
By Namab Mas

Published on Dec 30, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Nine

The welts across Liam's bottom took two weeks to fade away, and for a few days afterwards he got a reminder of what Olly had done to him whenever he sat down. On the Monday after the session he sat in the university toilets, loving the sensation of his sore bottom on the hard toilet seat as he sat taking a satisfying dump, and listening to the sound of a tall, blonde hunk who'd gone into the cubicle to his right at the same time. He'd taken his time over baring his bottom and sitting down and now he sat in silence for a good half-minute or so before he gave a barely audible grunt.

'Plop! Plap, plop ... ploop ... plop ...plomp!'

Liam's dick sprang to attention as his own smell filled the cubicle and the sound of the hunk having a big shit rang in his ears. In his mind's eye he could see him sitting there with a thick, tan-brown tail hanging from his shapely arse. They were alone in the toilets, and he sat in silence when he'd finished his own shit and listened to him wiping. He was doing it standing up, using a lot of paper. As he flushed the toilet Liam began to wipe himself, doing it quickly so as to be ready for when the hunk left. He pulled his trousers back up and flushed amid the roar of the hand dryer, and then the door banged. At that he picked up his bag, and dived into the hunk's cubicle, where the air was thick with the cloying smell he'd made and his skidmarks were prominent in the bowl, a richer and darker colour than Liam had imagined. He couldn't resist it. He hauled his pants down again, winced once more as he sat on the warm seat, and wanked off.

Later that day he got a text from Alfie. Charlie was coming to feed him the following morning, and he was happy to be watched doing it. Liam was in two minds. He could get a first for his degree if he did well that year and he'd promised himself he'd work as hard as he could and not skip classes. And yet, the chance to meet Charlie was just too good to turn down. He resolved that he'd go to the library and read up on the subjects he'd miss, and texted Alfie back to say he'd be there.

The traffic in the city centre was lighter than he expected, and he got to Alfie's place early. When he arrived Alfie was setting up, and he sat on the edge of the bath and watched as Alfie got out the rimseat and placed it over the plastic sheet he lay on and the plastic-covered pillow, and put a toilet roll nearby for Charlie to clean his arse when he was done. He was restless and tense and excited, with a hard-on bulging out his pants already.

'Do you need to go?' he asked, looking Liam up and down.

'Nah, probably not. I shit in the afternoons, usually.'

'You could stick around, if you like ... I'd love to eat your shit again.'

'Be good, wouldn't it, but I can't today. Got classes this afternoon I can't miss. Another time, though...'

At that moment the doorbell rang, and Liam's heart raced. Charlie was as cute in the flesh as he'd looked in Alfie's pictures. He was eighteen or thereabouts; quite short and slim and smooth. His oval face was so cute, with his twinkly brown eyes and kissable mouth that smiled readily. He gave Liam a mischievous shy little grin as they shook hands, ran a hand through his short, fairish hair and went through into the living room.

'Nice meeting someone else into this,' he smiled. 'I thought it was just us!'

'Oh no, there's a few of us...'

Charlie listened, smiling, as Liam related a few things he'd got up to with his mates, and then talked a little about what he was into. He was bi, he explained, and mainly interested in women, but he had a secret fetish for guys shitting. Like Liam, he got off on the sight and sound and smell of guys doing it, and wanted to explore it all a bit more. That was why he'd gone onto the scat websites, and it was there that he'd met Alfie. The idea of shitting into a guy's mouth had horrified him at first, but once he'd done it he was hooked.

'Yeah, you can't get enough of it,' chuckled Alfie, and then dropped his voice. 'You need to go now, then?'

'Big time mate. I've not been for a dump since Saturday!'

He shot Liam a slightly coy look, then leaned sideways in his seat and farted. Liam got the smell at once, and his cock grew hard at once. Charlie's smell seemed very much like his housemate Will's; not all that strong, but quite insistent, with a harsh, ripe edge to it. He sniffed, and caught Charlie's eye.

'You like it?'

'Ooh yes! Really nice!'

'Good.' He looked at Alfie, and then back to Liam, and brushed a hand through his hair. 'I ... well, I really need a shit!'

'Come on...'

Alfie's cock bulged his jeans out as he stood up and led the way to the bathroom. Liam walked behind Charlie, looking him up and down from behind, taking in his slight body and noting how casual he looked; almost too much so, as if his nonchalance was a cover for nerves. In the cold, bright bathroom they looked at one another again, and without a word began to strip. Charlie's body was pert and smooth. He clocked Liam watching and smiled coyly again. Then he pulled down his pants. His cock wasn't enormous when it bounced free, but it was beautifully shaped and suckable, and when he turned around he had the bubbliest little arse, all pale and rounded and peachy. For a brief moment Liam found himself imagining thrusting the hard-on he was sporting between those smooth cheeks. Then Alfie took a big sniff of poppers and wriggled in under the rimseat, with his huge cock twitching, and looked over at Charlie.

'Need the toilet now...?'

Charlie nodded, shot another look at Liam and grinned, and stepped forward over Alfie. He stood for a second, as if psyching himself up, and then sat down, sticking his luscious arse out as he bent, and then settling it gently onto the seat. Beneath him Alfie took one more sniff of poppers, and then opened his mouth wide. There was a few seconds' deathly silence. Then Charlie gave a cute, manly little grunt. Leaning in close, Liam saw his almost hairless little hole begin to flare out...

His shit was a beautiful, rich tawny-brown. A little spike of it peeped out of him, paused, then as he gave another little grunt his hole opened wider and a solid log began to emerge behind it, with a ragged sliver hanging from its end. It pulled away slowly and dropped into Alfie's mouth. Alfie didn't show any sign of having even noticed; just kept his mouth wide open as Charlie pushed out his log until it was touching his lips. Then Charlie pinched it off and let it drop, and he closed his eyes and began to eat. Liam got the smell then. It was wonderful; like his farts but even better; not strong or overpowering, but deliciously ripe and sharp. Glancing down he saw that his dick was bobbing up and down.

'Come on man,' said Charlie. 'I gotta do another one...'

Alfie swallowed mightily and opened his brown mouth again. Charlie farted softly as his hole flared open, and he curled out another beautifully formed turd that tapered off as it came, then dropped into Alfie's throat with its pointed end jutting up above his nose. It twitched to and fro as he began to chew, and slowly disappeared into his mouth as he swallowed, gagged slightly, and swallowed again.

'Mmm!' he mumbled. 'Mm, your shit's good today ... just take some poppers.'

He reached for the bottle, and Charlie twisted round and grinned coyly at Liam, running a hand through his hair once more.

'Like it? Like watching him eat my shit?'

'Oh yeah! So fucking hot ... and your shit's awesome. Smells so nice! Love you to do it on my face...'

'Oh I'd love to do that!'

As he spoke he began to shit again, and he crammed Alfie's mouth with another big, slightly softer turd. Alfie's dick was dancing madly as he ate it, eyes closed, chewing and swallowing in that relentless, steady way of his. He gave no sign that he was struggling, but by the time he was done he was gasping for breath, and he lay and composed himself for a space, eyes fixed on Charlie's dirty little hole as it puckered in and out above him. Liam watched in awe, dick bouncing, sniffing and drinking in Charlie's smell.

'You done...?'

'Nearly. I'm gonna finish now ... here it comes!'

Alfie opened wide. Charlie farted softly, and his arse heaved and let out a long, slim, rope-like turd that broke off again and again. Alfie's eyes watered as he ate, fighting to keep up as Charlie's bowels emptied. Just as he looked as if he was about to be overwhelmed the flow came to an end, with one last gassy fart.

'Oh yeah,' grunted Charlie. 'I've finished. Gonna lick my arse clean?'

Alfie swallowed, craned his head slightly and put out his brown tongue. Charlie sighed, and began to wank as it played over his hole. Alfie was wanking too now, and Liam came in closer with his dick in his hand. They came together, all three of them, spattering cum all over Alfie the Toilet as he lay and digested handsome Charlie's waste.

'So,' said Charlie an hour or so later, as he and Liam stood at the stop where Liam was to catch the bus back towards the university. 'Wanna meet up? I'd love to have a session with you. Do you eat...?'

'Nah,' said Liam. 'I mean, I fantasise about it sometimes, but I've never actually got as far as tasting it. I fucking love taking it in the face though!'

'Cool. Wanna meet up sometime? I'd love to see you shit. Never seen a guy do it before.'

'Ooh yeah, I'll do that. Or do it on you, if you like?'

'Mm, bit much maybe, for the first time. I've only ever done scat stuff with Alfie, and...'

He broke off, grinning shyly, as an elderly couple joined them at the stop. As Liam's bus hove into sight they exchanged phone numbers quickly and shook hands. Charlie stood and waved as the bus pulled away, with Liam on board, his head spinning and his dick getting hard again as he thought through the new possibilities opening up before him.

Like Liam, Charlie had housemates, and time alone to play wasn't easy to find, but they managed to snatch a quick session together a couple of days later, when Charlie texted to say he was horny and needed the toilet. Liam did too, and he'd been enjoying the mounting pressure in his chute as he sat reading for his classes the following day. Haydn and Will were both away and Louis would be at university until early evening, so he told Charlie to come straight over. By the time the doorbell rang he was clenched up, squirming a little in discomfort.

'Oh wow!' Charlie said as he came in, his eyes lighting up. 'I really wanna watch! You need to go now?'

'Yeah, I'm desperate. What about you?'

'I can wait. You go first. Er ... now?'

Liam could hear Charlie breathing hard as they scuttled upstairs, and when they stripped in his room he had a massive hard-on. He turned to Liam, with dancing eyes.

'Will you do it hovering, so I can watch it come out...?'

'Course I will. Come on!'

Charlie was breathing hard again as he knelt down in front of the toilet, behind Liam, who stood over it facing the wall and then squatted so that his arse hung over the bowl and his shit fell into the front of it, leaving great golden-brown smears as it slid down into the water. His logs were thick and chunky, and he grunted with relief as the first one grew fluidly from his arse, broke off and thumped softly onto the porcelain, and then again.

'Oh ... ooh that smells,' whispered Charlie.

'Okay?' asked Liam, as he began pushing out another log, listening to the soft crackle as it slid through his hole. 'Like it...?'

'Mm! Oh yeah! Oh it's fucking hot watching you shit like this ... oh that's a big one!'

Liam looked down between his legs, to where his lumpy brown tail was hanging down. It dropped suddenly, bending into a right angle as it hit the bowl. He pushed again and another lump followed it. Behind him Charlie was wanking rhythmically as he watched with wide eyes, sniffing appreciatively at the thick smell. He leaned in closer as another turd began to slide down Liam's chute, and his dirty hole began to open once more with a little gassy fart. A series of smoother, softer turds dropped into the pan.

'I'm done ... wanna wipe my arse for me? Loving having someone wipe me.'

Charlie's hands were shaking as he wiped Liam's bottom, reaching through between his legs to drop piece after piece of stained paper into the toilet. When he was done Liam flushed it and stood up, and turned around to see Charlie looking him up and down in awe.

'Enjoy that?' he grinned. 'Yeah? Now, your turn...'

He watched as Charlie got into position, and then just as he was about to shit a sudden desire seized him.

'Oh fuck it,' he said. 'Do it in my hands?'

'What? You sure?!' Charlie looked round sharply. 'But your housemates...'

'Don't worry, he won't be back for a couple of hours yet. I really wanna feel it. Go on...'

Charlie nodded and lowered himself down further, so that he was sitting backwards on the toilet seat with his slender arse hanging off the front, and Liam cupped his hands underneath his tight little hole. It flared out a little, and he felt the little puff of warm gas on his palms as Charlie farted, and then his dick began to twitch as it opened further and the head of his turd peeped out. It was the same gorgeous, warm shade of brown as the first time, gleaming slimily in the light. It pushed his hole open a little wider with a soft crackle as it came out a bit further, like a rounded plug jutting from him, and its smell started to tickle Liam's nostrils; just faint as yet and masked by his own thick reek, but definitely there and teasingly sexy. Then Charlie gave a soft grunt and a push, and it grew into a long, cracked log, with dark flecks pressed into its gleaming surface. Liam watched it in awe, then gasped as it touched down on his palm, all hot and lumpy and greasy. It bent as more came out behind it, pressing harder onto his skin with a crack widening across it, then snapped suddenly and dropped into his hands. Charlie pushed out another lump on top of it, and then his dirty, tight little hole closed up. Liam's dick bounced up and down, with pre-cum dribbling on the floor.

'Oh that smells so nice!' he breathed, bending in closer to sniff at it. 'Mm!'

Charlie looked round, smiling sexily. Then he half-closed his eyes, pursed his lips and sighed softly. Liam tensed up as he watched his hole push open, and another beautiful, sturdy turd slowly came out, with that wonderful soft sound and more of his fantastic smell. This one dropped a couple of big lumps before the end of it fell, and when finally his dirty hole closed behind it the pile in Liam's hands was hot and heavy, and his dick was going crazy.

'One more ... here it comes...'

It was slim and sinuous, and it went on for a long time as Charlie grunted his relief and lumps fell onto his pile. As soon as he was done Liam lifted his hands to his face, until his nose was nearly touching Charlie's pile, its heat was in his face and the smell was battering at his brain.

'Oh!' he moaned softly. 'Oh your shit's fucking amazing!'

With each deep sniff he took his dick twitched and pre-cum dripped from it, as Charlie sat on the toilet and wanked, watching in amazement as Liam worshipped his waste. And then he came, and fired his cum over Liam, spattering it all over him as he knelt. As he did so Liam took one more mighty sniff of the obscenely beautiful thing Charlie had done, and spunked all over the floor.

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Next: Chapter 30

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