Levi and Noah

By Steve McQueen

Published on Aug 16, 2012


Levi and Noah

Part 4


  • Monday, August 15 *

When I woke in the morning, it seemed for a moment that nothing had happened, that I was back in my real life and that no one named Levi or Noah lived in the same world as I did. But then everything came back to me and I knew that I existed only in the universe for Levi's and Noah's pleasure. I might as well just give myself up to everything. What a fucking loser I am. Is that what this has come down to, just me being their bitch to do with as they please? Ugh, I felt so shitty. I lay in bed for a few minutes and came more to awareness, waking up fully. I took inventory of my body and found myself ok. My dick was sore from the jacking Levi had given me last night. And my ass was really kind of cakey and sticky all over from the cum he had rubbed in my ass. But mostly I noticed that I had my usual morning massive hard on. That wasn't unusual waking up. I almost always had a boner in the morning until I peed. But this time my boner was accompanied by thoughts of Levi and Noah and everything they had done to me the night before and how my life had been hijacked by two 16 year olds.

I glanced over at the clock next to my bed. It said 9:30 a.m. Fuck! I was late for work! I bolted out of bed and showered in like 20 seconds.

I didn't bother to shave and I'm not even sure if I brushed my teeth. I threw on the cleanest clothes I could find and sped like a demon to work. Thankfully, everything seemed pretty cool. I slid into my chair and fired up my computer. I nodded to those working around me, but they seemed pretty focused and didn't pay me much attention. But then my manager, Eric Carson, came down the aisle and he stopped at my cubicle.

"Morning, Kale," he said. "Kinda late this morning. Is everything OK?"

"Yeah," I said. "I, uh, I had an early doctor appointment this morning.

Forgot to call in. Really sorry about that. I'll work straight through lunch to make up for it."

"Ah, that makes sense," said Eric. "Not a problem, then. Just keep an eye on what you have to do. We have a lot of projects nearing completion.

Counting on you to finish up your work with high quality."

"Of course," I said.

"Oh, and this envelope was left for you at the front desk early this morning," he said. "It's for you."

Eric tossed a plain brown envelope on my desk and walked away. I wasn't expecting anything, but there it was, an envelope with my name, KALE, printed in block letters in what appeared to be a thick-tipped black marker. It was tightly sealed and looked like it hadn't been opened. I had a sinking feeling when I slid scissors under the seam to open it.

Inside was another envelope, tightly sealed, which also had my name on it and the words "Important: Only to be opened by Kale." Inside that second envelope was more evidence that my life was pretty much over as I knew it: a single photo of me naked on the bed with my ass in the air, cock hanging down, and me looking toward the camera. I had a vague recollection of Levi taking the photo last night. Oh my fucking god! What if someone had opened it? I looked around me to make sure no had seen me acting alarmed. All was well. There was a yellow Post-It note on the back of the photo. It said, "Just making sure you know who's in charge. See you tonight. Levi."

That was it. I didn't need the reminder, believe me. I know who was sort of running my life now. It was all over for me, wasn't it? I didn't even belong to myself. I mean, it really didn't have to be that way. I could just as easily have simply quit my job and moved to another city on the other side of the world. But somehow I felt trapped and boxed into a corner. I had no one to blame but myself.

Writing these words here in my secret journal is really the only semblance of individuality I even have anymore. It's as if this act, me writing down what happened, is a way to stay in control, as if documenting my descent makes me still seem halfway intelligent and not like the easy mark that somehow allowed his body to be taken over by boys.

My day at work was uneventful, but I was finding it hard to concentrate because I kept thinking of the envelope they had left and pondered what would have happened if someone had opened it. How could they do that to me?

How did they know no one would open it? How had they gotten here? On the other hand, did it really matter? Now, there was no place private to me.

They could enter my world as they pleased, take me whenever they wished, make me do insane things I'd never considered. And now, what was I to them? Their own personal man bitch to be owned and handled and teased and toyed with?

Now, as I'm writing and thinking about this, I think it would be so fucking easy to look at me and the situation objectively and laugh at me, to call me names like loser and pussy and idiot. It wouldn't surprise if I were to be considered pretty pathetic to have let this happen to me. I should have pushed back right from the beginning, at the very start! But why am I wasting time and energy even thinking about what could have and what should have been. That's all behind me now. I'm more than pathetic; my life is sad and tragic now. It's useless to wonder how it might have been different.

I drove home from work wondering what was in front of me, what Levi and Noah were plotting. But maybe they're weren't plotting, which kind of has a devious meaning. What if they are just being themselves? What if this is just what they do and that maybe they have other guys like me at the same apartment complex who are their man sluts? But like I said, it didn't matter. I parked at the apartment, checked my mail and then went to my apartment which, in its own cold way, seemed kind of inviting. My apartment was quiet, which was nice. I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and sat down in front of the TV, aimlessly switching channels, looking for something mindless. But I simply couldn't focus. I kept listening for what I knew would eventually be the footsteps of Levi and Noah outside my door. I hadn't locked it. That wouldn't go over very well. Sooner or later, I know, they'd be up here and coming inside.

They'd be wearing their bathing suits and probably nothing else as a way to show off their young bodies and taunt me.

I tried to think what would happen tonight and I was pretty sure it would be them introducing me to anal sex. That was the natural progression of things, right? No doubt. They'd get me up on the bed again, with my ass raised to the sky, and Noah would tongue my ass and get it ready for his cock and then he'd slip his boner inside me. That's what would happen, and I know I couldn't resist. It was futile. I'd have to find a way to tolerate it, discover a place within myself to allow it all to happen. But really, I had no fucking idea what they had in store for me. For all I knew they would shave me down, draw on me with permanent markers and take incriminating photos. It's a terrible feeling knowing that I have no control over, well, anything. I'm so fucked. Thank god for weed. I fired up the bong and took some long, deep hits that I held for maximum effect.

With each hit, I waited for the door to open, and fell deeper into a fog of weed, totally buzzed.

My phone vibrated. A text message. From Levi: "We'll be there in five minutes. Can't wait!"

OK, I said to myself, here it is. It's kind of funny, but in a strange sort of way I wasn't scared or nervous. I just wanted to get on with things. And in a really fucking weird way I was even kind of looking forward to it, to tell the truth. My cock started to get boned--I could feel the blood rushing into it, and in like 10 seconds I was totally hard, my boner pointing down the inside of my pants leg really thick and long.

Look what Levi and Noah had done to me. Had they turned me fucking gay or something? They were able to control my dick with just a text message. Oh fuck.

Then the door opened and there they were, Levi and Noah, my terrible tormentors who had changed me so. They stood in the door as if they weren't expecting that I was really home. But they saw me right away and both of them got huge fucking smiles on their face.

"Dude!" said Levi. "You're here. Awesome. And fuck, bro, it stinks like awesome weed here. Way to go! Proud of you!"

Noah ran over to me and kissed me hard, his tongue parting my lips and coming into my mouth. I kissed him back. I couldn't help it. He tasted fresh, like he'd just had a piece of cinnamon gum or something. He started running his hands over my body and soon his hand found by cock.

Noah stood up and turned to Levi. "Fuck yeah, bro, he's totally boned for us already."

Through my weed haze I blinked and saw that Levi and Noah we not alone.

Next to Levi were three other boys who looked to be the same age as Levi and Noah.

Levi said, "Kale, these some of our buds from school. Jake and Eldon. And Eldon's younger brother, Stevie."

I don't know what I said. Probably nothing. This wasn't what I expected.

Levi came over to me and put his mouth to my ear. He whispered, "I can see you're kinda surprised. Or maybe you're just stoned. But no worries, buddy. Just do what we say and we'll be cool. I don't want to have to slap you around like I did last night. That kind of thing is in the past if you cooperate. You got the photo I dropped off, right?"

My head was spinning. "Yeah," I said. "I got it. But how did you---"

"Never mind. We'll talk about that later. But I know where you work and how to get there and it was just a warning to let things slide. Are you ready to cooperate?"

I held my breath, then heard myself simply say, "Yeah."

Levi stood up and clapped his hands, looking totally delighted. "Fuck yeah, bro!" Then he turned to his friends and said, "He's in!"

Almost in union, Jake, Eldon and Stevie all said, "Cool."

Levi said, "Ok then, let's get started guys. Kale, you cool with sharing your weed? Of course you are. Come on guys, jump in. Levi pulled the bong from me and gave it to Jake who lit a big one and passed it on. "In the meantime, Kale, take off your clothes and stand over there." He

pointed to the wall beside the couch.

I didn't know what to say, but knew I couldn't say anything. I was kind of used to getting naked in front of Levi and Noah by now. But this was another thing. This was taking it to a whole new level. I knew better than to say no or object, but I gave Levi a pleading look so he would understand my reluctance. Levi came back over to me and put his mouth on my ear. He licked inside my ear and then said quietly, "I won't say it again, Kale.

This is the last warning I'll give you today. Don't embarrass me in front of my friends. Ya got that? If you want to go down the road of not being obedient, then you'll have to see what happens. But I promise that you won't like it. Now get the fuck up and strip."

Levi stood up and smiled to everyone like he was the nicest guy in the world. All I was thankful for was that I was really stoned. So I rose from the couch, totally humiliated and began to take my shirt off.

Stevie, who seemed to be the youngest of Levi's three new friends, said, "Oh fuck is he really gonna do it? No way!" I don't know how old he was. I doubt he was as old as Levi and Noah, but there was no telling anymore.

I've figured out I'm lousy at guessing ages. But he sure did look like a kid. He wore jeans and a red T-shirt, and he had shaggy brown hair almost down to his shoulders.

Levi said, "Yeah, see? I told you so. He'll do anything we say. Wait until you see his dick. Just like I said."

I dropped my shirt on the floor and just kind of stood there for a second, getting my second wind, fighting through a wave of being excellently stoned, and thanked god for that.

"Come on," said Levi. "Strip."

I kicked off my shoes, unbuttoned my pants and let them fall to the floor.

The boys were passing the bong around, watching me as I got undressed. I felt as if I was on stage or something stupid like that. So fucking humiliating taking off my clothes in front of these 16-year-olds.

One of the new kids, the one named Jake, blew smoke into the air and said, "Fuck, Levi, this is pretty cool. How did you get him to do this?" Jake looked to be a bit older than the rest, maybe 17 or so, or 18 at the oldest. He was also nearly as tall as I am, and he wore a muscle shirt which showed him to be filled out more than the others, clearly getting closer to being an adult rather than a young teen. Looked like he worked out pretty regularly. He had short red hair that was almost a crewcut.

Levi said, "It's what he wants."

I pushed my pants away and took off my socks, finally standing before them with just my underwear on. I hung my head in shame.

Eldon looked like a slightly older version of Stevie, though not by much.

He said, "Fuck, dude, you can see his boner. Fuck it looks like he has a big dick, too."

Unfortunately, Eldon was right. I was really totally boned up. What was wrong with me? WTF! But it was true, my boner was really big and filled up my underwear like a circus tent, sticking almost straight out in an obvious way that made it clear I was horned up. I guess I was, too. But it was humiliating. Thank god I was stoned. Noah came over to me and leaned in close to me, and began to lick and lightly nibble the side of my neck. He ran his hands over my chest and then started massaging my boner through my underwear.

Naoh said, "Look how hot he is. When was the last time you saw a real adult gym body so perfect and up close? I mean look at his biceps and ab definition. Can you believe it? It's a fucking bonus that he lets us do anything to him we want. And he sucks good cock, too. Isn't that right, Kale?"

I looked at Noah and simply said, "Yeah, I guess."

Levi said, "Come on over guys. Get closer. Don't be afraid. You gotta touch him and feel just how worked his body is. I mean he's fucking toned."

Noah put his hand down the front of my underwear and started stroking me. It did feel good even though I didn't want it to. The others came close, standing right in front of me while Noah felt me up and squeezed my balls, and then they came in closer and started to touch me. Jake and Eldon started rubbing my chest. Stevie put his hand on my abdomen.

"This is totally and completely awesome and cool," said Jake.

"Fuck, this is getting me horny," said Stevie.

"Shit, I'm getting a boner, too," said Eldon.

Levi said, "See, I told you. Stick with me and you'll be good for sure."

Noah turned my head to him and kissed me deeply, sliding his tongue inside my mouth so far I thought I would gag. But he tasted good, and it was actually kind of nice having him be intimate with me like this. He was just a kid, and it was wrong, but I wanted him to be near me. I felt somehow safer with him. Noah jacked me a little inside my underwear, then slid them down to the ground, leaving me totally exposed in front of all of them.

"Holy fuck!" said Stevie. "I wish my boner was that big."

Of the new guys, Jake seemed most interested in me. He came up very close and almost touched noses with me. He smelled totally like weed. Up close I could see that he was just a kid. Maybe 17 at the oldest, but maybe younger. He didn't have a whisker on his face and could tell he hadn't started shaving yet. Still, he was taller than the others and, because he obviously worked out a lot and was a certain gym rat, his body was fully developed, tight, lean and toned. "You're a hot man, Kale. You know that?

Just like Noah said you'd be. A pretty hot grown man." He ran his hands over me and licked the side of my face. "You're a pretty boy, aren't you, Kale?" He brushed up against me, rubbing his crotch on my side. I felt his boner through his pants. It was really hard, and Jake seemed urgent and very serious. "You're a very pretty man, a pussy boy though, right?

Letting Levi and Noah turn you into this? What's up with a guy like you?" He put his face next to me and inhaled. "Mmmm, you smell good Kale, just like a good bitch. Is that what you are? Are you gonna be my bitch today?"

Levi said, "OK, guys, everyone stand back now and I'll have Kale show you more."

Jake and the others moved a little bit away from me, and I felt as if I'd been rescued by Levi. I looked to him and give him pleading kind of face, expressing without saying a word that I hoped he would protect me from the boys, especially Jake who I was starting to fear. He wasn't friendly or even somewhat caring like Levi and Noah had been with me. Even though Levi had slapped me around, it always seemed to have been done with a certain amount of love, as if I had it coming because I wasn't cooperating and didn't know what was best for me. But Jake was more menacing than them for some reason, or at least it seemed that way.

"Jack your cock," said Levi. "Give us a show."

I felt so terrible, so exposed, so helpless standing completely naked in front of these five boys. The humiliation was huge and relentless and I felt like throwing up. But I was stoned. And still, amazingly, I had a huge boner. There was no fighting that, was there? My hard on told the story on me, that I was somehow enjoying what was going on. I wanted so much to go totally limp to prove something. But it wasn't happening. My dick was really way fucking hard, throbbing and sort of bobbing in its own way. As long as I was boned, there was really nothing I could say. WTF.

I was such a sorry ass. Fuck me.

I started to rub my cock like Levi had instructed, jacking it slowly. It felt good. I can't deny that. I was soooo fucking hard and I needed to cum. I was so horny and so stoned that standing there in front of them being forced to jack started to really be a big turn on. I felt like I was in a show or something, and that I was doing it in slow motion. I struggled to keep my eyes open, which was really fine with me. I imagined I had floated up toward the ceiling and was looking down at this strange scene, seeing me naked and jacking off with teenagers surrounding me and urging me on.

It wasn't long before I started feeling really good, with the beginning of an orgasm coming on. I happened to look up to see Jake unzip his pants and pull his own pants down. Out sprang his own pretty impressive cock with a shock of red public hair surounding it.

"I gotta jack, too," said Jake, and started furiously pounding his meat.

He stretched out his cock and couldn't help but watch him. He was uncut and as he jacked he kept rolling the foreskin back and forth, on and off the bright pink head of his dick. After a few moments of doing that Levi moved next to him and said something into his ear. I don't know what Levi said, but Jake answered, "Oh fuck yeah, dude, let's do it."

Levi came over to me and moved my hand away from cock. "That's enough," he said. "Now I want you to get down on the floor here so Noah can tongue your ass again."

I didn't have much strength anyway, so I sort of crumpled to the floor and got up on my hands and knees waited for the Noah's tongue. I knew what to expect because of the night before, and if I was being honest I would admit that I was kind of looking forward to it. Having Noah tongue my ass was a pretty awesome feeling even though I don't want to admit it. But being there on the floor like an animal, naked and on display in front of the boys, waiting for Noah to lick me, made me feel like such a slave bitch. I didn't pity myself--but I was disgusted at what I'd become and how I was acting. Why couldn't I just embrace it and let it happen. Maybe I was meant to be a gay bitch slave to teenagers. Ugh, I felt so miserable just thinking about it.

I raised my head and looked at the boys. All five of them were surrounding me now, and each of them had their pants off and were jacking their boners.

This was fucking surreal. The biggest cock definitely belonged to Jake, whose boner was pretty long and thick and which looked menacing coming out of his red pubes. Stevie had the smallest dick, but I suppose it wasn't done growing. I'm not saying that I was overly fascinated by their boners. I mean I wasn't really staring at them and drooling over boners. That would make me gay. And I'm not gay. I swear I'm not gay. I don't want to be gay. I'm not in denial, I'm just saying what I believe to be true . . . or what I desperately want to be the truth. I guess all of this doesn't matter anyway, because Noah walked behind me, got down on his knees, spread my ass with his hands and started to lick my hole. If that doesn't make me gay, then I don't know what does. And the feeling his tongue gave me at that moment, feelings of wonder and fireworks, along with my boner being harder than it had ever been before, and with Noah reaching under me while he licked my ass and started stroking my dick, if all of that didn't make me want him to keep going, to be his bitch, to have him slide his tongue in me forever, then didn't that just say everything about me that was necessary?

I was in another zone, with my eyes closed in exquisite delight as Noah tongued my as, licked up and down my crack, took my balls into his mouth and then back up to slide his tongue into my hole and lick inside of me. I felt him push his saliva into me and slip his tongue amazingly deep inside my hole. He darted his tongue on my sphincter, dancing on top of it, feeling as though he was drawing letters and numbers. Oh fuck, it felt so amazing.

I heard one of the boys say, "Oh fuck, Noah, that is so fucking hot."

I was really getting into it, pushing my fears and self-loathing aside,

when Jake stepped out from the group and stood in front of me. He slipped his shirt off and, now completely nude, slapped my face with his boner and said, "Suck it bitch." I looked up at him and was amazed at just how much his body from the neck down was that of a man instead of a boy. He must work out at the gym every day for a long time. His stomach was rippling and his cock, now huge and up close, smelled like sweat. I thought about objecting but couldn't find the strength. Noah's tongue deep in my ass, him tugging on my balls, and the weed in my brain made me pliant and willing to do just about anything. Maybe that's not a worthy excuse, but it's true.

Jake reach down and stuck his fingers between my lips, pulling my mouth open roughly, and slipped the head of his cock inside. Oh fuck. Jake's boner tasted and smelled a little pungent, sort of musky and ripe. His cock had been constrained all day by his underwear, leaving it with a distinct aroma of human and air deprivation. I didn't like it, but I didn't have the energy or wherewithal to do anything about it because Jake simply leaned into me and slid his cock all the way inside my mouth. It was so big that I couldn't even gag as it pushed past my tongue and into my throat. Oh my god. WTF!

"Yeah, that's it," moaned Jake. "That's a good boy. Oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about it."

Jake started to slowly pull his cock out about halfway, then back in slowly, pushing relentlessly past my gag reflex to rest his red pubes against my lips, then back out so that just the head of his boner was in my mouth. And on and on and on. He held my head firmly between his hands, keeping my head positioned just where he wanted it, fucking my throat and picking up pace, filling up my senses, cutting off my air with each deep thrust and forcing tears from my eyes.

"Nice," he said, "Oh fuck yeah, that's it, Kale. Just like Levi said you would. Oh fuck yeah, that feels good. Now hold your breath here, good, that's it. Fuck that's sweet. Damn, this is so fucking worth the money. Always wanted to fuck an older guy's mouth. Mmmmmm....yeah."

What did he say? Something about this being worth the money? I wasn't sure what that meant, but it sounded as if he was a satisfied paying customer or something like that. Had he paid money to Levi and Noah for this? There was no fucking way that could be true!?!! But I couldn't dwell on it, couldn't even consider it clearly or understand what it might mean, because my mind was all over the place. I tried to focus on Jake's rhythm so I would know when to breath and when to hold my breath, when I had to get air from my nose and when I could sneak a little from my mouth when just his knob was between my lips. But all that was fuzzy because at the same time Noah was spreading my ass wider with hands, pulling my ass cheeks apart so he could get deeper into my hole with his tongue, licking me all over while sliding his hand up and down my cock which was still steel pipe hard. Then he started to work a few fingers inside my hole and reached deep to start massaging my prostate. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck!

I felt dizzy and like I was in a time warp. I was hardly aware of anything else going on around me, but occasionally I managed to take in the others--Levi, Stevie and Eldon--who were just a few feet away from me, naked and strangling their boners with syncopated jerking. Oh, Jesus. Oh fucking Jesus!

I don't know how long Jake was fucking my mouth. I think I fell into some kind of a stupor, just letting it happen, feeling my ass probed and fingered by Noah, my mouth fucked by Jake who seemed to have unlimited energy and who really had no cares how hard he fucked my throat. After a while I just kind of zoned, only halfway aware of my surroundings. I was just a thing to use for them. Then I was aware that Jake had pulled out of my mouth. Through my tears I could see him in front of me talking to Levi, maybe arguing. I couldn't tell what they were saying but the discussion seemed very heated. Then Jake pushed Levi pretty hard and Levi had to take a few steps backward.

That's when Levi put his hands up in the air and said, "OK man, don't get fucking violent. Just be gentle, will ya?"

"Yeah," said Jake. "Gentle like a lion."

Jake came behind me, pushed Noah away and before I was really aware of what was going on he plunged his boner violently inside me. I shuddered and I know I either grunted or shouted. I don't know which. Jake's hands were holding tightly to my hips and I couldn't move although I had to struggle to remain on my hands and knees. This was the moment I had feared, only I'd figured it would have been Noah or Levi to take me. But, no, it was Jake, and he was fucking me. True! I don't know how many worst moments of my life I had suffered lately, but this was the big one. This was the ultimate humiliation, the moment I feared would come sooner or later. But I'd been in denial and never considered when it would happen. All that was behind me now. It was all over for me. Because there I was, on my knees, freshly face fucked, my hole opened by Noah's tongue and his fingers, and Jake was now on top of me, totally in control, slamming his boner in and out of me, splitting my ass, really slamming into me like he was a jackhammer, or a living fucking machine.

"Oh fuck yeah, now this is what I'm talking about," said Jake as he took me. "This is worth it."

I don't know where I would have been if it wasn't for the weed, but that seemed like it was starting to wear off as Jake moved into second gear. I glanced back at him and saw him sort of straddle my body and hover over me without disrupting his fucking motion, dipping his boner deep into me repeatedly. I wish I could adequately describe what it felt like, but much of it is a blur, but being fucked was like being filled up something deep and meaningful, over and over, like I was being pumped up like a balloon. Jake's rhythm, his fucking, his powerful young boy energy, was relentless. I felt his hands on my ass holding tight, slapping my ass cheeks, riding me, continually, fucking me long and harder than I ever fucked a girl.

This was overwhelming. I felt so controlled, so utterly helpless. All I could do was try to stay as calm as I could and keep my ass high. The rest was all Jake. He just kept fucking me and fucking me, pounding my ass, opening me up like a tunnel to China.

I realized that Levi was next to me. He got down on his knees and put his arm on my back and I heard his voice. "It's OK, Kale. Please don't cry.

It's all right. Jake's cool, isn't he? Just go with it, Kale. You'll learn to like it. I promise. But please stop crying."

I looked at him with as much honesty as I could but Jake kept fucking me, pushing me deeper and deeper into bitch slavery. The other boys were cheering and clapping.

I tried to focus on my breathing. Just breath, I told myself. Just get over to the other side. Then I felt Jake's rhythm change and he started fucking me harder, deeper, faster.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," cried Jake. "That's it. That's it. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna . . ." Then he moaned loudly and I could tell he started to fill me with his cum. I felt it deep inside me, warm and gooey, coating my intestines with his jizz which added lubrication and made his cock feel easier to take. He kept pumping into me and his body was shaking. "Ohhhhh fuckkkkkkkk," he yelled, then fell on top of me.

I don't remember anything else. I don't know if I blacked out or fell asleep or something like that. But the next thing I knew I was in my bed and Levi was sitting next to me. He pulled the covers up to my shoulders and patted my head.

He said, "It's all over, buddy. See? It wasn't so bad. You're gonna be OK, just like I said. Close your eyes, Kale, It's all right. Everything is cool."

I felt Levi's hand on my forehead. He caressed me gently, perhaps in a loving manner. Then the lights went out and the next thing I remember my alarm was going off and it was the next morning.

                                                  • Hey, guys! Sorry for the long wait for the next part. A lot has gone on during the past year, which we'll get to eventually. But I hope you liked this 4th part of Kale's real journal. He knows we're posting it now. You can write us at leviandnoah@gmail.com. We like hearing from you a lot and we promise to write back. Thanks! -- Levi and Noah

Next: Chapter 5

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