
By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 10, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Five

Aaron did it in front of them again a couple of days later, and then a few times more in the next couple of weeks, and the sight of that horny chav lad having a shit made Liam's dick bounce every time. He looked so delightfully vulnerable and sexy as he squatted naked over the bag, with his pinkish little arse-lips flaring. His turds were always beautiful; big, chunky, cracked logs that curled from him with a wonderful little crackling noise, and little raspy farts. His smell was so erotic too; not all that strong, but sharp and dirty, and really manly. By the time he'd finished he was always rock hard, and he'd turn around and wank off with them over his chunky brown pile.

Then one afternoon he invited Liam over to his house, when Olly was at work and his housemates were away. It was the first time the two of them had met alone. Liam looked around the cramped, untidy little living room as they sat smoking, and then back to Aaron, who was looking uncomfortable, shuffling in his chair with a visible bulge in his pants. He farted softly, and his gloriously dirty smell tickled Liam's nostrils.

'I really need a dump,' he said huskily. 'I ain't sat on the toilet for two days, and I got a massive load in my arse. I'm gonna shit like a fucking horse.'

Liam looked him up and down, with his cock pressing uncomfortably against his flies. In his mind's eye he was already kneeling with his face right over Aaron's shit, feeling its hotness and drinking in his stink, just like he'd done the time before. He wanted to rub his nose in it, get his face covered in it, or better still, he wanted to be shat on; he wanted to be Aaron's toilet. He looked straight at Aaron.

'Shit on me,' he said softly. 'Will you?'


'Shit on me. I fucking love being shat on; being a guy's toilet for him. Olly's done it to me loads of times, squatted over me and dumped his shit right in my face...'

'Jesus!' Aaron pawed at himself through his pants. He looked horrified, but madly turned on as well. 'But you can't want me to...'

'I do. Seriously. You know I love watching you do it. I really, really wanna be your toilet.'

Aaron leaned back, licking his lips nervously, his eyes darting around the room. For a moment Liam thought he'd gone too far and broken the spell completely; even that Aaron might be so freaked out by the prospect that he wouldn't even shit in front of him. Then he leaned forward again and nodded.

'Okay,' he said. 'I'll do it. You really want it in the face?'


'Fucking hell ... yeah, okay, but come on. I'm gonna shit myself in a minute!'

Liam's legs felt soft as they climbed the stairs. Everything felt unreal again, as if the obscene thing that was about to happen was going to be done to someone else, and he was just an observer. His heart was racing and his head was spinning as they got to the bathroom. It was dingy and ill-lit, and the floor to which Liam lowered his pants looked as if it hadn't been washed in a long time. Aaron stood and watched as he got naked, then winced in desperation and peeled off his T-shirt. Liam noted vaguely once again how toned and fit his body was. It was just awesome to think that its waste would soon be landing on his face. Then Aaron pulled his pants down, and Liam stared transfixed at his gorgeous arse.

'Lie down,' he whispered. 'Lie down and get ready. I ain't gonna be able to hold it...'

Liam was whimpering uncontrollably as he lay down, as turned on as he'd ever been. Aaron watched him, wide-eyed and breathing hard. Then his eyes widened suddenly.

'Oh fuckin' 'ell, I'm shitting ... can't hold it!'

He jumped forward and straddled Liam. As he began to squat down his cheeks parted, revealing a brown lump between them that was already beginning to grow as his shit forced his arsehole open. It was peeling away from his skin, leaving a brown stain behind it. Liam closed his eyes just in time.


The first lump landed right on the bridge of his nose, hot and tacky, the impact as intense as a smack in the face. Liam's mind whirled, struggling to process the sensation, and the grunting and slimy crackle from somewhere above him. Then the world seemed to fall in on him. The first turd from Aaron was long and thick and solid. It landed right on his chin, toppled over and fell across his face with its broken end on his forehead, covering his left eye and overwhelming him with its weight, and the heady smell that blasted up his nose and exploded in his head. Above him Aaron was sighing with relief, his arse crackling and hissing, and then he dropped another thick log. Only with a superhuman effort did Liam manage to keep his mouth clamped shut as it landed, and then another one straight afterwards. He could only breathe through one half-covered nostril, and the lumpy, slimy weight on his face was all he could feel. Above him Aaron gave a soft grunt, and another little lump dropped onto the pile.

'Yeah,' he breathed. 'That's better. Big fuckin' shit. Fuck me, are you gonna cum? Your cock's fuckin' dancing!'

Liam could only moan in reply. He was helpless; blinded, buried and completely beaten, his face covered in hot, chavvy Aaron's turds, gassed by the awesomely filthy smell of his shit. He fought desperately to stop himself cumming.

'I gotta do some more,' said Aaron. 'Gotta finish my shit ... uh ... oh yeah!'

His fart rang in Liam's ears, and then the crackle began again, all silvery and slimy. It seemed to last forever. Then the turds began to drop from him again; lump after filthy, soft lump. Liam clenched up frantically as they landed and the pile began to disintegrate and slide down his cheeks, leaving his face covered in shit. He was gagging with the smell, moaning constantly. Somewhere above him he could sense Aaron wanking as he pushed out the last of his turds. Then he came. His back arched and his whole body convulsed, and he screamed through tight-closed lips as his dick exploded everywhere.

Aaron had to help him into the shower. He was dazed and dizzy, he staggered as he stood up, and he couldn't open his eyes. It seemed to take ages to get his face clean. Suddenly there was a vile taste in his mouth that could only be shit, and he thought he was going to be sick. He fought it down as he washed his mouth out, gargling soapy water to mask the taste and make himself feel clean again. Finally he felt better. He turned off the shower and drew back the curtain, to see Aaron standing there,holding out a towel.

'Better?' he asked as Liam dried himself. 'Fuck me that was mad. Never seen a guy cum like that before!'

They went and sat down with a cup of coffee, with Aaron enthusing about how horny it had been to shit on his face. He'd never thought of it before, he said, and now he just wanted to do it again.

'Olly'll do it,' grinned Liam. 'Love to watch you shit on his face, or have him watch you do it to me! I mean, being shat on is a mad buzz, but having someone watch it happen... What about you, though? What'd you like to do?'

'Er ... I dunno really,' shrugged Aaron. 'I mean, I've always wanked off over guy taking shits, but playing with it, like, I ain't ever really thought about. But ... well, I'm into control. As a bottom, like. Y'know, being controlled and dominated and humiliated. Member that's why shitting in front of guys gets me going, an' I like the idea of not having control over it; being told when I can and can't do it, made to hold it, an' that.'

'What, and having to shit yourself if you can't?'

'Er ... yeah,' said Aaron bashfully. 'Ain't ever done it, but I do wank over it - as a fantasy, like.

'What, you've never tried shitting yourself? Ooh, you should. I love it. It's such a fucking hot feeling. Me and Olly do it, and another lad we play with sometimes. Wanna do it sometime?'

'Fuckin' hell! Yes!'

As he'd realised back in the summer, living in a house with three other lads provided Liam with endless opportunities to hear and smell his mates shitting, and by then he was getting to know their habits pretty well. Haydn ate a lot of junk food and only went to the toilet four or five times a week, at pretty much random times of the day. He took big, splashy dumps that left huge dark-brown skids in the pan, he always made a thick, coarse stink, and he never opened the window. The fact that either he didn't realise or didn't care that you could smell his shit on the landing made it even hotter. Louis was pretty smelly as well. He usually went in the morning before he left for his classes, although sometimes later in the day, and unlike Haydn – who sat on the toilet for ages – he was usually pretty quick about it. He was quite quiet, too, making soft, heavy plops that suggested big logs that didn't have far to fall into the water. He was a polite lad and used the toilet brush, but he still left the odd sandy-brown skidmark, and when he didn't open the window his ripe, slightly sour smell made Liam's dick stir in his pants.

Then there was Will. He was a long-distance runner and very fit, and he ate more healthily than even Liam. He was an afternoon dumper, and a lot of the time he seemed to go at university. On a few occasions he'd come back from classes and disappeared into the bathroom, though, and each time he'd given Liam a real treat. The sound of him having a shit was so, so sexy. He did it slowly, often sitting for a good minute before he started, and then the ploops and audible grunts and the odd rasping little fart came at long intervals. Sometimes he was in there for a quarter of an hour and more. Liam got hard as he imagined him sitting there with his pants around his ankles, and then when he was done he couldn't resist going in to take a piss he didn't really need. Will's smell was delectable; quite faint, but with harsh and smoky undertones that really got Liam going. The first couple of times he smelled it he went straight back to his room and had a wank.

The next time he really needed a shit himself. He'd started to need one as he sat in his early-afternoon seminar and he'd toyed with the idea of going to the toilet on campus, but then he'd changed his mind. He'd exchanged texts with Toby a couple of days previously and they'd mentioned the idea of meeting up that day, so he held it in, went home, and started work on an essay due in the following week. He was making himself a cup of tea in the kitchen when Will got back from his classes and went straight upstairs. He was just shutting the bathroom door when Liam got back to his room. As he sat and listened to Will's slow, heavy plops he realised he wasn't going to be able to hold it: he was desperate for a shit, and even if Toby did get in touch he wouldn't be able to get to his place without shitting himself. As soon as Will had flushed, washed his hands and gone back downstairs he went to relieve himself. Will's smell was thicker that day: it hung around the room like gas, and Liam sniffed eagerly at it as he took down his pants and sat down on the seat that was still warm from his mate's hot arse. He held his turds in a bit longer, still enjoying the traces of Will's dump, and then relaxed and grunted in relief as his bowels emptied. He was smellier than Will – though not as much so as Louis or Haydn – and his own pong quickly took over as he curled out a series of thick, satisfying, golden-brown logs that filled up the bowl and splashed water up onto his cheeks. He was still sitting on the toilet, his dirty little hole puckering in and out as he strained slightly, when his phone bleeped.

Hi mate! U free this aft? I wanna play! Toby x

He replied, tucked the phone away in his pocket and reached round for the toilet paper. His hole was quite dirty, and it took a lot of wiping to get it clean. When he'd finished, opened the window to dissipate the smell and washed his hands he opened the door to find Haydn waiting outside.

'Oh, have you just had a shit?' he said, pulling a face. 'Ugh that stinks!'

'You can talk,' Liam shot back. 'At least you can't smell mine out here!'

A few minutes later he was on his way to Toby's. His housemates were away, he'd said, and he was horny and needed a shit. He was getting desperate by the time Liam got there, and he screwed his face up cutely and squirmed in discomfort as they sat and caught up with one another. Just like with Olly, Liam had somehow forgotten how cute he was over the summer. Now he took in his clean-cut, smiley face and his pert body, and got hard as he anticipated what was going to happen.

'Right,' said Toby breathily. 'I really need a shit now. What we gonna do...?'

'Shit on me,' Liam replied softly. 'I wanna be your toilet. Fucking do it on my face!'

'Okay. Mm, yeah, I love how horny you get when I do that. So long since we've done it, and I'm gonna do such a fucking big one. I've been shitting so much recently; keep blocking the toilet when I go for a dump. Come on!'

Liam was trembling as he followed Toby upstairs, eyes fixed on his arse. His legs felt soft and his heart was racing, and the feeling of unreality descended on him as they stripped. He stood in Toby's room, naked and submissive, as Toby fumbled in the drawer, handed him a pair of swimming goggles and taped his mouth up. Then he took his hand and led him through to the bathroom. His dick began to bounce as he lay down on the hard, cool floor, and Toby came and knelt over him, thrusting his arse back so that it was right over his face. His cheeks were perfect, and deep between them his little hole peeped out from amid the hairs of his crack, all puckered up tight as he held in his shit.

'Ready?' he breathed. 'I'm gonna do it now ... gonna shit ... ooh yeah!'

His hole pushed out a little, and he farted right in Liam's face. That awesome, smoky smell he made blasted into Liam's brain and set him whimpering and shaking again, and as he struggled to process what was happening to him Toby's hole puckered out wider, and for the first time in months Liam saw his shit. It was solid and glistening, a darkish, reddy brown, with dark bits in it. Even as the thick rounded end pushed through his hole and grew it into a thick spike it began to break apart, making the most awesomely filthy sound as it did so. Then it dropped right onto Liam's nose, and rolled off onto the floor next to him. Liam moaned helplessly. Above him Toby's hole was still flared open with the thick end of his turd jutting out of it, snapped cleanly off with just a little shard of sticky fibre hanging from it.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Ooh yeah...'

His hole rippled as his turd began to slide out, crackling and hissing. It was really thick and weighty, glistening with slime amid the cracks and flecks of half-digested matter. Liam lay and watched, dazed and in awe as it came closer and closer, until its hot, tacky end touched down on his nose and slid right across his nostrils. Toby's rank, smoky stink blasted into his brain, and in a brief lucid flash he was aware of his dick bouncing up and down uncontrollably. Above him that great snake was still sliding out, and it began to bend back across his face and spread down across his taped mouth. He was completely helpless and degraded; no more than a toilet; and he worshipped Toby as he took his huge shit right in his face. Then it broke off and dropped, curling round so that its end pointed out to the right and its great bulk lay across the bridge of his nose. Its weight and hotness were incredible. Somewhere far away he could feel hot piss trickling onto his chest and tummy. Above him Toby gave a little grunt and a strain and pushed out the end of his turd; a thick, curled brown cone. Pre-cum dribbled from his bouncing dick as it landed.

'Okay?' whispered Tony. 'More...? I still really need to shit.'

Liam moaned through his gag. He was clenched up tight, fighting desperately to stop himself cumming. Mercifully Toby held on for a while, his hole pinched tight, and in the minute or so's respite Liam managed to compose himself. He stared dazed at the heavy, curled, cracked brown turd before his eyes. Then Toby gave a soft little grunt, his brown ringpiece flared out with a sticky clicking sound, and he began pushing out another thick, glistening turd. This one came more quickly, hissing and crackling. It snapped off suddenly, dropped onto Liam's nose and toppled backwards to land across his right eye. Through his left he watched more come out, a few more inches fell heavily onto his face, and then another long curl fell back across his goggles and blinded him completely. His shit was lumpy and hot and heavy on Liam's face, and it stank. Seconds later his crackling flow ended in a resounding fart, and another lump dropped onto his pile.

'Yeah!' he breathed. 'Big fucking shit. Fucking stinks, doesn't it. Like it?'

Liam whimpered in reply.

'Yeah you fucking do. See how fucking excited you are. Mmm, your face is covered in it! Shall I finish now? Want me to finish my shit?'

Liam whimpered again, held up his thumb, and teetered on the brink of cumming as he waited. Then Toby farted again and the world fell in on him. Toby's shit was softer now, falling from his arse in great clods. The pile on his face grew heavier and hotter, and then began to roll down his cheeks, and the stink set him gagging. He was completely lost now, his head was spinning, and then before he knew it he'd cum all over the place. As the buzz wore off he lay in submissive silence as Toby wanked off over him.

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Next: Chapter 26

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