
By Namab Mas

Published on Dec 16, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

Liam glanced furtively at his bedroom door. Even though he had the house to himself that evening it was shut through sheer force of habit. Lying back on his bed he stroked his cock through his pants as he opened up one of the scat websites he used, to find a message waiting for him.

Hey. U look fit. Love those pics of ur shit in the toilet. Bet ur turds taste real nice. Alfie

Out of curiosity he opened the guy's profile, and noticed that he lived in the same city. He was in his mid-20s, and his profile made clear that he was a total bottom; like Callum, he was a dedicated toilet who liked nothing better than eating shit from young guys. Judging from a string of comments from other guys he'd done it a lot, and he was very good at it. One of his photos showed him lying on the floor wearing nothing but a bondage hood, his mouth wide open for the slender guy squatting across him. In another his mouth was full of shit. None of them showed his face, but his body looked nice. He was tall and thin and blonde, with a very big cock.

There was a link in his message to a video on another site, the same one where Liam had posted his first video just the previous week. Intrigued and horny, he opened it. The camera was behind Alfie's head and slightly to the side, giving a nice diagonal view as he lay under a rimseat in his hood, sniffing poppers and breathing hard. Another guy was straddling him, standing up so that only his thin, hairy legs were in view. Then he sat down, with his pale bottom right over Alfie's mouth.

'You recording?' he asked. It was a young man's voice, slightly northern but well-spoken. 'Is my face out of shot?'

Alfie twisted round and looked into the camera. His eyes were vivid blue through the black hood. He twisted back round and looked up the young man's arse.

'Yeah,' he said, took another big huff of poppers and put the bottle to one side. His voice was accentless and calm, slightly southern in his accent. 'Now ... nice and slow...'

Liam was never sure whether he liked watching guys eat shit. The thought of doing it himself was still too much for him, and sometimes watching it made him feel sick. At other times it turned him on more than any other porn, and besides, it wasn't as if he hadn't got off feeding Callum enough times. This was one of the times when it turned him on. The young man took his dump slowly; a big solid one that consisted of one sturdy turd after another. In between times he waited patiently, listening to Alfie eating and telling him in that sexy voice he had how good a toilet he was. For his part Alfie ate relentlessly. Not once did he gag or groan, or give any impression he was struggling. Between mouthfuls he complimented his top on the taste and consistency of his shit, and how well he paced it. He sounded completely composed, but in the distance his dick was going crazy, dancing just like Liam's did. When the young man had finished his shit Alfie licked his hole clean for him, and then let him wank off into his mouth whilst he shot all over himself. Liam had seen enough. He messaged back thanking Alfie for his message, sending a face picture and asking if he'd like to eat his shit, and lay down for a wank. He got a message back an hour later:

Hey! Ur fit! Love 2 have u shit in my mouth

There was a face picture with it. Alfie was very handsome; tall and thin, with floppy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes shining out of a nice oval face. He had a lovely, sexy smile too.

Two days later Liam was on a bus, heading across town to the address Alfie had given him. He was nervous, as he always was when going to meet a new playmate, and especially so because he was going straight to his house. It was the same feeling he'd had when he'd met Neil all those many months ago; the same feeling of vulnerability and faint fear, but also massive excitement. He looked around him at the other passengers, all going about their daily business with no idea of what he was on his way to do, and clenched his arse a bit tighter. It was mid-afternoon, he'd needed a shit for hours, and he was starting to get desperate. If it didn't work out with Alfie he'd have to go and find a toilet somewhere before he headed home, he mused, then started as he recognised where Alfie had told him to get off. Dry-mouthed, he stepped off the bus, crossed the road and walked up the street where Alfie lived. He eyed the house he'd been told to come to warily as he arrived, looking for anything he should be concerned by, but there was nothing: it was just another suburban house, like countless others, neat and tidy with a smart little car in the drive. Heart racing, he reached out and rang the doorbell.

'Liam? Hi, come in.'

Alfie was very tall. That was the first thing Liam noticed; that and how normal he was. Odd how that always struck him about his playmates, he mused briefly. After all, he of all people should know that the most ordinary people could have the weirdest kinks! Reassured, he followed Alfie into the house, noting how clean and tidy and well-kept it all looked, and conscious again of how badly he needed a shit. He felt strangely shy about raising the subject, which was ridiculous given what had brought him there, and he hoped Alfie would raise it first. In the event he didn't have long to wait.

'So,' said Alfie evenly as they sat down in the living room. 'You need a shit?'

'Yeah,' he said quietly. 'Quite badly, actually!'

'Cool. Er ... you done anything like this before...?'

That was just the question Liam needed to put him at his ease, and Alfie's eyes widened as Liam related some of what he'd done; how he'd fed Callum and Aston in the past, and some of what he'd got up to with Olly, Toby, Dalton and Aaron.

'Ooh! Wow, you've done loads!' laughed Alfie. 'I wish I knew these mates of yours. You mean they live here, in this town?'

'Yup. Well, Dalton doesn't any more and Toby's a student like me, but the others do. Olly's on the same sites as we got talking on too. So ... what about that guy in your video then? Is he local?'

'Yeah. He's not out as gay, though, so keeps it really discreet. Especially the scat stuff, of course. He's my age. Name's Charlie. He's really cute! Couple of other local lads have fed me too; scally lads, like. I ... er, well, I meet 'em through Craigslist and pay 'em to shit in my mouth. I just leave the door open for 'em and they come in, collect the money off the side, take a shit, wipe and leave.'

'Cor! Bit risky that, though, innit?'

'Guess so. But ... well, there's nothing like the buzz from being some anonymous scally lad's toilet. Anyway ... so, you need to go now...?'

'Yeah,' said Liam coyly, his heart racing. 'Er, yeah, I do.'

'Mmm! God I can't wait. I bet your shit smells and tastes so fucking nice. Come on!'

Liam had the unreal feeling as he followed Alfie upstairs. The bathroom was big and bright and very clean. In the middle of the tiled floor was the rimseat, and below it a plastic-covered pillow for Alfie to lie on. A toilet roll and a bucket sat close to hand. Alfie began to strip at once, and watched eagerly as Liam did the same.

'Mm, nice body,' he breathed. 'Lovely cock an' all. Ooh, come here and let me suck you.'

Liam's head went back as Alfie took his cock in his mouth, and then right back into his throat until his nose was nestling in Liam's pubes. He pulled Liam's hips to and fro, making Liam fuck his throat until he pulled back sharply, afraid he might cum there and then. Smiling, he bade Liam turn around and bend over, and open his legs, bent in close to sniff his musky hole, and then began to rim him. Liam gasped as Alfie's tongue lapped softly and wetly around his hole, and then thrust in deeper. He loved being rimmed, and he bent over further and pulled his cheeks apart, and moaned his pleasure out loud.

'Ooh,' sighed Alfie behind him, voice muffled between his cheeks. 'Your arse tastes so good. God I wanna eat your shit!'

'Yeah. Ooh yeah. Wanna be my toilet now? I really need to go...'

Without a word Alfie sat back, wriggled himself over to the rimseat and lay down, looking up through it with his eyes dancing, licking his lips in anticipation. He watched intently as Liam came and stood over him. Then Liam sat down, loving the cool plastic of the rimseat, and Alfie's hot breath on his wet, sensitised arse. To his left Alfie had propped a big mirror against the side of the bath. So, that'd be twice in as many weeks he watched himself shit on someone's face, he thought in a brief lucid moment. Then Alfie reached up with the poppers bottle, and he took it and sniffed deeply. His head rushed, his heart was racing and his dick was rock hard. The need to shit was almost painful.

'Now...' he said softly. 'I'm gonna do it now. Open wide...'

Below him Alfie obediently opened his mouth. Liam sighed, long and low, as he eased himself, feeling every crack and lump of the thick turd that began to slide through his hole. He watched in the mirror as it extended from him, then snapped off and dropped straight into Alfie's mouth. Dick dribbling and bouncing, he clenched up to stop his flow, suddenly aware of his own smell.

'Cor!' gasped Alfie thickly. 'Oh wow!'

He began to chew slowly, and his dick started to dance. He savoured Liam's shit like fine food, swallowing lump after lump until finally it was gone.

'Like it...? I can see you do...'

'Oh man it's fucking awesome. God it tastes so fucking nice, and smells so good too. More! Give me more!'

Liam grunted and pushed out another log. He watched in the mirror as it came out of him and extended slowly down to Alfie's waiting mouth. It kept on coming, crackling softly and wafting his smell around the room, until it touched Alfie's lips and its end slid out of sight into his mouth. By then it was starting to taper off, and he pinched his hole shut. Alfie gagged as it dropped into his throat, with its end still sticking up above his lips. It bobbed to and fro as he chewed, with his eyes closed, sighing in his throat, and slowly disappeared from sight. Almost without realising what he was doing Liam curled out another little lump, and Alfie opened his brown mouth quickly to catch it as it fell. Once he'd swallowed it he lay, breathing hard, then reached out and took some more poppers.

'Finished...?' he asked, his voice thick and indistinct.

'No. Not yet. Shall I...?'

'Yeah ... oh man you do such nice ones ... Mm! Mm!'

Alfie opened his mouth quickly as Liam's flaring, filthy hole began to emit a slim, snaky one that dropped three or four lumps before Liam clenched up to stop it and give him chance to chew, with his dick dribbling and bobbing up and down. The smell hung thickly around them as he did so. Three more times this happened, with Liam's turds getting smaller each time, until finally he flared his hole out and no more came.

'Phew,' sighed Liam. 'That's it. I'm done. Oh that was a good shit!'

Below him Alfie swallowed mightily a few times, lay and composed himself for a second, and then Liam felt his tongue again, circling his hole lightly and licking away the deposits around it. It felt wonderful, and he leaned back and began to wank his cock. Alfie wanked too. Suddenly they were both cumming. Alfie shot all over himself, and Liam jumped up, spun round and came all over his face.

'That was fucking awesome!' Alfie smiled later, when they'd cleaned up and taken a shower. 'Your shit's so nice. Tastes so ... meaty! Wanna feed me again sometime?'

'I'd love to,' smiled Liam.

'Cool. Let's. And ... well, will you do it front of Charlie, or watch him feed me? Love the thought of being watched...'

'Oh yes!'

Liam's heart raced and his dick stiffened once more at the thought. Alfie had shown him a picture of Charlie earlier. As he'd said, he was dead cute, and Alfie had raved about the smell and feel and taste of his turds. The thought he might have two more guys to play with was fantastic. He couldn't wait to find out what would happen next!

In the event the next thing that did happen was a painful, messy, awesomely horny session with his usual playmates. Olly was back in dominant mood, and he'd given Aaron a caning the week before, going a bit easy on him since it was his first time. It had been a classic school-style four strokes, delivered over the seat of Aaron's tracksuit. Aaron had loved it, and according to Olly he'd straightened up afterwards to show off a massive erection despite the pain, pulled his pants down and wanked off straight away. He wanted more, and Olly had devised a kinky game for all of them. That Saturday afternoon Liam was sitting on the toilet at home with his own smell hanging thickly around him and a big dump in the bowl below when Olly rang and told him to come over.

A couple of hours later he was sitting in Olly's living room, eyeing the cane lying across the chair in front of them. Toby was there too, waiting eagerly with a big hard-on in his pants. Aaron was sitting next to him, nervously licking his lips and shuffling in his seat, desperate for the toilet. He hadn't taken a dump for two days, he'd said, he'd eaten loads, and he was struggling to hold it in. He reached out and gulped down the last mouthful of the strong coffee Olly had made him, just to bring it on even more strongly.

'Now,' said Olly. 'Let's run through what's gonna happen again.'

His voice was soft but firm; the kind of voice he put on when he was in one of his most dominant moods. He was standing in front of them, legs apart in a firm stance, his muscular arms very prominent. Liam's bottom tingled in anticipation. Then Olly spoke again.

'Aaron. You've got to hold in your shit for the next hour. If you can hold it for that long you get to shit on Liam's face. If you can't, you're gonna do it in your pants and I will cane you. Hard. And your face is the toilet for anyone else who needs to shit. Liam's already had to go today, and I am going to punish him for that. Liam, stand up.'

Liam's heart was pounding and his mouth was dry. He hadn't been caned for months; not since the last session he, Olly and Toby had had with Dalton. He remembered vividly how much it had hurt then, and he was sure Olly wouldn't go easy on him now; not with Aaron and Toby watching. He sidled across the room and stood before the table, uncomfortably aware of the hard-on in his jeans and Aaron standing nearby, watching the scene in petrified fascination.

'On your bare bottom,' Olly ordered him. 'Take down your pants and bend over the table.'

He felt horribly vulnerable as he bent over and presented his naked bottom for punishment. He clenched his teeth tight, determined to take what was coming in stoic silence. Behind him Olly swished the cane through the air a couple of times with a horrible shriek, and then held it across his cheeks to establish his aim. It was cold, and very, very hard. He closed his eyes as Olly slowly lifted it back.


It was worse than he remembered; much worse. Olly had been working out a lot: he was stronger than he'd been before and he swung with vicious force. Liam clenched his teeth tight as the sound of the cane rang round the room and the stinging pain flooded across his cheeks. After only three or four strokes his bottom was on fire and his eyes were watering, and it was all he could do to stay still. He gripped the table edge tight and squirmed as the cane cracked down.

'Keep still!' snapped Olly.

He closed his eyes and gripped tighter as Olly raised the cane again. It hurt so much that he'd lost count of the strokes, and he began to yelp and snivel softly to himself as the next couple of cracked down. When it was finally over he stood up stiffly, on the verge of tears as he massaged his blazing cheeks. He was still hard, and his dick twitched as Olly got him to bend back over the table again so that Aaron could run his fingers over his welts, the intense pain of which was now subsiding to a burning throb.

'Oh fuckin' hell,' Aaron said behind him. 'I really need a fuckin' shit. I've got a turtle's-head coming out.'

'Strip,' Olly ordered him. 'Stand there. Face away from us and put your hands on your head.'

Aaron's face was red with shame, or excitement, or maybe both, as he stripped to his white boxer-briefs, and the others did the same. Liam's bottom hurt as he went to sit down, and the stab of pain as he lowered it onto the sofa made him wince. Olly and Toby came and sat beside him, and together they watched, taunting Aaron as he wriggled his hips and clenched his arse up tight, and tried desperately to hold in his turds. Suddenly he screwed his face up and writhed, and Liam got a whiff of his sharp, slightly bitter smell. He moaned.

'Go and kneel on the table,' Olly said softly. 'Kneel down and stick your arse out. You'll stay there until the hour's up, or until you shit yourself.'

A little soft fart escaped from him as he got up onto the table, and he knelt there trembling with his arse clenched up and the tight white fabric stretched tight across it. A few times he closed his eyes and grunted softly. It was obvious he wasn't going to last much longer. Then suddenly his mouth fell open and he gasped, and at that moment a little lump pushed out between his cheeks.

'Oh! Fuck I'm going ... can't stop it ... ooh!'

His voice tailed away as he let go and began letting out a big log that crackled loudly as it pushed the back of his pants out into a point that grew slowly longer as he sighed with relief. Then suddenly he farted, and the point collapsed into a swelling, lumpy bulge. The smell rolled out round the room. Liam glanced at Olly and Toby next to him, fingering their hard-ons through their pants, and realised that without noticing he'd been doing the same. Aaron groaned as his crackling came to an end. Little brown spots of moisture were beginning to soak through.

'You dirty bastard,' said Olly harshly. 'Your shit stinks. You finished...? no? What are you?'

'I'm a dirty bastard,' said Aaron, in a small, submissive voice. 'I've shit meself and it stinks. Ooh ... oh Christ!'

His mouth fell open and he gasped as his bowels gave a heave he couldn't control, and another thick turd pushed his pants out further. He was smellier than usual, and the sharp odour battered at Liam's brain and set his dick pulsing.

'Oh, you smelly cunt!' he said enthusiastically. 'Go on, finish your shit now. Fill your pants right up.'

Aaron nodded meekly, and the heave of his cheeks showed that he was straining. He knelt for a minute or two, pushing and grunting, then finished his dump in a rush of gassy farts and turds.

'I'm done,' he said quietly. 'Oh God...'

Liam reached forward, pulled out the back of his waistband and contemplated the huge, dark-brown clod Aaron had produced, all pushed up to a point where it had squashed between his smeared cheeks. He let it go and stepped back again.

'Get up,' snapped Olly.

As Aaron turned round Liam saw the splash of pre-cum at the head of his big, hard cock. He was shaking all over, letting out little whimpers in his excitement. Olly bent and picked up a pair of shorts from the floor.

'Put these on,' he said. 'Put 'em on and bend over the table. Safety word when you can't take any more.'

Liam's bottom still hurt, and he eyed Aaron sympathetically as he fumbled the shorts on, bent over the table and stretched out his arms. Even through the shorts the big pile he'd done in his pants was very prominent. As he lay, helplessly waiting for his first beating, Olly took off his pants and stood behind him naked, with his hard-on jutting out like a gun, and Toby did the same. They came closer. Liam too dropped his pants and stepped out of them. He wondered dully as Olly picked up the cane, flexed it menacingly and then held it across Aaron's trembling bottom whether his shit would cushion the blows at all. Then Olly swung, with full force.


Aaron stayed still for a split second, and then he gasped in shock and pain as he registered what had just been done to him. He straightened up convulsively, and his hands flew to his injured buttocks.

'Ow! Fuck! Fuck that hurts!'

'Yeah it will do,' said Olly sarcastically. 'One fucking stroke and you're already moaning. Liam had ten, and on his bare arse. Now get back down, hold onto the edge of the table and take it like a man.'

Aaron bent over again and gritted his teeth. His knuckles went white as the next stroke landed, and he moaned softly and squirmed as the pain peaked. Olly regarded him coolly for a few seconds as he composed himself, then swung a third time.


Aaron yelped loudly, and then as he writhed and arched his back he farted softly and added another turd to his pile. He yelped louder still at the next, and the one after that, and at the sixth stroke he cried out loud and straightened up again, gasping his safety word.


'Yeah,' he said, clutching his messy, stinging backside. 'Oh that really fucking hurts.'

'It's meant to. Now, come on...'

Olly led the way through into the bathroom, with Aaron's smell following them through the flat. Earlier, before Aaron had arrived, he'd put a chair ready with a plastic bag taped over the top, and Aaron's eyes widened as he realised what was going to happen.

'Take off those shorts,' Olly told him. 'And then sit down.'

Aaron winced as he bent. His bottom was throbbing. He was whimpering and shaking again as he went over to the chair and stood in front of it, and his cock was rock hard again. He turned to look at them with pleading eyes.

'Yeah,' said Toby huskily. 'That's it. Now, we wanna see you sit...'

Aaron bent slowly, reaching down to put his hands on the edges of the chair. He lowered himself down, wincing again, until his bulge touched the seat and pressed more firmly against his bottom. His eyes widened a bit with the sensation, and a bit more pre-cum oozed through the front of his pants.

'Sit in it. Go on, sit in your shit.'

He pursed his lips, and lowered himself right down, making a big, filthy squelching sound.

'Ow! Oh! Oh fuckin' hell!' he gasped.

He came at once. He couldn't stop himself, he said afterwards: the feeling as his hot, lumpy mess squashed soothingly across his sore cheeks and shot forward to his balls was so intense that it tipped him over the edge. He shot so hard that cum spurted through his pants and dripped to the floor, and he yelped out loud. He was still shaking all over when Liam helped him into the shower to clean up.

So it was that, when Toby said he needed a shit an hour later, it was Liam who took in the face as the others watched and wanked. Toby had a hangover from a night out with his student mates, and as the need to shit built up he began farting, with Liam kneeling right behind him, nose between his cheeks, inhaling the hot gas Toby blasted into his face. He was on the verge of cumming as he lay down, and as Toby squatted across him and began curling out a thick, smooth log he could barely contain himself. He whimpered into his gag and his dick bounced uncontrollably as the first hefty turd dropped across his nose and mouth.

'Oh Toby,' breathed Olly. 'That really stinks!'

The intense smell made Liam gag. Another big turd fell on him and covered one lens of his goggles, and then another and another, and it began to roll down his cheeks. Above him Toby grunted and curled out more and more, all slimy and hot and exquisitely foul. He was edging constantly. He just managed to stop himself cumming until Toby had finished and turned around to wank over his pile with the others, and then let go and shot all over his unwiped bottom.

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Next: Chapter 29

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