
By Namab Mas

Published on Feb 5, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirty-One

Liam lay naked on the floor with his dick pulsing, his goggles on and his mouth taped up. Aaron was squatting across him, his hole all puckered up tight as he held in his load.

'When did you last shit?' Olly asked, in that dominant, husky voice of his.

'Nearly three days,' grunted Aaron. 'I'm fuckin' desperate!'

'Good. I want you to do a really fucking big one; cover his face in it. Really big smelly shit. Then I'm gonna do it too. Want that, Liam?'

Liam nodded and held up his thumb. His face was their toilet, and he was going to lie and take whatever their arses gave him. The prospect was awesome, and his dick began to bounce as Aaron's hole slowly opened.

'Yeah! Go on Aaron, do it now. Take a big fucking dump on his face. Mm ... yeah, go on, push it all out ... oh yeah, big one!'

Aaron was a bit constipated again, and his turd was hard and nuggety. One hot, hard lump after another bounced off Liam's face and pattered onto the floor as he lay still and Aaron grunted and strained above him. But then the nuggets stopped dropping away and the log that followed them was thick and cracked. Liam whimpered as its broken end advanced on him and the smell began to thicken. He edged madly as it touched down, its end slid to his left cheek, and then it dropped right across his face. Another one followed it, and landed across the first like a cross, with its end on his chin and its snapped-off end right below his eye. Above him Aaron's hole, now a little dirty, puckered in and out.

'Now,' said Olly softly. 'Liam's fed a guy his shit, and I never have. You still gonna introduce me to your mate? And watch as he eats my shit?'

Liam held up his thumb again. He'd been expecting this, for they'd been talking about Alfie before Aaron had arrived, and Olly's eyes had lit up at the prospect of feeding him. Liam just wanted to watch as Alfie opened wide for Olly, whose shits were bigger and much smellier than either his or Charlie's. The prospect made his dick jerk even harder. Then Aaron began to strain and push his hole open, he farted sharply, strained again, and another big turd hissed and crackled from deep inside him. One big lump pulled away from it, dropped and blinded Liam's left eye, and the rest toppled forward across his mouth. His rank smell gassed Liam, and as more and more piled up on his face and slid down his cheeks he fought desperately to stop himself cumming. He lay with his head spinning as Aaron wiped above him and dropped used, crumpled toilet paper onto his face. A piece fell over his other eye and blinded him entirely.

Then Aaron stood up and moved aside, and he felt Olly take his place. The world collapsed in on him at once. Olly's shit stank: even by his standards it reeked, and its wonderful foulness made Liam gag. His big turds thudded and squelched onto what Aaron had done, squashing shit down his cheeks and rolling off in all directions. His face was covered, it was in his hair and up his nose and sliding down his chin and onto his neck. It seemed to go on forever. Then as Olly let go a big, ripe fart and buried him in another surge of soft turds he lost control completely, yelped and cried into his gag, and shot his cum all over the place.

The following Saturday morning Liam woke up with a horrendous hangover after a night out with the football team. He took a couple of aspirins and went back to sleep for a bit. When he woke up again the headache had subsided and he no longer felt queasy, so he threw some clothes on, went downstairs and made himself a cup of coffee. As he sat in the living room drinking it he started to need a shit. He ignored it for a bit, hoping it would fade away. The day before he'd been making arrangements finally to get Alfie and Olly together, and if a big session was possible he wanted to be full. It was no good, though: the pressure in his bowels grew stronger, and eventually he gave up and went upstairs to the bathroom. As he got to the top of the stairs he saw Louis go in, looking pale and groggy, and very much the worse for wear. No wonder, he reflected, as he sat on his bed and listened to Louis taking a long, slow shit: he'd been very drunk and he'd fallen over a couple of times on the way home. His own need to shit was subsiding a bit by then, although he still wouldn't make it through to the afternoon. Suddenly there was a thump and a frantic scuffle, a loud retch and a splattering sound, and then another, and a muffled groan. At that moment footsteps sounded on the landing, and someone came up and knocked on the bathroom door.

'You going to be long?'

It was George's voice, fluent and precise and well-spoken. He'd stayed over again after he and Haydn had been out, and Liam had been hoping he'd go to the toilet in the morning. The smell of handsome, clean-cut George's shit was so fucking erotic.

'Yeah.' Louis's voice was choked, and he retched before he spoke again. 'Can't stop throwing up.'

Liam could just imagine him kneeling over the toilet with his bottom not yet wiped, throwing up onto his shit. George hung around on the landing, and the germ of an idea came to Liam. He put his phone discreetly under his bed with the camera running, pointing into the room but in a wire basket of books and random junk, half-covered by a pair of boxers. He looked back at it from across the room to check it was almost out of sight, and then opened the door, to see George shuffling from foot to foot in discomfort.

'What's up?' he asked.

'Louis's being sick,' George said coyly. 'And I need the loo.'

'Oh. Well, you can just piss in the mop bucket or something. No-one'll mind, and you can just wash it out afterwards.'

'Er ... no, it's not that,' said George, looking embarrassed. 'I really need a poo!'

'Oh,' said Liam as casually as he could, although his heart beat a little faster. 'You really desperate?'

'Yeah.' He screwed up his face and squirmed a bit. 'I ... I'm gonna have to do it. Have to go in the garden or something...'

'Nah, you can't do that. Neighbours'll see you. Just do it in a bag or something and bin it. Where's Haydn?'

'He's still in bed.'

'Ah, and so's Will. Um, well, you'll have to use my room. There's a couple of carrier bags on my desk you can use.'

'What, go and do it in your room?!'

'Well, where else are you gonna go? S'okay. I'll go and make myself a cuppa tea...'

'Oh thanks Liam. I'm so sorry about this. Oh, er ... have you any tissues or something to... y'know...'

'Yeah, there's a box on the bedside table.'


George smiled awkwardly, clearly very embarrassed by the whole thing, and scuttled into Liam's room, shutting the door behind him. Liam smiled slyly, went back downstairs and put the kettle on, crossing his fingers and hoping George wouldn't notice the phone, or go somewhere out of its line of view. His heart was still fluttering a little, and the thought of George squatting in his room made his dick stiffen in his pants. He was just stirring his tea when Louis came into the room, all bleary-eyed and still looking ill, and rummaged in the cupboard under the sink.

'What you looking for?'

'Bleach, and a bin bag. I ... well, I was having a shit and I was gonna spew, but I hadn't finished ... I've gone and crapped on the floor while I was puking.'

He bustled upstairs to clean up after himself, and a minute or two later George came down. Liam's throat tightened as he heard him on the stairs, and for a moment he had horrible visions of having to explain away the camera. Then George bustled into the kitchen, looking all coy and clutching a tied-up carrier bag. Through the white plastic Liam could clearly see a big, cracked turd.

'Okay?' he asked warily.

'Er yeah,' said George, with a bashful grin. 'Thanks for letting me ... erm, I've opened the window.'

'Cool. Is my phone up there? Can't find it...'

'Didn't see it, no. Er ... I'd best go and bin this.'

He went outside to the dustbin, and Liam shot upstairs. He got hard as soon as he got into his room, for even though George had opened the window it was still full of his thick, rounded aroma, with that same harsher edge to it that Liam had smelled in the toilet the last time he'd stayed over after a night drinking. His phone was right where he'd left it with the camera still running. He pocketed it and disappeared into the bathroom. That too stank, this time of bleach and Louis's hangover shit, and there was a big wet patch on the floor where he'd cleaned up. He dropped his pants and sat down on the toilet, and as his turds splashed into the water he played back the video.

His phone had a good microphone, and it had clearly picked up the conversation on the landing. Liam skipped on a bit and heard himself tell George about the tissues and clatter downstairs. Then there was the sound of the door shutting, and George's legs came into view. He fumbled around on the desk for a few seconds. Then he dropped a flattened carrier bag onto the carpet, right in front of the camera. Liam grinned broadly: his little plan seemed to have worked. George moved to one side and pulled off his jeans and pants. The backs of his hairy legs came back into view, and then he squatted down just a couple of feet from the phone, facing diagonally away from the camera and giving Liam the perfect view. His arse was beautiful; broader than his slim figure suggested; smooth and peachy and slightly tanned, with his wrinkled little hole fringed with dark hairs.

He shuffled on his feet a little, getting as comfortable as he could and probably holding the edge of the desk to steady himself. Then his arse seemed to swell a little as he relaxed with a long, quiet sigh, and his hole began to pucker outwards. He farted softly, and then his shit began to peep out. It was a gorgeous, tawny brown colour. A long point nosed slowly from him, paused, and then pulled away and dropped onto the bag with a soft, rustling thud, leaving him with a broken end sticking out. He grunted softly and it came out a bit further, a bigger lump broke away and dropped, more loudly this time. Behind it his log nosed out, all cracked and solid at first, but then the first few inches dropped away and what came out behind it was smoother and lighter. It came more quickly too, with a lovely slimy crackle. He did a big banana-shaped turd that was almost touching the ground before its end slid fluidly out of him and it thudded onto the plastic. He let out a little grunt of relief. Liam stroked his rock-hard cock as he watched. George squatted in silence for a space, then puckered his hole out with a wet little fart, pulled it in again, and then pushed it out once more with another rasping puff of gas. He grunted softly and pushed out another smooth turd that curled to the left as it came out of him and left a brown smear across the inside of his cheek, then headed straight downwards. It snapped off just below him, he paused, and then pushed out the sinuous, curled end. Again he paused, and Liam heard him sniff a couple of times, as if he was self-conscious of the smell he was making. His dirty hole opened again, and he let out a long, snaky turd that curled around as it dropped. Then he levered himself upright and wiped his arse, carefully dropping each wad of folded, crumpled, stained paper onto the bag, until it half-covered the big brown pile he'd made. Liam couldn't resist it. As soon as he'd watched George pick up the bag, fold it up and put it inside the other one he put the phone down and wanked off, still sitting on the toilet. He was back in his room, cutting the beginning and end of the video and uploading it to his computer, when his phone bleeped, and Olly's name flashed up on the display.

'I hope it'll be okay,' said Olly softly as the bus pulled away from a stop a few hours later. 'I mean, if he doesn't fancy me, or he doesn't wanna do it...'

'Don't worry about it,' said Liam complacently. 'He's seen your picture, after all, and he's a nice guy. It'll be fine.'

'Hope so ... I'll have to find somewhere to go if not. I'm really starting to need the toilet!

It was fine. Olly and Alfie got on straight away, and Liam couldn't help noticing Alfie eyeing Olly up as they sat talking. Then Olly started to look a bit uncomfortable, and he shuffled in his seat a bit. Alfie broke off what he was saying and looked him full in the face, with one eyebrow raised and a little smile spreading across his face.

'I, er... I need a shit,' Olly said flatly.

'Mm!' grinned Alfie. 'Liam tells me you do really nice ones. Is it gonna be a big one?'

'Reckon so. I've not been since yesterday. Um ... my shit's pretty smelly too.'

'Ooh nice! Love guys who stink. Wanna feed me?'

Olly nodded. He looked nervous, Liam thought, as though feeding a guy for the first time was a big deal for him.

'Good,' said Alfie. 'Everything's ready in the bathroom. Ready to go...?'

He stood up, showing off a big bulge in the front of his jeans, and led the way upstairs. Liam was behind Olly as they claimed the stairs, eyes fixed on his shapely arse that had unloaded its beautiful turds on his face so many times. His cock pressed hard against his jeans as he contemplated it, and imagined what was about to happen. The sense of unreality had descended on him again, and his heart fluttered as he entered the bathroom, where Alfie was already peeling off his T-shirt. Then his hard-on sprang out as he pulled down his pants, stepped out of them and stood naked. Olly stared at the rimseat in the middle of the room and swallowed nervously, and then he too began to strip. Alfie watched him intently, casting approving looks at his toned body and his big cock. Without a word he dropped to his knees in front of Olly and took his cock in his mouth. Liam stripped naked, watching Alfie sucking Olly, and then turning him round and getting him to bend over so he could get his tongue in and lick his arse. Olly's mouth fell open, and he gasped with pleasure.

'Mm!' breathed Alfie, his face still buried in Olly's crack. 'Mm, you got such a nice musky arse. I wanna eat your shit!'

'Yeah,' grunted Olly. 'I really gotta shit.'

Alfie gave him another long, deep lick, then broke away, took some poppers, and lay down under the rimseat. Olly stepped over and straddled him, and then slowly sat down, wriggling himself into a comfortable position to take a dump, with his elbows resting on his knees. Below him Alfie took another big sniff of the poppers. Liam knelt down next to them with his cock bouncing.

'Now,' whispered Alfie. 'Nice and slow...'

He opened his mouth wide. Above him Olly swallowed nervously again, and then he bowed his head a little, pursed his lips and grunted. His arse heaved and his hole slowly began to dilate, and his shit peeped through. It was his usual sandy brown colour, glistening where the light caught it. The rounded end jutting from him paused for a second or two as Alfie lay panting, with his mouth wide open, and then Olly's hole opened wider and his thick, smooth turd started to slide out. It grew from him like a tail until it was just above Alfie's waiting mouth, and then paused again. His thick smell teased Liam's nostrils and set his dick twitching again. Then he gave another little push, and it dropped right into Alfie's mouth and curled back towards his nose. Alfie shuddered all over, retched softly, and then closed his eyes and bit down into it with a vile squelching sound. He chewed at it relentlessly, slurping and gurgling, gagging as he swallowed, and opened wide again to let the broken end jutting up above his lips fall into his crammed mouth. He began to chew again, with his eyes watering. Olly looked down between his legs.

'Okay? I really need to do some more!'

'Ugh,' grunted Alfie, and swallowed mightily again. 'Hold it ... just a bit.'

He swallowed a couple of times, and then opened his brown lips once more. Seeing this Olly grunted and curled out another one that crammed his mouth once more. He began to chew, retching constantly, and as he started to swallow he retched and gurgled, and a little sick ran down his cheek. He paused a second, composing himself, then set about his task once more with his dick dancing and dribbling.

'Oh,' he gasped as he swallowed a load more. 'Ugh. Oh your shit fucking stinks. Tastes so fucking rank. Let me take some more poppers...'

Olly turned and grinned at Liam as he sat with his dirty hole pulled in tight. He seemed to be getting into it now, really enjoying feeding Alfie his shit. His stink filled the room, and it grew even stronger as Alfie opened wide once more and he dumped another slimy, glistening clod into his mouth.

'Oh man, you really can eat shit, can't you,' he smiled, looking down between his legs.

'Yeah!' gasped Alfie, swallowing another lump. 'Takes a lot of practice. Fucking hell your shit's nasty. So fucking strong! You nearly done?'


'Go on then. Let me have it.'

Olly's shit was softer now, and it came out faster. Alfie was nearly sick again as it filled his mouth, and he chomped and swallowed frantically to keep up with Olly's flow. He had a mound sticking up above his lips and it was about to start sliding down his cheeks when finally the mushy torrent ended in a juicy wet fart. Olly grinned at Liam again, and then looked down to where Alfie was fighting to eat his load, with his eyes watering as he swallowed it down.

'Last one,' he said softly.

He farted again as he opened up and dropped a couple of little lumps, and then it was over and Alfie lay there gasping for breath. He began to wank, and craned his head up to lick the shit away from around Olly's hole. Olly gave a little sigh of pleasure as he did it, wanking too now, and then suddenly he jumped up, spun around and shot his cum all over Alfie's shitty mouth.

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Next: Chapter 32

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