Levi and Noah

By Steve McQueen

Published on Sep 22, 2023


Levi and Noah Part 6 From leviandnoah@gmail.com

Hi guys! Levi and Noah here. We know it's been a long time since we posted one of Kale's journals but we've been busy with a bunch of other stuff. A lot of you have been writing us (leviandnoah@gmail.com) and we really like hearing from you a lot! So here is part 6 after a long delay. You should read the first parts at https://nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/levi-and-noah. Write to us and let us know what you think of Kale's journal. And if you want, we can get a message to Kale if you want. Here you go! And by the way, Nifty is a really cool place for us to put Kale's journals, so consider donating to them.

Wednesday, August 16

My world had been completely turned upside down and it is my fault. I am a pathetic loser who let two 16 year olds and their friends turn me into their gay sex toy. Isn't that the hard truth? Isn't that what I had let happen to me? Levi and Noah were selling me for $10. WTF! What a nightmare. These kinds of things weren't supposed to happen to guys like me--a straight 23 year old heterosexual with a jacked body and a big cock. I should have been ruling the roost. But look at what I had allowed to happen me. They had turned me into their shaved down sex toy to touch and lick and fuck and threaten. If only I had been a little smarter in the very beginning. If only I had stood up to them. If only. If only.

Now I was at work, which normally would have been a safe haven from everything sexual that Levi and Noah and their friends were doing to me. But my balls still had a dull ache from where Stevie had repeatedly kicked me without mercy last night. The nausea of having my nuts abused left me physically and mentally beaten. That's why I couldn't concentrate sitting at my work desk. I had a ton of coding I needed to do but instead I just stared at the screen and felt the death spiral that my life had become. I was probably going to be fired.

But the worst part of all this is that, under my desk, I had a rock hard boner. It wasn't the kind of boner that's still a little soft. That would have been nice because I could have bent it down between my legs and keep it under control and kinda hidden. But no. This was one of those mega stone boners that was so engorged with blood that it could not be maneuvered because it was like a hard baseball bat, like cement, sticking straight up against my abdomen--so hard and straight that it extended out of my underwear and peaked out of my pants. I kept my shirt out of my pants to keep it hidden but even that didn't work well because my cock kept leaking precum and it created a big spreading wet spot on the front of my shirt. I precum a lot when I'm hard. That's usually a really good thing when I'm with a girl because the precum lubes up my cock a lot so fucking pussy is smooth and wet. But now the precum that continued to ooze from my cock made my shirt sticky, wet, and obvious.

What did it say about me that I was so hard? I didn't want to be sexually controlled and abused by Levi and Noah. They shaved off all my pubes and showed me off to their abusive high school friends. I hated it. I definitely did not want them to be doing all the things they had thrown at me--making me suck cock, having my ass licked, shaving all my pubes, letting Stevie tie me up, and everything else they had done to me with blackmail. It all made me sick. I hated it. But my cock was hard as a board and maybe it betrayed my emotions. Maybe they had changed me and made me gay. Maybe I actually liked all of things they had done to me. Wasn't that what my cock was saying? Wasn't my boner proof that I wanted all this? Oh God, no. Please no. This was all so terrible. By boner took over my mind and kept whispering that my days of being a straight horny male were over and, instead, I was a sex object for teenage boys to do what they wanted.

Sitting there at my desk with my leaking boned up cock and unable to concentrate or stand up, I felt like I had no choice but to try to jack off sitting there. Such an idea was risky and crazy. Other employees were sitting in cubicles all around me, with Stacey, a nice girl, right behind me. Her back was to me so at least that was good. Oh hell. This was fucked. But my mind was so clouded and my boner so mammoth that I couldn't think straight and wasn't in any condition to know right from wrong. Levi and Noah had turned me into someone I didn't recognize. But I couldn't help it because my cock was a thick stone pipe that sucked all better judgment out of me and caused me to think of nothing else than jacking and cumming. The precum had now soaked my shirt and had made my cock feel slimy and slippery against me. My cock was straining at my pants and I almost couldn't breathe or catch my breath. Oh damn.

I looked around me and decided that no one was paying any attention to me. I didn't know if I would go through with it, but I knew I would feel better if I at least gave my cock a little more room. So I slowly released the top button of my pants, which was all I really wanted to do. The button was wet with my precum which made it difficult to unfasten, but I eventually got it. Immediately, the top of my pants popped opened and the pressure from my throbbing cock forced the zipper all the way down. It made a very loud zipping sound and I was sure everyone could hear it. I froze. But no one said anything. My cock was now no longer terribly constrained even though I was wearing underwear. My boner didn't care, and it pushed out and I could tell that now that it wasn't tight in my pants that it grew even bigger. It t also seemed that now that it was free (under my desk and mostly still under my overhanging shirt) that it was now spewing more precum in a continuous dripping stream that ran down all over me and into my underwear.

I heard someone walking toward this part of the office so I quickly tried to push my cock toward me and zip up my pants. But there was no way that was gonna work. My cock was too big and I could not get close to buttoning and zipping up my pants. It was like my pants were three sizes too small now. So I just pulled myself closer to the computer and pretended to work, my cock totally out hard and dripping under my desk.

It was my manager, Eric Carson. He was walking slowly past the cubicles, stopping at each one and checking on people. He stopped at Stacey's desk behind me and started making small talk. I was panicking because my boner was throbbing with a steady stream of precum and it wasn't going down. It was as if my boner was straining to get totally free so it could peak my big mushroom head above the desk and say hi to Eric. I'm not exaggerating. By boner was so big that it was sort of pushing me away from the desk. Oh fuck. I pulled closer to the desk so my stomach was against it. My boner was touching the bottom of the desk. I accessed a screen on my monitor and tried to remember where I had left off on the project I was working on. I was sweating.

Then Eric turned away from Stacey and came over to me. It was terribly awkward because I should have turned around and faced him. But I couldn't. If I swiveled in my chair my cock would be right there big and wet and obvious. So kept my back to him, stayed where I was and just kept typing away.

Eric said, "How's it going, Kale? You're looking mighty industrious today."

"Yeah," I said in a shaky voice. "Pushing through this coding section so I can stay ahead of the curve."

"Well good for you," he said. "I have been a little worried about your focus lately. But I'm glad to see that all is good."

"Yep, all good," I said. My boner hadn't let up. It was touching the desk and jiggling every time I hit a key. It felt like it was going to explode.

"Are you OK, Kale?" he asked. "Is anything wrong?"

I said, "I'm fine. Just working on an intense part here. I'm kinda distracted by it. I hope you don't mind if I just keep pushing ahead."

"No I totally understand," he said, and he clapped me on my back as he walked away. "Proud of you."

When he was gone I felt like I was stoned even though I wasn't. My head was swirling and I felt as if my cock had taken over my body and as if I had turned into one huge boner. My mind was racing and was intoxicated. I needed to cum so bad and it was the only thing I could focus on. I felt like I had to strip off all my clothes then and there and just start wildly jacking my cock. Oh fuck.

I pushed my chair back a little, lifted my shirt, and inspected my dick. It was so crazy big and still oozing precum like a faucet. My mushroom head was red and engorged and my dick hole was wet and open. I had to cum. So without thinking too much more I pushed my underwear down and completely freed my cock which was all boned up big time and wet. My cock veins were purple and raised. It was as if my cock had morphed into a big greasy flagpole. I didn't think about it any longer. I wrapped a hand around my boner and started to jack, slowly at first, then faster. My hand was all lubed from my precum and I was mesmerized and totally into it. I wasn't aware of anything around me. Just me and my hand and my boner and stroking the full length of my meat right there at my cubicle desk. Fuck it felt good. Then I started to feel my orgasm coming soon and I stroked faster and longer, sliding my hand from the thick base of my hairless cock and then all the way up to the head which was still leaking precum. I had to keep going. Then I felt it. The awesome rising feeling from my balls telling me I was gonna explode. Thick globs of cream started to bubble out of my cock and over my hand and then it just took over and the lights in the room exploded and my body shivered and thick long ropes of cum shot straight up hitting my chin and dripping onto my shirt. It was the most intense cum ever and I was lost in the sensation. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! The pleasure was overwhelming. I kept stroking and the cum kept spurting out over and over until it started coming out less.

When it was over, my cock hadn't lost any of its hardness but I felt better even though I was a mess. I took a piece of paper and used it as a towel, wiping down my face and chin and getting as much off my shirt as I could. It took several wipes to get most of the cum. But I was a wreck. After I had cleaned up the best I could, my cock grew soft enough to enable me to quickly shove it down between my legs. I zipped and buttoned up. Then I just sat there and waited to see if anyone had noticed. Nothing. No one came by my desk. Stacey hadn't turned around.

Was this how work was going to be every day from now on? Instead of a productive employee, had I been transformed into a walking pre-cum dripping hairless boner that would demand to cum at my desk every day? How had I let Levi and Noah do this to me?

When work mercifully ended at 5 pm, I stayed at my desk pretending to work. I couldn't let anyone see my shirt and pants which were still wet with precum and sperm. Then, when most everyone had gone, I quickly slipped out of the office while holding some papers in front of me which might have disguised the mess I had become. I felt a sense of relief because I was free from the sexed-up nightmare of work. But that feeling of relief quickly faded because I was now driving to my apartment and would have to face Levi and Noah again. Oh fuck!

End of part 5

Hi guys! We are sorry that we haven't posted more of Kale's journals lately. Way busy! But you have been writing us a lot so we are starting up again transcribing Kale's handwriting journals. Keep your emails coming and we promise to always write back. It is always cool hearing from you, and we can get a message to Kale if you want. Our email is leviandnoah@gmail.com.

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