Liam Takes Charge

By Shawn

Published on Apr 28, 2019


Kyle is no longer the same Kyle I knew before. He changed so much since he met Liam. I don't who to put the blame to. Is it Liam for being an asshole? Or is it Kyle for being unfaithful? I wish thing go back as the way before, before Liam destroyed our life. He used to be very caring and loving to me. Now he barely talk to me unless he really need me to do something to me. Now it's even harder to spend quality time with Kyle. There's always excuses when I ask him to hang out with me.

I feel like Kyle getting closer and more intimate with Liam each day as I feel I surrendered my Kyle for Liam. I hope their relationship nothing more than just physical. Maybe Kyle gonna get bored of Liam someday. All I got to do is just be patient and let time give me answers I needed.

Today is Kyle's birthday. I planned something special for him just to let him know that I always love him. Last year we spend the whole night at local beach, eating cake I bought for him and talking about each other. It was also the night we fell in love with each other after being friend for years. Despite everything that happened between us lately, I want this night to be special for both of us. I bought a sweater for him because I know he needed one since the one he got is getting old.

Lucas: hey Kyle guess what day is it?

Kyle: my birthday lol don't ask stupid question

Lucas: lol please come back early tonight. I made something special for you.

Lucas: remember about last year?

I wait for like 15 minutes for him to reply back to me. Then I texted him again:

Lucas: Kyle please come back early only for tonight I know you're busy spending time with Liam.

Lucas: Kyle?

Kyle: uhhhh I already planned something with Liam tonight. Should've told me earlier.

Lucas: so what about your boyfriend? I want to spend time with you kyle!

Kyle: lol sorry :p

Lucas: kyle please I'm serious

Kyle: I told u I'm busy tonite. I'll eat your fucking cake later

Lucas: kyle seriously?

Lucas: Is he more important than me now?!

Kyle: I'll spend time with you tomorrow lucas would you stop bitching right now

Lucas: no kyle u spend time with Liam tomorrow!!!!

Lucas: I did this because I love you Kyle. I already get you a birthday cake and a present. I'd really hope you could just spend time with me tonight even for a short time. Pls pls pls don't do this to me.

Lucas: I really miss you so much Kyle.

Lucas: kyle please

Kyle: look lucas Liam already planned a huge birthday party for me tonight at the his house tonight

Lucas: what? And you just told me now?

Kyle: if you wanna come you have to ask liam's permission

Lucas: wait a minute, since when did he know about your birthday?

Kyle: I can't text you right now lucas

Kyle: if u want to spend time with me then ask for Liam's permission to come here

Lucas: okay whatever can you ask him

Kyle: ask him yourself

Kyle give me Liam's number.

Lucas: hey liam. This is Lucas.

Lucas: ummmm... can I join kyle's birthday party

Liam: hmm...

Liam: why should I let ya join us?

Lucas: liam pls I already prepared a birthday surprise for him

Lucas: but he said that he's going to your house instead

Liam: so?

Lucas: pls pls pls let me come

Lucas: I'll make myself useful

Lucas: I just wanna be there for kyle

Liam: hmmmm... I'll think about it first

Lucas: pls let me join both of you

Lucas: I'll promise to do anything you want

Lucas: as long as I can be there for his birthday

An hour passed by since I texted Liam. I wonder what kind of party he's planning for Kyle's. It's Liam I'm talking about. I should be angry at Liam for stealing my precious night with Kyle but instead I beg for his mercy to be at his party. I keep looking at my phone back and forth and I'm getting scared if they actually ignored my text. Then my phone buzzed. Liam replied. I'm too nervous to look at the content of the message but I read it anyway.

Liam: okay u can come. I think I know what to do with u.

Lucas: thanks Liam!!!

Lucas: I'll promise to do what you want

Liam: u promise to do what I asked u to do?

Lucas: yes liam I'll do what u asked me thank you so much liam

Liam: your words, not mine

Liam: do everything I asked u to do or I kick you outta my house

Lucas: yes sir I do what u want thank you sir for letting me join both of you

Liam: lol ur so pathetic

Liam: and pls don't come here and bring him cake or anything

Liam: I'll kick you out of my house for that

I cannot help myself to be submissive each time I faced Liam. I went from angry for Kyle to excited to be at the birthday party. What could go wrong? Liam probably only gonna make me serve him drinks or cleaning up the mess after party.

But whatever. I gotta be ready for tonight. I book an Uber and went straight to shower myself. I pick my nicest outfit to wear at the party, spray myself cologne and wait for my Uber driver. I hope Kyle appreciate the gift I bought for him. It's not a designer's sweater, but I picked the nicest one at shopping mall. It cost me my 2 month of working my ass off as a part timer at McDonalds. I don't pick the most expensive sweater impress Kyle, but rather for him to wear for a long time. Something for him to remember about me every time he wear that sweater. I had faith that even after everything that happened between us, we still had feeling with each other. All I got to do is to show him how much I love and care about him.

The ride going to Liam's house feel so long. After a while waiting, I finally arrived. Liam's house located in the middle of rich neighbourhood. Without this party, I don't know if I ever have any chances to walk here. I'm greeted by their security guard. "My name is Lucas and I'm here for birthday party?"

The Mexican security guard look at my face for like 5 seconds before checking in his log book and let me go inside. He's appearance was intimidating enough to me. He's 6 foot and 5 inches tall with stocky body and a beer belly. He also have noticeable tattoo at his neck. I don't like the way he look at me, he seems like one of those typical Mexican gang member in prison.

I proceed to walk into his house, didn't look back at the security guard. I noticed there's three fancy cars parked in front of his house. I'm too poor to know any of this car's brand but I know goddamn well that I'll never can afford these luxuries. I stand in front of his large front door and take a deep breath. I knocked the door and wait for someone to open it, hopefully Kyle.

Someone opened the door. It wasn't Kyle or Liam, but Evan Parker. Evan Parker from sport major. He's famous giving so much gold for our college. But his sportsmanship is not the only reason that he's famous. He's charming for both gays and girls for his adorable baby face, added with his puppy dog eyes. I had a crush on him before I met Kyle. I was shocked to see him here. Why he's here?

"You must be Lucas," he greet me with his soft yet masculine voice.

"Yes, I'm here for Kyle's birthday party," I said with shaky voice.

"Oh come upstairs. The party almost started." Then he just turned away and quickly run upstairs to join the party. I tailed him quickly so that I don't get lost inside Liam's house.

I thought this party exclusive for only 3 of us, I don't expect other people to show up. I saw more guys invited to this party. I know these people. They always around Liam in campus. They all looks like stereotypical Helix Studios twinks.

As soon as they saw me they started to whispers and giggling like they know something about me. Did Liam tell them of what happened between us? Kyle just sitting on couch and mingling with them, barely noticing me.

I rushed to Kyle immediately. "Hey Kyle, happy birthday babe. Here I got a present for you." There's no reaction from him, I kinda hope that he's excited or at least smile at me.

"Oh what is this?" Said Kyle

"You have to open it first"

"Seems like waste of money for you," he sounds unimpressed.

"How can you said that, I bought it special for you Kyle"

"Okay okay I'll opened it later." He grabbed the present and just throw it on the couch, separated from the rest of the presents on table. The way he treated my present really disappoint me. Maybe I picked the wrong time and place to give him the present. It's okay. Maybe he would be happy when he opened the present later. It just that at least he say thanks or be happy about it.

I still remember his birthday last year. I only bought us movie ticket as his birthday present. Not much I can give him since I'm struggling with money. He looked so happy, not even complained about it. He kissed me and said that he will always love me no matter what happened between us. We watched romantic movie at midnight and ended up making out inside the theatre. I hoped that he still remember that sweet moment when he opened my present. I want to make up for last year. I want to give him something that last long.

"Here you are," my thoughts interrupted by Liam.

"Oh hey Liam. Thanks again for inviting me but I thought this party on for us"

"I don't invite you to have fun. Take this and start working." He throw me a bag. I take a look inside and I saw a pink g-string and a bowtie.

"You should've told me earlier if you invited other people. I can't wear this around them, please"

"DO YOU WANT ME TO KICK YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE?!" Liam unexpectedly yelled at me and showing his dominance in front of Kyle and his friends. All eyes suddenly focusing me. I heard giggling and whispering. I was speechless. My face turned red. I didn't mean any protest I wish he told me earlier that there would be more people in this party. Liam is about to do something bad to me on front of his friends. I fucking knew it. But it's too late to turn away and leave now. I went to the toilet and change.

I look at myself in the mirror and I look like a cheap slave for Liam. I'm about to embarrass myself in front of Kyle and his new friends. I took a deep breath and come out the toilet.

"It's about time. Don't just stand there. Go to the kitchen and make us drinks." Liam gave me order while sitting comfortably on his expensive leather couch.

"Yes Liam." I replied with low voice.

"Excuse me? Call me sir or I'll kick you out of this party," said Liam with dominant tone. His friends burst out of laughter seeing me submitting myself to Liam.

"Yes sir." I don't even dare to raise my head and look at Liam. My dignity was non-existent right now.

"Wow it must be nice to have a personal maid. I want one too," said Blake, one of his friends. Fairly muscular and wear glasses. He's look more like a twunk than a twink.

"Well if you need anything, don't mind asking him to do so"

"Oops I spilled my drinks. Can you clean it up?" Joey smirked and purposely spilled the drink on the floor. He's definitely the hottest twink among them next to Liam. His baby face and puppy eyes could melt anyone but don't be mistaken for his innocent look, he probably even nastier than Liam. I noticed that Kyle seems to eyeing Joey since I came to the party. He pay extra attention to him and look at him straight in the eyes when taking to him. It's been awhile seeing Kyle taking so much interest in someone else since dating me years ago. The way gave him attention gave me intense jealousy.

"Goddamn you're evil as fuck," Kyle laugh at Joey for his treatment at me. Joey just sit next Kyle and resting his head on Kyle's shoulder, hugging Kyle's arm like he owned him,

"Come on, chop chop," said Liam.

"Right away." I cleaned it up exactly after he command me. Joey seems to be laughing when I wipe the mess next to his feet.

"Wow Liam you trained your slave really well," said Ezra. This one have a beautiful tanned skin. He have a short military hairstyle and wearing dog tag. He looks like an exotic model from fashion magazine. It's rare to find such man in gay community nowadays. He don't look so friendly

"You know me. If I want it, I'll get it. Like when the first time I saw Kyle, I knew that I'm gonna have his cock inside me before this semester ends no matter what." Liam bragging about himself the whole conversation. I feel like this birthday party is more about him, not Kyle.

"Lucky you, I wish I had a cute stud boyfriend like Kyle. If I had a boyfriend like him, I would love to ride him all day long." Said Ben, he's kinda cute but not as cute as Joey but he's definitely got a nice ass. He love to give Kyle a nice view of his ass whenever he had a chance.

"Fuck off slut he's mine. You can have Ezra since you always had a huge crush on him". Joey trying to claim Kyle from Ben.

I can only hear the conversation from far away. There's no chance that they want to talk to me or even say hi to me. They really treat me like a servant. Not even one of them treat me as equal to them. But surprisingly I'm not upset by this kind of treatment. I felt a sense of responsibility when given order by them. I tried my best to not be scolded again by Liam again, not after he yelled at me earlier.

Hours of working ass off serving and cleaning up after the mess, I can take a break at the kitchen for a while. I'm sweating like a pig. I could really use a shower right now. After a while, I noticed that the party seems quiet. I can only hear club music from the large speaker, but not a words from anyone.

I peeked into the main area and noticed that everyone gone. Where did they go? There's no one left except for me here. I take a look around to find them. Liam's mansion pretty big so they could be anywhere, doing god knows what.

After a while walking around the house, I heard stifle laugh from a room. The door closed shut but I still can hear from outside. I placed my ear closed to the door, trying to hear their conversation behind closed door.

"Truth or dare?" I couldn't recognize most of the voice except for Kyle and Liam

"Truth," I know that voice. It's Kyle.

"Scared to pick dare?" Could be anyone from Liam's friend.

"Hey I picked truth two times already! Give me a break." Kyle replied.

"Okay... so what should we ask you?"

"How about this, who's the hottest among us, minus Liam because we already know that you're obviously gonna pick him"

"Oh shit. Sorry Liam. They ask the question and I have to answer that."

"Fine, just answer it," Liam sounds annoyed.

"Definitely Joey." Kyle's answer made me angry even though I'm not surprised by that. It's not that I mad at Kyle, at Joey after he treated back then. Joey might be even worse than Liam. I can't forget the way he taunting me by caressing Kyle's arm while spilling the drink on the floor for me to clean it. What did I do to him?

"Haha you heard that Ben?"

"Whatever. Just spin the bottle"

They play truth or dare inside closed door without me knowing. Judging by this horny twinks and Liam around Kyle, I know exactly how this game gonna end. Unless Liam decided no one can touch Kyle except for him. I rather have Liam take control of Kyle all by himself than letting these nasty twinks get their hands on Kyle, especially Joey. I fucking hate him the most.

"My turn, I choose dare." That's Liam. I recognize that voice very well.

"Pick someone and make out with him in the closet for 10 minutes."

"Okay... I wonder who I should pick...Decisions, decisions..."

"Just pick Kyle and do it slut!"

"I dunno... It's a hard decision but...okay! Let's go babe. Oh are you sure to ask me to do it inside my closet? I don't mind doing it in front of y'all anyway."

"Show off"

"Fucking do it if you dare. I'm tired watching porn anyway. I need a real show in front of me."

"Can I join?"

"Fuck off Ben you already got Sean"

"So y'all want it in my closet or here?"

"What about Kyle? Did you ask about his opinion?"

"I don't mind doing it here. Let's give them the best 10 minutes of their life"

"Whatever you say babe"

Suddenly I heard screaming. They goes wild and I don't know what happened next. Liam definitely shamelessly whoring himself out for Kyle in front of his friends. I don't what exactly Liam is doing but it must be really hot, considering the crowd still going off for few minutes. My 4 inch getting a hard on even without knowing what happened between the closed doors. I rubbed my erection through my g-string. The thoughts of what they were doing really overwhelmed me. I wonder what how Kyle looks right now. The thoughts of Liam's friend got to see Kyle demonstrate his sexual performances on Liam made me wet. My pink g-string getting wet with my leaking precum. They must be imagine themselves in Liam's place right now.

It's been 15 minutes. The screaming slowed down lesser and lesser and I heard no one speaking anymore. Then I heard wet kissing sounds and soft moaning. Kyle and Liam moaned together. No one made any comment from this moment. They seems quiet and calm down. Did they just look? Or they are all jerking off to the live performance? I heard repeated spanking sound followed by Liam moaning like a cheap whore on amateur Pornhub video.

"You like that babe?"

"Hell yeah I fucking like that you sexy little slut"

"Do you want more baby?"

"Fuck yeah I want more. You made me so fucking horny right now baby boy"

"What do you want birthday boy? I'll do whatever you want right now. Just tell me what you want me to do baby"


"Yeah baby I'll make you the happiest boy in the world tonight"

"Oh fuck yeah I'm so fucking turned on right now. Okay how about you dance for me, twerking would be so fucking hot. I want to see that sexy ass poppin' for me"

"Okay baby whatever you want. Sit down and enjoy birthday boy."

Liam's friends goes wild again after being quiet for a while.

"Yasss work bitch"

"Twerk that fat ass bitch!"

"Omg Liam you're such a slut!"

"Oooooh my god!"

They cheered and screamed for a while. Kyle must be having a great time right now. Mixed feeling of angry, disappointed, and horny run through my body right now. My tears unexpectedly flow through my cheeks. Tonight supposed to be my special night with Kyle. We could've laughing and making love right now if it wasn't for that unholy slut Liam came into our perfect little life.

I want to protest and claimed Kyle back for myself. But each time I had chance to do that, I can't do nothing but being submissive to Liam. He always win. I missed Kyle so much. I missed the simple times when I had a fever and Kyle just lay next to me, making sure that I feel safe and secure until I get well. Yes, that was the kind of person Kyle used to be. I still remember waited me for 2 hours during my lecture to hang out with me. He peeked through the tiny window next to me and made stupid faces while I tried to concentrate during lectures. I love little thing about him, like the way he smell like the same cheap cologne since first I met him.

I don't fall in love with Kyle because he's hot. No, I loved him because he cured my depression. It wasn't easy for me to open up to someone except for Kyle, he's so full of love and happiness that is so infectious. We're so obsessed with each other then. I don't know if he still the same way as before, but I hope that whatever happened between him and Liam is just a phase. I know for sure that Kyle not gonna last longer with some slut like Liam. But deep down in my heart I scared that Kyle starting to think using his dick instead of his rational mind, I blamed Liam entirely for corrupting my Kyle. This is not my Kyle.

While I'm reminiscing about my memories with Kyle, the door suddenly opened. I immediately hide my boner and tried to explain myself.

"Did you ask got my permission to be here?!" Liam sounded pissed off.

"Uhh...I'm...actually..." before I could say anything, I got slapped so hard in the face. Kyle and his friends literally had their jaw dropped on the floor seeing this drama between me and Liam.

"Wait Liam I let me explain first! I was..."

Another slap landed on my face before I could explain myself. I couldn't do anything except to accept my punishment for listening to them. Some of his friend laughing, some still shocked to see this. Kyle just sitting on a chair. He only wearing his usual yellow underwear while his legs spread open wide in the middle of his friends. Wet spot can be seen from Kyle's boner. He didn't do anything or speak anything to defend me from Liam. He looked shocked and cannot think any suitable words to say to me.

"Did you clean the toilet like I ask you?"

"I don't remember you ask, sir"

Liam kicked me right in the face. The kick was so hard that face hit the floor. At this moment I could really use some sympathy from anyone. I'm gonna cry at this moment. I look at Kyle while struggling to get up. He turned his face away from me. My heart broke into million pieces.

"I told you to make yourself useful! Do I need to bark orders to you all the time? FUCK!" Another kick landed on my chest. I fell back on the floor. My apron accidently lifted from the kick, revealing my hard on and wet spot on my pink g-string.

"Look at this shit! Not only you slacking off, but came here and jerking off like a fucking pervert."

I was beyond embarrassed and trying to cover off my hard on with my hands. Liam pulled my hair and dragged me across the hallway to the living room. His friends get up watch me getting dragged my Liam by pulling hair.

"You need to be punished for disobeying me."

"Liam please have a mercy on me. I'll promise not to disobey you anymore." I'm begging to Liam while kneeling on the floor like a beggar. Kyle watching from far away, unbothered by this situation and seems eager to see where this is heading.

Liam pulled out his phone and call someone.

"Carlos come upstairs right now. I have a job for you."

Who's Carlos? What is he planning right? Is he gonna ask someone to beat me up in front of everyone? Someone arrive at the stairs. It's the security guard at the entrance before. I'm getting worried and insanely nervous now. What's really going to happened now?

"Carlos, you really need extra income this month right? I got a simple job for you right now and I'm sure you gonna love it!" said Liam to his security guard.

"Yes sir, Thank you sir, just tell me what the job is!" Carlos replied with thick Mexican accent.

"It's easy, just fuck this guy over here, right here, right now."

Are you fucking kidding me?! Is he seriously going to ask me to fucking with that guy in front of Kyle and his friends?

"Right now? Here?"


"Uhh...In front of all of you?"

"If you don't want the money then I'm gonna ask Juan to do it. I'm sure he's more than willing to..."

"Okay okay I'll do it" Carlos cut off before Liam could finish his sentence.

"I'm sorry my friend. I really need that money. My daughter back in Mexico is really sick right now." He tried to reason to me for doing this job asked by Liam. He starting to undo his belt and pulled his zip down, revealing his 6 inch hung and uncut cock. I was disgusted by this but my 4 inch boner tells otherwise.

"Well accept your punishment right now," Liam ordered me while slapping behind my head so hard.

"It's okay my friend, I'll go easy on you, don't worry." He tried to comfort me while wagging his cock in front of my face. He don't seems feel ashamed of showing his cock in front of us. I bet he really need that money so bad. I kinda feel sympathy for him. Maybe I could just do it for the sake of his sick daughter.

I slowly grab the base if his cock and start to suck his cock. I can't stand the smell of his cock. The strong smell of his body odour and sweats penetrates my nose. I tried so hard not to gag and puke from the smell. It's been 5 minutes of sucking and licking his cock and balls. He had a hard time getting an erection but slowly getting hard with my blowjob skills. My jaw getting a hard time sucking his cock. The girth of his cock make it hard to suck it without having my teeth scraping his skin.

He hold my head with both hands and start to fuck my mouth. I'm struggling to breathe as his cock fills my throat and block oxygen flow into my lungs. Liam pull my hair pressed my head, forcing me to deepthroat Carlos's 10 inch Mexican cock.

"Suck it properly bitch," said Liam while slapping the back of my head.

"Mmmmhhhmmmmmmm," I moaned in pain as Carlos's cock destroys my throat. I'm used to Kyle's 8 inch but this one is too much for me. I try to stop for a while to rest my jaw and throat but Liam won't let me rest. The rest of the people just laugh to see me struggling for air. Joey pulled his phone and started recording.

My gag reflex not doing so well tonight. I feel like I'm to going to vomit. I pulled head from his cock and vomit on the floor. I can see the leftover burrito I ate this evening on Liam's marble floor.

`Oh for fucks sake! Gross!' Liam disgusted to see me vomit.

"Ewww yuck!"

"How can you have sex with this pathetic pig Kyle? He can't even suck cock properly. Thank god you met Liam," Joey making fun of the whole situation while Kyle just watching me with disgusted face.

While still trying to recover from vomiting in front other people, I feel the tip of Carlos's cock impales my anus. I'm not ready to get fucked by his 10 inch cock. I don't even know that I'm capable of handling that massive cock with my ass but I had to take it before Liam gets angry again.

"Oh fuuuuck! Carlos wait!" I screamed as Carlos slowly fucking me and trying to get use with my ass. He just ignored me.

"Carlos please slow it down! You're so fucking big! You said that you're gonna go easy!" Each thrust feels so painful that I started to cry. I feel like my ass being ripped out by Carlos.

Carlos fuck me harder and faster. Each thrust make loud clapping sound. He rest the weight of his body on my back and keep thrusting his rod inside my ass. I can't take it anymore. It's too painful to me. My poor anus getting ripped by Carlos in front of Liam's friends. Liam just recording me having a hard time taking Carlos's cock.

"Oh my god! Kyle please help me!" I tried to beg for Kyle's mercy as I cried in front of him. But my effort is just useless. He just laugh with his friends, having fun watching me being degraded by Liam. He's not even listening to me begging him to save me from Liam absolute control over me.

"Kyle please, I love you so much Kyle. Please I can't take this anymore, I come here to say happy birthday to you Kyle. Kyle please look at me baby. Kyle common! You still love me right? Right Kyle? Kyle please answer me Kyle please!" My face turned bright red and I cried even harder. Hearing I begged for Kyle's mercy made them laughed even harder especially Kyle. He seems having too much fun watching me getting degraded. I was beyond disappointed with Kyle's new personality. My heart broke into million pieces watching him ignoring me being in pain. It's like he's ashamed to being associated with me.

I can't help myself but cried as Liam focusing his camera on my crying face.

"Omg you're so pathetic. You really think that Kyle gonna come at you and save you? He's happy with me now. You want to know what he said about you? Kyle, baby? Do you want me to said it or you want to say for yourself?" Said Liam with a smug face.

"You tell him Liam, I don't want to go near that disgusting pig. I don't wanna smell like vomit on my birthday." Kyle yelled from far away. Liam's friend burst out in laughter hearing Kyle said that.

"It should be hotter if you said it yourself to your ex-boyfriend!"

"Well I guess so." Kyle replied and walk slowly to me but still keeping a distance between us. He don't want to get close to the mess I made.

"I meant to say this to you long time ago. I'm breaking up with you Lucas. I'm with Liam now. Remember when I said that I don't think that me and Liam not gonna settle down with him? I take that back. Sorry Liam. I deserves something better Lucas. I want a better life and better boyfriend. Not a small dick loser who can't even stand for himself. I can forgive you for having a small dick, it's not like you had any choice about it. But you should've told me earlier before us dating. I'm honestly regretted the first time we had sex. Your dick is so small and incompetent that I had to imagine I'm fucking someone else to get an orgasm. You don't even think why I'm always ask you to turn off light every time we had sex? Because I'm sick looking at your face! Don't come here and confessing your love like I feel the same way, it's fucking embarrassing and disgusting! Look at you now! Do you think anyone in the sane mind would want to be your boyfriend?! Buy yourself a mirror and look at yourself!" There's zero mercy in his speech. He yelled at me in front of his new boyfriend and his new friends.

Kyle later added, "Well thank god I met Liam. The first time I saw him in college, my dick getting hard on like I never had before. There's not a single day that I don't masturbate thinking about how he would look naked, spreading his legs on our bed and eager to give me pleasures that you'll never able to give me. If I knew how much of a loser you can be like right now, I would've left you for him long time ago. I had to fake our relationship for a year since I knew how useful you can be. I don't have to waste my money on laundry and my rooms always clean. You're made to be a slave Kyle. Just accept the reality and submit yourself to Liam. He even being kind enough to let you serve him. Now look at baby boy and say thank you." Kyle's words is so hard to swallow. My whole time with Kyle was only my delusional fantasy. I cried even harder.

"Wow that is so heartless, even for my standard. That's some good drama for this video." Said Liam.

"I'm gonna cum!" Carlos suddenly say something after destroying my ass for 15 minutes.

"Omg omg Carlos finished it on his face!" Said Liam in a hurry.

Carlos walk in front of my face and shoots 6 massive cumshot all over my face and chest. His cum smell so awful unlike Kyle's cum.

Liam hold his camera carefully so he get a nice recording of the moneyshot scene. Then Liam move his camera closer to my cock.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Said Liam while poking my hard on with his blue sandal.

"Someone actually having fun! Good. Now I want you to take your g-string off and jerk that small cock in front of the camera." Liam ordered me. Carlos pulled his pants back and just left. He seems satisfied after blowing his massive load on my crying face. I stop crying and take a deep breath.

"Yes sir." I took off my g-string and start jerking off my small cock using my thumb and pointer finger.

"Oh my god it's true! I thought you're just joking!" Ben said from far away. He had to squint his eyes to take a good look at my small cock. They laughed watching me jacking off in front of Liam's camera. I gave them the entertainment they needed tonight.

"Now look at the camera and say I'm a pathetic slave with small cock." Liam want to add more humiliation to me.

"I'm a pathetic slave with small cock." I repeat back after Liam.

"Good boy."

I furiously jerked off my small cock. I shoot 2 small string of cumshot on my chest. It's barely recognizable since mine mixed with Carlos's puddle of massive cum.

"Well that's disappointing. Oh well. Now get back to work and make yourself useful."

"Yes sir." Shows over. Everyone turn away and get back to the party area. I stand up, not bothered to wear anything and just went clean the puking mess I made. I cannot walk properly after getting fucked by a 10 inch. I spend the rest of night cleaning up and serving drinks. I don't care anymore about getting naked in front these people. I had nothing left to lose, not even my dignity and self-respect.

After a while they stop ordering for drink and started to dance to the loud music. Kyle, being the main attraction tonight dancing in the middle of the people. Liam, Joey, and Ben seems trying their best to gain Kyle's attention. Joey take this chance to turn his back against Kyle, letting Kyle to move his hands down to his sides seductively while Ben dancing around him waiting for his turn. Ezra can be seen eyeing Kyle's ass closely. Blake and Evan not minding of what happened in the world and just dancing with each other. They don't seem take have any interest on Kyle.

Kyle's starting to get hot and sweaty from dancing. Joey pressing his ass against Kyle's noticeable massive erection. Liam enjoying himself and not minding Joey and Ben seducing his new boyfriend. Kyle had a naughty grin on his face. He's sweating bullet and starting to dry humping Joey. Joey seems to like it so much since Kyle giving him all the attention he wants. Ben only can dance touching Kyle all over his body, still wanting Kyle's attention. Ezra dancing alone and just watched he whole scene with Kyle and those two thirsty twinks. He's more interested to look at Kyle's ass than those skinny twinks.

Joey reach his hand on Kyle's hard on in his back and rubbing it while Kyle's hip moves even faster than before. By the look of his face, Kyle seems to be intensely lustful and ready to fuck Joey. Kyle whispers something to Joey's ear. Joey smiled while hearing his words and look at Ben like already win the competition. Kyle proceed to move his hand slowly to Joey's hard on and rubbing it. Joey about to get lucky tonight. He noticed me watching for far away and gave me a dirty look.

The whole scene is too much for me to see. I left the area and go to kitchen to get myself beer. I need to get drunk right now. Being degraded and losing my boyfriend is too much for me to handle in one night. I opened the can and drink it all in one chug. It's not enough. I need more. There's not enough beer to wash away this feeling. I sit on kitchen's floor and keep on drinking beers. My head feels heavy and dizzy from alcohol. I'm tired and I need time to process of what happening tonight. I feel so sick. My asshole hurts, my head getting dizzy, and body tired of enslaving myself for this birthday party. I guess they're too busy having fun on the dance floor. I close my eyes, hoping to wake up and realized that this is just a bad dream.

I woke up and I realized that I'm in my dorm room. I really hope that last night was just a nightmare but I'm still in my pink g-string and bowtie. My whole body feels sticky and smell like piss. Did I peed myself while sleeping? Did someone take me back to my dorm? Did someone else saw what I'm wearing? What happened while I'm blacked out? I search for my phone and try to find a clue, maybe text messages from Liam or Kyle. There's nothing. I texted Liam for some explanation.

Lucas: Liam who sent me home last night?

Lucas: Liam?

I waited hours for Liam to reply to me. I guess he's still sleeping, tired from partying last night. I cleaned myself and rest on my bed. I have no more tears for Kyle. For some reason I didn't get mad or even held any grudge at him. I just glad that this is over. I had a long time to think about what's gonna happen next while waiting for Liam to response back at me. Should I stop talking to Kyle? He's still my roommate and someday we still had to see each other in the campus. Plus there's another 4 semesters left so it's impossible to just avoid him. But considering that he's the one who want to break up, I guess he's not gonna bother me anymore. He's probably going to move out to Liam's place and live together. Suddenly I heard my phone buzzed. Liam replied back.

Liam: Oh hey lucas! In just woke up lol. So how's last night party? Having fun?

Lucas: Fuck you Liam

Liam: Wow how dare you to talk to me like that. Not after being my slave last night.

Lucas: You got what you want, now leave me alone. Just take Kyle and fuck off

Liam: lol don't mind if I do

Liam: too bad that you slept too early last night. We had so much fun while you're drunk lol

Lucas: You're an asshole liam.

Lucas: I hope someone else gonna treat you the same way that you treated me

Liam: lol u mad?

Liam: whatever bitch

Liam: I bet you won't dare to speak like that in front of me

Lucas: I'm done Liam. I hope you're happy with Kyle. I don't want to do nothing with both of you anymore.

Liam: Oh really? I bet your pathetic ass will come back at me and begging to see Kyle

Lucas: You're gonna die waiting for that

Liam: Lol you're so much fun now. I think I'm starting to like you

Lucas: goodbye liam.

Liam: so you don't wanna know what happened while you're drunk?

Lucas: no

Liam: are you sure? I have lots of things to share with you. A parting gifts. Something for you to look at while jerking off your small dick

Lucas: what is it?

Liam: Do you want it or not?

Lucas: fine. Just send it and stop texting to me.

Liam: okay enjoy yourself Lucas. ;P

Liam send me tons of pictures and video recordings of last night's party.

Pic #1

Picture of Kyle kissing Joey while his hands grabbing his ass. Kyle looking at the camera while Joey closing his eyes and seems to be enjoying the kiss. Joey's hand can been seen grabbing Kyle's massive boner.

Pic #2

Also a picture of Kyle kissing in the living room, except Liam was also in the picture. They had a three-way kiss. Both Joey and Liam had their hands on Kyle's erection. Each of Kyle's hand grabbing both asses while his tongue exploring their wet mouth.

Pic #3

A picture taken in the kitchen, showing Blake sitting on the table with his shorts and underwear pulled down to his ankle. Evan sitting on the chair and sucking Blake's cock. Blake seems surprised by the camera's flash while Evan ignoring the camera.

Pic #4

The picture taken at Liam's bedroom. Kyle was shirtless and sitting on the bed, legs spread wide open. On his left Liam holding Kyle's cock in his hand while kissing his neck. On the right, Joey french kissing Kyle while his hand rubbing Kyle's sixpack.

Pic #5

A portrait image of Kyle naked. Liam on knees, sucking Kyle's balls while looking at the camera. Joey on the other side licking the leaking precum for the tip of Kyle's cock. Kyle smiling while looking down to those two giving him oral pleasure.

Pic #6

Kyle smiling in front of the camera with two solid hard cocks standing beside his face. One of the cock seems leaking precum.

Pic #7

Kyle had both cock inside his mouth while Liam and Joey smiling for the camera.

Pic #8

Pic taken from Kyle's pov, Liam twerking his juicy ass at Kyle massive pole.

Pic #9

Liam and Joey demonstrate their gymnastic talent for Kyle. Both Liam and Joey standing on their hands while having their legs spread wide open in the air. Kyle smiling and sticking his tongue out while sitting on the bed, his cock standing like a flag pole. His cock seems leaking precum seeing those two giving him a pre-sex show.

Pic #10

Picture of Kyle smiling on the camera. He seems drunk and his face full of lust and ready for action. Liam and Joey bends over on Kyle's side. Those two showing their clean shaven bubble ass for the camera.

Pic #11

Same picture as before, but Kyle sticking his middle fingers inside both asses. He's smiling and sticking his tongue out while looking at Joey's ass.

Pic #12

Liam and Joey bends over next to each other, spreading their asses for Kyle. Kyle had his tongue inside Joey's ass while fucking Liam's ass with his finger.

Pic #13

Kyle eating Liam ass while fingering Joey with three fingers.

Pic #14

Pic taken from Liam's pov. Kyle laying on his back while deepthroating his cock. Joey can be seen licking Kyle's pole. Gay porn video can be seen playing on Liam's 42 inch flat screen television.

Pic #15

Kyle bend over and Joey eating his ass while Liam sucking Kyle's cock from below.

Pic #16

Liam spreads Joey's ass with his hands, while Kyle had the tip of his cock inside Joey's ass.

Video #1

Joey lay on his stomach, moaning loudly in pleasure while Kyle fucking him very hard. Kyle looks like he's bathing in his own sweats but Joey seems unbothered by it. The camera moves slow from Kyle's hip fucking Joey's ass to their face. Joey's skinny body overpowered by Kyle's lust. He concentrate his entire energy into his hips and cock, thrusting his manhood inside Joey's ass, bouncing like a soft and fluffy pancake. His cock seems angry and sexually powered, each thrust inside Joey's ass made him hornier and hornier. Kyle bites Joey's neck so hard, while his tongue tasting Joey's sweaty vanilla white skin. There's nothing Joey can do to reduce the pain, he surrendered his youthful body for Kyle's lust. He loves being the reason why someone else's boyfriend or husbands cheating. No top guy can't resist a young and beautiful adonis like him.

Kyle stand up and lift up Joey's skinny body like a baby. Joey put his arms around Kyle's shoulder and wrap his legs around Kyle's strong hip. Kyle insert his cock back to where it belong and continue to fuck him. He stares directly into Joey's blue eyes as he thrust his 8 incher into his ass. They look at each other intimately as they trading lust with each other. Liam laying on his back while masturbate his cock, watching his boyfriend ignoring him for his own best friend. He can only watch his boy breeding his best friend like a wild animal on mating season. Even their moaning doesn't sound human anymore.

Liam furiously stroke his frustrated cock while watching those erotic scenes between his boyfriends and his best friend. Kyle getting close to the end of raging lust. He moaned like an angry beast from a fairy tale while fucking Joey even harder than before, making Joey moaned in both mixture intense pleasure and pain. Kyle eyes rolled back into eyes, he looks like he's getting high from sexual pleasure. His face tensed up like no one ever seen before. "AAAAAARRGHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKK I'M COMING BABY!" Kyle's hip stop moving all of the sudden. His cock pumping out his lust juices inside Joey's fuck hole.

Kyle seems relieved and he came back to his sanity. He throw himself on the bed, trying to recover back his energy from intense fucking for 20 minutes. He tried to catch his breath and relaxed. Kyle eventually calmed down but not his cock. His cock still standing like a flag pole and yearned for more sex.

Pic #17

Joey bends over, exposing his used hole with leaking cum flowing out of his ass. He smiled. Another someone else's boyfriend satisfied with his service.

Pic #18

Picture of Liam frowned for camera, envious of those two having fun without his participation.

Pic #19

Pic of Kyle with my present in his hand.

Pic #20

Kyle showing my sweater I bought for him to the camera.

Pic #21

Picture of the sweater spread on the bed. Liam and Joey stroking their cock facing the sweater. Kyle can be seen laughing so hard at the back.

Pic #22

Picture of my sweater stained with cum all over it with the caption "thanks for the cumrag".

Pic #23

My sweater for Kyle inside a trashcan.

That's all for part 2 of Liam Takes Charge. Please leave a comment on my email . I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for the next chapter since I received so much positive comments from readers. I also accept donation to my paypal account linked to this email .

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