satisfied with the attire but nodded in agreement.

Since it was almost time to take the shower, I asked Deidre to help herself with the coffee or soft drinks in the refrigerator. She gave me thumbs up, switched on the CD player, and put into the CD player some of her pop singles that she had brought.

I stripped off my clothes and submerged myself in the tub of warm water, thinking what would happen in Sam's house while I was soaking my body. "There is no turning back," I thought. My fingers trekked down the nape of my neck massaging the soft flesh, rubbing up my earlobes and then down to my breasts. The foam traveled down my chest making it all slippery and wet, as my fingers made their way to my already hard nipples.

I wanted to stop all this excitement that was arising within me but couldn't resist or can I say I was not in the mood to stop it. I placed my thumb and index finger at both sides of my nipples tweaking and pinching relentlessly as if to squeeze out some milk. Then my fingers started to make circular motions around the aureole and made their journey to the center.

My hands glided to my lean tummy caressing my developing abs and doodled with my belly button. The passion of love was running through my veins like poison. My legs started to widen up for the water to hit its hot core which was now protruding from its hood. My eyes were shut tightly enjoying the sensation as my fingers twirled around the pubic hairs and gently experimenting with my tender folds. I could feel the velvety smoothness trying to pull out my clit gently and collecting the moistness around my fingers. My head went left and right as I chewed my lower lip so hard and I was enjoying my solitary exploration of my own body.

"Verona! Are you masturbating?" Deidre asked in a sing song way.

Only then did I know I had been in the tub for an hour, all hot and bothered by the thoughts of Sam. I washed myself thoroughly and put on my bath robe.

"No I am not!" I lied but deep in my mind I was smiling at the thought of it.

"Whatever, Verona! Don't you dare orgasm now! Save it for Sam." Deidre chuckled.

"Oh just keep quiet!" I chided exiting the bathroom where I found her still chuckling.

"Hmm...let's see...I do smell that musky aroma from your hot core." She cooed as she knelt down pretending to open up my robe.

I was blushing madly at all her teasing and her giggling was making me all embarrassed. She stood up and settled herself on my bed again. I was expecting her to leave the room for me to change but her eyes were glued to mine expecting me to change in front of her.

"What are you waiting for? Go ahead and change." Deidre shot her devilish grin as she stretched herself out on the bed.

"Well, it would be nice if you leave the room for a while." I replied matching her grin.

She let out a chuckle and told me to get changed quickly while she waited for me downstairs. I slipped into the outfit laid across the bed sheets and did a final check of myself. After that was done, I headed down the streets with Deidre to Sam's house.

Deidre was plucking out some flowers from the sidewalk as she started humming one of her favorite tunes. I guessed she sensed the tension building within me and stopped me in my tracks.

"Here. Once you see Sam, I want you to give this to her." Deidre presented me with the flowers that she had just picked.

"I'm sure she will kick me out of the house." I told her, seeing the flower petals were all wilted and dry.

We laughed at the thought of that and continued to walk down the busy street reaching her house. I saw the façade of her house all neatly decorated with lights and banners and party poopers stretching its arms to give me a warm hug.

John was outside on the porch preparing the barbeque pit while Claudia was arranging the delicacies in a nice tray. We stepped into her gates and there came Sam running towards us giving each of us a hug.

"Hi, Verona! Hi, Deidre! Come on in!" Sam welcomed us and soon John and Claudia went in with us to get more pastries and drinks.

This was our first time coming to Sam's house and Sam was a great house guide showing us around the facilities while she poured us some coke. I admired the decorations around the walls, ceilings, and she had lots of artificial nature settings making it all the more glamorous.

Sam was really an organized girl, unlike me who had books and apparel strewn all over my room. She had all things labeled and kept in boxes and her books were neatly arranged like the ones in the library. Sam took hold of our glasses to refill with coke and proceeded downstairs giving us some time to look around at her place.

"Well honey! I'm going to leave you alone with Sam so you better tell her you thoughts. I'm going down to help them with food." Deidre stated, heading towards the door when I stopped her in her tracks.

"No! I am coming down with you to help with the food." I tried to get out from the door but Deidre was just too strong as she pulled me back making me lose my balance and I fell on the bed.

`You jolly well will tell her or else I will have to tell her for you." With that, Deidre started to shout for Sam to come back here as she had something important to tell her.

Deidre gave me a toothy grin, smiled at my stressed face, and chuckled at the anxiety I was facing when I saw Sam ascending the stairs. Deidre gestured for her to come faster and kept pushing me in not giving me any way to run out.

But it was too late to run, as Sam was already at the doorway and all I could now was to shut Deidre's mouth by stuffing it with a ball of tissues paper, thus making her not say anything and me diverting the conversation to something else.

"What is it?" Sam questioned, looking at my tensed expression and back to Deidre who was giggling at me.

"Well Sam, nothing much actually, Verona just wants to tell you something." She said as she nudged me on my shoulder to proceed.

"Oh...err...Well...your house is really great! Well decorated!" I stuttered unable to tell the words my true confession.

"Verona! You are so ridiculous! Is that what you want to tell her or confess?" Deidre's tone started to boil in frustration and her eyes were in deep annoyance trying to rip me apart.

"I will deal with this. You go and help the rest of them. We will be back soon!" Sam gave a warm smile to Deidre and had the door closed.

Sam leaned against the door; her eyes were closed shut for a moment and then they diverted to my gaze. That look alone can put me on fire. I started to squirm around gluing my thighs together as I could feel the heat and fire building up within me.

I had never heard such silence before but it only increased the tension within me. I wouldn't bear to look into her eyes any further. Her gaze could literally spell out my feelings. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the window and the sea breeze consumed me as a whole.

"Are you afraid that I will read your thoughts?" Sam spoke breaking the silence of the depths below.

"Huh? What thoughts?" I replied as my gaze was fixed on the coast.

I then felt Sam's fingers trailed up my shoulder muscles; her hand started to rub from shoulder down to my lower back. It only made my fingers to clutch the window rails tightly as I loved the feeling of her touch and could sense her gaze penetrating my soul to find the secrets untold.

"The thoughts you were having about me for all these months and had been locking up in your safe box." She said poking at the flesh where my heart is nestled.

Tears started to well up in my eyes and it was very hard for me to deny what she had just said. I didn't know how to express my feelings or the exact words to explain how I feel about her. I felt Sam's fingers entwining with mine as she practically tore me away from the window and stood right in front of me with her face merely inches away from mine.

Her lips formed up a grin and her hands crept inside the pockets of her jeans. She started to inch closer to me making me move backwards but the foot of the bed prevented me from going any further and I had to plop down the bed. This is it! I have to tell her.

"Sam! I need to say this!" my courage oozing out from my veins.

"Say those words!" her tone became authoritative as her left knee slid in between my legs barely touching my pussy and her right knee next to my leg.

Her breasts were within inches from my face and eased the tension on my shoulder blades and neck. She gave out a slight push making me fall to my back on the bed. My throat went dry as I looked at Sam who was giving me a long lingering look of my body. Her hands were placed on either side of my face in a sit up position and she ran her tongue over her lips ever so slowly making them all wet and moist.

Her eyes provided me with the message that she was on fire and I was the only one who could put then out. She sat up and her fingers made way to her button-up cotton blouse. I knew that Sam is going to take me to the heavens soon. Her eyes were fixated at mine and I didn't do anything to resist her motion of desire. She started undoing her buttons one by one revealing her white lacy bra and containing two succulent breasts and then her lean tummy with a navel that I want to French all night. My pussy was lit up and I could feel it water in sweetness onto my panties.

"You know what am I going to do, don't you?" Sam said as she removed her shirt and threw it on the nearby chair and again slipped her hands inside the pockets. I nodded in agreement like a dummy.

"Do you know why I'm going to do this?" she questioned again as she moved forward; her knee barely touching my hot territory.

"Oh gosh Sam! Please I am falling in love with you. I am dying each day to tell you how I feel but I lose my wits each time I see you. Please Sam! Take me with you. Make love to me!" I was so relieved that I let it all out and also to find a heart soothing smile formed on her face.

`Oh really?" she asked playfully.

I could hold myself any longer. I hooked my index finger at the front of her jeans and pulled her to me. Our breasts were meshed together; our pussies were kissing each other and the heat we had within ourselves was released. Our faces were just inches away from each other but we were waiting for one of us to make the first move. The softness in her emerald eyes gave me a sign to proceed first.

I ran the back of my hand over her cheeks feeling the heat and the softness mingled together. My fingers started to brush through her hair and pulled her head down for her lips to meet mine. We massaged our lips enjoying the subtle softness before opening our mouths to invite both of our tongues to have a wrestle and tasting each other's sweetness within.

We broke our kiss for a second to gulp some air. Sam chewed on my lower lip with fervor as I ran my fingers down her back and cupping her waist which made her moan into my mouth letting her tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. Our tongues joined in for a hypnotic erotic dance and wondered who could twist and twirl their tongue with the other.

Sam slid her hand down my neck easing down the tension and her lips traveled down to the underside of my chin. She broke the deep kiss and sat up to find both of our chests were heaving for breath. Her face was covered in drops of sweat and she pushed her hair back licking the sweetness of her lips. Her fingers trailed behind her back to unhook her bra revealing her luscious breasts. They were just so nice and I wanted to manhandle them.

The tension that was building within me turned out to be hardcore sexual. She leaned over to me crushing her lips on mine trying to suck out the soul from me. Her fingers traveled down the bottom of my shirt and managed to pull it out in a whiff dropping it to the chair. Now I was in red lacy bra waiting for her to get that off too as I could feel my nipples straining out from its material.

I was thankful that she read my mind. Her lips rejoined with mine with so much passion and lust and her fingers snapped the hook of my bra uncovering my swollen breasts. "Mmmmmmmm..." I moaned out in ecstasy for the residents outside to let them know I was indulging in a hot steamy experience.

She dragged her lips to my already stiffened nipple blowing wind on them to see how far they could protrude. Her tongue swirled around my elongated nipples sucking on the aureoles' and giving gentle nips to the warm flesh of my breast. She started to trace the underside of my breast grazing her teeth nipping on the hard nub drawing out moans every now and then.

The desire in me for her started boiling. Her lips french the small passage way to my right breast. The exact treatment was given to its twin nipple. I felt so good and the urge to satisfy Sam grew even more, My pussy started to drool profusely and could feel my body moving with a rhythm of its own as Sam's tongue gave gentle bites on my waist and hips while her fingertips scraped across my abs ever so sensually that I have to bite my lower lip before I scream my head off.

Saliva was glistening all over my torso as Sam probed my navel with the tip of her tongue tickling me relentlessly. She blew cold wind and licked the sweat off coating it with her sweetness. She looked up to meet my gaze as it diverted to the front button of my jeans. This is it! The time has come! Once my pants are down, there will be no resistance. I have respected her as a friend and now love her as a lover.

I gave her a reassured smile and her fingers undid the button pulling down the zipper. I lifted off my hips slightly to get rid off my jeans and panties at one go. Words of love and desire were exchanged through the actions of tongues, fingers, and penetrating gazes.

Her breasts slid its way down to my thighs making my nipple stiffen more than ever. My hips gyrated against the sheets feeling her peel my tender folds one by one. Passion started to take up its toll – lust. I so much wanted her tongue to be feeling me there. But her fingers were testing the fertility of pussy. Her fingernails lightly scratched across my labia and probed around my vulva. I was chewing my lips harder as her nose nuzzled around my hotbed making it twitch with desire.

My hips started to buck wildly wanting to feel her tongue around my sensitive hot spots. But her fingers were doing a great job and I was thinking how professional her tongue would arouse me to no end. I felt her index finger rimming the outer area of my hole and in a sudden motion, she plunged two fingers into me.

It was so mind blowing that my head was rocking from left to right and back again like a pendulum. The sexual aroma was permeating all over and as a result, passionate juices were discharging through my pussy. I let out guttural moans spilling out words of encouragement to keep her going. Suddenly something velvet just lashed across the length of my silt. It felt awesome and looked down to see what she was doing. It was Sam's tongue!

Her teeth were grazing on my swollen folds sucking out the secretions out from them giving gentle nips on my labia, as her tongue roamed to my vulva. Her tongue replaced her exhausted fingers and started to pump in with gusto licking around the warm walls of my vagina collecting the liquid I had stored.

I couldn't do anything but moan and scream like an insane woman. My clit emerged from it hood in it full mast. Sam's tongue swirled around its hot core sucking it harder, hoping to see how hard it can get. My hands caressed her scalp putting her head in place as I was feeling the soft tresses of her hair. It was all that I needed to make me scream to the public, "I am cumming" and yelling words of love and desire into her ears!

Huge gushes of warm liquid spew out from my hole down into her mouth, and she didn't give up on any drop. I had not cum this much before and Sam was still lapping all the milk I had produced from my pussy. Sam crawled up to me with her breasts hanging loosely over my face kissing me deeply with all the passion that she could muster as her fingers caressed my cheeks straddling against my torso with her left leg.

"Finally you said those words!" Sam giggled licking the cum at the end of her lips.

"Yeah! I love you Sam!" I flung my arms around her, embracing her sweaty back and started to nibble her earlobe and down the nape of her neck.

I wasn't all spent and exhausted but felt more like a recharged battery. My brown eyes gaze met her blue eyes slowly flipping her to her back. It was my turn now to take care of Sam's pussy!

My hands caressed her cheeks crushing my lips on hers taking her sweet breath away. Her breathing became heavier as my leg straddled across her chest, as my hands caressed her inner thigh.

Sweat started to dribble down from her forehead, down the bridge of her neck, and flowing down her throat. I nibbled down her shoulder blades placing small kisses at her nape sucking on the fine flesh between my lips. Sam let out a long animalistic moan; her head arched back exposing her throat which was now covered with droplets of sweat.

"It's a sin to hide that wonderful body from me." I whispered into her ears nibbling her earlobe.

She giggled softly as her hands traveled down my lower back scraping across my flesh just enough to draw blood out. At the sight of her nipple breasts, I felt an urge of sexual lust and could feel myself blushing. It had not occurred to me that I would be attracted to another girl. Her breasts were heavy; her nipples were still swollen from passion. Her eyes seem to flame their way to mine.

Sam was pushing me down and I knew where she really wanted me. She was all hot and bothered and her face expressed sexual frustration. I dragged my lips down from her torso to her pussy while she spread her legs wide enough as if they experiencing mutual repulsion.

At the touch of my lips on her pussy hair, Sam grabbed a bunch of my hair so tightly that she was going to pull out from my scalp in a sexual frenzy. But she loosened her grip as I gave gentle kisses to her moist pussy hair. She had the right smell; her body gave off the right odor for me. I slide down to her inner thighs avoiding the main course.

My fingertips caressed her moist flesh making her pussy juice dribbling down her thighs. The aroma of her passion juice was intoxicating that I could not delay any moment of putting tongue deep in her.

I ran her calves up and own sensually traveling up to the boiling cauldron and stopped a moment to draw some crazy patterns up her thighs and the sides of her butt cheeks making her squirm in desire.

"Verona...come on please just fuck me! Make my cunt sore darling!" I was shocked to see such an icon of politeness using such sordid words.

I have disliked girls using the word fuck' or cunt' but now those words were so appeasing to my ears. It just felt so right! My fingertips ran the entire length of her slit making the outer lips to open up to reveal the passion fruit. The pinkness of her labia was all puffy and ready to accept anything in her. Slowly, I used my tips to trail behind to her ass caressing the crack while my tongue ravished on her clit now engorged with in blood.

I let my index finger ram into her butt hole rimming along her anal walls. Such a sudden impact made her cry out in bliss. After some time of playing with her clit, I jammed my tongue into her thrusting her deep as my nose nuzzled with her pubic hair. Her juices gushed out like a broken dam and were in such a frenzy of orgasm that every muscle was gripping my tongue.


It was a primeval scream that broke something wonderfully deep down within allowing her at last to let go and she came with such high intensity, spilling her milk all over my face. I crushed my lips on hers to minimize the loudness of her scream but indeed it turn out to be one hot passionate kiss as she tasted herself hungrily.

I flipped to the other side of her enjoying the tastiness of her divine sweetness and could see her all breathless but her eyes were gleaming with satisfaction and pure bliss. We both kissed deeply not willing to break the sensation but had to do it for air.

"What took you so long to love me like this?" She asked.

"I don't know. But I was somewhat curious to get to know you. But you just left. Then when came to school the next day, I was shocked to see you in our class. You were just too quiet and passive and in the process of getting to know you, my attraction for you deepened even further" I started to flush as I looked away from her gaze.

"Do you think I have changed your sexuality?" She asked now looking away from me when I diverted my gaze back to hers.

"I'm sorry I didn't confess it earlier. I am unsure about my own sexuality. But making love to one and only woman doesn't make us into lesbians does it?" I questioned her back and she shook her head in disagreement.

"Well our love-making will be my farewell gift for you. You will be my first and last girl that I love!" I promised her kissing her sweet scented hair.

She pulled me to meet her gaze as tears were already forming in her eyes. She glided off the sheets and walked towards the window as I wondered what I said to make her cry. But I know something deep within is bothering her as she licked her lips; her gaze transfixed at the view outside not caring if people might look at her nudity.

"I am sorry Verona! I lied to you!" her eyes afraid to meet mine.

"What is it?" I asked her calmly to ease her down.

"I am not having a farewell party here nor am I leaving anywhere. Besides our love making is not a farewell gift for me. It will be forever you and me." She sobbed letting her tears roll down her cheeks.

I embraced her in my arms whispering words of soothe to calm her down and give her some reassurance that everything will go fine. My hands rubbed her back caressing her cute naked cheeks. My libido started to run wild but I took control as it was not a good time to do it.

I was quite puzzled at the thought that if this was not a farewell party then what is this? Just then someone knocked on the door and mentioned it was Deidre. We made the bed in the rocket time placing the sheets gently to hide our passion making, and then opened up the windows to allow the sexual aroma to vaporize.

"Hi Deidre!" Sam opened the door and allowed her in.

"Hello! You girls have been up here for at least two hours. What have you been up to?" She asked us in an accused tone.

"We were just tidying up the room and talked about school stuff." I answered her as Deidre started to inhale the aroma.

"Smells fishy in here? A very nice sweet smelling aroma, which can be produced only by women alone. Come on tell me! What have you been doing?" Deidre asked when Claudia stepped into the room hearing our commotion.

"You guys reek of sex!" Claudia exclaimed as she sat on the bed pulling the sheets of the bed revealing the wet spot.

Both of us were blushing in different shades of red while Deidre and Claudia were grinning like a Cheshire cats. We stood like primal convicts and they sat like members of the jury.

After all there is no need for denial and we admitted the crime that we did in bed. Claudia covered her gaping mouth but Deidre chuckled coyly. Soon John and Martin understood what happened and gave a small package to the already all flushed Sam and wished her "Happy Birthday!" It was then I understood what Sam meant by this is not a farewell party.

Sam told me about the plan concocted by Deidre. The lie that she told me about her leaving this town and even staying late that night to do her physics problems when she had already done them all. These were some ideas from Deidre to Sam hoping it would make me tell my love for Sam.

"So we decided to make up a farewell party wishing you would just tell how you feel. But now it seems like you have done more than confession." Deidre added as she sat next to Claudia pointing to the wet spot.

I was dumbfounded but deep inside I was feeling so joyous. Sam was not leaving and that our love for each other is everlasting.

"Oh Verona! You gave yourself to Sam as a birthday gift! How romantic!" John smiled and winked at me.

It's something that I will never lose but cherish all my life!" Sam replied giving her best hug and kissing me deeply not bothering about my friends who were looking awe-struck.

Everyone moved out from the room to do further preparations for the party. It was me and her alone again. We shared our gazes with each other and I decided to leave giving her some privacy for her to change but in my mind I wanted to see her naked self again. Soon some of our friends and old high school friends arrived, exchanging pleasantries enjoying the great music and food while some others cracked jokes and catching up with the latest happenings in their private lives.

I saw Sam descending down the stairs just like an angel from heavens and I started to cheer the birthday girl. Sam was dressed in the outfit which John and Martin presented her and I must say it's a perfect selection! My eyes were superglue to her all the time and I could hardly keep my hands or lips off her.

Sam was introduced to many of our friends and she got along really well. But each time Sam walked past me, it turned out to be so hard not to touch or be intimate with her. I was doing the barbeque when Sam walked up to me telling me to meet her at the poolside as she wanted to talk something important. Martin came forward to help out and asked me to go to her.

I walked up to the back of her house to the poolside but no one was there. I called out for her but there was no answer. Just when I was about to call out again, someone slapped my butt cheeks. I turned to look who it was but then I was pinned to the wall and found it was Sam whose body feeling up against mine.

Her naughty smile made me pout and she kissed me. I put up a small struggle as she continued to kiss me until I relaxed and opened my mouth ever so slightly. Sam broke the hard core kiss as I saw a mixture of fear and joy in her eyes.

"What is it?" I asked her easing the tension that she was feeling.

"You are not angry with me aren't you?" she asked surprising me with such a question.

"No not at all! Why would I be?" I returned kissing her forehead.

`I told a lie saying I'm leaving this town and I know it caused so much hurt and agony. I didn't mean to! Sorry about that!" she looked down at the ground apprehensive to what my response might be.

"No, no...darling! I am not upset. It is silly me. I could have made the first move. But now everything's okay! I will still be with you." I said as I slid my arms around her waist bringing her closer to me.

"But my love for you is never a lie!" she whispered enjoying the warm bond between us.


If you guys want to chat with me, simply add me and I'm sure to reply you. I do welcome your warm suggestions and comments! Thanks a lot!

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