Liams Submission Tested

By Tracer Pupp

Published on Jul 30, 2023


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Love and Thanks, Tracer

"Shower," Marcus pointed to the corner of the blue tiled bathroom. "And face the wall, I love the look of your reddened ass." I complied, setting the water to cold, both to stop my cock from getting hard under Marcus' gaze and to soothe the burn in my ass. He left and then returned with my bag and instructed me to change into gear. "I'll be waiting for you inside. Take your time if you need it." He leaned into the small shower to kiss me softly, and left the room. Moments later the door opened once more and his head popped in. "Also, you better behave pup, or else."

I suppressed the smile that wanted to crawl across my lips. He did often love to threaten me with a good time. I pulled a scratchy black rag from the rack beside the shower to towel off, and approached my backpack. It was always a chore to gear up completely in a space like this, especially without the feel of Marcus' warm touch as he slid layer upon layer, tightening and checking the fit of each item. The entire look was meticulously planned by Marcus to be his perfect porn star puppy.

I slid on each item one by one, slowly feeling myself enter my very familiar submissive puppy headspace. I started with my favorite black leather bulldog harness, tightening it to mould to my body perfectly. Then came leather wrist, bicep, thigh, and ankle cuffs, knee pads, a blue hanky tied around my neck, and lastly (for now) my blue neoprene puppy hood. As I slid the hood on, I relived the smells of sex and cum inside of it from nights previous. The scents always clung beautifully to the hood.

This wasn't nearly all the ensemble, but Marcus likes to apply the finishing touches personally. With my exposed chastity cage swinging between my legs and feeling a bit more appropriately dressed, though still feeling those butterflies, I left the bathroom. Coat check accepted my bag, the attractive attendant wolf whistling as I walked away. I was finally let into the main chamber of the party space.

As opposed to the drab colors of the outside of the building, the inside was quite colorful. There was a lot of red lighting in there for sure. The decor was that of a honeymoon suite for whores. Some corners were pitch black, others were well lit with St. Andrew's crosses, and plenty of bondage tables and racks. Long banners depicting all forms of sex, kink, and leather covered the walls and the space was full of couches, bedding, and tables for guests to enjoy. Not for all guests, I reminded myself, the burn on my ass flared for a moment.

Marcus was in conversation to my left with a group of dominants, some of whom I recognized, but most were brand new to me. They were seated in soft-looking armchairs that surrounded a small mattress on the floor. The mattress had plain red sheets on it and looked untouched so far aside from the rings meant to attach to cuffs or rope bondage. At the feet of half of the dominants were their submissives either staring down at the floor at the ready, or going around the circle giving oral to any who beckoned for it. Sharing your toys is encouraged here.

He noticed me immediately and without pausing his conversation pointed down at his feet. There was mercifully a small blue blanket there on the hard flooring. My bare feet felt like I was dipping them in ice water on the cold ground as I walked to him. Hopefully that was just part nerves. Not to worry though, I would be walking on all fours soon. I knelt before my Sir and finally got a good look at him. My caged cock stirred. He had changed too, after all.

Black leather boots, cleaned and polished by me to perfection earlier today, rode up to just below his bare knees. His thick and onyx colored thighs were bare up to the leather jockstrap that bulged seductively. From his jock, a complicated harness rose to encompass but did not to hide his intimidating torso and abdominals. A leather gloved hand reached for my chin to grant me permission to look up at him. Thick leather bicep straps accentuated his well defined arms and upon his head I could see his favorite baseball cap, turned backwards. Around his neck was a simple chain with the key to my chastity cage dangling between his pectorals.

I could feel the eyes of others on us as he produced my rather eccentric chain collar. The cold of the metal made me jump as he gently locked the padlock in place. In the center of the collar was a blue dog tag with my name on it, "Liam." Next from behind him, he pulled out my locking pup mitts. He secured them snugly over my hands, rendering them into useless paws. There was only one piece of my puzzle missing at this point, and I knew what it was. I began to shiver at the thought of it. Marcus twirled his finger, signaling me to turn around away from him. Once I complied, he said, "up, boy." Thankful that my hood would cover the massive redness blushing my face, I lifted my hind legs onto his lap, where my hole rested inches from Marcus' face. He gave a soft chuckle and grabbed my hips, forcing them even higher. I held and balanced my body up by my arms, it wasn't easy. It felt like a much more difficult push up position that I needed to hold during the distractions to come.

With my ass in the air, exactly where he wanted it, he began to slowly tongue his way around my tender hole. I let out a rather audible gasp, which earned me a warning spank before he continued to tease me. Marcus circled my asshole for minutes never quite touching it, and occasionally nibbling around it. As he did, I ventured a look around to the other doms. The conversation had stopped completely, rapt attention was being paid on us now. I counted 3 hard cocks pointing up and out now, others pawing at their crotches. The subs watched too, though like me, he had to be careful not to get caught. Carter, two seats down, pulled his sub Luke by the collar into his lap to satisfy him as he continued to watch.

Sir had reached my asshole just then, very slowly licking up and down until he applied enough force to penetrate me. I stared down at his boot laces, unable to concentrate my thoughts anymore. Each of the reflective shines became stars in the night sky as the blood rushed to my head. Heat infected me like a popper high. Marcus' hand reached under me first to stroke my collarbone, abs, and then to squeeze my balls with his big hand. As he began tongue fucking me, he reached behind him at a long toy, and held the blunt end to my mouth for lubrication. I enclosed the round toy inside my mouth and let my saliva coat it. He removed it and I felt the toy at my entrance beginning to be worked in. It widened and widened until it reached its maximum width, where I moaned softly, and finally landed home. My pup tail plug was in place at last.

Marcus kissed softly around the edges of the tail in my ass and then once on each cheek before helping me back to the ground. Slightly out of breath I looked up to him, and he finally smiled at me and reached forward to pet me on the head. I couldn't help but wag my butt and tail back and forth happily. Several "awee"s sounded behind us, bringing us back to the present. Marcus' smile disappeared, donning his dominant persona, and unbuttoned the cod-piece on his jockstrap. The massive bulge there transformed into his thick uncircumsized cock, which flopped back against his belly. He was especially excited tonight I could tell by the string of pre-cum leaking from its tip.

"My turn puppy. Get to work," Marcus commanded, producing my silver chain leash and attaching it to my collar. One forceful pull was all it took for me to be moved into place to take his entire cock. My mitted paws fell in place on his thighs, and I did my best to swallow as much of his shaft as possible. He sighed deeply and reclined back, relaxing. He kept a hand loosely on the leash and occasionally gave it a slight tug if I seemed to be getting lazy. After minutes of this, him and the other dominants resumed their conversation. My tail continued to wag with the rhythm of my cocksucking motion, continuously teasing my hole. I was lost in Sir's masculine scents and the feel of his cock on my tongue. When my jaw needed a break I would pull off completely and worship Marcus' balls one by one like I knew he loved. Then I would move on to licking the entirety of his length from all angles before diving down on it again from the top.

I couldn't have known how long I stayed there, since I was lost in the rhythm of pleasing my Sir, but after a time Marcus pulled my hooded head off of his member. I could secretly tell from the rise of his balls and tension in his abs he was close to climaxing. There was a soft pop and a line of shining spittle connected my lips to his dick for a moment before severing. Without looking down at me he pet my head as if to say "Good boy, rest now." The floor cushion that I sat upon was quite comfortable and warm compared to the icy floor. I relaxed my head on Sir's warm thigh and closed my eyes for a moment. The scent of him clung to my lips, face, and hood. Once again, my cock cage brought me agony as a fresh erection tried to escape it.

"Liam," his voice saying my name made me jump, "Get us drinks before we move on to a more... intimate area." From a few feet to the right another voice said, "You help too Asher, you know how reliable puppies are at the best of times." Carter chuckled to himself, obviously considering himself very funny. I began to stand an inch before Marcus' hand stopped me firmly. A quick look said all I needed to know. "All fours." Well, that complicates things. The completely naked (aside from his collar) Asher appeared at my side and we walked in tandem to the bar. My knee pads helped keep me comfortable and the chill I felt previously was gone from the rush of servicing Marcus.

Once we reached the bar we didn't say anything, well we weren't meant to or there would be punishment, but the bartender saw us and immediately started pouring. A minute later, 2 platters were made with 6 drinks on each. One was handed to Asher, and unfortunately thanks to my useless puppy paws, the other was balanced on my back. When I looked back to where our Sirs were seated, it seemed a much much further journey than before. I'd spilled last time I tried to do this too, and got heavily punished for it. My mind flashed back briefly to my body being tied down to a table and having cubes of ice shoved into my hole and rubbed all over my freezing balls and body.

I'd really rather that not happen again. Something told me it wouldn't be as cute the second time. The tray was already cold on my back as I started the trek back, step by step. I tried to stay as level as possible. Asher was stifling a laugh beside me peering down at my deep concentration. That didn't help at all. After 2 minutes of what was essentially turtle play, I made it back to Marcus' side with the drinks fully intact. He gestured to the other guests and I crawled in front of each of them to deliver a drink until I was finally finished. I took a deep breath, I'd done it.

Marcus attached a leash to my collar once again, and I rested my head on his thigh. He occasionally pet me absentmindedly. It felt so good to be his puppy. Excitement prickled in my belly at the thought of what else we would get into together tonight.

Next: Chapter 3

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