Liberation to Love

By Adjani Tanya

Published on Jul 6, 2005


Hello guys,

I'm so sorry for the late submission. I was kinda busy with lots of work and finally done my second part of my story.

This is a purely fiction. It's a sexual story between two females. Hope u like it. It's my first attempt though. Hope to hear your suggestions and your comments. Please send it thru this email:

If you guys want to chat with me, simply add me and I'm sure to reply u. Enjoy then!

Part 2: My First meeting with Sam

The streaks of light illuminating from my windows caressed my soft skin ever so gently. I turned to my side only to see that it was 10 am. Boy, was that a fantastic sleep. It has been quite sometime having a good night sleep.

I walked down the stairs not wearing anything; not even bothering to protect my modesty. It is a real thrill. You may never know who from the next flat might have their eyes popping out and drooling over the sight of your naked body. After taking a nice hot shower, I scheduled my day plan. Scanning the kitchen and drinking a cup of coffee, I noted the groceries which are currently depleting.

I put on my red tank top and black cargo shorts only to outline my curves and my cute butt. And of course my top to show off my boobs. I was just admiring myself for the good fifteen minutes gazing my eyes at every part of body.

"Ooh my boobies.... I simply love u guys big time...You are so firm and hard. Like the way I'm feeling you" talking to myself while playfully squeezing the two babies. Gently tracing the path to my two perfect ass globes and cupping them kneading the flesh, I was so aroused.

"Okay snap out of it. I wouldn't want to start showing a big wet patch on my pants" I chuckled and raced down the hallway to get my wallet and out to the supermarket. The cool air of the market was so perfect for a hot day outside.

Took a trolley, I observed at the products around me and searching for those that I really need. The grocery section was no where at sight. Just then a lady in her late forties sensed my confusion and approached me.

"Excuse me Ma' you mind showing me the direction to the grocery section." I accosted her giving her a small smile.

"It's on the next level. You might want to take the stairs behind you " as she pointed the direction to the left of me where the stairs were.

"Oh thanks"

"You are welcome" giving me the exact smile that I gave her.

I dragged the trolley up the flight of stairs and quietly grumbling as to why there is no lift. The whole level was replete with groceries in fact all sorts. It was true as the slogans hanging all over the ceiling reflecting "U name it U got it".

There were only miserable four people including me. One was an old lady scrutinizing every red apple she takes. Oh man must be really conscientious shopper.

Then I passed by a couple who were discussing the recipes for lunch. Going along the line I met up with the onion family. Then I saw other vegetable fruits and thought if it was worth buying.

"Excuse me." called out a mellifluous voice snapping my train of thoughts.

She called out again and quickly I removed my trolley away from the narrow path.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to block your way" I apologized to the voice that called me.

"That's okay" She replied.

Turning to face, she looked at me with surprise. Indeed I gave her the same look.

"Samantha. What a surprise. You always come here to shop."

"Hi there. Yeah, it's the nearest for me. I live two blocks away from here, Flen Street. What about you?"

"Great, I live there too but three blocks away. What are you buying?"

"My groceries are running out and I guess you are here for the same reason."

"Yeah that's right" I replied taking a quick look at her.

Silence engulfed us. I looked at her blue eyes which was really drawing me to her. Her pupil was so crystal clear that I could see my reflection. I realized she was absorbed with my sea green eyes. Her lips were so moist perhaps the constant licking by her tongue when talking or remaining silent just like now. Her nose was quite big for her cute little face and her boobs are inflated which are about to tear off the top she was wearing. As I took short glimpses of her whole body, my eyes automatically reverted to join the serenity in her eyes.

"So is that all you are going to buy? she pointed at my trolley.

"Err....not exactly....I've just started to shop around. What about you?"

"Looks like you have almost finished your grocery list." Looking up to her to see that sweet smile of hers.

"Well....actually I'm have got some other items to shop. Have to store my kitchen cabinets with a month's supplies because I'm lazy to go markets everyday. Okay then ....well it's time I resume to shop and going back home. See you in school on Monday....bye" grabbing her trolley and started to make her way out.

" Hey wait for a minute. Do you care to drop a visit to my place if you are free? waiting for her reply anxiously.

"Hmm....well I'm sorry. I've got plans today....haven't done any of my household chores and some of my school work. It's rather a busy day."

"Perhaps you can drop by once you have done your chores and yeah finish our homework together. Sounds great to you?"

"okay that would not be a problem. I'll see you in the evening then at 5pm. Bye for now."

We both smiled at each other and interchanged our contact numbers as we went back to our own shopping spree. As she was walking away, we stole quick glances at one other and her cheeks turn visibly red wondering why. But I was happy as our first meeting started out pleasantly. As I was shopping my thoughts raced back to her and felt my nipples going hard maybe because of the chill air around me.

I couldn't focus on what I'm doing. I didn't even notice that my trolley was bulged with products, spilling all over and have to be transferred to a second one. I couldn't wait to see her again. Flashes of her smile, her eyes came running to me. My stomach started to growl and I knew something has to be done. Paying up for all my purchases I walked out to the streets.

I walked into a café to feed off my poor hungry stomach. It was already packed with people. Soon, I found an empty seat at the entrance of the café. A waiter, in his twenties took my order and left.

"Hi sweet honey pot"

Turning around to see who was that, it was Deirdre, Claudia's girlfriend.

"Hi there. What are you doing here?" she came around and sat at the opposite chair of me.

" Well I've still did not receive an answer and I did not give u permission to sit down too."

"Alright." she stood up coming to me and later to my surprise sat on my lap and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Oh Deirdre...come on get off can go to that empty seat again...please" sensing that every eyes are on us.

"Why? Looks like someone is getting turned on and is afraid to show it" teased Deirdre.

"Yeah your dreams I guess"

"What Really You mean I come in your dreams and wet your pants by doing that. Awesome" giggled Deirdre.

"Enough of your crap. So what made you brought here"

Finally taking a seat opposite me, "well heard it's a new café just opened a few days ago. Wanted to try check out the food and drinks here. Looks likes you've ordered something." Deirdre looking at the waiter who was approaching my table.

"Here are your orders Ma'am" as he placed the cup of coffee and bread neatly on the table.

"Can I have the another exact set of this for my friend over here? Thank you."

Before my friend could have made the slightest bit of protest, I immediately hushed the waiter.

"Well thank you but I didn't expect it" giving me her sweetest smile which made it to attract Claudia when they first met.

"Aah..that's okay but you have to pay for it later" I exclaimed giving me one of innocent looks.

"You mean brat but I did not bring enough bring enough cash."

I broke into unstoppable laughter as I waved my palm near her face and explain to her that I was only kidding and it was my treat. She then leaned over me to kiss me on the other cheek to show her appreciation. The waiter then came again with the order. I took it and placed it by my friend's side.

"So what were you up to?' sipping the coffee.

"Just done some marketing and yeah heading home soon" sipping my coffee and savoring the taste.

"What about you?" I asked her looking at the shops outside the café.

"hmm...well meeting Claudia at her place to get some homework done and then going clubbing tonight" admiring the milieu around her.

"How about you? Not meeting anyone?" Deirdre's eyes met mine again as she started spreading butter on her bread.

As she asked this I couldn't contain my smile and thoughts about Samantha running through me.

"Err....well I met Sam at the supermarket and invited her over" meeting her own eyes with mine.

Her lips slowly formed a grin like "Grinch" and her eyes narrowed not removing contact with me.

"oh I see. Well no wonder I saw some sort of unspeakable glitter in your eyes. So you are finally on a date with her huh." teased Deirdre wiping of the butter from her lips with a napkin.

"What a joke It's going to be a friendly chat and I just came to know that she just lives a block away from me. It would be nice to get to know her and be a friend."

"Corrections please You mean you want to be her new girlfriend" Deirdre giggled.

I lightly tickled her ribs and threw the napkin on her face but she still continues her tease. I heaved a sigh of resignation and diverted my topic to something else. After a few more minutes of chatting and giggling, we decided to leave as it was getting late for both of us.

"Hey looks like it's getting late for me. Have to be home by 4pm." I said like a non-stop music looking at my watch as it already shows it was 3pm.

"Ooohhh...well to seduce your new friend" as she came closer to me.

"No way I'm not like you. It's just a friendly chat."

"Oh really You can't be a saint for very long honey. Your eyes and mind are telling me that you are going to tear off her clothes once she's at your doorstep" her fingers gently crawling under my shirt.

"No! No" stopping her arousing speech.

"Yes Yes and you are going to drag her to your bed, tie her down and ravish every inch of her body from head to toe." Her nipples almost touching her counterparts.

" Oh goodness Your mind is damn sordid" I backed off a little only to find a wall obstructing my way.

"hmm...I didn't know you would be so aroused just by verbal sex.....she's one lucky girl....probably your own body is going to be covered by hickeys" as her fingers went up further to tweak my already swollen nipples.

"Alright....enough of your nonsense" I lightly pinch her bare flesh of her waist giving me access as she yelped at the sudden touch and began tickling her till she begged me to stop. I took pity and let her go. But she gripped my both wrists and backed me again to the same wall. Her chest pressing mine flatly and her fingers cupping my bare hips massaging the flesh.

"okay I'll call tonight...oops might be busy moaning Sam's name right. Better give me the details on Monday...I want all details without any censorship" as she whispered this in my ears and laughing uncontrollably.

"bye bye...I'll call you tomorrow if possible" as she kissed on the corner of my lips. I returned my kiss and squeezed her jean covered ass which made her yelp. Both smiled at each other and headed to our own destinations.

I had only less than half an hour to dash home and organize all the things at home. With my sprinting ability, I bolted home in few minutes, finished my laundry and then went to prepare a light dinner just pasta with tomato sauce and some veggies on it.

After finishing the last bits of house hold chores, I focused my attention on preparing the pasta. Once everything was settled, I proceeded back to my room and rested myself in the bath tub with a glass of orange juice allowing the cold water to cascade along my body. It was so refreshing, abating my little tensions and worries that I had. A while later, I got up from my little paradise, got dressed in a white top and black bottoms with my hair falling over my shoulders.

It was already 5 and she would be here any minute. My heart was throbbing at a dangerous speed just thinking about her arrival. I did not understand why must I have such crazy feelings towards her. Come on she's just a girl, my classmate, my want to be friend. Not some sort of serial killer or psychopath who is stalking on me. But such thoughts to ease down failed miserably. My palms started to sweat, droplets of sweat forming on my forehead and the only solution to cool me off is to listen to some music.

I moved on to my entertainment room browsing through my music collection which was mainly techno. Popped a CD and I melted in the euro beat sending me to groove over the edge. Laying down in the couch with one hand above my head and the other drumming to the rhythm.

Time was running and the clock announced it was 6pm. I switched off the music player and looked at the world outside. My heart sank with disappointment as to why she has not come yet. Was she not happy to visit me? Did I scare her away because I asked her to come over despite the fact she was new to this place? Did she not like me as there was no proper eye contact made during our early chat in the market and as if she would be blinded if she looked at me for more than 5 seconds? Or doesn't she like to be my friend because I do not have the qualities that she wants. Just as I was talking out these questions, the doorbell rang, cutting my thoughts making me to stumble over a chair.

"shit...damn chair" as I growled and grabbed my keys.

"Coming Coming" shouting down the hallway as I was annoyed by the constant ringing noise.

"Yeah What's up?" opening the door only to find that it was Samantha standing at my doorstep with a big duffel bag on her shoulders.

"err...hi Veronica Sorry I am late."

"heyheyhi Come on in Sam. Thought you were busy and might not be able to come." I told her as she came in to the foyer removing her jacket.

"gees no ...I tried calling to your mobile but looks like you've switched it off" she replied when I was closing the front door.

I followed her to the hall as she looked around the place. Picking up my mobile which was lying on the couch, I saw 3 missed calls which flashed Sam's contact.

"Oh yeah I'm sorry. I didn't hear the phone ringing. Was listening to some music." I apologized.

"Oh where are my manners? Please do sit down. What would you like? waiting for her to give a reply. "You sound more like a waiter...haha..." she giggled flashing her lovely teeth and showing her two dimples on her cheek.

" what do u like?" I asked her blushing profusely.

"hmm..i would prefer anything...thank you..." giving me the cute smile of hers.

I nodded at the request and ask her to make herself comfortable while I poured two glasses of fruit juice. As I was coming out from the kitchen, she was admiring the photos in the showcase and scanning the rest of the photos on the other side.

"here you go." As I handed her the glass to her. Her fingers lightly touched mine which was holding the glass but suddenly she just backed away.

"Err. sorry....your hands are cold." she replied. looking down the floor as I saw her huge nose reddening.

"Oh sorry! Well you can take it now" as she helped herself with the drink.

I took mine and sat opposite her gazing into her sweet emerald eyes. We went around talking about how's school life for her and whether she can get adapted to the environment as she was new to the town. The conversation went all good and smooth. She had a great sense of humor cracking jokes playfully nudging my elbows if I verbally teased her and from time to time catching a few glimpses at me.

Soon we were talking about her goals and even asked about me rather than she talking all about herself. We were not hardcore nerds but also included a rife of interesting topics like sports, movies, and music etc.

Both of us lost started giggling when our confab deepened to boys and dating. She was constantly rubbing her thighs when we were talking about guys. Both of us were naturally quite turned on by the topics related to intimacy.

"So have you dated anyone?" as I imbibed a few sips of my juice.

"No, I have not. I'm still a clean sheet." Searching my eyes with hers.

"Oh! same here!" giving her a grin and putting down my empty glass.

"How come? You have the looks that can make every man turn" stealing a glance in a swift motion.

"Well, I've just not met the right guy yet. I don't want to find someone who only wants to get physical but also mental. Besides you should know how tight our schedule has become and with this I don't think taking up a relationship is a wise idea. You should be committed and set aside time to strengthen the relationship." Refilling her empty cup.

"Wow....fantastic! You seem to have planned your future well. Who ever is going to get you as a life partner must be one lucky girl...err...sorry...lucky boy" as her cheeks started to redden once again. I gave a small pat on her upper arm reassuring her to say that's okay.

When I asked her the same, I realized she was in the same boat as me wanting to finish the academics and then escalating to work and love life.

"Oooh no! It is 7.30pm and we have not started work yet." Looking at the wall clock and then back at her.

"don't worry! We still have time and I'm sure we can finish whatever we have to do by 10pm." Taking our glasses back to the dishwasher and returning to the living room to grab her duffel bag.

We both headed the stairs to my bedroom and entered in. I turned on the table lights and adjusted the Venetian blind at my windows. As I was opening the windows to let in the breezy air fill up the room, my elbows gently brushed against some thing that was almost pointy. When I turned back I saw Sam's eyes looking downwards with a shy smile only to realize that I just brushed her semi hard nipple.

"oh sorry. Didn't mean to invade your personal privacy" clucking my tongue and winking at her breasts which made her even blush more.

Her eyes widened even further as she admired the view outside. The waves crashing along the coast and the trees swaying with the breeze made it so relaxing. Her eyes were transfixed at the beauty outside breathing in the fresh air surrounding her.

"Wow... you live here all by yourself?" her eyes wandering all over the coast.

"yeah...well I don't have any relatives. We are quite a small family. Hey, you can come here anytime you want." As she gave me a small smile and nodded to my invitation.

We both returned to our studies and found out each other's strengths and weaknesses. She loathe math but adored physics but me the reverse way. We helped each other in solving problems and taught each other simple techniques to make us understand the problems.

"Oooh yesss! I love Physics! I didn't know these topics are that easy to understand." You are so much better than our Physics teacher." I showed her thumbs-up, which made her blush again.

"So are you! you made me loving math. You know I always though that that math teachers are living sleeping pills. You' re great." Giggled Sam and got up from her chair.

"I agree with you." I started laughing along with her as she gave me a wink and a thumbs-up.

"May I know the place whereby I can empty my bowels?" looking at me for my reply.

I brought her to a closet behind her and slide the door of the extreme left. Then I opened up the door to lead her into the bathroom. I gestured her way in like a doorman and closed the door for her.

"I must say you have the most sexiest toilet" as she started unlocking the door to come out.

As she was coming out she didn't notice a small step and tripped over. Lucky I helped her from falling but I couldn't balance her weight and I fell down to the floor bringing her along with me. Her face was a mere two inches away; and her lips were almost reaching mine. My heart was palpitating very badly as her thigh was gently rubbing the insides of my inner thigh. My palms stayed at rest on her waist and her breasts were pressing mine flat.

"Oh god! I'm sorry!" her eyes piercing at me and I saw a reluctance of not wanting to leave in that wonderful position as she rolled herself on to her back.

"That's okay! Are you hurt?" gently lifting her up to her feet and checking if there's any slight injury.

"No I'm okay. I'm very sorry indeed. Poor you! Hopefully I didn't crush you!"looking at me with a concern look.

"No! I'm fine. See I'm still in my original shape. No compression!" giving her a slight smile and returning to my table again.

Sam made her final check on her assignments and I told her I would be in the kitchen to inspect on the pasta. I was setting up the microwave to heat up the pasta when I heard Sam coming down from the stairways with her duffel bag slung over her left shoulder.

"Well I better get going. It's about time." as she looked at her watch and the wall clock to check if it was the right time.

" No wait! I hate visitors leaving this house without having lunch or dinner. It's against this house rules. " I said in the most authoritative tone which only made her grin at me.


"No buts...come on, I've prepared pasta for the both of us. Need not be hesitant to try my cooking. It's edible actually." Returning the grin and returning to the stirring of the pasta noodles.

" My appetite is really full." Giving me the most insatiable smile that I had ever seen.

" When I start to serve, the aroma will make you have more appetite." I rebutted giving her a pat on her back and leading her to the hallway.

"Hmmm...looks like I've got no turning back." Giggled as she wandered around the hall and living room looking around the photos of my late parents and my group of friends.

She soon joined me in the kitchen to set up the table and brought the food into the dining area. Sam's nostrils flared, as the aroma was so intoxicating and superb. We sat adjacent to each other helping ourselves with the pasta and veggies. Making jokes over the table, we poured fruit juice in our glasses.

"Are your parents on holiday?" she queried forking out a piece of broccoli.

"Yeah they are" I replied.

"When will they be back?" savoring the taste of the pasta noodles.

"They won't come back. They have settled in heaven permanently." Looking at her and my gaze diverted to overlook the sea bay outside.

"Oh! I'm extremely sorry!" as she looked up to me with utter shock.

I met her eyes but her glance immediately dropped to the food in front of her toying with the noodles entangled to the folk.

"Very well, it happened long ago. Don't fret about it." Waving my hand at her and giving her a cute reassuring smile.

There was am unusual stillness between us. Again I broke it out and started to have the same merry chat. Sam helped me to clean off the table though I told her she was a guest and it was not nice to do this. Yet she ignored me and helped me with dishes and I thanked her for the help. Walking towards the door, she took her bag and stepped out of the gate.

"Err...hold on.... You are a very shy girl aren't you? Why are you so afraid to look at me? I'm not going to electrocute you with sight. Just want to be your friend." giving her upper arm a light friendly squeeze.

"Oh not like that! Well need some time to warm up and then I will make my move. I'm so happy to get a girl like you.... I mean a friend like you." Piercing her eyes once again with mine and then leaning over to kiss my cheek. I waved her good bye and saw her lithe body walking down the narrow path to the street.

My cheek tingled with the slight touch oh her lips. As soon as I saw her shadow disappearing, I felt a sudden void in my heart. It looks as if she was here with me, my life is complete. Quietly shutting the front door, my frame slid against it and dropped myself to the floor. Her presence was still floating around me making me even uneasier so I poured myself a glass of wine. At least this wine can put away such thoughts about her and I headed to my bedroom.

After fixing up the bed, I popped in a DVD called Diabolique, which John lend it to me commenting that it was a hot show. It was quite a old movie starring Sharon stone and a Italian girl Isabelle. As the movie was playing I realized how hot Sharon stone can be though she was very old. Her style of acting has really brought her to the zenith of her acting career. The movie went on monotonous for the best ten minutes but later it got more heaty.

I was rather focused on how Sharon was weaving an intimate relationship with Isabelle, the exquisite exotic figure. It really took a breath out of me. Well such scenes are only to glamorize the movie but that doesn't happen in reality. Suddenly the climax just triggered my straight mind sending unusual feelings through my entire being. It was a scene when Sharon stone gave a ultimate kiss of life to her girlfriend who drowned in a pool while fighting off her diabolical husband.

However my sane mind rebutted that it was normal for anyone to give a mouth-to mouth resuscitation when someone drowns in a pool without any iota of knowledge of swimming. As I was analyzing these things, the phone buzzed. Just nice the movie ended with a good ending and I picked up the call.

"Hi there! the other firm voice spoke.

"Hi! Who is this?" switching off the TV and lights allowing the light from the lighthouse illuminating the room. "Have you forgotten? I'm the girl whom you fucked her brains out senseless!" said the voice sexily.

"Sam? Err.... I mean ..." I stammered trying to find out who was this caller exactly.

"What? Sam? Oh my goodness! Verona you did it with her. You raped an innocent child. How could you? Exclaimed the other voice and a huge laughter broke off.

"No! oh gosh! It's you Deirdre!" I silently knocked myself at the head post and covered my face to cover my blushing.

"Yeah! You're right, It's Deirdre! my little childlike dewy-eyed angel! Deirdre said in a sing- along and ended with a few giggles apparently knowing that I'm blushing so profusely at the other end.

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry! Look I didn't mess with her and I didn't even rape her. I was thinking about something else and I have to mutter out some irrelevant stuff" trying to cover up my blabbering.

"You mean you were trying to recall how she touched you and where her tongue was when u were moaning her name out loud." Her giggles and her crude language was something I didn't know how to stop. My blabbering and stammering made her laugh hysterically like a hyena.

"Oh quit it! It's late now. Better get to bed and have a good sleep." I told her in a serious tone so that she would quit her nonsense but to no avail.

"Looks like someone wants to sleep and fantasize her love of her life!" still laughing out loud on the phone.

" Yeah and also looks like somebody's butt is going to get kicked on Monday when she comes to school" I started giggling along with her.

After much talking sleep started to overtake me and we bid our goodnights to each other. I put down the phone and removed my rest of the clothing and nestled my frame under the satin sheets hoping to see another brand new day.

Part 3 coming soon..... Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate it. Please keep sending more comments to It would be helpful so as to improve the next part of my story.

Next: Chapter 3

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