Levi and Noah

By Steve McQueen

Published on Jan 26, 2012


Levi and Noah


A few months ago, when I moved into my new apartment, I fell into this situation that I need to share. This stuff is really kind of embarrassing and personal. I wrote this as kind of a personal diary or journal or whatever you call it, intending it to be just for myself. But then a few days ago Levi and Noah found this on my computer and they've sort of forced me to post here on Nifty. (If you're reading this, you'll learn who they are pretty early in my journal below.)

A quick bit about me before I proceed to paste the first few days of my journal here. I graduated college last May and then kicked around for the summer before my money ran out and I started looking for a job. That brought me here to Tucson where I found work as an entry-level Drupal programmer. Drupal is an open-source content management system. I'm a damn good PHP writer, which is why they hired me. I killed on the application assessment test. I make a pretty good salary. I'm 23. I think that's all you need to know, or at least all I'm going to put here.

Here's the first few days of my journal. Fuck. I can't believe I'm posting this.

August 6, SATURDAY

I moved into my apartment today. It's kind of a nice place in what I guess is the east part of Tucson. I took this place because it seems kind of nice and I can afford it. Plus, it isn't too far from where I work. I start on Monday. I have a one-bedroom apartment on the second floor here, which is the top floor. I'm at the end of one of the building, so I only share a wall with one apartment neighbor. I haven't lived alone before, so it's kind of cool. I'm a professional now! Yee haw! To celebrate the start of my independent adult life, I'm going to try to write in this journal every day.

Moving was kind of easy because I don't have much stuff, but I had to carry everything up the stairs.The apartment complex seems pretty cool, so I think I'm going to like it here. The people I've met so far seem nice, although I really haven't met anyone. Just a smile and nod here and there. But there are nice cars in the parking lot so I can tell this isn't a scummy kind of place. There are a pretty good mix of people who live here. Yeah, some of old folks to be sure, but also a lot of young professional like me and some families. A good number of kids and teenagers here and there.

I'm tired. Going to go to bed in a few minutes. I tried calling Jackie, who I guess was sort of my girlfriend back home before I moved here. Maybe girlfriend isn't the right word. We fucked a lot and had fun. She gave great blow jobs, that's for sure. But when I told her I was moving out here she didn't have a cow or anything like that. She said she was happy for me and would come out and visit me. But she wasn't answering her cell phone tonight, so after I finish this now I'll send her a text or maybe an email to tell what I think of Tucson so far. Then I'm gonna smoke some pot and jack off (in that order!) and go to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to explore the city.


I tooled around Tucson today. Not a bad town, really. It's August, though, and it is really fucking hot. Still, I think I'm going to like it here. I drove the main streets and hung out near the action by the university. It made me miss my days at college. Then I went shopping to stock my kitchen. Damn, food is expensive. I'd never had to do a first-time-ever shopping to get main essentials, so it turned out to be quite a lot. I not only had to get things to eat, but I also had to buy a lot of shit just to have, like salt and pepper and sugar and detergent and sponges and beer and a broom and cleaning supplies and just about everything you need to live. I spent like $300 and filled up my car with shopping bags.

I carried the first group of bags up the steps and into my apartment, putting them on the counter. On the way down, at the bottom of the steps, were two young guys who said hi to me and tagged along as I walked to my car for the rest of the groceries. They seemed to be about the same age, probably around 15 or 16, and looked a lot alike.

"Hey man," said the slightly taller one. He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. The other one wore only a bathing suit. They both wore flip flops. "You're new here, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I said.

"I'm Levi," he said. "This is my brother, Noah. We live just below you. Saw you move in yesterday. Would have helped you carry in your stuff but we had chores and shit to do."

"Nice to meet you," I said. "I'm Kale."

"Cool to meet you," said Levi. "Need some help with your stuff?"

"Thanks," I said, grateful to have help.

Levi said, "I'm 16. So is Noah. But we're not twins. Mom got pregnant just a few weeks after I was born."

"That's cool," I said.

When we got to my car, Levi and Noah pitched in right away, loading themselves up with bags.

"You have a lot of stuff," said Levi as we walked back to the apartment and up the steps. "Are you from here?"

I said, "No. From back east."

"I bet you'll like it here, but it gets hot here this time of year," said Levi. "I'll be a sophomore at Sahuaro High School. Noah will be a freshman. I mean we're technically the same age and everything, but he was born in December so he's behind me a grade."

When we were inside my apartment we put the bags on the counter.

"Thanks for the help," I said. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem," said Levi. "We can help you with the rest, too. One more load ought to do it, right?"

"Awesome," I said. I turned to Noah and said, "Don't you talk?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah, but Levi's kind of bossy."

We made a final trip to my car and retrieved the rest of my items. I carried the beer. We chatted more on the way back to the apartment. I set the beer on the counter.

"We could join you in a beer," said Levi."

"I don't think so," I said.

"Mom won't care. Anyway, she won't know cause she's still at work. Dad's not around anymore, so Mom supports us just on her salary. Works two jobs, that kid of thing. Anyway, we drink a lot, actually, isn't that right, Noah?"

"True," said Noah.

I said, "Well, we'll see. Thanks for helping." The drinking age in Arizona is 21, and they didn't come close. I could get in trouble if I was serving alcohol to some 16 year olds. And they didn't look 16, that's for sure. I'm an even 6 feet tall, but Levi barely comes up to my chin. Noah was just a tiny bit shorter than him. They certainly did look alike. Both had brown hair and blue eyes and that friendly open kind of gaze that made you want to be friends with them. Slim and just sort of starting to get muscular. Noah, the one without a shirt, had a fairly toned body. I could tell he worked out.

"You have a pretty cool place," said Levi. "Mind if we hang out sometime?"

"I guess so," I said.

Levi said, "Maybe you can share your weed us."

He picked up my pipe, which I'd left by the couch. I'd smoked last night before going to bed. I didn't know what to say. There was no use denying it. I tried to act nonchalant.

"Uh, sure," I said. "Maybe."

Levi said, "Noah and I smoke weed all the time, well, that is when we can get some. Right, Noah?"

Noah nodded and said, "True." He really was a guy of few words.

Levi said, "But hey, we're cool. No worries. Mum is the word. We won't rat on you, Kale. Wouldn't do that."

I said, "Thanks."

Levi smelled the pipe then put it back down. "We wouldn't cause trouble for you, not when you have beer and weed an everything. This could kind of be a sweet situation."

I wasn't quite sure what Levi was intending to say, and it kind of made me nervous for some reason. I didn't want to read anything into what he said or intended. Didn't matter, I guess. They were nice guys and they had helped me carry my stuff up, so I thanked them and said I had to put the groceries away. I opened the door to encourage them to leave.

"Not a problem," said Levi who walked out with Noah. "We'll see you. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Maybe," I said. "It'll be my first day at work."

"Cool!" said Levi. "Where at?"

"IT-ronics," I said.

"That's sweet. Then you'll totally need to get a buzz on after all that first-day stress! What time do you get off?"

I didn't know what to say. It sounded as if he was inviting himself over. Kind of harmless. But it would be nice to have someone to smoke with rather being alone. I said, "I don't know. probably after 5 sometime."

"That works," said Levi.

Then they were off and down the steps. I heard them enter their apartment downstairs and close the door.


Today was one of the best and, at the same time, strangest days of my life. I'll start with the good stuff.

First of all, work was great today. Everyone at my job was really nice to me. I spent a good chunk of the day filling out papers and forms and signing up for benefits. But in the afternoon I was quickly put to work writing PHP code on an e-commerce website and I was really happy. I don't have a big office. Well, I have sort of a cubicle. But I can see a window down the hall and that's sort of cool. I think I'm really going to like it here. Fuck, it's really cool. I'm out of school. I'm an adult. I'm working for a living and supporting myself! I even think this could be a place to stay a few years and get ahead in life.

After work I drove home feeling happy. I called Jackie on the way home and talked to her for a few minutes. It was good to speak with someone from home. She said she missed me, but not in a mushy kind of way. I told her I missed her, too. I told her that I was horny for her and that if we were together at that moment I would really fuck her good. I think she liked hearing me say it. She said she wanted to be with me, too, and we talked about how maybe she could take a trip out here soon to visit.

I didn't know how tired I was until I got to my apartment. Whew. Really a tiring day. I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and sat on the couch, relaxing. The beer tasted really fucking good. I took a hit off my pipe and inhaled the pot deep into my lungs and held it as long as possible. Damn, life was great.

Just as I exhaled, there was a knock on my apartment door. I looked through the peephole and saw Levi and Noah standing there. I thought about pretending I wasn't home, but I opened the door anyway. They were standing there smiling, both wearing just bathing suits. Like yesterday, Noah was shirtless. Levi wore a sleeveless muscle shirt.

Levi said, "Dude! You're home! Can we come in? We've been waiting for you. Is that weed smell? Damn, smoking already? We were at the pool and saw you walking through. How was work?"

Levi just kept talking and without me really inviting them in they just sort of came inside and went right to the couch and took hits off my pipe.

"This is some good shit," said Levi. "You don't mind sharing, do you?"

I said, "Well . . . "

"Good," said Levi. "I didn't think so. We're all cool. What are you doing still dressed up? Get changed and relax with us." He and Noah each took another hit off my pipe. A cloud of pot smoke hung in the air.

I said to myself, What the hell, and went back to my room to change. I did want to get out of my work clothes, especially with it being so hot outside. I hung my pants in the closet and took off my shirt. I sat on the bed to peel off my socks. Then Levi appeared in my doorway. He was holding the pipe and he came over and handed it to me with the lighter.

"Your turn," he said.

I felt weird sitting there in front of him in just my underwear. But I guess it was no different than being in a locker room. Besides, being in underwear wasn't really any different than wearing a bathing suit like he was.

"Nice room," said Levi. "Noah and I share a room."

I took the pipe from him and sucked down a hit.

"Dude, how old are you?" asked Levi.

"Twenty-three," I said.

"That's cool," he said. "Looks like you're pretty worked out."

"I guess," I said.

With Levi standing in front of me, I couldn't help but notice that he had what looked to be a growing boner in his bathing suit. I couldn't be sure, but that's what it appeared to be. I didn't want to look, but there he was right in front of me. This was awkward. I looked at the ground and just avoided him entirely. I started to feel really foggy and stoned. The pot was doing its thing.

Levi said, "What's the matter, dude?"

I said, "Well, kinda awkward, Levi. Not really comfortable."

Levi put his hand under my chin and raised my head up. "Why aren't you looking at me, dude?"

"No reason," I said. "But, this just sort of seems kind of strange."

"In what way?" asked Levi. He let go of my chin and let his hand down where he started to kind of rub his crotch area.

I stood up. "Hey, I'm not into that," I said.

"Into what?" said Levi.

"You know," I said.

"No, I don't know," said Levi. But he kept touching himself. "A guy can't scratch himself?"

I said, "This whole thing. You guys here. Smoking pot. You in here and stroking yourself."

"We're just guys," said Levi. "Are you uncomfortable just being guys? What's the problem?"

"No problem," I said. My eyes felt glazed over.

Then Levi smiled at me in kind of an evil way. He said, "It's just us guys. Just two 16 year old kids in a 23-year-old's apartment. Getting stoned with him. Being half-naked in his room. I don't see that as a problem. I see that as leverage. I see it as power. You see that, don't you, Kale? Because I don't see a problem with it. I know Noah doesn't have a problem with it. Now, on the other hand, my mom might have a problem with it. So might your boss over at IT-ronics."

I started to get a sick feeling in my stomach, like something was starting to go wrong in my life. I shrugged. "What do you want?"

Levi smiled again and his eyes sparkled. "We don't want anything, Kale. Just kind of thought it would be good to get to know you. We thought you might like it, too. No harm in that, is there? Just some friendly guy stuff. Like me standing here in front of you." Kale put his hands at his waste and slowly pulled his bathing suit down just a little bit until the head of his boner was poking out.

"Listen, Levi, come on. This is wrong. Let's just move on."

Levi said, "There's nothing wrong, Kale. Like I said. We're cool. We just want to get to know you." Then Levi called loudly: "Noah, come on in here." In like two seconds Noah was standing in the doorway. Levi handed him the pipe.

"I don't want any trouble," I said.

"Neither do we," said Levi. "We just want to see your cock. Noah and I were talking about it today. We were guessing you have a big one. Are we right about that?"

I said, "Stop it."

Levi said, "No, really, Kale. We just want to see your cock. Noah wants to see it. No harm in that, is there? Just guys, right? So show us your cock."

"No," I said.

Levi said, "Just show us your cock. Pull your boxers down so we can see it. And that'll be it. We'll go then, if that's what you want."

"What if I don't?" I said defiantly.

"If you don't?" asked Levi? "Then, well, nothing. If you don't want to then you don't have to. But then it would be a shame if our mom accidentally found your pipe in our room. It might make her ask some questions."

I didn't wait to hear anything else. I thought for a second that if this was the price of getting rid of them, then I guess it wasn't the hugest deal in the world. So I pulled my boxers down and let them drop to my feet.

"Fuck!" said Levi. "Damn, just like you were saying, Noah. You were totally right. He's got a fucking huge cock. And uncut, too! You so called it."

Noah said, "Definitely."

It felt totally bizarre standing their naked in front of Levi and Noah. They were just staring at me. Levi still had a boner and he was stroking himself lightly, his cock head still poking out of his bathing suit. I looked down at my penis and was thankful that it wasn't getting hard. Then there was a quick flash of light and looked up to see that Noah had snapped my picture with his phone.

"Got it," said Noah.

I said, "Fuck. That's not cool. I mean, fuck."

"That's a cock we could really do something with," said Levi.

I said, "You said you would leave. Delete that photo right now."

"Well, we are gonna leave," said Levi. "But we should keep the photo for just now. Just for a little while. We do everything we say we're gonna do. But we want to come back tomorrow when you get home from work. Is that OK?"

I said, "Not really."

"Are you sure?" asked Levi? "Because I think you should let us. It's all good. No worries. Just invite us back, OK? That's all we want here and then we'll split. Just invite us back and then all will be OK and nothing accidentally is going to happen."

I knew exactly what Levi was saying. I felt totally fucked. Like I didn't have a choice.

"Fuck, dude, you have a really beautiful cock," said Levi. "I wish mine was that big. And damn, you have a shitload of pubes."

I said, "OK guys. Enough. Why don't you come back tomorrow. There. I'm inviting you back."

Levi said, "Dude! That is so cool of you! I knew we would be friends. Excellent. You got it. We'll be over about the same tomorrow. But be naked when we come over, OK? Is that cool with you?"

"Not really," I said.

"No, come on dude. Just be naked when we come over. Answer the door that way. That would be good. You'll do that for us, won't you? I know you will. Right?"

"Is that another 'or else' kind of thing?"

"That doesn't sound good the way you say it," said Levi. "Noah, do you still have the pipe?"

"I got it," said Noah.

"OK then," said Levi. "So Noah has the picture and the pipe and I think he'll keep them under wraps . . . unless you don't want to be friends."

"Listen, Levi, I want to be friends," I said. "I just don't want to do this."

"But we do, Kale," he said. "So just go with it, OK? Just roll with it."

"Roll with what?" I asked.

"Like I said, just answer the door naked tomorrow," said Levi. "You can be cool with a stupid harmless little request like that, right? I mean you're naked right now, right? So it's like no big deal."

I hung my head and knew I was kind of fucked if I didn't go along with this. "OK," I said. "I'll answer the door naked."

"Dude, that's is sooo cool!" said Levi. He came closer to me and leaned up to whisper in my ear: "That's what I'm talking about." Then they turned and left my room and the apartment.

When they left I used an old bong to stone myself into oblivion.


I couldn't concentrate at work today. It didn't matter much, because I can write PHP code pretty much in my sleep. It helped that I was left pretty much alone. Writing digital code is a solitary business, which was good on a day like today when my mind was so preoccupied with what had happened last night with Levi and Noah.

I kept running the entire sequence over in mind again and again, and I kept seeing Levi's overly friendly face. He didn't look 16 and I started to wonder if he really was. What if he was 15 or even 14? What if he told his mom about me? What if he told the apartment manager about me smoking pot? What if he lied to people and told them that it was my idea to get naked in front of them. What if they showed people the picture Noah had snapped? What if they mailed the picture to someone at IT-ronics? So many what-ifs!

I muddled through the day very depressed and confused. How had I allowed the situation to develop the way it did? And what could I have done to prevent it?

At the end of day I drove home with a terrible feeling of dread. It felt like I was driving off the edge of cliff, as if my life was ending. I parked at my apartment and sat there in my car wondering if they had seen me pull in. Maybe they were watching me. Or perhaps they were out by the pool again. I tried to think of a way I could enter my apartment without being seen, but I lived on the second floor and that made such stealth impossible. Shit. But maybe they were just all talk and were playing a mind game with me. Maybe they were just having fun and screwing around like 16 year olds do naturally. Maybe they'd come over later and we'd just laugh about it. Fuck. So confusing!

I left my car and shuffled through the apartment complex, up the steps and into my apartment where the smell of stale weed was in the air. That's what I needed--to get high, to get totally baked and lose myself in a cloud of cannabis. So I quickly loaded up my bong and inhaled some deep quality hits, holding my breath each time to allow the smoke to saturate my lungs and send the drug into my bloodstream. A few minutes later I started to experience the buzz and it made me feel better, like I almost didn't care what happened. Even though I was already pretty stoned, I kept taking hit after hit, falling deeper into the weed and the relaxed easiness it always brought. Damn, I was baked and it made me feel better.

I don't know how long I sat there, maybe an hour, but eventually the inevitable knock came on my apartment door. I looked through the peephole and there they were, Levi and Noah, just as I knew they would be. Without hesitating, I opened the door and allowed them to come in.

"I'm stoned," I blurted out, closing the door.

"Yeah," said Levi, laughing. "We can see and smell it! Totally cool. But, dude, you're dressed. I thought we had an agreement that you would be naked when we came over."

I said, "Wasn't sure you were serious."

"We are," said Levi.

Suddenly the room was really quiet. We were standing in the middle of the room. Levi and Noah were in front of me expressionless and real quiet like. They were both wearing bathing suits again, but only Levi wore a shirt. They were waiting for me to make up my mind. I kind of felt that if I was going to make a stand that this was the moment. I was pretty sure that if I were to man up that they would back down. I mean I was bigger than them. I wasn't sure that I could take them both at the same time, but I could try. Noah was the smallest. I could pretty much deck him with a slug to the midsection. Levi would be a little more difficult, though, because he would have time to react. But I thought of the pipe and the picture of me they had taken and I wondered if they had brought them along or if they were hidden for safekeeping. And then the pot just pushed me further into a baked zone and suddenly I was past the point of no return. I started to take off my clothes.

"That's more like it," said Levi. "We knew you would cooperate."

Levi started to say something about being out by the pool and going swimming but I didn't much hear him. I loosened my collar and pulled my shirt off. Then I flicked off my shoes and undid my belt. In like 20 seconds I was totally naked in front of them. The pot helped me get there, for sure, but it still felt strange even though I pretty much didn't care about anything.

Levi said, "Dude, that really is a magnificent fucking huge cock, and you're not even hard. How big is that?"

"I don't know," I said.

"It's gotta be like 10 inches," said Levi. "We'll measure it sometime, that's for sure."

Noah came close to me and touched my side. I instinctively took a step away but Levi moved to my other side to keep me from moving. He pulled my hands behind me, crossed them, and held them tightly. This pretty much immobilized me.What the fuck!

"Just let him touch you," whispered Levi.

Noah didn't wait for an answer, he drew circles around my nipples with his finger.

Levi said, "Does that feel good, Kale?"

I didn't say anything. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to block out what was happening. But I could feel it. Noah was touching my upper chest, running his hands over my pecs and lightly tugging at my armpit hair. Then I felt him move closer to my body and he rested his lips against my arm.

"That feels good," said Levi. "Doesn't it? Just relax and let Noah explore your body. Noah is very interested in you, Kale. You need to know that. He wants to get to know you. And as long as you go with the flow then all will be good. Really, Kale, we're cool guys."

I still hadn't opened my eyes. I didn't want to. But I could feel Noah touching me all over. Then I felt a wetness on my right nipple and I could tell it was his tongue. He was licking my nipple and sucking it gently, lightly nibbling it. At the same time, he was touching my back, caressing and exploring my skin.

Levi came closer to me and said softly, "See, Kale? That's not so bad. This is a good thing. Think about how lucky you are to have a hot 16 year old tasting your body and touching you? It feels erotic, Kale, admit it. It's an amazing feeling, right? Noah is good at this."

I tried to block everything out, but the combination of Noah touching me and Levi talking to me and the pot in my head started to cause a stir in my dick and I felt myself starting to get hard. This couldn't be happening. I'm a 23 year-old heterosexual! But there I was, letting two 16 year olds guys control me and tell me what to do, and letting Noah touch me. And I was getting pretty boned.

Levi said, "Look, Noah, Kale likes what you're doing. Look how fucking big his cock is, for fuck's sake! Look how the head of his cock is just peaking through his foreskin. Looks pretty thick, too. Damn, Kale, you're a lucky guy."

Through the fog of the pot I allowed my body to respond to Noah's touch. He was licking my nipples and breathing warmly on me. I tested my arms but Levi still held them firmly behind my back. Oh fuck. Oh fuck! I looked down and saw Noah kissing my body and then I felt his hands run up my leg and to my balls. He cupped them in his hand, seeming sort of weighing them.

"Does he have big balls?" asked Levi? "He does, doesn't he? You were so right."

By now I was totally rock hard and I felt erotically charged and horny as anything. I wanted to jack off.

"Let go of my hands," I pleaded.

"Not yet," said Levi.

Noah moved down and started to touch my boner all over, caressing it, jacking it, feeling it. He ran his hands through my pubic hair and let his fingers run down my ass. I couldn't believe this was happening me. But it was. Then Noah's mouth was on my cock and he started sucking me, licking me all over, giving me some tremendous head, jacking me at the same time, tugging on my balls and rolling my foreskin up and down. Oh my god is was fucking incredible. I'd never had such awesome head before. Jackie wasn't this good, I know that. But this was a guy.

"That's it," said Levi. "Keep doing that Noah. He likes it. Let's see what kind off cream he has. Do you think he'll cum a lot? How about that question, Kale? Do you cum a lot? We have a bet about what your sperm, too. Do you have the watery yellow jelly kind or is yours more creamy and white?"

I don't think he really expected an answer. I couldn't have given one anyway because I was lost in being baked and I started to feel like I was going to have an orgasm. I began to moan. "I'm gonna cum," I said. "I swear to god I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna ... I'm gonna . . . "

Then my body just vanished into the light and I felt myself exploding in Noah's mouth, wave after wave of jizz blowing out of me. I bucked my hips and slammed into Noah's mouth as best I could, filling him up with my cum, tossing my seed on his tongue and down his throat.

"There you go!" said Levi. He sounded very excited. "Awesome, dude!"

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Noah. My cum was dripping down his chin. He stood up and and kind of rested against me.

"Kiss him," said Levi.

I hesitated, but Levi pulled my arms up higher until they reached a painful spot. I leaned down and met Noah's mouth where his tongue guided into my mine and all my cum slid into my mouth.

My knees felt so week and I sort of fainted. I didn't pass out or anything, but my knees gave out and Levi helped me to the ground where I just rested there. Noah laid on top of me, his head resting on my chest. His face felt moist and sticky. We rested there a long time. I looked up at Levi who stood over us and saw him holding his phone above us. He was taking a picture, I was sure, but I didn't care at that moment. I was still basking in the post-cum sensation. Noah put his lips on mine again and his tongue came snaking into my mouth. Fuck!

After about five minutes Levi said, "We gotta get going, Noah."

Noah got up and they moved to the door.

"We'll be back tomorrow," said Levi.

I will post the next few days of journal soon when I can finish editing them. In the meantime, you can email me if you want at leviandnoah@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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