Liberation to Love

By Adjani Tanya

Published on Nov 19, 2005


Disclaimer and Copyright Reserved 2005:

This story is purely a lesbian erotic fiction between two girls. Please do read "Liberation to Love" part 1 and 2 to get the main picture. If you have any comments or suggestions (good or bad) please do email me to this address:

I really do apologize for the delay in uploading this story. Thanks for your comments and suggestions about my previous parts of the story. I really appreciate them.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

Part: 3 Feeling the Love for Sam

Exams were approaching within a month's time. Piles of assignments and extra lessons were accumulating our tight schedules. Our exams were quickly approaching so we had piles of assignments that were making our schedules tight. As I was walking down the school hallway, I saw my counterparts walking up and down the hallway getting their facts straight in their heads. Serious discussions between teachers and students were happening in the cafeteria. Teachers, not losing their patience, taught them the skills and reinforced them with the key concepts.

Exam spirit or maybe fever was spreading across the entire school, as teachers patted the students' shoulders encouraging them to put in their best. Students were comforting each other not to be too anxious about the papers. After all, it's just few pieces of papers and questions written on them, not some creatures that were going to do harm on us!

"Hey Verona! Where am I suppose to find you?" John called out as he was coming out from the gents bathroom.

"Hi James, I was clearing my doubts on some nuclear physics calculations with Professor Evan." He replied, as they went down to the school park to discuss and just finished them.

"Ooohh.okay! Exams virus is infecting our brain cells isn't it?" John said as he gave a fake laugh.

"Oh yes! No doctor could find an antidote for this virus. Anyhow what's up?" I said as I gave him a warm hug.

"Nothing much actually, our friends are waiting for you to discuss something." He said as he slid his both hands around my shoulder and squeezed my tensed muscles.

"Oh okay! Come on let's go!" I gently patted his butt, which only made him laugh lightly and we headed to the cafeteria.

It was hustling and bustling. Students exchanging notes to and fro; some were filing their assignments for final revision. The cafeteria became more like a study hub. We squeezed through the crowd colliding with people as if we were Christmas shopping.

I saw Martin and Claudia waving their hands at us. As we were inching closer, I noticed Deirdre and Samantha engrossed as they filed their notes and labeled them according to subjects.

"Ahh ...Finally! The last minute woman has finally settled down to do her revision!" Deirdre commented to herself.

"We have only got two weeks to prepare for the exams and I keep forgetting the organic chemical formulas! I will be dead if it happens in the exams or worse, questions that we are not being able to answer." Claudia started grumbling and I slowly sensed the tension that those two were facing.

"Hey don't worry guys! Take it easy! We have been listening to teachers, collecting and writing notes. We are almost prepared. We have two weeks to help us polish what we have learnt and done so far. It's best we don't give up the confidence but to give up the stress and tension we have." Sam said it with such confidence that all of us were amazed by her words.

"Wow! You boosted my confidence level Sam! I think we can do it if we follow what you just told us." Martin said as he hit the wind with his closed fist to symbolize victory.

The crowd was getting more boisterous and we decided to go someplace quiet. As we were walking down the park and towards the school gates, we met Mr. Lance, giving words of encouragement and some exam tips to Claudia who was already all worked up and stressed.

Prior to that, we sat at the bench near the school lake discussing how do we get together to study and in that way we can help each other out. We decided to take turns going to each of our houses rather than going to the same house and making things difficult for that person and family.

"Hey guys! I have a good idea! Why not come over to my place? It will act as a good stress reliever for Claudia since it's near the coast. What you guys say?" I suggested to them.

"It's an excellent idea! I will go get my car and we can go there!" John said and the rest of us agreed.

John's car appeared and we hopped in. We popped some techno music and grooved to the beat. Deirdre was drumming on her lap and Sam was sleeping; her head leaning against the window.

"This is the first time I have seen a person sleeping while listening to such a hardcore techno beat!" Martin exclaimed, which woke the sleeping beauty up.

Sam chuckled at his comment and stopped the music for a while as we were reaching my place soon. We pulled at the driveway and got our bags heading to the front door. I opened the front allowing all of them in but John was in his car making sure that everything was okay.

Soon he entered and settled on a cushion next to Martin. Claudia and Sam sat on the stairs leaning on the rails. Deirdre spread her files on a coffee table taking out those important notes, which needs memory work.

I sat at the opposite side of her and the whole hall was dead silence. John was testing Martin some history facts and marking out those dates and names of the popular historical icons. Deirdre was scanning her organic formulas once through; her fingers buried deep in the strands of her hair.

After some recalling and testing, I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. It was already evening and no one had eaten their lunch. I prepared some coffee for all of us. As I was preparing, my mind went back to the concepts and equations of nuclear physics. I started talking out the important definitions and took out the packet of sugar cubes.

"Hey! Look what you are adding?" Deirdre took hold of my hand preventing from doing anything.

"Thank Goodness! I nearly added salt." I looked at her wide-eyed and scolded myself for my silliness.

"What's up sweetie? Feeling stressed? You would have made us puke by drinking that coffee" chuckled Deirdre as she slid her arms around me and later massaging my shoulder blades.

"Yeah! Nearly! I was just recalling some equations in radioactive decay. If I am bit stressed, I tend to be oblivious to my surroundings and not realize what I am doing." I explained while placing the cups on a tray.

"I know something that could cure your stress" her fingers trailing down my arms.

"And may I know what is that?" I turned to face her beautiful hazel eyes. That was the primal factor that Claudia was smitten by me.

"'s simple. Go to Sam and bring her up to your room." Her fingers went up to my nape. "Then shut the door; grab her by her wrist." As I found her fingers inching closer to already hardened nipple and her lips closer to my ear and I knew it's time to stop. "Pin her against the wall and mash her lips with yours." She gave a peck on my cheek and her fingers stopped at its tracks and slipped in to her pockets.

"What an excellent anti-stress therapy? Perhaps you should smother your overly-stressed Claudia with your wet, mind-blowing kisses." I dragged her pinning her to the side of the fridge. "In that way, the stress will fly in painless minutes!" I traced the outline of her moist lips with my fingertips and blew in her ear.

"Oh my Verona! I didn't know a nerd like you can be that seductive!" chuckled Deirdre.

"Yeah very true indeed!" I gave a grin and picked up the tray to left for the hall. Deirdre followed behind with some biscuits in a platter.

We enjoyed the slight refreshments but Claudia seemed paranoid about her physics exam. Deirdre noticed her girlfriend's expression and cracked some corny jokes to keep her mind from the notes. We relaxed for a while and then switched on their study mode and started our intensive revision.

Sam was practicing some math problems, helping Claudia along. Deirdre seemed hypnotized by her notes while James and Martin were pumping their organic chemistry formulas into their heads.

"Hey! Hey! You seem to be staring at this question for the past 15 minutes!" Sam said and looked at the question that I was struggling with.

"Yeah! Couldn't seem to get the answer so I'm trying to backtrack, my calculations!" I said as I tried to look for that major flaw.

"Ahh!! There it is! These two equations are supposed to be multiplied and the graph you have plotted is not accurate so the answer might be wrong." Who said this?

She slid in next to me in a more comfortable position and started to sketch out the graph lightly. But her elbows kept brushing off the sides of my breasts when she started to draw the lower part of the graph. I guessed she must have noticed my slight discomfort because I was already cornered by the wall.

She smiled and started to drift away from me and sat at the other side, which is quite spacious. Her eyes directed to mine and motioned for me to sit next to her so that I could see how the graph is to be drawn. Somehow, my legs weren't able to move.

"Verona! I'm not going to bite you! You can come and sit closer to me to get a better view." She grinned and patted the empty space beside her.

I moved over to her and sat next to her; my eyes focused on what she was doing. Deirdre felt the tension in me and gave a wide smile that made my cheeks blush nuances of red. After a while of studying, everyone started to put aside their stuff and relax for a while.

"Hey! It's dinner time!" John lifted his shirt and rubbed his hairless tummy.

"Can anyone hear my tummy growling for food?" Martin said placed his ear on his tummy and started rubbing lovingly while John started caressing his hair and neck ever so gently that he started to moan. Everyone started giggling at what Martin did to John and both blushed furiously.

"I think you guys need to rent a room." Claudia's comment made them blush even more wiped their faces in embarrassment.

"Well then! James and I have decided to cook spaghetti with some cheese fries! Who would like to have it?" Martin queried.

"As long as you guys don't make me date the toilet bowl!" Claudia voiced in a serious tone but Deirdre let out a chuckle and kissed her lips ever so lightly.

"Ooh...that sure was romantic!" Sam chuckled.

"I'm sure you will get it sooner or later by someone!" Deirdre told as her eyes shot a glance at me.

"Hmmm...we'll see about that." Sam smiled and started tidying up the books and notes, which were lying on the floor and table.

"Oh well, maybe we could order pizza or something? We can save up some time to have a little fun. What do you think of that?" I suggested.

They showed thumbs up and John called up the nearest pizza house. John dialed the number and gave the person who was on the other line the order and noted the delivery number. We helped to clean up all the notes and files and later John prepared some juice for us.

John and Martin took a walk out to the coast enjoying the chilly breeze and were playing with some skippers lying on the shore. Sam and Claudia tidied up the living room and scanned through. if the things are in perfection. I came out from the kitchen with a tray full of glasses filled with passion fruit juice.

"Verona, do you have anything to play?" Sam asked as she took a glass of juice.

"Oh! You can play with her if you want. She can be a great playmate and is lonely currently!" Deirdre nudged me and gestured for me to join her.

I gave a fatal stare at Deirdre and looked at Sam whose cheeks were by now pinkish after hearing the inner meaning of such a comment.

"Err...I have UNO cards and chess. Sorry I don't have many games around here. Which one would you prefer?"

"Oh Verona! Let's play like grown-ups! Do u have any chains, handcuffs, beads or at least a dog collar or leash? You know we can play bondage games and make a person scream out of her lungs with hot juices dribbling down her face." Claudia glided across the kitchen, slung her arm around Deirdre's neck and gave a hardcore kiss on her already wet lips.

"Hmm...I'm soooo horny now!" Deirdre cooed in her ear.

"Well, I'm sure the room is going to be replete with some natural perfume produced my females alone! Come on Sam, the cards are in my room!" I led her out from the kitchen.

"Oh yeah! Maybe we'll be hearing moans and a symphony of words of love and sex spewing out from your room within a few minutes."

"Oh brother! I've got nothing to say!" I threw my hands up in resignment and walked up the stairs to my room.

I turned on the bed lamp giving enough light to see. Sam settled on my bed while I rummaged my bedside table for those card and chessboard. But I happen to find my chess board and the pieces were all there and showed her if this was okay. She just smiled and took it from me.

We went down to the living room and saw Claudia setting up the small side-table for the game. Sam took up the black pieces and arranged them in their respective squares. Claudia started the ball rolling playing a professional game, as each took turns to destroy their forces and making checks on each other.

If Sam kicks out one of Claudia's pawns, Claudia would simply kick hers in no time! John and Martin then entered with some cans of coke and sat around the two tensed players making silent cheers. Sam's eyes were intensely focused on the king and where she was going to place next.

"Checkmate!" she exclaimed and placed the king on the right square and smiled at her flabbergasted opponent.

"Hi! Pizza Delivery!" a young man stopped our celebration for a while and smiled at us.

"Hi there!" John collected the pizza from him and gave him a long lingering look. Well, he is a very young handsome man about his late 20s with high cheekbones and his hairstyle was made him look like a hot star.

"Wow! You are quite a hot dude! You remind me of one of the guys in BLUE, you the boy band? Anyway do you care for a date?" John gave a wink and smiled.

"Sorry buddy! I am already occupied with a guy!" John's face sank with disappointment and the pizza boy started to walk away with a doleful look.

"Hold it! You forgot the bill for the pizza! John called out to him and handed him the correct cash before shutting the door.

"You are so unfaithful to Martin!" I gave a grin and shook my head in disappointment.

" It was just a joke. Just wanted to have some fun. Trust me! I will never give up on Martin for anyone!"

Just then, Martin walked in to the living room carrying glasses of coke and smiling at John for his statement.

""Oh my Verona! Whoever is going to be your soul mate must be a lucky harm(harm? What did u mean to say?)." Martin said as his eyes diverted to Sam who was now distributing the pizzas to each one's paper plates.

"Yeah! I will totally agree with Martin!" Sam retorted and flashed a breath-taking smile.

We talked about music, movies and also the up coming graduation ceremony and activities. Deirdre and Claudia were planning to visit their grand-uncles in Paris while James and Martin wanted to head out south from the city. Everyone was quite stress-free and they started cleaning up the dining table while Sam and Deirdre bundled up the trash into a black bag and threw it out in the bin near the sidewalk and decided to go of a short walk.

A while later, they returned and we resumed studying for the next few hours when James and Martin decided to go back home.

"I think we would make a move then! I guess we'll see each other once exams are over!" Deirdre pretended to sob and we let out a fake laugh.

"Well don't miss us too much! All the best for your preparations for exams!" Sam and I patted their shoulders and gave a warm hug.

"Err...Sam! How about you? I think it's pretty late!" Who said this? Looking up the clock, which said 10.30.

"I'm facing some problems in Physics. Could I stay for a little and maybe you can help me please?" Sam asked.

"Oh sure! Okay then guys, I'll see you all sometime sooner!" I bid my byes to them and closed the door.

"Sorry for troubling you! I guess you must have set other plans later tonight!"

" not at all!" I lead her to my room turning on all the lights and told her not to feel sorry and asked her to take the problems out. I taught her some key concepts and we started trying out the problems. Some were rather complicated and it took us a good hour to tackle it. We took a break after doing five questions and then resumed solving problems.

Soon, the room was getting all warm and stuffy and I realized the windows were not open. When I opened them, I saw the sea glittering under the moonlight and the cool breeze swept across my soul. It was already one am as I shot a glance at my bedside clock. I looked over at Sam who was done with her last problem and came to join me in this everlasting eternity.

Both f us maintained silence. I closed my eyes, inhaling the fresh air and though that I was walking on the water. Sam stood mesmerized by the view in front of her.

"You look very stressed and tired! I better be going now!"

"Hey wait! It's very dark and it would be unsafe if you would walked alone. I don't mind you staying here. Don't worry about the accommodations!"

She looked at me as the cool breeze brushed past her sweeping a few strands of hair slightly covering her eyes and lips. My heart started to beat faster at that sight of it. Her lips were so wet that I wanted to hold her and feel her lips on mine. But somehow my hands didn't dare move and my legs stood in place. I was quite surprised to have such desired feelings for a girl but I shook those negative thoughts away.

"You like the closeness of nature secretly feeling the warmth don't you?" I was stunned and didn't know if she was referring to the attraction between her and me. "Don't worry! I like it too and it's quite difficult to deny it." She answered herself without letting me reply to her question.

I simply nodded in agreement and wondered what did she meant by that and if Sam was bi-curious. But I was feeling the same about her and there was no denying it. I looked away from her and stared in the dark ahead afraid that she might see my deepest darkest feelings. It was as if my straight life was going to end and a new lease of life was waiting out there for me and it all depends on me to explore it.

"Well you can sleep here and I'll be over in the next room. If you need anything, you could come over! Oh the air conditioner remote is at the bedside table. Hmm...did I forget anything else?" I gave a few seconds to think when I saw Sam undoing her buttons of her shirt exposing a bright red camisole outlining her breasts and showing off her erect nipples.

My eyes were fixed on how well the clothing clung to her torso but I was caught staring. She didn't seem to care much but I gave her some privacy by checking out the bathroom. As soon everything was done, I saw Sam in a red camisole and matching thong sliding under the covers but I took control of myself and shut all lights except for the bedside lamp.

"You forgot my bedtime story and my goodnight kiss!"

"Oh! I'm sorry but your too big for a bedtime story and I'm quite poor in telling one. So I would just give you a kiss."

I kissed her forehead and looked at her. Her eyes closed a minute and opened to meet mine and were sending messages but my mind didn't know how to interpret them. How dumb of me! I tucked her into bed, reducing the illumination from the lamp and left the room. My heart was practically screaming `Come to me please!' but I was moving away from her closing the door.

"Oh no! What am I to do? I can't lie to myself or to you but I love you Sam!" I whispered to myself as I leaned against the room door.

I entered my room with so much pain and agony. Is it painful to love a woman or at least express your feelings to her? I stripped myself naked as always. I was very upset that I could only strip myself nude but not the love I had for her. I opened the windows wide and gazed at the houses outside to see everyone sound asleep. But sleepless night for me! Just then my cell rang and it was Deirdre.

"Hi Verona! Haven't slept yet?" she asked me.

"I couldn't! How about you?"

"I just finished my intensive revision on Claudia and was thinking of talking to you!"

"You have taken the tension out of her and I guess she's lying all spent and satisfied."

"Haha..yeah! I guess she will never look at another girl other than me!"

"Oh she won't! So what's the matter?"

"I know you are in deep love with Sam! Don't ever try to deny it Verona!" I was taken aback by her dominant tone and there was a slight cessation forever as I glanced at the door opposite mine.

"Yes! I do but I don't know what to do! I have lost my heart and I'm finding it in desperation." Tears welled up in my eyes and my tone was showing incoherence.

"Hey! Hold! I knew you have developed some real pure feelings for her these few months but you were just stubborn to admit it. There are some people who lose their hearts to others at first sight; or lose it to someone whom we know for months or years. But you belong to the latter!"

"I know but I'm unsure if she's feeling the same or thoughts or worse what if she's not into girls and trying to be friendly?"

" need not worry about that. She's solely in you. Do you know what happen when Sam and I went for a short walk?"

"No! What happen?" I asked in despair.

"She told me you stole her heart and refusing to return it back. You heart is with her now. She sobbed very badly and poured out her feelings for you to me. She can't tell if you are straight or into girls but she is into you alone. She can't think of any other girl besides you! Verona! It's time you declare it to her or else she will have her way with you sweetie." Deirdre chuckled and I felt as if a huge burden was lifted off from my shoulders once knowing Sam was into me.

"Oh Deirdre! Thanks a million! I will tell her some day." As I planted kisses on the receiver.

"No! Tell her by tomorrow or latest by this week! Do you get it?"

"Yes ma'am!" I chuckled and ended our confab with a goodnight.

"How am I going to say those words to her? When am I going to say that?" I thought to myself. I was so puzzled, hot, and bothered.

The weather was so humid that the air condition wasn't able to provide me with sufficient chill to cool me down. Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead and neck. Wild thoughts started running through my wits. They constantly reflected every minute detail of Sam. Her ever-moist lips pursed perfectly when she grins, her dark blue eyes, which seek through the innermost darkest secrets shielded beneath.

My fingers started sweeping across my torso ever so gently several times feeling my stomach muscles flex. My index finger traced the underside of my breast and then drifting to my aureoles caressing them. My nipples stood so erect like strawberry toppings. It was painful to be sucked and fondled with. But that is when you get the ultimate pleasure which sends ripples down your pussy.

My thumb joined in the game of toying my hard nubs which seemed to be standing at it's full mast. My other hand traveled downwards combing my neatly trimmed pussy. My fingers started to cross my cleavage like a bridge and performed the same ministrations to my right breast. My legs were so widely opened experiencing a repelling effect emitting immense heat. My fingertips trailed down to my moist pubic hairs caressing the wet tender petals.

They scratched the swollen flesh pinching and pulling gently but not too hard. My thumb felt my clit protruding out from its den. It is all hard but there is no one to service it. "Yes there is a person who could do it and that is the girl next room" my mind shouted. My brains were sending signals to go to her now telling me we have waited too long. But my saint side forbade me.

My index finger felt my clit all engorged and swollen. Mmmmm...ooohhhhh...I flipped myself over a pillow biting the pillow cover containing my screams and moans. My hand slid behind the pillow hugging to me tightly. I started to grope the pillow as if it was Sam underneath me. . My nipples rubbed against the soft velvet of the pillow cover. My nipples were stiff and it was too painful but soon it was full blown pleasure. The velvet cloth was sliding down from the pillow revealing its softness. My middle finger trailed down the whole length of my slit taking in the hot liquid oozing out. It felt as if someone had just poured oil on my already-greased pussy.

The pillowcase was coming undone and was getting stuck between the lips of my pussy. It was rubbing against my hard clit and I was letting out animalistic moans. My index finger and middle finger knew my clit was in need of contact and the cloth didn't fail to cause friction against my clit. I inserted 2 fingers deep thrusting in and out without no mercy but pure lust!

I turned over with my back on the pillow not leaving contact with my pussy. I started frigging my clit with such insanity thinking it was Sam's fingers doing me. The pleasure started to pass through the inner soul of mine and spread all over my body letting me know my muscles were getting tighter.

"ooooooohhhhhhh...shiiiiittt!!!...Ohhhhhh...Ahhhh...yessssss!! I'mm cummmminnnggg...oh...goodnessss!!!" I screamed aloud to my pillow producing muffling sounds only.

Thick, white, hot strings of cum coated my fingers and spilled to the bed. I was so tired that I took my fingers from its hot oven and my eyes closed shut. Sweat was glistening all over the surface of my body and vaporized by the wind making me all sticky diffusing the smell of arousal all over the room. Now that was a great scene! You did that perfect! The lightening tore the clouds signaling for the thunder to come now. Just a split second the thunder roared and in a sudden outburst, my front door flew opened allowing a frantic figure to jump over my bed pinning me tightly and hugging me for protection. Her breathing was heavy and as I could feel her heartbeat next to mine. I was in a state of orgasmic bliss but now in a state of confusion not knowing who this was.

Soon the lightening flickered to show that it was only Sam. She looked at me and I tried to push her off me. Her grip was so tight that my throat went dry and my lips were slightly apart. I have never seen Sam so beautiful. Her ocean-like eyes were wide-open and it was crystal clear I could see my reflection on it. Her lips formed up a grin and her eyed started to travel downwards only then did I realize I was stark naked. Good thing, the lights were not switched and just the flickering so she wouldn't have seen much of me.

"Oh gosh! I'm very sorry!" she yelped flipping herself over and me taking a chance to cover my nudity with a robe.

"Why did you scramble in here? Anything wrong?" I asked as I leaned up against the bed post adjusting my robe and she sat up opposite facing me. She was all covered in sweat and her face looked so pale.

"Err...The thunder really freaked me out. I have a phobia of such unexpected loud noises. Sorry if I had bothered you!"

I was a little annoyed at first but her gaze eased it once more. I grinned at her not knowing what to say. I switched on the lights to find her in that red camisole which has some wet patches round her tummy area and started to blow herself with soft winds coming from her mouth.

As I walked up to her, I heard sobbing sounds and tears started to dribble down her cheeks and throat.

"What happen? Please tell me!" I stood up and kneeled in front of her placing my hands on each side of her thighs. Her pink panties came in to view but I maintained my focus on her. Thankfully, her hands slid between her legs and clasped tightly.

"I'm just too anxious and worried about the exams. Most of all, Physics. I don't know if I could handle it." Her hands covering both her watery eyes to prevent any further crying.

"There's no need to cry! I thought you just boosted confidence into us telling us we have done enough work and that would succeed if we put in more effort! We just have to try and put in our best! If you are going to weep before exams, then it's considered you have lost half the battle! Do you understand?" I pushed her hands away to see her now heart-ripped face.

She nodded as in agreement to my question and gave a warm smile. The rain was pouring madly and the curtains were blowing in rhythm of their own. Her hands were like ice and I started to rub hers to give my warmth and her some encouragement.

The veins in her eyes were so reddened and sore. I could see her stress level was getting too high but my words of encouragement were all useless. Tears started to well up in my eyes seeing her in such a state. I wiped my eyes to stop any tears from flowing out.

"Hey come on! Look up! You can do it! Pray to God before you go to bed. That will make you better I'll go and get a glass of water." I stood up and she knelt at the foot of the bed; her hands clasped together and her eyes closed shut praying out loud in her mind.

I walked down the hallway recalling what has happened. Knowing Sam for at least nine months, I haven't seen her to be in such a paranoid state. It is not that we are taking exams for the first time but it s those papers which determines whether we are suitable to proceed to the next stage and what sort of careers we are capable. I took up a glass from the drawers and poured some warm water as the weather was icy cold.

It was already five am and I saw Sam lying there all exhausted with her hair disheveled. Stands of hair were spread across my pillow. The comforter was tucked between her legs and was hugging closely to her. I didn't want to disturb her from her peaceful state is placed the glass on the bedside table. I pulled the blanket to cover her frame and I sat on the other side of the bed admiring the darkness outside. Sleep didn't overtake me and I was worrying about the papers and the other half of me screaming to confess my feelings. But that will wait after the exams? Maybe some other day?

The rain has stopped and now turned out be a drizzle. Though it was dawn, the view outside still seem dark. I prepared coffee and went to the other room where Sam was sleeping before `barging' in my room last night. Her notes were all over the bedspread. Some were lying on the floor, revision guides on the desk. She was indeed very troubled by exams. I stacked up those notes neatly on the table and started to make the bed.

When I removed the bedspread, I noticed a deep wet patch, which obviously hadn't dried up. I touched the wetness and it smelled all tangy and musky. Only then did I know Sam's fingers had an erotic dance with her sex. It sent some stirrings down my pussy and wanted to lap up the juices of the sheets but I waited for the right moment to come.

I was a bit amused by the fact that Sam is such a quiet girl and maybe a `geek' could have such wild wet dreams. But I wondered what made her cum so heavily? I removed the pillows to undo the bed sheets and I was shocked to see a small plastic stand containing my photo and some other small letters. They were all about her feelings to me from the first time we met and how she tried to make advances but I treated her just like a friend.

I carefully placed them below the pillow as did I want to ask her about this. I was in a dilemma. Should I tell her now? Or should I just exile myself from this city to keep away from her? I will wait for the time to come.

Once again, I apologize to the readers for the delay in posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chris for the advice and encouragement! Hope you guys like it!

All comments are appreciated:

Part 4 is coming up soon!!!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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