
By Namab Mas

Published on Jan 2, 2018


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Nine

About that time Liam's eye was caught by a new guy who started posting videos on his favourite site. '19yo takes a shit' was the title of the first. The camera was behind the toilet, and the view was perfect as the lad, who looked trim and cute, unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans and boxer shorts to show off his smooth, peachy bottom. It stuck out prominently as he half-squatted, showing off his crack and his tight hole, fringed with a little dark, wiry hair, beginning to pucker out as he grunted loudly. Slowly he pushed out a thin brown fingertip, growing thicker as his pinkish ring dilated further. Liam's dick stiffened as he watched the lad grow a hefty, cracked tail; a dull, glistening mahogany log from which the knobbly end slowly broke away. It fell into the toilet with a loud 'plop,' sending water splashing up on the seat. The lad grunted again and pinched his hole shut, and the six thick inches still hanging from him twisted round and dropped with another loud splash. His cock was semi-hard and he held it down to spray his piss into the bowl, and as his splashy stream tailed off he grunted sexily yet again and curled out another solid turd, and then a slim one. Liam couldn't wait any more, and he tore his trousers down and wanked off there and then as he watched the lad push out a last couple of little lumps, then wipe his bum.

He ended up looking at the lad's profile the next time he came online, and got hard watching two more videos of him taking big, sturdy dumps. He'd uploaded a few photos of himself in his underwear; not of his face, but enough to show he had a pert, quite smooth body and a meaty cock. Better still, Liam saw with a start of surprise, he lived in the same town. He couldn't resist typing a quick message:

Hey. Love those videos of you shitting! B awesome 2 see u do it for real :-)

He didn't expect a reply – people usually didn't on that site, in his experience – so his heart pounded when he logged in again a few days later:

Hi. Thanks. :-) You look hot too, and you're not far away! Fancy meeting up for a chat or something?

They met two days later, in the same pub where Liam had first met Olly. Toby – for that was the lad's name – was cute and clean-cut, and rather well-spoken. He fingered his pint a bit shyly, and looked at Liam with twinkly brown eyes. He was a student too, and at first Liam had been a bit wary until Toby had explained that he was at the newer university on the other side of town. He went and got them another beer, turning over in his mind as he went to the bar how to steer the conversation onto the subject that had brought them both there. He made up his mind as he watched the barman pull the pints.

'I ... er I did like those videos,' he said almost casually as he sat back down.

'Oh,' said Toby shyly. 'Yeah, thanks. Um ... have you ever made any, then?'

'Nah. I keep meaning to, but just never seem to get round to it. I do play with a guy sometimes who keeps saying he'd like to video me, but it's not happened yet.'

'Oh wow! You mean you've ... like, done stuff with another guy?! Like, er...'

'Yeah. How about you? I mean, what are you into...?'

'Oh, just guys doing it and all that. Dunno why, but it's always really turned me on; shitting, like, and other guys doing it, or seeing me shit. I ... I've done it in my pants a couple of times too, when my housemates have been away...'

'Heh,' chuckled Liam. 'Me too. Feels so good, doesn't it...'

'Cor, yeah! Such a feeling as you let it all go, isn't it. Have you ever...'

The ice broken, they talked quietly about their fetishes for a bit longer, both getting turned on as they traded fantasies, and Toby listened in awe as Liam related some of his experiences with Olly and the lads back at home. He didn't want to scare Toby off so he kept away from the feeding and shit-fucking, but even so Toby's jaw dropped as he related how a guy (Nick, he meant) had shat on him.

'Fucking hell,' he said softly. 'That sounds awesome. Love to do some of that. I mean, getting shat on's a bit heavy for me, but I'd love to watch, or do it in my pants or something.'

'We can if you like,' said Liam, slightly emboldened by the beer he'd drunk. 'I mean, if you fancy it...?'

Toby lifted his pint with a hand that was shaking a little, and looked at him intently. Then he nodded and grinned. He had such a cute smile.

'Yeah I do. And ... well, I actually kind of need a shit now,' he said softly. 'I mean, my housemates are in, but if you've somewhere... Wanna watch?'

'Seriously?! Yeah, we can go back to mine. I've got my own bathroom. Now...?

'Er, can we? I am gonna have to go pretty soon!'

They drained their pints and hurried back to Liam's halls of residence. Toby looked a bit nervous as they went, and Liam wondered if he might back out after all. He looked around him warily as Liam opened the front door.

'Okay?' Liam asked as the lift doors closed behind them.

'Er ... yeah,' said Toby uncertainly. 'I ... I really need a shit!'


Toby hesitated again as Liam opened the door to the little shower room. His hands went to his belt, and then he stopped, biting his lip.

'Oh fuck, I ... are you sure?'

'Yeah, I'm sure,' said Liam gently. 'I fucking love watching a guy shit, and I really wanna see you do it. You ain't gonna shock me. Just squat down, take a shit for me now...'

Toby hesitated a second longer, then with the air of a lad who's made up his mind he undid his belt and pulled his pants down. His bottom was pert and rounded, and as he turned Liam saw his big cock jutting out like a gun. He turned and looked at Liam with wide eyes, and then as Liam smiled encouragingly he hitched up his shirt and squatted down. He paused for a few seconds, breathing hard and trembling a little, and put a hand on the floor to steady himself. Then he bowed his head and grunted softly. His hole twitched, pushed forward and began to open, and in the middle of the pink ring emerged the pointed end of his turd. He grunted again, tailing off into a contented exhalation as his hole opened wider, and the end sticking from it grew into a thick, glistening log. His hole rippled around it as it slid out with a soft, slimy crackle. A deep crack across it began to widen, and slowly it pulled apart. Three or four fat inches hit the floor with a muffled thud.

'Ooh, that smells,' murmured Toby, looking round self-consciously.

'Mmm, yeah!' He sniffed deeply. 'Phew, that smells really fucking nice! Keep going ... mm, oh yeah that's a big one!'

Toby grunted sexily as his flaring lips pushed out another dark, cracked log. He looked so hot squatting there with a hefty turd growing from him, and the smell was intoxicating; thick and smoky, and fiercely erotic. His hole flared again as he pushed out the last of his log, tapering cleanly to a point as it slid from him.

'Gonna piss,' he breathed. 'I still need to shit, but I'll piss if I push it out.'

'S'okay, just piss on the floor.'

Toby was still trembling in excitement and his breath was hoarse as he held his stiff cock down. Piss and pre-cum spurted from it as he grunted and strained a couple of times, his dirty, hairy little hole pushing in and out. He farted sharply, and sighed as he curled out another sinuous log, then another little lumpy one. The smell of it hung heavily around him. He puckered his hole out one more time.

'Phew ... that's it, I'm done.'

'Mmm! Oh that's fucking awesome!'

'You like it?!'

'Mmm, yeah, I do. Your shit's beautiful ... and, mmm, it smells so fucking nice too! Want me to wipe you?'

Toby looked startled, and then without a word rocked forward onto his knees and parted his cheeks, for Liam to reach in with a pad of toilet paper and rub gently at his hole. He brought it away with a long brown streak, dropped it into the toilet, and folded another few sheets. Toby gasped and moaned as he began to rub again, clearly loving the sensation of having his bottom wiped for him. Liam's cock pulsed and oozed pre-cum as Toby's satisfied hole rippled beneath his fingers and the fiercely horny smell filled his nostrils. No sooner had Liam finished than he spun round convulsively, his dick in his hand, and together they wanked off, grunting and sighing louder and louder, until Toby's head went back and his face contorted, and he gave a little strangled yelp as he came all over his big dirty shit.

Liam watched Toby take a dump again a couple of days later, and then twice more the following week. Toby really got off on doing in front of him, and twice he came even before he'd finished, yelping and spurting all over the floor even as he pushed his last, lumpy turds out. His shits were big and chunky, all thick curled logs; his smell was delectable, and when he'd done he'd watch in amazement as Liam sniffed and wanked and spunked all over his brown pile.

The third time they did it together was at Toby's house; a quick, furtive dump in the bathroom before his housemates came home. He pulled down his pants and hovered over the toilet.

'Plop! Plop! ... Plop, ploop, plop-plop!'

His shit was softer than usual, and the smell was really ripe. Only minutes after they'd both cum over it the lock rattled in the front door, and they scuttled back to Toby's room.

'I really wanna watch you,' he said quietly, as they lay back on his bed. 'Will you...?'

'Course I will! You free one afternoon this week? I can usually hold it til after lectures.'

Only a couple of days later he was sitting in an early afternoon lecture, faintly horny, surreptitiously eyeballing the hot rugby lad he'd heard having a big splashy dump in the toilets before he came in. He was starting to need to go himself, and that turned him on even more. Discreetly he pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Toby.

Hi. U free? I need the toilet ;-) will b home in an hour

His eyes widened a bit when he got the reply a couple of minutes later.

cool! Me too! Shall I cum over?

He couldn't concentrate for the rest of the lecture, too focused on the growing discomfort in his bowels and the tingling, stomach-fluttering sense of excitement he always got before a session. The vision of Toby squatting across him drifted into his mind, and his dick sprang to attention. All of a sudden he wanted nothing more than to take it in the face; to lie there helpless and moaning as Toby covered his face with his big chunky shit. He clenched up to hold back a fart, and forced his attention back onto what the lecturer was saying.

As soon as the lecture was over he declined a pint in the student union with a mate, and hurried home. Toby had texted again to say he was on his way. Back in his room he lay on his bed and fantasised, and screwed up his face as he fought down the urge to go to the toilet. He was desperate for a shit now, and he willed Toby to get there quickly. Mercifully the entry phone buzzed just a minute or two later.

'Ooh, you really need to go, don't you!' grinned Toby as he came in.

'Yes! I can't hold it much longer. What about you?'

'S'okay, I'm not desperate yet. You first!'

They both stripped quickly, kicking their clothes across the room, and then Toby turned to him, smiling expectantly with his cock in his hand. He stroked it slowly as he knelt down, staring intently as Liam squatted over a bag in front of him. He was breathing hoarsely again, as he always did when he was really turned on. Liam twisted round to look at him, caught his eye and smiled, and then gave way to the overwhelming pressure inside.

'Cor ... oh here it comes!'

He looked down past his pulsing cock to watch his turds drop to the floor; one thick, golden-brown curl after another. Toby sniffed and whimpered behind him. He sighed with relief as they slid through his relaxed hole, crackling wetly and mingled with little gassy farts, piling up into a ragged brown heap under his arse. The smell rose up around him.

'Oh fuck!' exclaimed Toby.


'Yeah ... nearly came ... I can't believe how horny this is, watching you shit, and the smell and everything. Mmm! You got more?'

Liam nodded and relaxed, and gave another little sigh of relief as he finished his shit. Toby stroked his cock behind him and whispered again how horny it was, and how much he liked the smell. He moved in closer as Liam pushed out a last brown sliver, wanking over his pile the a big bead of pre-cum shining on the end of his cock. Liam put a hand on his arm.

'Don't cum yet. Your turn ... I want your shit!'

'Yeah ... oh yeah I'll do it now. Oh fuck...'

He turned away, as if to drop his pile right by Liam's. Liam stopped him again as the vision he'd had earlier shot into his mind.

'Will you shit on me?'

'Er...' Toby looked round sharply, his eyes widening. 'Are you...?'

'Oh fucking hell yes. Please. Do it on me ... shit on my face. I wanna take it in the face!'

'Jesus! But ... really?!'

'Yeah. You know I've done it before, with Olly and those lads back home. I've had it in the face. It's ... I can't tell you how good it feels. I wanna be your toilet. Will you?'

'Fucking hell! Toby breathed. 'Yeah alright, I'll do it. Lie down.'

Liam's cock was so stiff it hurt and his heart was pounding as if to burst through his ribcage as he pushed aside the bag he'd shat on and lay down on the hard floor of the little bathroom, his legs sticking out the door. He stroked Toby's ankle as he straddled him, and then Toby squatted down until his gorgeous arse was just inches above his face. He whimpered.

'Okay? I've gotta go...'

'Oh ... oh yes! Gimme your shit!'

Toby grunted above him; that manly grunt he always gave when he was about to shit. Liam's excitement reached fever pitch as he watched Toby's hairy hole start to ease open, uncovering the glistening head of a big dark turd. Slowly he began to push it out. Liam whimpered again, on the verge of cumming as he watched it come nearer and nearer and Toby's gorgeous smell thickened in his nostrils. Then it touched down just below his nose, all heavy and slimy, suddenly gassing him with its stink. As Toby grunted somewhere above him it began to bend back on itself and break, and he shut his eyes just in time as the whole lot curled around and dropped onto his face. Liam clenched up desperately, fighting the urge to cum. He opened one eye cautiously but all he could see was the snapped end of Toby's turd. Then Toby dropped another one and he was completely blind, buried under the reeking, hot pile, helpless and trapped and gassed by this horny student boy's shit. Toby grunted and farted above him, and Liam tensed up in anticipation and listened intently to the crackling sound as another turd descended upon him. The heavy squelching blow as it landed made him cum at once. He couldn't stop himself. It was all he could do to keep his mouth shut as he squirmed and shook the shit from his face and fired cum everywhere, and Toby gasped and shot all over his cock and balls and thighs.

The following Saturday afternoon found him walking across town to Toby's place, fizzing with excitement. The smell in his room had been a bit embarrassing after the last session and he'd concluded it really was too risky to play there again, but then that morning Toby had called him. His housemates had both gone away for the weekend – one on a sports trip and one to his parents' house – and he had the house to himself until Sunday evening. The possibilities were limitless!

'I've not been for a shit since Thursday,' he'd said huskily. 'I'm hung over and really fucking horny, and I'm starting to need to go. What about you?'

'I had to go earlier. Shame, 'cos it'd have been awesome to do it together again. I'd love to be there when you do it though ... can you hold it for a bit?'

'Yeah, I can hold it,' Toby breathed. 'Come on over ... it's gonna be such a big one ... wanna do it in my pants!'

As Liam walked he got a semi, fantasising about what was about to happen. Toby had only done it in his pants a couple of times, he'd said. It made his dick hard beyond belief, and the first time he'd cum even before he was done shitting. The second time he'd managed to hold off for a bit, but he was so horny that he couldn't stop himself cumming as soon as he began feeling the bulge he'd made. He'd got hard again as Liam had told him of how he sat in his and stayed in it for ages, and he wanted to do it himself. He'd woken up that morning fantasising about having a messy bottom, and he couldn't shift the image now. Nor could Liam, who almost walked into a lamppost, so preoccupied was he with the vision of Toby sitting in his shit. He was only a few minutes away when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

U on the way? Really need 2 go!

Toby was shuffling uncomfortably when he arrived, and the living room smelled thickly of his farts. He sat and stroked himself through his jeans and talked dirty about how he needed a shit and how awesome the sensation of doing it in his pants was going to be. His face was red and intense, eyes half-closed, and he got hornier still as Liam fantasised aloud about making him sit in it and then show off his brown arse. They both got up and stripped, Liam completely naked and Toby to his pants. He was wearing blue boxer briefs that emphasised the pertness of his arse, and his cock tried to burst out the front of them as he sat back down. Then he sat up sharply, breathing hard, and Liam's heart pounded.

'I can't hold it much longer,' he breathed. 'Startin' to hurt. I gotta shit!'

Liam nodded and smiled, and very slowly Toby stood up and turned slightly away from him. For a few seconds that seemed like years he wanked through his pants, moaning softly, and then he bent his legs, put his hands on his knees and stuck his bottom out. Liam leaned in closer, his mouth dry and his mind whirling, and his cock twitched in excitement as Toby gave a grunt and farted softly. He bowed his head as the little slimy crackling sound emanated from his pants, and a lumpy point began to grow between his cheeks. Then he moaned softly, and gasped as his shit surged forward.

'Oh...' he yelped. 'Oh god .. ah! Ah!'

The tent in his pants collapsed into a lumpy mound that hissed and crackled as it swelled slowly up. The smell hit Liam then; Toby's glorious, heady reek that set him off sniffing and wanking. Toby moaned loudly one more time, straightened up a bit and looked round, his eyes half-closed, breathing hoarsely.

'Feel good...?' whispered Liam.

'Mmm!' Toby nodded. 'Oh it's fucking hot ... so fucking intense ... Ooh ... oh another one's coming!'

He stuck his gorgeous bottom out again, and moaned in pleasure as he pushed another meaty turd into his bulging pants. Liam watched in awe as Toby shat himself. His cock twitched and dribbled as Toby strained and farted into what he'd done, all wet and muffled and filthy, and then his pants crackled softly and swelled up a little more as he did another one. He straightened up, gasping.

''Oh! Ooh ... fuck!'

'What's up?'

'Ooh ... nearly came! Jesus ... it's unbelievable ... feel like I'm about to cum every time I shit!'

He turned to Liam, with a big splash of pre-cum soaking through his pants at the head of his swollen, twitching cock. He was trembling all over, his breathing slowing again as he drew back from the brink.

'Ooh no, don't cum yet, just try and relax a little,' said Liam softly. 'Have you finished?'

'No.' Toby shook his head. 'Still loads more, but I'll cum if I do it. Oh it feels so nice!'

'Mmm, yeah, and it smells so nice too. I wanna see it. Can I see it?'

Toby nodded and turned away and bent over a bit, whimpering with the sensation as he moved, and Liam came up behind him and pulled out the waistband of his pants. His shit nestled in a great dark-brown clod against his smeared cheeks, and the smell rose from it like smoke.

'Mmm,' Liam breathed contentedly as he let Toby's waistband spring back into place. 'Nice big shit. Feels so good doesn't it ... go on, wiggle your bottom a bit, yeah, like that!'

Toby gasped with the sensation as he bent a bit and wiggled his bum, and his pile pushed about on his arse and the back of his balls and the sensitive bit in between. Liam took his hand and walked him across the room, wide-eyed and trembling again, and then out into the hallway and onto the stairs, Liam studying Toby's bulge intently as it pushed to and fro, drawing yet more moans from him. At the top of the stairs he stopped.

'Oh man I wanna do some more ... wanna finish my shit now.'

He led Liam into his bedroom, where he hesitated for just a second, and then knelt on his bed with his arse sticking out. He strained and farted again, and then his mouth fell open in ecstasy. He bucked his hips and moaned loudly as he filled his pants up and the hot shit spread across his bottom. The heady smell grew thicker around them as he bucked and gasped and pushed out yet more.

'Oh! Oh yeah ... phew ... oh I'm done.'

'Mmm! Oh that's massive!'

Almost without realising what he was doing Liam reached out and fingered Toby's shit through his pants. It was warm and lumpy, firm to the touch, a great swollen mound on his bottom and down between his legs. He whimpered as Liam pressed it lightly to his skin, and pushed it gently to and fro.

'Ooh! Oh ... no, stop it ... you'll make me cum!'

He stood up slowly, trembling again, and composed himself for a minute or two, before Liam took him off to walk around the house again. He kept Toby on his feet for a long time, getting him to bend and squat and wiggle his bum. It drove him mad each time, and then he nearly came again when Liam bade him kneel and hump the sofa gently. He composed himself again, and then twisted round to look at Liam with intense eyes, as Liam pulled out the back of his pants again to admire the huge brown pile he'd made.

'Mmm,' he breathed. 'Such a big shit, and it fucking stinks! Mm, and you got a messy arse! Feels awesome, doesn't it...?'

Toby moaned and nodded.

'Yeah! Like having a messy bottom then? Yeah? Wanna get messier...?'

Toby looked round, breathing hoarsely and trembling, and whimpered again.

'Sit in it. I wanna see you sit in your shit, give yourself a really brown arse! Wanna sit in it for me...?'

Toby looked almost startled for a second, and then he wiggled his bum slightly and moaned. He stood up, took Liam's hand without a word, and led him back upstairs again. His load pushed sexily about on his bum again as he climbed the stairs, and its glorious smell enveloped Liam as he followed. In the bathroom Liam put down the toilet lid and beckoned Toby over to stand in front of it, breathing hard with a huge sticky patch soaking through the front of his pants. He hesitated for a second, then bent and lowered himself down, gasping as his pants tightened and pressed his shit to his skin.

'Nice and slow,' breathed Liam. 'Try not to make yourself cum...'

Toby gasped again as his shit touched the seat, and Liam took his hand and got him to hold that position, then rock gently to and fro, pushing his pile gently back and forward. It felt unbelievable for him, and he whimpered constantly, before Liam smiled and took his hand again, and bade him lower himself right down into his shit. He cried out aloud as he sat right down, and his turds squished loudly out across his cheeks and up around his balls. He wriggled and writhed and yelped out loud in his ecstasy, and then stiffened suddenly, his face contorted and yet more stickiness oozing through his boxers.

'Have you cum?'

'No ... nearly ... just managed to stop myself ... fuck me I'm edging all the time though ... oh fuck ... my dick actually hurts ... oh it feels fucking amazing!'

He sat and composed himself for a minute or two, sniffing from the bottle of poppers Liam handed him. Liam watched, wanking slowly even as his own cock twitched and dribbled in sympathy, sniffing deeply at Toby's exquisite stink. Then he got Toby to wriggle again, side to side and backwards and forwards, until he was crying out and edging again, with shit squashing out round his thighs and almost up to his waistband at the back. Time and again he wriggled and rocked himself to the brink of cumming, then drew back and relaxed. As he leaned forward Liam could see that his bottom was covered in it, and he gasped aloud as it tickled his balls.

'Oh...' he sighed. 'Jesus, I gotta cum soon.'

'Yeah, me too. I wanna cum all over your shitty bum! Wanna pull your pants down for me...?'

Toby stood up unsteadily, trembling still, leaving a great brown stain across the toilet lid, with long brown ridges where it had come out around his legs and a thick clump that had squashed right out of the top. He put his fingers to the sides of his destroyed pants and hauled them down to his knees, smearing shit down his thighs and showing off his gloriously messy bottom. His cheeks were sticky and brown all over, and as he stood lumps of it fell from between his legs. Liam came up behind him, wanking, and Toby cried out once more as Liam fired his cum all over his pert, filthy cheeks. Then he too jerked upright and screamed as his cum spurted out across the room.

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Next: Chapter 10

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