Liams Submission Tested

By Tracer Pupp

Published on Sep 21, 2023


Marcus brought entirely too much food to be defined as a "snack". He had piled on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, strawberries, cookies, almonds, even slices of cake. When he attempted to precariously juggle it all on one flimsy paper plate, it didn't end well for him. As he lowered the plate to me his rather large boot tapped the edge of the bedframe and as though it was in slow motion sent the cake rolling off of the plate and splattering over my chest and harness. The cold icing felt pretty nice, like a dollop of sunscreen, with perhaps some sandy cake in it. Marcus stood completely still with his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Hey, I know you say I'm a snack, but this is going a bit far," I snorted, pulling a pinch of icing to my tongue. He sat beside me and we laughed together. It felt really good to laugh, and to feel Marcus' knee against my thigh. The ever-present tension behind my eyes began to relax as Marcus handed me a fork.

"Waste not want not pup. I'm still having my snack. Both of them actually," he said as he faced me and placed one of his legs between mine. He faced me with a mischievous look and slowly began to lick up the messy pastry. The smooth and gentle caress of his tongue sparked electricity over my torso. Each lick was a line of pleasure one could never achieve with a drug. My mostly forgotten chaste dick had woken up once more from the sensation.

Once most of the icing was gone, Marcus wiped up what was left of the mess with a scratchy rag. A few streaks of pale icing remained, making me smell like some sort of twink poptart. I was already planning on having a quick shower anyways, though tasting sweet had its advantages in a place like this. Marcus sat up facing me and crossed his legs, the smile gone from his face.

Liam looked so small sitting there as he crunched on a couple almonds and sipped a bottle of water. Tousled brown hair fell into his face no matter how many times he tried to style it back. His reddened eyes avoided mine for the most part, I could tell he was trying to keep his mind occupied. I didn't want to bring back his pain, but just pretending nothing happened would be irresponsible for me as a dominant, or any form of partner. I needed to decide if I needed to take Liam home or not. Knowing that he came here mostly for my enjoyment despite his nervousness makes things complicated. How much would he risk hurting himself for me? It was endearing, but uncomfortable to think about.

"Umm. Are y..." you okay? No of course he isn't. "How do you feel?" Liam tilted his head slightly as I stuttered over my words, like a small puppy would. I was tempted to just bring him home, but I wanted him to have some say in it. Liam took a long while before answering, carefully considering his words. I shifted, trying not to appear nervous.

"Better," he looked down, blushing, "thanks to you." His mouth kept moving, as if he wanted to say more. I patiently waited, hands crossed in front of me. I'd wait all night if I had to. "I uhh. It... It just feels good to know that I can trust you. Not just with sex, but with... well," he looked back into my eyes, "all of me."

All of him? What does he mean by that? Before I could ask, his eyes widened and he grew even pinker, all the way up to his ears. "I didn't mean it like that, sorry. Sorry." He let out a deep breath.

"Please don't apologize for telling me how you feel." I laid my left hand over his right. My hand, being much larger, almost completely covered his. He was trembling. "I'm happy that you feel you can trust me, because I know for such a long time that was hard for you. Maybe even impossible." Liam merely nodded his head, eyes back on the blanket. Maybe after a panic attack wasn't the best time to discuss our love life. I mean, it's not a love life. Is it? Was that what Liam meant when he said "all of me"? I wasn't sure. My thoughts left me speechless.

"I should shower," said Liam. He wiped some of the now chalky icing from his chest. I knew this conversation wasn't over, but I couldn't think what the right words to say were. A small distraction was welcome.

"I'll join you, if you don't mind." It wasn't an entirely selfish request with how much sex I had already enjoyed this evening. But, I was highly motivated by the mental image of my naked sudsy sub stud.

"Yes, please!" he smiled, clearly excited. When I held out my hand, he took it and we walked in tandem to the bathroom portion of the break room. I wasn't sure if there was a room in the entire warehouse without a shower, actually. The kinker you get, the more necessary it is. The bathroom was of simple tile, with various artwork pieces of more bathroom oriented fetishes. Several shower stalls with dividers between them lined the wall directly in front of us. To the left, cubbies for gear or clothing stacked high up to the ceiling. When we were completely disrobed, aside from Liam's tail plug which was better off removed in the shower, we stepped into the leftmost stall.

With the water on full blast, it could not even come close to hitting us both at the same time. So, we started a back and forth motion until we were both wet all over. Rubbing our slippery bodies together was already having an effect on my libido. "Umm, Sir. Would you mind?" Liam asked, bending down to touch the floor with his fingertips, his tail wagging against my thigh.

"Not at all puppy, but stay down there for me. The view is gonna be pretty nice." I knelt down on one knee, Liam's ass just inches away from my face, where I loved it most. I caressed his pert ass cheeks before pulling on the silicone toy that came out easily with a small "pop". His hole still looked as tight and tempting as ever. The two combined loads were beginning to leak out only further exacerbating my desire to add a third. I placed a finger on his opening and rubbed circles around his tight ring. Liam sighed, as if I was scratching an itch. I probably was. I laughed, "Does my little slut want another load in him?"

I began touching my hardening cock as Liam gasped, "Yes Sir!" The poor pup was already out of breath. My dick twitched with pleasure, as it usually did when Liam called me "Sir". One, two, then three fingers stretched him out. No lube was required at this point, thanks to him being so full. I gently wrapped a hand around Liam's neck and pulled him up until he was leaning back against my chest looking upside down into my eyes. The arch of his back was divine. I stroked a fingernail up the small of his back and he gasped. I knew all of Liam's hot spots, and knew how to play him like a fiddle.

Passion lit up in my chest, burning. I pinned Liam's small wrists behind his back with one hand in an unyielding grip. My breathing quickened. I took in the look of his pale skin with shades of scarlet, and the few freckles on his shoulders. I shoved him into the wall of the shower stall. Liam wined from the constriction of my hands and the bearing down of my chest, reducing his movement. His soft red lips caught my attention. They were parted with small sounds escaping them. Pleasurable sounds. They made me want to force more out of him. My other hand grabbed his jaw, completely covering his mouth and muffling his beautiful moans.

My teeth scraped down his soft neck. His struggling against me was feeble, I let out an exhilarated laugh. Biting at the flesh of his earlobe I taunted, "Who's my little toy?" My cock head was pressing against his tight ring, slipping up and down on cum and water.

I lifted my hand for a moment, "I'm your toy Sir. Please give me your di...." Back down my hand went rendering him unintelligible. In one smooth motion I pressed him harder onto the cold tile of the stall and my cock slid it's entire length inside Liam's ass. My hand vibrated from the noises coming from my pet, and I let out a deep growl in his ear. My animalistic insticts took over into a frenzy of fucking his hole at full force. He was my toy and I could use him how I wanted after all. Each inward thrust deep into his pussy was accented by the metal tapping of his chastity cage on the hard wall he was lodged against.

"Hmm. I'm feeling pretty generous today. And you've been so good. Maybe we can take care of this tonight," I lowered my hand from his mouth to fist his struggling manhood. Normally he probably would have said something in affirmation, but with my nine inch cock rearranging his internal organs at full force, he could only scream. "Of course, that's only if you behave yourself." Liam's eyes rolled back into his head as he surrendered his body to me. He began pushing his ass back to meet my thrusts, matching my pace. My gorgeous little slut.

I couldn't hold off cumming much longer. I reached an arm around his chest for leverage and pounded into him four more times when I finally blasted my load in his used up hole. My toes went numb and my legs shook as the mindblowing orgasm took hold of me. I embraced Liam tightly from behind as the high wore off, my softening cock still deep inside him. His face was still very flustered and frustrated, but content in the job he had done for me. "That's my good boy," I said, petting his head.

Fuck. That was the third load I had taken tonight. They just kept getting better and better. As Marcus' cock slipped out finally, I couldn't stop the warm flow of cum leaking out of me and splashing onto the floor. When his embrace softened, I turned to lay my head on Marcus' chest. The hot water flowed down between his pecs to heat my caged dick. Sir said he was feeling generous today. I trembled excitedly at the idea of being allowed release for the first time in so long.

After spending a few more minutes cleaning up, again, I made a trip to the toilet and we donned our gear once more. I waited next to the exit for him to lead us out, but noticed that Marcus hesitated. He stood there staring at a feathery curtain with my leash in tense hands.

"Umm, Sir?" I asked softly, concerned. He seemed internally conflicted, I could almost see the thoughts moving past his eyes at a thousand miles an hour. Marcus snapped out of it at my voice, and faced me. Then his gaze fell to the floor. "What is it?"

"I'm not sure what to do now," he said flatly. "If we go back in there, then you could get hurt again." Marcus shifted his weight, uneasily. "Maybe going home is what's best for us."

Oh. He's worried about me. I guess I'd given him plenty of reason to be by now. I hadn't considered that maybe this was all too much for me. Was I just some broken person incapable of enjoying the things I used to? My inner eye drifted back to the mental chaos I just emerged from, the sounding of whips and laughter. No one caring about me...

No. That's all wrong. All of it. I've got nothing to be afraid of. And I'm not alone.

"You told me I'm strong," I said, empowered. I stood a little taller and stepped towards him. "I believe you." Marcus looked at me surprised.

"Yeah, you are," there was a twinkle in his eye.

"Well then," I couldn't help flex my muscles, "There's nothing to be scared of. Anything that I couldn't face alone, I know I could confront it with you. I'm strong," I paused and blushed, "and you make me even stronger." Where there was uncertainty, there was now confidence in Marcus' expression. A fire burning in his eyes, he grabbed me by the hips and kissed me forcefully. His fingers dug into my ass and pulled my cheeks apart as I surrendered control to him once again. Before I could open my eyes after the kiss, I heard a click as the leash was attached to my collar. He pulled me closer with it to bite at my lower lip, painfully. It hurt and I loved it.

"On all fours, pup." A shiver of excitement ran up my spine, as I kneeled before him. He pet my head softly, looking down on me. This was where I wanted to be. This was what I wanted, and what made me happy. What made us happy.

Sir led the way out of the break room back into the Quiet Lounge confidently. There was now no one at all in the main hall, because they were all packed into the Quiet Lounge. Inside the cacophony of moans and smacks combined with the smells of sex hit our senses once more. I felt the heat of the room calming me and loosening my anxieties. All I had to do was obey and trust Marcus, that's easy.

As we passed the middle of the lounge where Sir's friends were seated, he nodded in their direction, but continued walking a short way to a padded rubber bondage table. He stopped abruptly and I bumped into his boot. Marcus took a firm grip at the back of my leather harness and forced me to stand, then swept my legs from under me to pick me up entirely. I was thrown onto the shining black table. The table was not empty however, as underneath me I felt an intricate arrangement of leather straps and buckles.

With movements so swift and practiced, I couldn't detect them until they were done, he locked together my wrist cuffs and then attached them to my harness D-ring. He then clicked my ankle cuffs together, limiting their movement as well. From below the table he produced a ball gag and blindfold which he applied to me. The last thing I saw before the darkness was Sir's determined face, sadistic pleasure gleaming in his eyes.

Liam's semi-immobile body began to struggle, and I grinned. I wasn't even halfway done restraining him, but soon his motions would be pointless. While holding him down by the chest, I fully opened up the leather sleep sack that I laid him upon. I started with the three thick leather straps designed to keep a boy's arms against their torso, thighs and calves close together. When they were tightly bound, Liam renewed his struggling with even less success. I enjoyed the way his pale skin was dug into by the unrelenting leather.

Next was the easy part, like a winter jacket, I zipped up the leather three times all the way up to Liam's collared neck. He must have begun to understand what this restraining device was by then because he began to moan and attempted to rotate his body in an attempt to let himself loose. I wouldn't make it that easy for my prey. I finished off the bondage with more straps that went around the entire bondage table securing him tightly to it. Now, the most movement he could do was with his head and neck. I looked down at Liam already sweating in the heat of the room and from the motion of his squirming. Now to decide if he deserved an orgasm tonight.

I unzipped a portion of the sleep sack at Liam's crotch that exposed his caged penis. It strained against the shining metal, wordlessly begging me for release. Since he was so well bound, I figured it was safe to remove it finally. I took the chain from my neck off and set the key into the locking mechanism at the top of his cage. Though it had been such a long time since he had felt that, Liam recognized it immediately and screamed into his ball gag. "My, my. Someone is desperate," I teased him. "I'm not sure if you deserve to cum, but I've decided that you at least deserve to be let out into the open air."

I clicked the lock open. My boy flailed his hips as hard as he could to encourage the cage to fall off, but there wasn't enough motion possible for him. Ever so slowly, I pulled the cage from his leaking and straining cock. The sounds he made as the sensation hit him where he had felt nothing for so long were delightful. With a small "pop" his cock head fell from the cage and smacked against the sleepsack, pointing straight up at his face.

I didn't see it often, but Liam's length was still impressive when it stood at its full glory. The pale skin of his shaft was flushed red with blood and his cock head was nearly purple with need. I pulled the ring off from around his balls and cock base as gently as possible. Deep lines where the metal had tugged at his skin for weeks would take a while to fade. Already Liam's balls were drawn up tight to his cock, ready for release at the slightest touch.

I began to touch him, light as a feather, over his hyper-sensitive dick. The leather strained and creaked as Liam fought against them when I ran the tips of my fingers over his balls. Soon he whimpered in pleasure and need as I continued to frustrate him. A pool of precum built up under the head of his swollen cock which I spread over his gagged lips for him to taste. He was so obviously close to orgasm, but I wanted to tease him further. But how to do it without pushing him over the edge?

I got it. "Liam. Do you want to cum puppy?" I cooed. Unintelligible words flowed from his mouth, and though I couldn't tell what they were, they seemed to be positive in nature. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather be locked up for another few weeks? Just think of how horny you would be for me by the end of it." Liam shook his head violently and raised his voice. I could hear the word "please" being repeated quite often. "Okay boy, I've decided I'm going to flip a coin. Heads: you can cum now. Tails: a few more weeks pent up for you. Still his head continued to shake, but his opinion didn't really matter at this point, now did it?

I pulled out a quarter and flicked it up into the air. It shone off the dim lighting at the sides of the room as it raised then fell. As it landed in my hand, I seriously considered what I wanted the result to be for the first time tonight. I'd read before that if you can't decide between two things, flip a coin and before you know the result of the toss, you'll know which result you want more. I looked down to my closed fist with the coin clenched within. With a smile, I placed the coin down on the table without looking at it.

Every muscle in my body squirmed against the stiff leather encasing me. Marcus was teasing me, again. He knew that I loved to be treated this way, but I did fear for my sanity if I didn't get any relief soon. And now he's going to leave it up to chance. With my sight blocked off, I focused my sense of hearing until I heard the coin toss. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt sweat dripping from my limbs in the hot sleepsack. My cock burned fire red with need as the coin landed back in his hand and he was silent. I held completely still and waited. I didn't even dare to breathe.

The click of his boots surprised me as Sir walked away. NO WAY! Fuck. I renewed my struggling against the bonds and screamed around the ball gag tightly cinched around my head. For a full minute I heard nothing but the chaos surrounding me. Sexual slurs, moaning, the straining against tight bondage. I tried to thrust into the open air to just bring the smallest relief, but of course found none thanks to the strap right over my waist.

Again I recognized the distinct rhythm and clicking of Marcus' boots returning. He set something heavy down at the end of the table I laid on. Without warning, a damp cloth was held up to my nose. It smelled thickly of poppers. "Inhale puppy." Sir commanded and I obliged, taking the longest breath I could and holding it in. The heat rose up through me as I exhaled and the sensation of flying overtook me. Marcus took this opportunity to attach something to my cock, though I could barely feel it at this point. The pounding in my head signalled the decline of the high and my senses slowly returning to normal. My cock was now in a cylindrical object, cold and smooth walls surrounded it, as well as cool gel soothing my burning red hot rod.

As my brain returned to normal I was reminded of just how horny I really was. Though the cylinder didn't move on my dick, just the cool sensation had me shivering. I tried to thrust up into it, but it was futile to move at all. The click of a switch sounded and suddenly my cock was being stimulated. First the air was being pumped out of the cylinder, making my dick feel bigger and fuller and press up against the walls of its container. Then, almost imperceptible, the cylinder began to make its way up my cock. It pulled up over the course of an entire minute until only the head of my straining cock was still inside it, then it began to make its way back down. The speed was agonizing, and the pleasure was intense, but I sorely wanted more. I was close earlier without even being touched, but the slow sensations made it feel like it would take hours for my orgasm to come.

Another minute crawled by. The machine slinked its way back down to the base of my cock, sucking all the way. I was so horny. I had no shame at all as I begged through my gag for Sir to make it go faster, please. But all it earned was a teasing, "Does that feel good boy? Good. Then I'll just leave you like this for a while." There was no point in fighting it. I had to lay there and accept this mind-numbingly slow pleasure. The cylinder went up and down five more times before sir raised the cloth back to my face. I inhaled it's acrid scent and succumbed to the high once more. As I was floating again in the blissful heat, I felt the milking machine pick up speed. My eyes widened and my heart fluttered in my chest. Would this be the time?

It continued to speed up. The pleasure coursed from my cock to every inch of my body. Marcus leaned down close to me and whispered, "You can cum boy. As many times as you like." Something shifted into place in my mind. I closed my eyes and seized as three weeks worth of cum and denial shot out of my cock into the machine. Tears rolled down my face at the sheer intensity of the orgasm that kept going and going. The machine slowed its motions but still my cock spurted load after load of cum. Soon, my cock and pelvis were both covered in my own semen. The warmth blossomed from the cylinder and leaked off my body.

As my breaths slowed and heart stilled, I heard an eerie chuckle above me. "You don't think you're done, do you?" Marcus teased as he wiped some of my cum from the base of my cock. He smeared it over my gagged mouth and clicked another button. The machine whirred back to life and brought agony to my post orgasmic member. I screamed from the overstimulation of my terribly sensitive cock. "We are just getting started..." The relentless milking machine sped up to its top speed. It felt horrible, but still my cock stayed hard and raring for more. How long would this last? Fuck.

I smiled down at my writhing pup, unable to stay still from the machine's unending pleasure. I wasn't sure how long I wanted to leave him there. He was so pent up, perhaps it was best to let the machine do its work until he was shooting blanks? I reached down to gently remove his blindfold. His eyes found mine and we stared at each other. The corners of his eyes were creased in discomfort, but still when I looked intently at him I saw his deep submission and thrill of what I was doing to him. I knew he would endure it as long as I wanted him to, or until he passed out on the table.

I replaced the blindfold over his wandering eyes and very deliberately, and audibly, walked away. I wasn't going far, but far enough to make him worry how long he was going to be left there. As I reached for a bottle of water on a nearby table, I could hear Liam's guttural moans signalling his second orgasm to the milking machine. That was quicker than expected. I looked at the time. 4:11 am. Fifty more minutes of this would be fun to watch, but I wanted to use Liam's hole one more time tonight, to make sure he knew who owned him.

Liam came twice more in the next twenty minutes. The machine kept up an erratic pattern of stimulation that I knew from personal experience was impossible to resist. By the end of his fourth orgasm he was mumbling incoherently and out of fight against his bonds. Finally, I shut the machine off and began to untie him. As the straps loosened his eyes met mine. He looked perfectly calm and content, my little sub off in subspace. When the sleep sack was completely open and Liam's sweating body was exposed to the open air, I wasted no time climbing on top of the table. I spread Liam's tired legs apart and kneeled between them and pressed my cock against his hole once more.

"You're mine," I whispered as I plunged my cock into his warm insides. As I pressed my chest up against his to hold him closely, his cock began to harden between us. I fucked him gently, already close to the edge. This fuck wasn't to hurt him, only to cement his role further as my submissive. I kissed him sweetly and his arms wrapped around my neck. If it wasn't for the surrounding debauchery and crowd of observers, we could have been just a normal couple making love. Of course, we had no desire to be normal. As the urge to cum became too great I pulled out of Liam's well used ass and straddled his chest. I stroked myself in his face until finally unloading over his soft lips and pink cheeks. He licked up what he could and cleaned off my cock when I presented it to him.

Around us the crowd approved of the display, grunting their approval as several members stroked themselves to cumming around us. Smiling, I kissed Liam and helped him up from the now wet table.

The shower and saying goodbyes were all a blur to me. I was stuck in a blissful submissive headspace that I was in no hurry to leave. I was perfectly content to follow Marcus and let him lead the way, at the end of his leash. Finally we ended up in the soft cotton sheets of my twin sized bed. I rested my sore muscles as he brought me tea and snacks until eventually crawling into bed beside me, holding me closely. We barely fit together in the small bed. Warm lips kissed my brow.

Our exhaustion was palpable from our sluggish movements, but so was our contentment. I pressed my chest against his and held Marcus' hand as we exchanged soft kisses.

"And to think you were nervous in the car," Marcus said, looking into my eyes. "Then you end up being the star of the entire show from beginning to end. I could make a new phonebook from all of the numbers I got from people interested in playing with you."

"It was a good night. And there's no way they only want to play with me, stud. Just look at yourself for once." I smiled.

"I'll believe that when I hear them say it myself," he chuckled. "But really, I'm proud of you." He let his words linger in the air for a moment then began to get up from the bed.

I grabbed onto his shoulder, "You're not leaving are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I uhhh.. figured you might want your space after everything happened tonight?"

I considered it. "You're right, I do want my space." His face fell slightly. "And I want you in my space too!" Pulling as hard as I could muster, I succeeded in throwing off his balance and dragging him on top of me. I laughed when his mass crushed me and made it a lot harder to breathe, but I was happy.

"Maybe we should swap positions?" Marcus suggested as he lifted his weight from me.

"I don't know, there are definitely worse ways to go than smothered by a dominant muscle ma..." Without warning he flipped me on top of him and my head landed comfortably between his pecs. "Okay yeah, this is pretty nice too."

"Good night, puppy." he said, slightly out of breath. I gave him a nibble on his left nipple to which he jerked.

"Woof!" I responded.

"Yeah, you're getting spanked tomorrow for that, brat. You're lucky I don't kennel you for the night."

Satisfied, I relaxed into his body and closed my eyes, very much content.

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