Liams Submission Tested

By Tracer Pupp

Published on Jul 29, 2023


The insides of the car shook as we pulled into the dark and gravel laden parking lot. I looked around at our surroundings, trying my absolute best to not appear nervous to the man on my left driving. I saw several plain cars as well as a run down looking bus. One of the cars was illuminated by the light of a phone, though the windshields were too foggy from the crisp night air to identify the person. This place looked far too normal, as if for sure something was wrong. It felt like there were eyes on me, and monsters in the shadows waiting to attack. Realistically, that wasn't too far out of the realm of possibility for the kind of party we were going to. I took a deep breath, concentrating to keep the shaking that I felt in my lungs still. I tried to flex my freezing hands to bring some blood back into them, afraid they might start trembling too.

It was too late to stop the nervous tapping of my left foot before Marcus reached over and grabbed my hand firmly. I followed with my eyes the line from his fingertips, up his dark thickly muscled arm, over his black t-shirt, up to his jawline and ending my voyage in his brown eyes. Marcus. There was a small flutter in my heart rate when we made eye contact and I could swear he even noticed that. Nothing gets past this guy. I attempted to steel myself and reached for the shining door handle. Before I could open it completely, Marcus firmed his grip on my hand. It was gentle enough to be merely a suggestion, but I could tell what he meant. Stop. I slowed and looked back into his eyes.

"Why don't we give it a few minutes?" Marcus asked kindly. "We're already here a little early." Looking down at my watch confirmed that. 9:55. Five minutes left. Shit. I have no clue whether staying in the car for a few more minutes would make my nerves better or worse. If I don't know that about myself, how in the hell could he know any better? But he seemed to be confident in this decision so I let it happen. I leaned back and bit my lip, staring up at the sunroof. I can just see the twinkle of a few fresh stars in the sky thanks to this parking lot being so dingy.

"Liam." Marcus said. Oh I loved to hear my name on his voice. A hand appeared on the back of my neck pulling me into him. I caught the scent of fresh mint, and the musk of leather as he began to kiss me. His warm lips against mine made my skin prickle, and moments later I was feeling the effects of my new, much smaller chastity cage as my cock tried to get hard. Strong arms grabbed onto my thighs and picked me up, amazingly not hitting my head on the ceiling until I was at rest in my Sir's lap. Even through two pairs of jeans, his hard on was unmistakable against my crack. He continued to feel up my body through my shirt and drew me in for another long kiss. I instinctively ground my ass against Marcus' crotch and sensed him groan into my throat. A few minutes later the moment passed and we withdrew. I no longer felt the butterflies in my stomach. Well, not all of them at least.

There was a significant amount of fog now clouding the insides of our vehicle. I wondered briefly if something similar was happening in our neighbor's car. I couldn't help but reach out and write, "SO GAY," in the steam, and chuckled. Marcus tried his hardest to hide his laughter, but a smile still managed to crease his eyes. "Now," Marcus spoke more firmly this time, "You know this place has a very strict behavioral policy for subs. Something childish like this," He looked to the word glistening in the window. "Would certainly be cause for punishment. While we are in there, you are to be subservient to all masters and dominants and to not speak unless spoken to. If anyone makes a request of you, you find me immediately, tap either my shoulder or knee if you are on all fours, and I will decide if it happens. You are my property for the night." He smiled as he said it. The idea seemed to give him great pleasure. "I know it's a lot to remember, and honestly I think they make the rules so difficult for subs in order to give out more punishments, but you will be on your best behavior for me, won't you Liam?"

Recognizing that Marcus had swapped to his more dominant tone, signalling the unspoken change between us into Sir and boy, I lowered my eyes and said, "Of Course, Sir." I meant it.

Marcus no longer smiled, but simply nodded his head acknowledging me. He looked out the window at the multitude of people now showing up, brightening the parking lot and filling it with the sound of voices. Many made their way to a single red door in an otherwise grey warehouse type building. Looking back into my eyes, he said, "Do you remember the universal safe word for this event?"

There was a second of panic and I felt my eyes widen. I'd forgotten it already. Wow. I had a single thing to remember and fucked it up. "Ummm, no Sir, I'm really sorry. I can't remember it."

"That's okay Liam, but do not forget it again. I will keep you as safe as possible, but I likely won't have eyes on you at all times. The safeword is `Tophat'. Say that for me a few times." I obliged, committing it to memory. Marcus nodded again in affirmation. "Is there anything else you need to tell me before we enter?"

Oh dear, I certainly wasn't ready for that question. What the hell should I say? Thank you? Thank you for what? Maybe i should just say nothing. You can't say anything silly if you don't say anything I suppose.

"No, Sir." I shook my head and looked down again. My anxiety was increasing a little at the idea of leaving the safety of the car and the safety of Sir's lap. But nevertheless, he opened the door on his side and gestured for me to exit. I had a moment of hesitation, as it was a rule that Sir always got out of the car first, but he couldn't well do that with me on top of him. I slid out careful to not kick any genitals as I maneuvered on top of Marcus. It's a little early for that kind of spanking I think.

Once we had both exited the car into the misty cold night, Sir closed the door and opened the trunk revealing two backpacks full of our various gear. "Bring those inside and wait for me at coat check, Liam." Marcus commanded. "I'll be right there." With that Marcus turned to speak with a couple of men and one smaller sub behind them. They walked past until they noticed him and stopped for greetings. I tried to keep my eyes down, so I couldn't quite recognize them but one voice sounded a bit familiar. As I carried the bags, and fuck were they heavy, I could hear more voices adding on to the group of three and some sparse laughter. I took a deep breath. I'm fine. I've done this before. Once.

The gravel crunched beneath my boots till I reached the crimson door. Hmm, no hands to open it. I risked a look back at the group of doms behind me and when I saw none were looking I kicked the door open. It wasn't too loud I thought. I scurried inside and tried not to make eye contact with anyone else. I'm not meant to look directly at anyone unless given permission. Once I reached the coat check I stopped and had a look around. There were plush and colorful chairs laid out before the coat check. Any people that were here before had already gone inside leaving me relatively alone. Well, Sir said to wait here for him.

I set the bags down on the ground and sat down in one of the inviting chairs. This one is a delightful lilac and other than the wrist and ankle restraints located at the footrest, could have been found in any courthouse or medical waiting room.

So, there I waited for a few minutes. It got a little boring as no one entered the room for a few minutes. Of course I left my phone in the car, it would have been nothing but a temptation and would have made Marcus look bad if I started pulling it out. Marcus trusts me to behave for him and I try my hardest, because he's just worth it. And he is very rewarding. I begin to think back to his hard on rubbing against me. How long will I have to wait before I see it naked in front of me? Or in me. My cock cage strains in discomfort at my hardening cock meeting its resistance. Fuck. It's been 3 weeks now since I've had any release. Marcus loves to have me dripping and horny beyond reason, especially at these types of venues.

There's an echoing thunk as the door finally opens and footsteps sound. The sound of voices fills the chamber we are in until they all stop at once. Curious. I peak a glance in their direction, worried something might be wrong. I was right that something was wrong. My heart and stomach and likely my lungs also felt like they dropped to the floor. They were all staring at me. Some with mouths open, others leering, and some others were already smiling with glee. The subs of the group looked shocked or terrified. At the head of the group was Marcus, stone-faced. I couldn't think of what I was doing wrong. I wasn't in gear yet because I hadn't been through the clothes check. I was ordered to wait in front of the clothes check and here I am. It couldn't have been kicking the door? I made sure no one saw. What the?

I looked down. Fuck. The chair. I'm sitting in a chair that was clearly meant for dominants. The wrist and ankle restraints were placed to keep their subs immobile at their feet. Immediately I hop off the chair onto my knees on the hard stone flooring. I lower my head and wait, feeling my heartbeat and pounding in my ears increase. It feels like an hour as the footsteps slowly begin again and I hear Marcus' voice, "Oh yes I agree, he will be punished. Severely. There always needs to be the first anyways. Might as well be mine." Marcus was playing as though he was laughing it off, but I knew him well enough to know when he was furious and trying to hide it.

So, the thing about these types of parties is this is supposed to be as real as possible. The punishments here are not "for fun." They are very intense from what I've seen at the last party. I didn't receive one personally, I got off easy when I messed up, but the caning I saw my friend Jake receive was one to remember for a lifetime. Worse still is there is always a joke going around that whoever gets the first punishment deserves the most severe of them all to maintain discipline with all the other subs throughout the night. Sweat began to cling to my skin at the thought. This time it was me.

Marcus was the first to reach me. He stopped before me, his crotch a foot from my face as I groveled on my knees. My hands began to feel cold and shake again. Heat rose to my face in shame. I wanted to apologize to him, but I'm not to speak unless addressed first. He stood over me for a long time. I could feel the eyes of many others penetrating me and unraveling me. I fought the temptation to close my eyes or bite my lip. Just wait. Marcus took a deep breath. "I see you realized what you did wrong, slave. Not 5 seconds after I walk through the door you violate the submissive behavior-at-rest policy. I shouldn't need to tell you chairs are not an option for you." Dominants begin filling the plushy chairs around me, watching. I hear chuckles and whispering behind me.

"Stand up and strip, boy." Marcus commands me. I don't hesitate. I know it will only make this worse. I get down to my underwear and eventually shirk that off too. The door continues to open and close as new guests arrive on the scene. The chilly wind from the open doorway hits my naked body causing me to shiver each time. Actually, I'd probably be shivering regardless at this point. I can see people in my peripheral vision. All completely clothed, in plain clothes. No one's changed into a piece of gear yet, and here I am naked before them.

"New cage for the boy, Marcus? I really like the look and shine of the metal on his skin, and wow it's so small!" says someone as I kneel back down in front of Marcus. I recognize the voice. It's one of Sir's closest friends and neighbor, Carter. He and his two slaves Luke and Asher are no stranger to Marcus and I's bed or playroom, or really our lives in general. I briefly wish one of them had been the first one to fuck up.

"Yes Carter," Marcus responds, still as dangerously calm as always. "And the highly conductive metal has many uses aside from preventing him pleasure. I'll show you some later." Marcus takes a step closer to me. Now his crotch is an inch away from my downturned face. "Liam, since you have decided to disrespect every dominant in this room by using our furniture without permission, I have decided they will all join in on your punishment if they so choose. It's only appropriate that your punishment fits your violation. I invite all of you here," Marcus turns around to his audience, "to choose your own device of torment for my boy. I'd like you all to hit him as hard as you like across the ass once each. Stand up, boy."

I stood as quick as I could. This isn't going to be easy. There are easily 30 other dominants in the room alone, with the door still opening and closing fairly consistently. "Against the wall, now." Marcus commanded firmly. He procured from his bag a set of matching leather wrist cuffs specifically sized for me. He very ungently locked them on as tight as he could manage, then found a pipe overhead that he could lock them together over. The pipe was a little too high so I was now standing on my toes, my ass facing the large, increasingly excited audience behind me. Marcus approached me very closely, his lips against my right ear where no one else could hear, "Put on a good show for them, but mostly for me." I could hear him smile through the words, but knew the second he turned it would be gone. He liked to keep up a presence. Marcus pulled his blue hanky out of his back left pocket and wrapped it around my eyes, obscuring the plain brick wall I leaned against.

I could hear the movement and sounds of bags being opened and toys being taken out. There were certain guests debating which toy to use, discussing pros and cons, which would hurt most vs which would leave a lasting mark. "Everyone ready?" Sir asked the crowd. There were sounds of affirmation and of people moving closer to my exposed body. "I'll go first then," he continued. "Why are you being punished, boy?" he directed to me.

"I sat in a chair without permission, Sir," my voice was quivering, there was no controlling it. My arms were already on their way to becoming numb and my calves burned from the strain of holding my weight up.

"You will thank each dominant after each impact for disciplining you. After your punishment is complete you will apologize to every guest." Without pause there was the whistle of a cane through the air that landed dead center on my ass at Sir's full force. A gasp escaped me in surprise at the speed and intensity of the impact. Then the pain set in. My ass instantly turned into flames. I wondered if I felt blood running from the mark. All that escaped my mouth was a small whimper though. I hoped I could at least make Marcus proud in taking his punishment properly.

"Thank you Sir for disciplining me." I said, when I was confident I could say it in a steady voice. I heard his footsteps move to my left a few feet away and stay there. Good. I feel myself relax my bunched up muscles and take a deep breath. I'm not alone. A new pair of footsteps approach.

"I'll admit I've wanted to do this ever since you broke my favorite harness." It was Carter, and he sounded playful. That harness broke because he tried to suspend me with it at the bottom of his stairwell and then decided to roughly fuck my swinging body. It was great fun, but that was totally all his fault. And anyways I was the one who ended up with a bruised knee because of it. What a douche, I couldn't help a faint smile that came to my face. There was a loud flap and a stinging flogger slammed into my butt. There was a loud crack in the air that echoed off the walls and when it faded the pain started fresh again.

"Thank you Sir for disciplining me." I said again, and I prepared to say it many more times. I was still okay by the tenth and twentieth hits. By the Thirtieth, my legs began to shake and give out. My entire weight rested on my wrists. The ache was starting to really build. The rest time between dominants wasn't enough to reset myself and with each hit it took longer and longer to recover. I could no longer keep quiet. Again and again my ass was beat by all manner of floggers, strops, canes, paddles, and even cooking utensils. Twice it was shocked by a viciously powerful cattle prod. The room was a constant chatter with the excitement hyping up. They knew this would be a party to remember considering it hadn't even started yet. Every dominant participated in my torment. My screams got louder and louder until I couldn't scream any longer. I was left moaning and whimpering in submission.

The last person to approach wore high heels and walked with an obvious rhythmic confidence. "My my, little sub boy. You've endured a lot. Here's to your health," she cheered and swung. She chose a cane as well, the most painful stinging implement. I took it silently, my eyes closed. "Good job," she whispered so only me and Marcus could hear.

"Thank you Miss for disciplining me." I finally finished. Sweat dripped off of me, and through the pain I found my strength to stand up again on my toes. Marcus moved closer to me. Rather than embrace me like I thought he would, He removed my blindfold and turned my body to face the crowd.

"Do you have something to say Liam?" Marcus asked me.

"Yes Sir. I'm sorry for using furniture only meant for dominants, I will not do it again." I called out to the entire room. Surprisingly, there was an applause from the crowd. People started calling out, "I wouldn't mind seeing that again, honestly!" "What a well trained boy." "Marcus has been working hard on this one. It's paying off." "Great show!"

Finally Sir reached up and released my wrists, and grabbed hold of my waist to support me up. He used the hanky that was blindfolding me to wipe the sweat from my eyes and brow. He looked up again and said proudly, "Let's get this party started!" People began the process of changing out of street clothes and into fetish gear. Marcus led me to a private bathroom and locked the door behind us. "I'm so proud of you Liam. You continue to amaze me every day." Heat flushed my cheeks at his praise, he always knew how to make me blush when he wanted. I longed to say something back, but really didn't wanna break any more club rules quite yet. I was happy when Marcus pulled me into a strong hug, my head resting on his shoulder.

Next: Chapter 2

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