Levi and Noah

By Steve McQueen

Published on Aug 3, 2019


Hi guys. Levi and Noah here. We know it's been a long time since we've posted one of Kale's journals, but we've been busy. A lot of you have been writing us (leviandnoah@gmail.com) and asking for the next one. So here ya go! Write us and let us know what you think of Kale's journal. We can also probably still get a message to Kale, if you want. Here you go:

Tuesday, August 15

I dragged myself out bed in the morning, stumbled to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. I didn't know the sad-ass looking person who looked back at me. He was someone alien, from another planet, a wimp, a fucking pussy who had allowed himself to be pushed into sex slavery by 16 year olds. How had I let it happen? Why didn't I take control in the very beginning and nip everything in the bud? The reflection before me had allowed himself to be raped by a paying customer. There was no other way to put it. Raped and owned and a cock sucker. That's what I was. These boys--yes, 16 year old BOY--had taken over my body. Who was I now other than their sex toy?

It was too late to turn back now. That much was clear to me. They had incriminating pictures of me and they would stop at nothing now. I know what they wanted, and I really had no choice but to shave down my body and present myself nude to them every day so they could do what they wanted with me. My servitude even extended to them sharing me with, and humiliating me in front of, their school friends. I was royally fucked.

I drove to work and tried to make sense of the night before. From what I could piece together, it seemed clear that Levi and Noah had taken money from their friends in exchange for showing off their naked and owned man. Money?! Oh fuck. Would that be the new normal? Would they bring a new group of friends home every day and force me to strip and masturbate in front of them? Would I have to suck their cocks and allow them to put their boy cocks inside my ass? That's what happened last night. It would only get worse, right? I was not gay, but they were turning me that way. How did I know that? Because when I arrived at work I was totally boned and a spot of precum had soaked through my pants. What had happened to my world?

I sleep-walked through work, knowing that there was nothing I could do to change my fate. Levi and Noah would destroy my world to get what they wanted. They didn't seem to care about anything other than playing with me. They wanted to make me their gay little cock sucker, and they had succeeded. The worst part is that all day at work I kept thinking of them and I was hard all day. What did that say about me other than that I actually LIKED what I had become? Was I looking forward to seeing them? Did I want to strip down and suck Noah's cock? Did I enjoy Noah's tongue in my ass? Did I want them to touch my body and jack my cock and squeeze my balls? I was so fucking totally rock hard under my desk at work, so the answer must sadly be yes. Oh god!

So I sat there at work all day totally boned and oozing precum. My crotch was so wet with goo that I didn't dare get up from my desk. I untucked my shirt when I was desperate to use the bathroom. I don't think anyone noticed the bulge in my pants. In the bathroom, I went straight to a private stall and freed my swollen cock. My boxers were completely soaked with precum. I knew it was risky, but the only way to get through the rest of the day was to jack off. And, fuck, I must admit I wanted to cum really bad. My cock had been trapped all day, hard as a rock, pouring out precum. I was horny. I'm ashamed to admit it. But what else could I do? My cock was big and hard and there wasn't any way I could get it back in my pants. So I gave it some strokes using my precum as lube. It didn't take long. Maybe 10 slow full length strokes. Then my cum shot out big globby ropes of cum on the door of the stall. Oh fuck. I came over and over, spurting out a river of cum until I felt calmer and my cock started to wilt. Thank god.

At that moment, I heard someone enter the bathroom. I held my breath and it wasn't until then that I saw my cum dripping down the stall door and into a big puddle of cum on the floor. Fuck me. I heard the person come in and could see his shoes under the door as he walked by. The shoes stopped just outside my door. He was looking at my cum puddle, wasn't he? Then whoever it was continued past my stall door to the stand-up urinals. I heard a zipper, the rustling of clothes, and then finally a loud stream of piss as it splashed into the urinal. I was silent as a mouse and waited until the urinal flushed and the mystery man washed and left the bathroom. Whoever it was certainly knew what I had done. He was probably waiting outside to confront me. Or maybe he was taking stock of who wasn't at his desk in order to identify me. Whose shoes had I seen under the door? Did I know them?

I wadded up some toilet paper and cleaned up the floor. Then I used more toilet paper to try to soak up all the precum in my underwear. It didn't work well. Still, My cock was flaccid and that was all that mattered. I pulled up my pants and left my shirt untucked to hide the still obvious wetness of my pants.

No one seemed to notice me when I left the bathroom and headed back to my desk. When I was sitting down, I glanced around the room to see if anyone was looking at me. I think I was in the clear. I had dodged a big bullet. But within five minutes my fucking dick was big and hard again. I felt it filling and growing to its maximum bone. Fuck me! Was this how every day at work would be from now on? Me hiding my rock hard huge boner under my desk? Jacking off in the bathroom? What would happen if I needed to go to a meeting?

It was actually a great relief when 5 pm came and I could leave work, even though I was afraid and worried about what would greet me when I got home.

I parked at my apartment complex and stayed in the car for a while, my hands gripping the wheel tightly. I knew what I should do. I should start the car and immediately drive to the airport. I would abandon my car there and buy a one-way ticket to someplace I could not be found. Maybe London or South Africa. I had enough money in my bank account to last until I found a job, any job. I would change my name and start over. I would find a girlfriend to help heal my sexuality. We would fuck every day and I would pound her like crazy until all memories of Levi and Noah and their friends were erased. She would suck my cock to wake me up in the morning, and I would fuck all her holes. I sat there in the car and thought seriously about this. I would drive to Phoenix and fly from there. But I was forced back to reality by my cock that was hard as hell. I was stuck.

I left my car and trotted up to my apartment where I went straight to my bong and took three quick, deep hits of weed. I waited for the buzz. When it came, when the high overtook my body, I felt so much better. Getting stoned solved a lot of problems, and it was true this time, too. I took two more bong hits and held each one deep in my lungs. Of fuck it felt good.

I knew the boys would be coming to my apartment soon, so I quickly took a shower and got cleaned up. I dragged the razor over my body until the nubs were gone. Shaving is tough when your cock is hard, so I was careful. It seemed as though my dick was stuck in a perpetual bone condition now and it was bigger than ever. Had my cock grown? I wondered if being hard all the time caused it to expand. Things like that can be cool to think about when you're stoned. And I was baked.

I dried off, wrapped the towel around my waste and left the bathroom for another bong hit. But I wasn't alone. Stevie was sitting on the couch next to a green backpack. Had I left the door open?

Although my memory from the evening before was a bit fuzzy, and even though I was very stoned, I remembered Stevie from the night before. But only barely. He was one of the other teen's kid brother. He was young. I mean really young. He had shaggy brown hair nearly to his shoulders and a face that could have been anybody. But other than that I didn't have a take on him. That was probably because one of the other kids, Jake, had been aggressive. He'd stuck his cock in my mouth, made me suck it, and then he'd fucked me. It was the worst moment of my life. So, Jake I remember. Stevie, only a little.

When I came into the main room, he stood up from the couch. "Hi," he said. "Remember me from last night?" He was wearing corduroy short pants, a white wrinkled sleeveless T-shirt, and flip-flops.He didn't have any muscle mass. His arms were thin, but not bony.

"Yeah," I said. "But you weren't mean to me."

"Of course not," he said. "Fuck, he was young. Like he could have been everyone's little brother. "How old are you again?" I asked.

"I'm sixteen," he said.

"No," I said. "You're not. No way."

"I am," he insisted. "I swear. Sixteen. Really."

"Whatever you say," I said. "But you're not. you're maybe thirteen at the oldest. Come on. Tell the truth."

"I'm sixteen."

"Prove it," I said. "Show me your driver's license."

"I don't have it on me," he said.

"Every sixteen year old carries his driver's license," I said.

"I'm grounded from driving," he said, but didn't sound convincing. "So I don't have it on me. My mom took it. Yeah, that's it. My mom has it."

"I see," I said. I felt dizzy, really stoned. But I wanted more. I walked over to the bong and took another hit.

"Yeah, go for it, Kale," he said. "I had a couple of hits while you were in the shower."

"What are you doing here?" I said, asking the obvious question. "Where are Levi and Noah?"

"They went somewhere with their mom," he said. "They said I could be your master tonight." "Master?" What are you talking about?"

"You know," he said. "To tell you stuff to do. They said I could pretty much do anything I want, Well, not anything. Some stuff they said for me not to do. But mostly whatever I want. Mostly, I mean."

"Please leave," I said. I didn't feel like being pushed around by a baby. I actually felt like I had some control. I could tell him no and that would be that."

"They said you would say that," said Stevie. "So they told me to remind you about their pictures and videos and stuff."


"Yeah. We took videos while Jake was fucking you last night. It was so cool, dude! You should have seen his balls slapping against your ass. Jake really knows how to fuck."

"Oh," I said.

"Levi and Noah. Well, mostly Levi, he told me that I was supposed to report to him tomorrow and tell him whether you were nice to me and if you were cooperative, like if you did what I said and all. That sort of stuff. I paid him good money and stuff, so I want my money's worth."


"Well, yeah. Maybe I wasn't supposed to say that. But oh well. Yeah I paid him ten bucks even though he wanted more. But it was all I had when I busted open my coin bank."

"Ten dollars?"

"Yeah," he said. "And I know it's gonna be worth it. Just seeing you standing there in the towel with your big bulge under it. That's already way so cool."

Stevie was right. I was hard. Really hard. My cock was throbbing. I cursed myself. Why was I hard?

"Anyway, Kale, like I know you know it already, you are like the most handsome man ever, and your body is so tight and rad. I want to be built like you when I get older. Fuck I bet all the girls just go crazy over you."

"I don't know," I said.

"Well, anyway, like I said, Levi said I could come here and kind of make you do stuff as long as I didn't do a few other things which I promised I wouldn't.:

"Like what?" I asked.

"He said no fucking," he said. "But if you don't cooperate, like Levi said, then maybe I will fuck you. He said for me to tell you that you would be in trouble. I don't know what trouble means between you and him, but I don't think it's a good thing. Now drop your towel, OK?"

I looked at Stevie and felt helpless. Was it really worth it fight? So i took another bong hit and, what the fuck, just went ahead and let the towel slip to the floor.

"Oh fuck dude!" said Stevie. "Just like last night. Levi said you would do whatever I said, and he was right. Fuck you look amazing. Your cock is totally smooth. You are good at shaving it. I'm going to touch you now."

Stevie pulled off his shirt which presented me with more proof that he was definitely not sixteen. However, he had gone through puberty because I saw he had hair in his armpits and I could see a trail of public hair leading from his navel down into his shorts. Maybe he was sixteen and I was just a bad judge of how old a person was. Some people looked younger than their age, right? Or maybe I was just really stoned. Well, at least that was true. He stepped closer to me and I saw that he did have a stray hair or two on his chin. If he was 16 years old, then his birthday was yesterday. He put his hands flat on me, one on my left nipple and one on my abdomen.

"You're warm," he said. "I love your body. You must be at the gym every day."

My cock pulsated involuntarily as he touched my body.

"You like this," he said. "I think that's so cool. Wanna see mine?"

I didn't say anything but he slipped off his shorts to display an amazingly developed cock. It had a tuft of brown pubic hair above it, and it was fairly thick and longer than Noah's. He had a boner, and it curved straight up and against his body. He stepped right up against me and pressed his body against mine. His head was against my chest and he was smelling me. He pushed his boner against me. Oh fuck. Was this really happening? Yes. My cock remained hard and I could not stop it from throbbing and pulsating against his body. He moved his hand down and cupped my low hanging balls.

"These are big," he said. "And sweaty. You have nice ones, bro. I hope my balls grow as big as yours. Damn. These are like large chicken eggs!"

He started playing with my balls and squeezing them. Then he started licking and nibbling on my right nipple. He went on like that for a long time and I tried to fight the feeling that it felt good. But it did. I wish I didn't have those feelings because I did not want to be gay. But my body was responding to the boy's touch.

"I can tell you like it," said Stevie. "It's just like Levi said. That you really are a bitch and that you like it. You like getting naked and having me play with you. You don't have to say it. I see that it's true. Look! You're dripping! So hot, bro!"

This was true. My cock was oozing a shitload of precum. Stevie wrapped his hand around my cock and squeezed it to make a big glob of precum squirt out.

"I wish I had that much precum," he said. "Ready to play?"

I didn't say anything as Stevie walked to the couch, opened his backpack and took out a folded piece of paper. He opened it and smiled, then came over to me and held it up with one hand so I could see it. He massaged my balls with his other hand. The picture was of a naked buffed-out man whose hands were handcuffed behind his back. He had a huge erection and one end of a tight rope was tied around his balls. The other end of the rope was tied to a heavy weight that dangled to his knees. The weight and rope was clearly pulling on his balls very hard. But the expression in the man's face wasn't one of pain. He looked happy and euphoric.

"I love this picture," said Stevie. "Levi said I could do it to you."

"Please don't?" I said.

"Levi predicted you would say that," said Stevie. He squeezed my balls hard and I winced. "Oh well. Now put your hands behind your back." He went to his backpack and removed several long pieces of rope. "I don't have handcuffs but this'll work. Put your hands behind your back, dude."

I wasn't shocked. And I wasn't upset. I had been through too much already. But this was something else. The worst part of it was that my cock was still hard and that I didn't resist. I put my hands behind my back and waited for whatever would come. I knew this was my life from now on. I would have to do whatever these young teenagers asked. Unless I was ready to fly to Europe, I was stuck with this. Why was my body so turned on?

The only good thing about this terribly humiliating and sexual situation is that I was very high. It felt good be stoned, and it sorta felt as if I was in a movie. So when I put my hands behind my back I was like, "whatever."

I was even chill about it because I had no choice. I didn't want Levi to hit me again. I didn't want to lose my job. I didn't want my life ruined. And, yeah, I figured it was better being tied up by little Stevie than it was being force-fucked by Jake.

Stevie seemed expert at tying knots. He wrapped the rope around both wrists and twisted the rope between them, pulling it twice. Then he ran the rope back a second time and tied it in a double knot several times. Finally, he weaved the loose rope through the knots so I could not grab the end. Where had he learned how to do this? I mean, in like 30 seconds my wrists were 100% tightly tied together. There was no way I was getting out of them. It made me feel exposed and nervous.

I felt Stevie's hands on my butt. "You have an amazing ass, bro. I've never seen a grown man's ass before. Can you bend over a little so I can see your hole? I really want to see it."

So I did. I didn't care anymore. I found myself obeying without questioning. Is this how conditioning happens? Had I already been broken? Maybe it was the weed. But I leaned over and let Stevie inspect my hole close up.

"Oh man, that is hot. You'll do anything I say. So hot, bro. I wonder if my hole looks like that. I wonder if I can get my finger in your hole."

I heard a wet sound--maybe Stevie putting his finger in his mouth to wet it--then, just like that, he pushed a bony finger inside of me. It hurt. Like sandpaper. I moved away from him, ejecting his finger, and stood up. "Stop it!" I said. "I mean it. I've had enough. Do you want someone doing this to you?" I was angry and fed up. I couldn't take it anymore. I was humiliated and tired of everything.

Without any warning, Stevie approached me kicked me hard in the balls. It wasn't a tap. He swung his leg hard and fast and his foot smashed into my low hangers. The pain was blinding and I immediately felt sick and nauseous. I fell to my knees, then toppled to the floor, writhing in agony. "Oh fuck," I moaned. I couldn't comfort or hold my balls because my hands were tied behind my back. Then Stevie kicked me there again. I cried out and saw stars dancing around my head. And then, to my horror, he kicked me hard again in my balls and the pain took over my body. I think I blacked out, but I'm sure. "Please stop," I managed to say. "I'll do anything you say."

"Say you're sorry," said Stevie. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want to have fun. I paid ten dollars. Don't make me hurt you. Promise me you'll do what I say."

Through the excruciating pain, I managed to say, "I promise."

"Good!" he said brightly. "We're friends again. Stand up."

I grunted and fought off the violent pain that consumed my body. I would do anything to keep from being kicked in the balls again. And now I was worried that Stevie would tell Levi. That would be bad. I got to me feet, sweating profusely. "Please don't tell Levi. Stevie, please. I'll do anything."

Stevie smirked and said, "As long as you follow directions."

I saw that Stevie was way boned up. But not me. The blows to my nuts completely drained all erotic lust. I looked down at my limp penis.

Stevie touched my cock and gently rubbed my sore balls. "Don't worry," he said. "You'll be fine. I know it. Now let's get this going because I can't stay much longer. My mom said I better mow the lawn before dark or there would be hell to pay."

Stevie tied a rope around my balls. He went around them once, pulled the rope tight, then tied a knot. Then he went around a second time and tied a knot. Finally, he went around a third time, pulled rope tight, and tied another knot. My balls, which were still aching from Stevie's kicks, hurt even more. The rope made them stand out like melons. They were red and swollen. "They look big like that," said Stevie. "You really have big nuts for sure." He knelt in front of me and began to lightly touch my balls. "They feel smooth," he said. Then he leaned forward and licked my sack with one long wet sloppy swipe of his tongue. Instantly, my cock started to rise again and it quickly became as hard as ever, bouncing like a rigid diving board. I had no control over it any longer.

"Oh fuck your cock like got hard in five seconds," said Stevie. "So fucking big!" He started to touch my cock all over. "I think your cock is pretty nice, Kale. You're lucky. I would really like to play with a lot if I could. Look how much bigger it is than mine."

Then Stevie took another rope and tied one end to my balls. To its other end he tied what looked to be a 15 pound round weight and he let it dangle between my knees. At first it didn't feel like much, but then the weight started getting heavy and my sack started to stretch with it. My balls felt like they were slowly being pulled out of my body more and more.

Stevie stepped back and started to take pictures of me with his phone. "Just like the picture," he said. Then he came back close to me and started to stroke my cock. "Do you want to cum for me?" he asked. I didn't know what the right answer was so I didn't say anything. While he stroked me, he pushed down on the weight and made it swing. My balls were going to separate from my body, I was sure. Oh fuck.

Stevie went to my kitchen and returned with a clear glass, then he started stroking me again. "Cum for me, Kale. I wanna see you bust it. I don't shoot much cum when I do it, but I bet you gush a gallon." He kept stroking me and swinging the weight until I started to feel the sensation coming closer.

"Gonna cum," I grunted.

Stevie kept stroking me and held the glass under the head of my cock. "Come on," he said. "Do it. Come for me."

I didn't want to cum on command, but I couldn't help it. I shuddered and moaned and then I started to cum in big long spurts. Stevie caught it all in the glass. "Keep going Kale. Fuck that's a lot of cum. It's creamy and whiter than mine." He was right. I was cumming a lot. I kept hunching forward and shooting thick streams of my jizz into the glass. Globs and globs of my sperm. When I was done I saw that the glass was filled with about two inches of my cum. I was exhausted.

Stevie marveled at the cum. "Damn, bro, that's a lot of cum. Impressive, for sure. Look at it." He held it up to his nose and sniffed. "Smells kinda funky." He dipped his finger in it and tasted it. "I think it tastes better than mine. I always eat my cum. Do you eat yours?" I shook my head. "You should try it. In fact, yeah, I want you to drink all of this."

"Please, Stevie," I pleaded. "I really don't want to. I've been good so far, haven't I"

Stevie frowned. He pushed the weight down hard. "I want you to drink it. Should I kick your balls again?"

"No," I said, and I opened my mouth to accept the cum that he promptly poured in my mouth. There was a lot of it. It was slimy and pungent, salty and disgusting like runny egg whites.

""That"s good," he said. Swallow it all. There you go. Good job, Kale. That's very hot."

Stevie started stroking his cock. "I'm gonna cum, too," he said, and put the glass under his cock as he started pumping out streams of cum. He didn't cum as much as me, but it was yellower and maybe thicker. "Now drink it," he said. He lifted the glass to my mouth. I didn't think about what to do. It didn't cross my mind to disobey. I simply opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue, and he tipped the glass so his cum slid into my mouth. I held it inside my mouth for a moment, then he squeezed my balls and I swallowed his cum. It tasted fresher than mine and maybe not as bad.

"I gotta go, dude!" he said. He untied my hands. "You can untie the rest, but I think you like being tied up. I can tell. Look. Your cock is still hard."

He got dressed quickly, grabbed his backpack, and left my apartment.

Tired and wasted, I moved to the couch and curled up in a fetal position. I didn't bother untying the rope from my balls because, yeah, I guess I liked it. I fell asleep and dreamed of chicken eggs.

-------------- Hey guys! We're sorry that we haven't posted any of Kale's journals lately. We've kinda been busy. You can write to us (Levi and Noah) if you want. We can also get a message to Kale, if you want. It would be cool to hear from you. leviandnoah@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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