Levi and Noah

By Steve McQueen

Published on Feb 22, 2012


Levi and Noah

Part 3



I woke in the morning with a dry, parched mouth and a vague taste of dry crackers on my tongue. I squinted into the light coming in from the window and glanced at the alarm clock which showed it was almost noon. Then everything that happened the night before came crashing back in on me. I remember being humiliated by Levi and Noah, which had culminated in them feeding me crackers topped with my own cum. Oh fuck. I wanted to go back to sleep and never wake up in a world where the boys barely 16 years old made my life miserable.

I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to fall back asleep, but it didn't work. My mind was now wildly active and I kept replaying all that happened the past week with Levi and Noah and how they had somehow wiggled their way into my life and pretty much taken it over. How the fuck had it happened? What was the turning point where I'd felt helpless to refuse them?

I wasn't able to fall sleep, but I still managed to stay in bed, feeling lethargic and angry at the world, confused and hopeless. I wondered what the weekend would bring, but I didn't have to wait long because my phone chimed to let me know sometime had sent me a text. It was from Levi. Here's the text exchange:

Levi: Morning dude!

Me: Hi

Levi: What are you doing?

Me: Still in bed.

Levi: Cool. Fun last night

Me: I guess

Levi: Hey what's your favorite flavor?

Me: Flavor?

Levi: Your choice of chocolate, peanut butter or honey

Me: What do you mean?

Levi: Just pick one

Me: For what?

Levi: Just pick one dude.

Me: I don't understand.

Levi: Just go with me, dude. Chocolate, peanut butter or honey. Pick one.

Me: You mean like ice cream?

Levi: Doesn't matter.

Me: Chocolate I guess.

Levi: Good answer bro!

Me: Uh OK

Levi: Noah and I will be up to see you in an hour or so

Me: Not today, OK?

Levi: Today works for us

Me: Please no

Levi. Sorry. Leave your apartment door open. Get showered, stay naked and get back in bed

Me: What?

Levi: What I said. We'll be up to see you in about an hour

Fuck. When would this end? I read the text conversation over again. Levi had said for me to "get showered stay naked and get back in bed." WTF!? I didn't like the sound of that. It was if they were already plotting their day with me. What fucking devious things were they up to? Why couldn't they just leave me alone? I punched the pillow and cursed myself. I felt so weak and so fucking lame. What a dick! What a fucking pussy! If I'd have been standing up I would have slugged the wall and probably broken my hand. But I didn't see any way out. I felt totally cornered and trapped. If I didn't comply with their bizarre perversions I was certain they would do something crazy with the pictures they'd taken of me. My life had become a fucked up nightmare.

I crawled out of bed and into the bathroom where I showered. As I soaped myself I noticed that the hair on my dick and pube area was starting to show stubble. I thought back to what they'd said when Noah had shaved me. Keep it shaved, is what they said, but it was more of a warning. I knew that they'd be touching and seeing my dick today, and probably doing other stuff, and they'd see the hair starting to grow back in. If that happened, I was sure they would shave me again. What a fucking humiliation! So I shaved myself. I lathered up my dick and shaved myself down. It didn't take long, really. Just running the the razor up and down my entire public area and balls, and gingerly shaving my shaft. It gave me a boner, too, and I wondered what that said about me. I mean, look at me! I'm a 23 year old straight guy, but there I was in the shower shaving myself down for two 16 year olds, and I had popped a hard boner. What did that say about me?

I finished shaving and showering. Then I unlocked my apartment door, took five deep hits of pot off my spare pipe, then got back in bed and waited. What a sorry ass excuse for a macho human being. The hard truth was that I was looking in an imaginary mirror and being confused by what I saw. Because I was resting there in bed, naked, clean and freshly shaved, and still totally boned to the hilt. I felt my dick and it seemed like it was the hardest I had ever been. That seemed to speak volumes about what was going in my brain. I knew what Levi and Noah were trying to do to me. They were trying to turn me. They were attempting to make their plaything, their own upstairs bitch. To turn me into a some kind of whimpering sex sub who wanted nothing more than to be used and abused by two teenagers. If that's what they wanted, did my boner mean they were making inroads. WTF! What was happening to me? Did the brain inside my dick enjoy what was happening? Was my dick looking forward to them coming over? And what was that business about chocolate?

I thought the best thing for me to do would be to quickly get my ass out bed, throw on some clothes and just drive somewhere for the day, anywhere to be away from them and prevent from happening what they had planned. But just as the thought crossed my mind I heard them enter the apartment.

"We're here," Levi called.

My heart dropped. I wanted to disappear, or at the very least flash forward to when this would all be over.

They came into the bedroom looking all happy and excited. They both wore bathing suits. Noah carried a paper bag. Levi wore a tank top. And as usual, Noah didn't have a shirt on. Instead, his smooth teen torso seemed to mock me.

"Dude, did you shower like I said?" said Levi.

I said, "Yeah."

"Good deal," he said. "You're learning. So cool of you."

Noah sat at the foot of the bed. Levi came near me and sat on the bed just a few inches away from where I was under the covers.

"Are you naked under there?" asked Levi. He lifted the blanket to see. "Very excellent, dude. Nice boner. You're so fucking glad to see us, aren't you?"

"I don't know," I said.

Then, the world spun in its axis because Levi hauled off and slapped me hard on the face. I mean really hard. It stung like a fucking bee and scared me. I held my face and fell into the pillow. I yelled, "Fuck!"

"Now listen," said Levi. "We're friends, right? Of course we are. But I think we should already be past the stage of having to hear your attitude and stuff like that. Of course you're glad to see us. Your boner says you're happy. So no more pushing back and questioning me and giving me attitude, OK? Because the next stuff you won't like if you keep it up. Noah and I are really strong and we will hurt you good and do things you won't like. So let's just play nice. It's better that way. OK? Now I'm sorry about that, but you need to know who's in charge here. Are you on board with us, Kale? Now tell me you're sorry."

I turned back from the pillow, still with my hand against my face, which still really hurt. I was no longer hard. It was actually a relief to have a limp dick. I was more humiliated than actually hurt. I mean, all he'd done was slap me, but it was horrible. I heard myself say, "Sorry," and then I knew there was no turning back.

"Let me see your face," said Levi. He moved my hand away and inspected my face. "It's red, but no too bad. Really sorry to slap you around, Kale, but you kind of deserved it. No no more of that stuff. OK?"


"Excellent!" said Levi. He stood up, as did Noah, and they pulled the blanket off me. Once again, I was naked in front of them, and sort of cowering and in shock from being slapped.

Noah then laid down next to me, put his mouth against my neck, and started kissing and licking me. He began caressing my body and lightly rubbing my dick.

"See how good things can be?" said Levi. "This is what it's about. It's about being hot together. Not being tough. So let's just make it nice from here on out."

Levi laid down on my other side and he too started touching me. Then he put his mouth in my ear and started to whisper really low. He said, "Kale, today you're going to be sucking some cock. Shh. Now relax. No worries, dude. I mean Noah's sucked your cock. So you need to return the favor. You'll enjoy it. And you'll get good at it. It's important that you do it. And you will. You'll grow to love it because now you're on the way to becoming our bitch older brother. And that's all there is to it, bro. So just get that through your head and accept it. We'll make it easy for you. Teach you everything you need to know. Noah wants it bad. You'll get to know his cock well, dude. Just listen to me talk and let it sink it. You'll be a good bone sucker, I know. Besides, we both know that it's what you want."

I didn't say anything. I just closed my eyes and tried to focus and breath. Focus and breath. Focus and breath. Noah began to lick and nibble at my left nipple, and Levi moved down to do the same to my right one. I tried to fight the emotions inside of me, but the erotic situation kind of took over and I was instantly boned up again. I couldn't stop it. I felt them stop licking my nipples and opened my eyes to see Levi and Noah kissing! WTF! Their heads met just above my torso, and they were sliding their tongues together and making out very passionately. My head was spinning! Their eyes were closed and I could tell they were really into the moment, kissing each other, touching tongues and lips, moving in slow motion and so clearly looking like they were in love or something. Then they slowly pulled away from each other and looked at me, both smiling.

Levi said, "Just a little brotherly love."

Noah said, "Yeah."

Levi said, Cool. Noah, come on around here. Let's show Kale what his new focus will be.

Noah go off the bed and came around to the side of the bed. He stood just next to Levi. He was obviously boned up. His hard dick was totally apparent through his bathing suit. Levi rubbed Noah's crotch and said, "Noah's got a pretty good dick. Not as big as mine yet. And totally nowhere near what you have Kale. But it's hot." Levi stuck his thumbs in the waste of the bathing suit and slowly slid them down to the floor. There, bobbing up and down, was Noah's boy dick. It looked to be about six inches and he had a boner. It didn't look very thick. He was circumcised. One of the things I noticed right away was that except for a small tuft of public hair just above his dick and below his belly button, he was cleanly shaved.

Levi said, "Check it out, Kale. Pretty nice huh? You're gonna get to know it. Go ahead, Kale, get closer to it. You don't have to touch it yet. Just get closer and smell it. I want you to check out Noah's scent."

It seems that lately I keep getting to specific no-turning-back-moments, times when things would be different from that point on. This was one of them. I was being asked (ordered?) to do something that was really repulsive to me, but it seemed like I just didn't have any choice. Did I? I fell back on the fact that I was buzzed from the pot and I just let everything go. It was kind as if I was outside my body, or as if I was somebody else. I started inching closer to Noah's dick.

"Good deal, dude," said Levi. "See, that's no so hard? Fuck you're awesome."

I brought my head to about two inches away from Noah's dick. It looked really big up close. I'd never seen a dick this close up before. It looked really smooth and pink. The head of his dick was a darker pink or red than the rest of his penis.

"Go ahead, Kale," said Levi. "Give a good sniff. I want you to get the know what Noah's dick smells like. I want you to memorize it."

I closed my eyes and exhaled, feeling that there was nothing I could do without getting slapped again. So I inhaled through my nose, slowly at first, then deeper. I noticed right away that there was a definite scent to Noah's private parts. It was sort of a musky smell, like a gym sock or something. As I inhaled, I could sense the scent in the back of my nose somewhere. I don't know if it was a good smell or a bad smell. But it was a human smell.

I said, "Oh fuck."

"Good job," said Levi. "Give it a good smell again."

I inhaled more and deeper, Noah's dick seeping into my consciousness. It made me feel dizzy. I smelled some more and then felt Levi's hand on the back of my head, pushing my face into Noah's crotch. This made Noah's dick lay against my face and I felt sick. The combination of Noah's dick touching me and his scent started to make me gag. I pulled away and threw up a little bit in my mouth, but I swallowed it.

I sat up and wiped my eyes that started to tear up a little bit.

"Listen, guys, I can't do this," I said. "This has to stop, seriously, enough is enough. It's been all fun and games up until now, but really, this--"

I didn't have a chance to finish my sentence because Levi slugged me hard, I mean really hard, right to my gut, so hard that in like a half-second all the air in my lungs was gone and I couldn't breath. I couldn't inhale or exhale. It was like all the air in the world had suddenly been sucked into a black hole somewhere and I couldn't get any. I didn't even know how to breath! I fell on my back, writhing in pain and trying to get air. Just I started to find a little oxygen somewhere, Levi was on top of me, his knees in my chest. Noah came around to the top of the bed and pulled my hands to above my head, holding them tight to the bed. Levi dug his knees into my body, putting his full weight on me so again I couldn't breath. I felt the energy in my body slipping away. Levi reached slapped my face again, sending a sting through my body that forced me to finally inhale.

"I warned you," said Levi. "I've been as nice as possible. You gotta give me that, Kale. Right? I've been nothing but a good guy with you. Now cut this shit out or we'll tie you up and do whatever the fuck we want. Maybe you want that instead?"

"No," I managed to say through my pain, lack of breath and tears. "No."

Levi said, "This is the last time I'm going to play this scene with you, Kale. It's no fun doing it this way. Got it?"

"Yes," I said. I could barely see though my tears. Snot was running out my nose.

"Fuck, dude, you're a mess," said Levi. "Now go wash your face and get back here. We'll start over and be friends."

Noah released my arms and Levi climbed off me. I rolled off the bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I looked at my face in the mirror and saw that I looked messed up. My face was red where I'd been slapped. I turned on the water and scooped some up to splash on my face. Again and again, I threw water on my face, taking some into my mouth and spitting it out. After a few minutes I started to feel better. I dried my face and then leaned over the sink to study my face. I looked into my soul and wondered who the fuck I was. I felt better having pushed back, but now, after having been physically violated and humiliated by Levi and Noah, I felt even worse and hopeless as ever. The face in the mirror looked back at me and laughed. The person in the mirror who looked like me, who had a red face like me, whose eyes were red like mine, pointed his finger and laughed. "You fucking worm," my clone said to me. "Now get out there and forget about growing a spine. Man up and go suck some cock."

I blinked and the stranger in the mirror was replaced by the real me, looking totally defeated. I hung my head and left the bathroom. Levi and Noah were sitting on the bed talking. I got back on the bed.

"OK, I'm ready," I said.

"Excellent," said Levi. "Who were you talking to in there?"

"No one," I said.

Levi said, "Listen, Kale. I know this is hard for you. You didn't ask for all of this, even though I know you secretly want this. So we'll make it as easy as we can. Sucking dick takes time. Really getting into it and enjoying it and being good at it, it doesn't happen overnight. Have you ever ever had your dick sucked by someone who was excellent at it?"

I sniffed and said, "Yeah. I've had a lot of girlfriends. Of course."

Levi's face brightened up. "Awesome, dude! Then you're halfway there. You know exactly what a guy likes. Hey, Noah, grab me the chocolate syrup, will ya?"

Noah retrieved the paper bag and took out a brown bottle or Hershey's chocolate syrup. He gave it to Levi. Levi opened the top and squeezed out a drop of chocolate on his finger. He licked it off. "Yum," he said. "That tastes fucking good. Do you like chocolate, Kale?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Of course you do," said Levi. "You told me so. That's why we brought this. It'll make it easier on you. Noah, stand up here."

Noah stood on the bed, still sporting a boner. Was he always hard? Then Levi took the chocolate syrup and squeezed a line of syrup on Noah's dick.

"Here you go," said Levi. "It won't taste like dick now, Kale. It'll taste like chocolate. It'll be easier for you. Lick it off, Kale. Lick the chocolate off Noah's boner."

I hesitated for only a second but not for long because I didn't want to be slapped again. Then I simply moved close to Noah, stuck out my tongue and gently stuck it in the chocolate. It tasted, well, like chocolate. And good. I love chocolate. I licked some more off. I was licking chocolate syrup off Noah's dick! I kept licking and tasting the chocolate. I heard Noah moan.

"Good job, dude," said Levi. "See? He's liking it. You're doing a good job. Now don't be bashful. Keep going. Lick it all off. Get every drop."

So I just kept licking Noah's boner, sucking up all the chocolate, licking it off of him, getting him clean.

"Hold on a second," said Levi. He squeezed more chocolate on Noah's dick, putting a lot more on it. "Now take the head into your mouth, Kale."

I did what he said, letting my mind and my ego fly up to heaven, simply obeying him. I opened my mouth and let Noah's boner enter my mouth. The chocolate dripped off his cock and I allowed it come into my mouth like a banana. I wrapped my lips around the mushroom head of Noah's boner and allowed it to just go in that far. I touched the end of it with my tongue. I felt Noah's hands on the back on my head and he moaned again.

"Yeah, just like that," said Noah. "Yeah, just like that. Just let it slide into you mouth a little at a time. Yeah."

Noah held the back of my head and slowly started to slide his boner into my mouth, a little more every second or two. The first sensation going through my head was OH MY GOD I'M SUCKING DICK! And then I mostly just tasted the chocolate and how fucking grateful I was for Levi to have thought of it, of allowing me to only smell and taste the chocolate flavor. Then Noah pushed deeper into my mouth and it was at the back of my tongue and then sliding toward the back of my throat and I started to gag and cough. I pulled my head away and gagged but didn't throw up.

"That's OK," said Levi. "That's normal. It just proves you haven't sucked a dick before. Just the gag reflex. You'll learn to fight it."

I coughed and felt better in a few moments, then Noah lifted my head and slid his chocolate dick into my mouth again.

Noah said, "Just take me in slowly, yeah, that's it. Take my dick. Suck my bone. Oh yeah, I have sooooo wanted this."

Noah started to slide his cock in deep and then pull it back until just the head of his boner was in my mouth, then he slid it back in. He seemed to know how much I could tolerate, so he never put it in too far, just far enough to make my eyes water, then back again and then in.

Levi said, "Hold on to Noah's ballls, Kale. It'll be easier."

I did what he said. I moved my right hand up Noah's leg until I felt his sack. I allowed his balls to rest on the palm of my hand, then I grabbed them gently like a balloon and tugged on them a little. It felt like I was holding on an overhead strap on a bus. Noah moaned.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," said Noah. "Oh just like that, oh fuck yeah." Noah started to really fuck my mouth now, sliding his boner inside me faster, really getting into a rhythm. I just let him do it, swallowing the chocolate flavor that, more and more, began to fade away. He fucked my mouth and throat. I glanced over at Levi and saw him holding his phone up at me. More pictures! I closed my eyes and just let myself fade away, allowing my mouth to be used by Noah, letting him fuck my face. The chocolate was pretty much gone now and I started to taste Noah's dick without the flavor. His boner felt warm in my mouth, a fleshy saltiness, and his scent of gym socks began filling my nose again. He kept going faster and fucking my mouth.

"Oh fuck yeah," said Noah. "That's it Kale. Just keep your head like that."

Levi said, "Good job, Kale. Fuck, I'm so proud of you. It's so hot. Wish you could see this. Noah, you're doing great. Keep fucking his mouth. Let him get a good sense of who you are and what he'll be doing from now on whenever you want. Give him a good first blow job lesson just like that. Fuck his face hole good."

Thank god I was stoned. That's one of the things I managed to tell myself as Noah held my head and fucked my mouth. When you're stoned, you sometimes don't really know it. You're just kind of in a different frame of reference. You see things sideways. But sometimes you are able to sort of KNOW that your buzzed, and I knew it at that moment. Being stoned allowed me to fade away into a place where I just sort of chilled, like shrinking into myself, with Noah fucking me harder and harder. I felt his words start to be chiseled inside my memory: what he'll be doing from now one whenever you want. Fuck! Oh fucking god.

Noah started to moan more and more. "Oh fuck . . . mmmm... oh yeah....oh yeah. I'm gonna . . . "

Then Noah pulled my head hard into him, my nose flush against his body, slamming his boner deep into my mouth. I wanted to gag again but couldn't, because he was fucking me fast and pulling out a half-second before I felt any urge to vomit. Suddenly, Noah said, "Fuck!" and then I felt hot gloppy splashes against the back of my throat. He was cumming inside my mouth! He kept banging into me over and over, holding my head tightly with hands of stone.

"Fuck yeah!" said Levi.

Noah kept fucking my mouth, filling my mouth with his jiz, and it started to drip down my face and body. He didn't stop fucking me, instead it seemed that he picked up strength, really ramming his boner into me hard, pushing it way back into me and mashing my nose with each thrust. I felt his boner push into the back of my throat. I wanted to die, to tell the truth. I wanted to fucking get up and slit my wrists. What had I become? The private dick sucker of two 16 year old kids? What did I do to ever deserve this? What part of my life had brought this kind of karma to me? Noah pumped away in my mouth, holding my head steady like it was watermelon or something. He kept fucking me, making most of his cum gush out of my mouth and down my face.

Levi said, "Kale, it's OK, it's nothing to cry about."

It was true, tears were streaming down my face. I think it had finally hit me that I had long since past the point of no return and now I was firmly entrenched in the hell that was Levi and Noah, that I was theirs to do with whatever they wanted, that they could coerce me into doing just about anything. I would have to figure a way out of this . . . if there was one. But now, with Noah slowing down and taking his dick out of my mouth, I felt like a total whore, like he'd just made me his mouth-fucking bitch.

Levi said, "That was just about one of the hottest things ever, Noah. Kale, you are such a dude! Awesome, for sure! Damn that's fucking horny. Are you up for sucking my cock now just like that?"

I let my body fall to the bed and pulled a pillow under my head. I wiped my face on the sheets and spit out the cum that still coated my tongue. I said, "You can do whatever you want, but I'm tired right now."

I looked up at Levi and he nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Maybe another dick right now would be too much of a good thing. Maybe we shouldn't push you too hard. Noah, what do you think?"

Noah's boner was now starting to point south, but it dripped with cum and my saliva. He stood there looking about as young as I'd seen him. I'd just let him fuck my face. If Levi wanted me to suck him, then it didn't matter to me. I felt used and totally whipped, but I'm guessing I looked pretty pathetic.

Noah went over to Levi and they huddled together, whispering quietly. I couldn't hear them.

Then Noah laid behind me on the bed, pressing his body against mine. I could feel his dick against me. He kissed the back of my neck and said, "Kale, that was some hot head. Better than I ever dreamed."

I closed my eyes and felt like disappearing.

Levi said, "Come on, Noah, let's let Kale recover from his first time. We'll catch up with him later."

Noah got off the bed and put his bathing suit on.

Before they left, Levi came over to me and said, "This is what we'll do from now on. And more stuff. You'll like it, Kale, just like I know you liked this. But we're in no rush. We're cool. But, Kale, I want you to remember the bad stuff, too. I don't want to get tough with you again. That's not what this is about. So just keep going with it and we'll be good. OK?"

I looked up at him and simply said, "OK."

Levi gave me one of his amazing tooth-filled smiles that sparkled and lit up the entire room, one of those smiles that almost made me want to like him a little. But I didn't. I hated him with all my soul. And now, truthfully, I feared him.

Then Levi and Noah left the apartment, leaving me once again in a state of shock, naked and on the bed, sticky with Noah's cum, and wondering how I'd ever get a handle on my life again.


After Levi and Noah left last night I dozed off but slept restlessly. I had a nightmare that I was being chased by a group of leopards or cheetahs or some kind of vague wild veldt cat. I kept running into caves and houses trying to elude them, but they stayed after me, bearing their fangs and figuring out where I was. I kept waking up during the night, wondering if the scene with Levi and Noah had really happened. For a moment here and there, I was thankful that all of it, every moment with Levi and Noah had been nothing but one long terrible dream . . . but then I would come more fully awake and I knew it was real and that I was living in a hell from which I saw no escape.

I finally woke up completely at 4 am and was determined to get out of the apartment. I jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, and tossed a few items in a small duffel bag. Then I pretty much ran out of my apartment, down the stairs, and straight to my car. I tore out of the parking lot pretty fast, and swerved down the road, not really knowing where I was going. I just knew I had to get out of there.

I was blinded my my emotions and feeling sick. Somehow, I could still smell chocolate. I drove west down the quiet streets of Tucson, barely aware of street lights and stop signs. I didn't know where I was going, I just drove, turning on 22nd Street and heading more away from something than toward a destination. Time ceased to exist. Clouds moved overhead and the sun started to come up, but it seemed as if I was the only car on the road. Eventually I saw a flashing VACANCY sign ahead on the right. It was a dive Motel 6.

I pulled in and went into the office. A seedy looking old woman sat at the lobby desk. The charge was $40 a night. I don't what you could get for $40. I wondered if bed sheets were extra. But I didn't care. I gave her my credit card and she gave me a key card. My room was located at the end of the cheap-ass hotel wing. Once inside I could see why it was $40. It was probably the most dingy room I'd been in ever. But I didn't care. I dropped to the bed and for the first time in a week felt totally safe. There was no way Levi and Noah could find me here. I would stay here for the rest of my life if I had to. And if they found me, I'll move to another hotel. I'd get rid of all my possessions and live out of my car. I'll move from city to city, working odd jobs, washing dishes at local diners. I had to put an end to what I saw ahead of me, which was a life of sexual servitude to the teens from the Twilight Zone.

I turned on the TV in the hotel room and rested in bed, randomly flipping through channels and watching reruns and odd shows. I didn't care. I tried to find mindless shows to take my mind off my predicament, anything to distract me. But the more I watched TV, the more my mind wandered to what had happened to my life, and the more I found myself thinking of Levi and Noah and what their ultimate objective was. Was it their intention to hurt me in any way? Or did they just want to use me for their sexually deviant practices? And where would things lead? How long before they started doing other things to me? My mind started to screw with me big time, and I wondered if they would start using me as their fuck toy, making me bend over and take their boners up my ass. Where would this end?

I was really fucked. I knew that. So I stayed in that hotel room all day and did nothing. Until my phone rang. It was Levi.

"Where are you, dude?" he said.

"Busy," I said. "Shopping and stuff."

"Like what?" asked Levi.

I said, "I needed some more dress clothes. And grocery stuff."

Levi said, "That's cool. But you've been gone all day. We didn't see you leave. Must have left early."

"Yeah," I said. "Went to the gym first thing."

Levi said, "That makes sense. That's cool. Still seems like a long time. Was wondering if you were going to come home. Thought that maybe you were avoiding us or something."

"What if I was?" I said.

"Then that would be too bad," said Levi. "Then shit might happen."

"What kind of shit?" I asked.

"You know," said Levi. "Like I don't know what would happen to the pictures we took of you, for starters."

"Why do you have to go there?" I said. "Wasn't last night enough?"

"Let me ask you a question," said Levi. "Listening to my voice right now, and knowing that Noah and I pretty much have control over you and do what we want, and knowing that we'll see you again, how are you feeling?"

'What do you mean?" I said.

"I mean, dude, what is your body saying?" said Levi. "You know that you're going to come home sooner or later because you don't want things to get out of hand with the stuff we have of you, your pipe, your pictures. And you know that when you come home that, well, we'll be there, dude. Right? And we'll get you naked and do stuff with you. Noah will be touching and sucking your awesome dick. And you'll be sucking his cock. Maybe you'll be sucking on mine. And Noah will be kissing you and licking your nipples and stuff. So, Kale, knowing that, and knowing that it will happen, tell me, bro, is your dick getting hard right now?"

It was. Listening to him talk like that made me totally boned. How did he get that kind of control. I didn't say anything. I touched my boner and rubbed it a little to make sure it was real. How could this 16 year old get me hard like this?

Levi said, "Are you there?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Then answer me. Are you boned?"

I felt like I had no choice. I answered, "Yes."

"Ok then, dude," he said. "Then we're on the same wavelength. You might not want to admit it, but you are totally into this. At least your dick is. You might not want to admit it, but you like this. You like giving up freedom. You like being our bitch. Because that's what you're becoming, Kale. Our bitch. Make sure you're home by like 9 p,.m. OK?"

I tried to think of something to say but all I could think of was, "OK."

I again felt a wave of humiliation, but it was combined with a strange erotic sense because I couldn't ignore how hard my cock was. Why was I so hard when I hated what was going on? Was Levi right about what he said?

No matter. The end game was upon me and any power I once had was gone. I left the hotel and drove home, feeling conflicted and confused. At least my boner had subsided. Is that really what my life had come down to--whether or not I was boned? I barely even remember getting to my apartment, but somehow I managed to park, walk through the complex and up to my apartment. Once inside, I turned on the light and didn't even bother closing the door. I walked past the kitchen and into my room where the debauchery from last night still smelled. I stood there for a second and then heard some running outside--Levi and Noah coming upstairs. Then they were in my apartment and next to me.

"You're back," said Levi.

"Yeah," I said.

"We're glad you're here," said Levi. "We missed you today."

Noah said, "We did, yeah."

I didn't look at them. Instead, I just kind of hung my head and stared at the floor. Noah stood close behind me and I could feel him press his body against mine, hugging me tightly. His hands came around the front of me and rubbed my chest and crotch. At the first touch I started to get hard. This was crazy. The power they had over me, or the power I lacked, was astonishing. From behind, Noah unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall to the floor, and he undid my belt and dropped my pants. He slid my underwear down.

Levi said, "Really, dude, you have a fucking awesome boner. We're so lucky. Now get on the bed on your hands and knees. Noah wants to taste your hole."

I looked up and straight into Levi's face. I had the urge to slug him, to run away, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. All my defenses were gone. Everything I could fight with was absent. I kicked off my underwear and crawled on top of the bed and assumed the position.

"Fuck, Kale, you're such a good bud. No fighting this time. Awesome!" said Levi.

Noah got on the bed with me and I could feel him stroke my boner and squeeze my balls.

"Levi, look at how his cock points out and low his balls are," said Noah. "So sweet. You gotta get a shot of this."

I turned to see Levi hold up his phone and snap some pictures of me, with my ass in the air and cock and balls on display. It didn't matter any longer. How many pictures did they need or want of me? If they had one then they might as well have had a hundred. I wondered what they did with my pictures anyway.

Then I was shocked to feel Noah against my ass, his face pressed to my cheeks, and his tongue lightly licking at my hole. Fuck. I tried to so hard to fight all of this but I could not get away from the feeling of intense erotic pleasure. It was amazing. I closed my eyes and tried to think of blood and death, anything to ward off the wave of sexual awakening falling over me. But I could not. Noah licked my ass, running his tongue over my hole and down to my balls. He licked me lightly at first, then stronger, lapping at my hole, dripping his saliva on me, darting his tongue inside of me.

Levi said, "Yeah, Kale, that's good. Keep moaning, bro."

Was I really moaning? I was. I couldn't help it. Noah's tongue was inside me, sliding in and out. It felt like, I don't know, heaven. I moaned and squirmed and pushed my ass into his face, somehow wanting more of his tongue inside of me.

"Ohhh," I heard myself say. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

"That's it," said Levi. "That's what Noah likes. He likes to hear you."

Levi came near me and reached under to grab my cock. He started stroking me. Noah kept licking my hole.

Levi said, "Dude, I'm milking your cock, bro. Admit this feels good. Say that you like it. Say that you love it. Say that you want it."

It was fucking incredible. Noah's tongue was deep inside me now. How long was his tongue? He spread my ass cheeks apart to get better access and it felt as if he was having me for dinner, licking me, eating me, sliding his tongue inside of me, inhaling me. And Levi started long strokes on my cock that was now all lubed up from Noah's spit.

"Yeah, I want it," I said, and couldn't believe that it had come from my mouth. But I couldn't help it. And I started to feel myself getting close to cumming. "I'm gonna shoot," I said.

Levi said, "Of course you are, dude. That's because we're so nice to you."

Then I couldn't stop myself and I started bucking, fucking Levi's hand and trying to get all of Noah's tongue inside of me. I felt the cum building up and building up and building up and tingling everywhere and then I just said, "Fuck!" and started cumming. I felt Levi's hand cupping the head of my cock and I shot endless ropes of cum into his hand, cumming over and over, filling his hand up, spewing an incredible orgasm.

Levi said, "Oh fuck, dude, look at all the cum!"

I opened my eyes and saw that Levi's hand was overflowing with an ocean of my cum. He moved behind me and let the cum drop onto my ass, down my crack and into my hole. Noah started lapping the cum up, drinking up my cum, pushing his tongue into me and pushing my cum inside of me. I don't know where my head was. There were stars in my head. I collapsed on the bed. When I opened my eyes again the lights were off and Levi and Noah were gone.

Hey, guys. Thanks for all the nice emails! Keep them coming. Noah and I will post more of Kale's journal soon. He's cool with it by now. You can write us at leviandnoah@gmail.com. We like hearing from you. Thanks! --Levi

Next: Chapter 4

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