
By Namab Mas

Published on Apr 2, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Sixteen

Liam took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. He was tired. His end-of-year exams were looming, he'd been revising solidly all day and his concentration was starting to wander. He thought back over that afternoon, when he'd gone to the toilet whilst working in the university library. That tall, pale lad with bushy ginger hair he'd noticed in his lectures before had gone in ahead of him and taken one cubicle, and as he'd sat and had a shit in the other he'd listened to the sound of him dropping his load. His shit sounded quite loose, with lots of plops and gassy farts, and the smell he'd left behind had been really thick and fruity as well. His dick got hard as he thought back on it.

Wanting more, he opened up the file of porn he kept in an encrypted drive on his computer, and opened a couple of photos he'd downloaded from his football team's social media feed just the other week; the pictures his teammates had taken of him and Billy on the toilet. They'd caught Billy at just at the right moment. He was sitting well forward on the seat with his top hitched up, showing off his pale cheeks. Two logs were clearly visible in the toilet underneath him, and a long, dark turd was hanging down from his arse. Liam just wished he'd had chance to go in and smell what he'd done. Oh well, that chance might still come. His team were playing in a tournament down south that weekend; a last weekend away before the exam period started. They were staying in a hostel, and he thought there might be opportunities to encounter his teammates doing their business. But that was a few days away, he told himself firmly, and he needed to get some serious revision done before then. He forced himself to close down the porn file, pick up his books again and get back to work.

On the first morning away he got his wish, when he went for a piss just after they'd had breakfast, in the toilet outside the dining room. There was just one urinal, which a lad from another party who was staying there was already using, and one toilet in a separate little room. It was engaged. Liam waited, pretending he needed a shit and hoping that whoever came out was fit. The chances were he would be; most of the guys at the place seemed to be young and handsome. Then the toilet flushed and the door opened, and his heart pounded a little as Billy came out.

'I'd give that five minutes,' he grinned bashfully.

'Can't,' lied Liam, and went in.

His dick sprang to attention at once. Billy's shit smelled fantastic; a thick, dirty reek that filled the room and assailed his nostrils like gas. The toilet seat was warm where he'd sat on it, and there were big dark skidmarks in the bottom of the bowl and smaller ones up the sides. Liam couldn't resist it. He pulled down his pants, sat down on the toilet in which only seconds before his fit teammate had had his big, dirty hangover shit, and had a wank.

The following afternoon they went drinking in town after play had finished. The beer was flowing freely as the lads talked about the day's play and their plans for the evening, and ribbed Mark about the girl he'd pulled in the bar the night before. Suddenly Billy looked around.

'Who's farted?' he demanded.

Liam sniffed discreetly, and picked up the smell. It was nice; rich and heady and slightly sharp. He looked around and noticed Tom taking a hasty swig of his pint, looking rather furtive as he did it. Liam had always fancied Tom. He was cute and smooth and quite round-faced, with fair, almost blonde hair. He was looking a bit uncomfortable and Liam guessed he needed a shit. Sure enough, a few minutes later he excused himself and sidled off in the direction of the toilets. Mark looked around.

'Shit-bust?' he grinned.

Suddenly three of them were on their feet, phones out. Liam followed on impulse and the four of them ran into the toilet, where Tom's shoes showed under the middle cubicle. Liam and Mark ran into the one to the right, the other two lads into the one to the left, jumped up onto the toilet seat and looked over the partition.

'Busted! Tom's havin' a shit!'

Tom looked up, moving his hand quickly to cover his cock. He looked so hot, sitting on the toilet with his jeans and pants around his legs, showing off his muscular, hairy legs and smooth arse.

'I knew you'd do that, yer twats,' he laughed. 'Fuck off and let me 'ave a poo in peace!'

'Nope. You done it yet?'

Tom grinned, pulled a face, then blew out his cheeks. Liam heard a little 'poof,' and then a slimy crackle from underneath him.

'Plop ... plomp ... plop-ploop, plop!'

'Oh you dirty bastard!'

'Fucking hell Tom, that stinks!'

Tom grinned up at them again, farted softly and let go another soft plop. The rich, nasty smell rose up from him, and Liam's dick began to harden in his jeans as he watched and sniffed discreetly at Tom shamelessly dropping his turds in front of his jeering mates. He farted and plop-plopped again.

'There ya go. I'm done,' he said presently.

'Gonna wipe?'

'Am I fuck. You ain't seein' that!'

'No, I don't wanna either,' laughed Mark. 'Phew that stinks. Come on...'

'Wankers,' laughed Tom as he rejoined them in the bar a few minutes later. '

Liam couldn't resist feigning the need for a piss and heading back in there. The smell of Tom's shit hung heavy in the air, and he too had left big, chocolate-brown skidmarks. Back in his bunk the next morning, lying awake with a hangover as his room-mates snored, Liam replayed the scene in his mind, and his dick stiffened as he looked forward to the inevitable photos and video that would no doubt find their way online before too long!

On the way home the minibus broke down. It was a long journey and all the lads were tired and fractious, keen to get back to their own beds and their girlfriends, and preparation for their exams. They were only an hour or so from home when the engine began to overheat and run roughly, and the cabin filled with a burning sort of smell. The driver slowed down and pulled into the slow lane of the motorway, saying fretfully that he thought he'd be able to nurse it to the next services. He'd barely said that when steam began to come from under the bonnet, and then the engine cut out altogether. The lads groaned with disappointment as they pulled onto the hard shoulder and stopped.

'You'd all best get out,' said the driver glumly, flicking on the hazard warning lights. 'Get behind the barrier; it's safer there. I'll have to phone for another minibus.'

They clambered out, climbed over the crash barrier and sat on the embankment beyond. All they could do was sit and wait, watching the traffic speed by and wondering how long it would be before they were picked up. Liam was sitting at the edge of the group next to Louis, whom he'd always fancied; tall, slim Louis with his bronzed skin and jug ears and twinkly eyes and thick, messy hair. He looked around him suddenly, looking a bit apprehensive.

'What's up?' asked Liam.

'Need the toilet.'

'Well just go and piss over there. Nothing else you can do, is there?'

'No, it's not that...'

'Oh, I see.' Liam felt a little surge of excitement. 'You desperate?'


Louis was one of the quieter lads. He was thoughtful and well-spoken, and always seemed very private. He didn't join in some of the banter and busting in on others in the toilet, and Liam had had the impression he'd have been pissed off if it had happened to him. He looked mortified now, and Liam didn't blame him. He looked up and down the embankment. At the top there was a high fence, and in either direction there was nothing to shelter behind as far as the eye could see; nothing but a sparse little bush only a few feet away. Louis looked around again and shuffled uncomfortably, and Liam began to grow a semi at the sight of his cute mate desperate for a shit. They sat for a few minutes more. Suddenly Louis looked up.

'Got any tissues?'

'Er, yeah. Here you are. But where are you gonna go?'

Louis didn't answer; just took the tissues, stood up and went around to the other side of the bush. Liam looked around quickly but none of the others seemed to have noticed, and all of them were either chatting or playing with their phones. He turned slightly so he could watch without making it obvious, and looked back again. Louis was standing with his back to them, unbuckling his belt, clearly visible through the thin branches. As Liam watched he pulled his jeans and pants down to his knees, and then his bare bottom came into view as he squatted down, his cheeks smooth and nicely shaped. Liam heard him grunt softly. He did a long, light-brown log that slid sinuously from his arse and nearly touched the ground before it broke off and dropped. Sighing with relief he pushed again, and the broken end hanging from him grew into another thick tail that tapered to a point as it slid out. He held his dick down, and his piss splashed onto the ground. Suddenly Liam could smell it, a slightly sour, sharp aroma wafting down to him on the gentle breeze, and he realised he was fully hard. He watched transfixed as Louis grunted again, his hole flared visibly, and he did another long, snaky turd that broke off several times, building up into a curled pile underneath him, before it ended in a squeaky little fart. Liam couldn't believe how much Louis was doing; he might have been a pretty slight guy, but his shit was massive! He strained again and did another slim little worm, paused for a few seconds, then pushed out another little nugget that dropped lightly on top of his pile. Then his hand came into view, reaching round to wipe with his knuckles perilously close to his turds. He rocked forward to give himself a bit more room, supporting himself on his other hand. The first tissue came away with a big brown smear on it, and he used another three or four before he finally stood up and pulled his pants up. Liam turned away as he buckled his belt again, his legs drawn well up to hide the bulge in his pants. The smell was still hanging around them, and he was surprised none of the others had noticed.

'Better?' he asked innocently as Louis came and sat down next to him.

'Yeah. Thanks for the tissues,' said Louis coyly.

A few minutes later another minibus came into view, indicated left, and pulled up just ahead of theirs. Finally they were on their way again. Liam needed a piss before they got going, and he couldn't resist going and doing it next to the bush, right by where Louis had squatted. His dick tingled again as he looked down at Louis's hefty shit; his smooth, curled turds half-covered with stained and crumpled tissues, the smell still rising gently from it all.

Half an hour later they were only a few miles from home when his phone buzzed in his pocket:

Hey. U back yet? Horny and need a shit! Olly x

Liam was still a bit hung over, and because he'd been sharing a room he hadn't had a wank since that quickie in the toilet two days ago. He was starting to need a shit as well. With all of that, and the sight and sound and smell of cute Louis doing it fresh in his mind, he had a semi he couldn't get rid of. He texted Olly back telling him to hold it if he could, sat back and watched the world go by, and enjoyed the urge to take a dump building up in his bowels. As soon as they got back to university he declined a pint with his mates, picked up his bag and headed straight for Olly's place.

They had a messy, intense, mutual session in their pants. Olly was hopping and squirming in desperation when Liam arrived, moaning constantly about how badly he needed a shit. He stripped to his pants at once, and pulled the back of them down to show off the turtle's-head squashed between his clenched cheeks. Liam took his hand and led him over to the table, to bend over and rest his elbows on it with his pert arse sticking out, the grey fabric tightening around his cheeks.

'Ooh ... oh ... oh ... oh yeah!'

Olly's moans and yelps rang out as the back of his pants swelled up into a great lumpy bulge, crackling and hissing as it all piled up on his bottom and the meaty smell filled the room. Finally the surge tailed off, leaving him gasping and sighing in relief and pleasure. He straightened up, with his hard-on tenting out the front of his pants.

'Oh ... oh fuck that feels good. You need to...?'

Liam nodded, stroking his dick through his pants. Olly stepped back so he too could bend and rest his arms on the table. He held it for a few seconds, conscious of his bottom sticking out towards Olly and trembling in anticipation, and then gave in to the pressure inside him, and moaned out loud as the shit he'd needed for hours slid down the chute, pushed through his relaxing hole and began to spread across his bottom.

'Mmm!' whispered Olly appreciatively, putting a hand on his back. 'That smells so nice. Go on, do some more...'

Liam bowed his head, gave a little push and moaned out loud. His pants grew heavy and the smell thickened around him as bowels emptied in one long, lumpy stream, all hot and warm against his skin. It seemed to go on forever, until when it finally finished he was edging, his cock giving little spurts of pre-cum. When he straightened up there was a dark, sticky patch at its head.

'Oh wow, such a big one!' breathed Olly.

They went through to the bedroom and admired their bulges in the long mirror. Olly got his phone out and took a couple of pictures of them standing side by side, sticking out their bottoms and showing off their loads. Both of them were whimpering with pleasure as they moved, and their loads rubbed around on their cheeks and balls and the sensitive bits in between. Then they went through to the bathroom, where Olly had put two chairs ready, plastic bags taped over them. Liam stared at them, his dick pulsing as he contemplated what was about to happen. Olly put a hand on his arm.

'Shall we swap? Swap pants ... I wanna sit in yours!'

The prospect was unbelievably horny. Liam watched as Olly carefully pulled down his pants, showing off his shit-smeared cheeks and the great, lightish-brown lump he'd produced, and then Olly stood and wanked as he watched Liam do the same. Cautiously they stepped into one another's pants and pulled them up. Liam gasped aloud and his dick jerked and dribbled once more as Olly's shit touched his backside. It was softer than his own and it felt lovely against his skin.

'Oh!' squeaked Olly as he did the same. 'Ooh that feels so nice!'

They stayed on their feet a bit longer, squatting down and bending and wiggling their arses, moaning with the sensation. Then they stepped over to the chairs and sat down together. Liam fought to stop himself cumming as Olly's shit squashed across his bottom and up between his legs, and as he drew back from the brink he glanced at Olly, his mouth hanging open as he wriggled and writhed. Liam reached for the poppers, took a huge sniff and handed them to Olly. He loved taking poppers as he sat in shit: it seemed to heighten the sensation, and make the stink even more deliciously filthy. His head rushed as they rocked to and fro and wriggled side to side and back and forward, squishing shit everywhere.

'Oh God I'm gonna cum,' moaned Olly.

'No ... not yet ... let's stay in it a bit longer...'

They took more poppers, sat back and relaxed. A lump squashed up around Liam's balls as he leaned backwards, drawing a gasp from him. He was in heaven, sitting in Olly's shit with his arse covered in it and his cock so hard it hurt. They began to move again, faster and faster, crying out loud in ecstasy, until Olly threw back his head and nearly screamed as he came. Then Liam pulled him upright, tore down his pants and shot all over his brown cheeks.

Liam didn't see much of Olly, or any of his friends outside university, for a couple of weeks. Instead he spent long hours in the library revising for his exams, and went little further off the university campus than the pub over the road. He didn't give much thought to anything apart from work, and least of all to scat, until one day when he was in the library going over some material for his last exam the following morning. He looked up from his work as a guy came and took a table a few yards from him. He was very cute; a solid, fresh-faced lad with spiky blonde hair. Liam eyed his sturdy arse as he sat down. In his mind's eye it was bare and the lad's trousers were round his knees as he sat down on the toilet. It was mid-afternoon by then and he was starting to need a shit. He ignored it for a while and finished the article he was taking notes from. Just as he did so the lad folded his laptop and shoved it into his bag, got up and headed for the toilets, looking slightly pensive. On impulse Liam put his notes in his own bag and followed at a discreet distance.

Sure enough, the lad was just going into one cubicle when he opened the door, so he took the other one, pulled down his pants and sat down. As he did so he noticed a spyhole, and he couldn't resist leaning forward to peer through it, just in time to see the lad pull down his jeans and pants and show off his pale, broad bottom. He lowered himself down as if to sit, but then stopped, hovering a few inches above the seat. Liam's dick began to stir. The lad was facing slightly away from him, giving a grand view of the action. He grunted softly and his hole began to pucker out, and then his shit started to come out. It was smooth and thick, a sort of tawny-brown, and it came quickly. Liam watched transfixed as the lad's tail grew from him, until its tip disappeared below the seat. Then it snapped off and plopped loudly into the bowl. He followed it with another one, and then held his dick down to piss. Liam relaxed and let go his own as he watched. Water splashed up onto his bottom as his load dropped into the bowl and his smell rose up from it. The hovering lad strained and pushed out another one, and then stood up higher and began to wipe. Liam would have sat longer, but the lad would be gone soon and he'd have chance to go in and have a sniff, assuming no-one else came in. He reached for the toilet roll, stood up and began to wipe too. He was nearly done when the lad flushed, pulled up his pants and left, but he gave himself another couple of wipes to give him time to wash his hands. He was just pulling up his pants when the door banged, leaving him alone. Quickly he dived out of his own cubicle and into the other. It smelled pretty strong; a cloying, ripe lad's smell. Suddenly Liam was hard. He pulled down his pants, plonked himself down on the seat and wanked off.

A few days later he donned his goggles, taped his mouth and lay down on the bathroom floor. Olly, Toby and Dalton stood over him, wanking. The room already smelled pretty thick, for when he'd needed to shit first he'd done it into Dalton's cupped hands as the others watched on. Dalton had nearly cum, even though he couldn't touch his cock. He was really gassy that day as his need to shit built up, and as he'd washed his hands Liam had knelt behind him, nose between his cheeks, as he farted again and again. Toby had farted on him too, a big long one that really stank, and then Olly, and then Dalton yet again. He loved the sense of submission as he knelt there and they farted in his face. Now the three of them all needed to shit, and their toilet was lying on the floor, waiting and wondering which would use him first. He was so hard it hurt.

Toby stepped forward, and Liam's heart pounded as he straddled him and squatted down, giving him the toilet's view right up his pert, hairy arse. His hairy hole opened slowly and the tip of a dark turd peeped out. He held it there for a long time as Liam contemplated what was coming, and then he let it go. His shit absolutely stank that day; all harsh and bitter and really nasty. Liam almost gagged as a hefty turd touched down on the tip of his nose and slid greasily over his nostrils, and then dropped right across his face, covering his right eye. Then Toby pushed out another one that dropped on top of the other with its broken end over his other eye, all but blinding him. He lay there moaning as Toby pissed on his chest and tummy and added some more mushy turds to the stinking pile on his face. He lay helpless, dick like a ramrod, as Toby wiped his arse and dropped the used paper on top of what he'd done.

He was so nearly blinded that he couldn't see who squatted over him next, and only the soft grunt that preceded the crackle of shit coming out told him it was Dalton. His shit was big and solid. His logs landed on top of Toby's, until the whole pile began to collapse, sliding stickily down his cheeks. Dalton farted on him and dropped another one, and only then did Dalton's filthy smell hit him. Then he too was done and he got up, leaving Liam there with his face covered in shit. He could breathe through the straws at either corner of his mouth, but his nose was blocked and the stink was overpowering.

Finally Olly came and squatted across him. His shit was quite loose, and Liam moaned as a quick-fire succession of mushy turds hit him in the face, rolled down his cheeks and gassed him once again. It tipped him over the edge, and he screamed through his gag and the pile on his face as he came harder than he ever had before.

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Next: Chapter 17

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