Letting Go of Myself

By moc.oohay@7891yoboch

Published on Jan 12, 2011


This is a fictional story containing sex between an older man and a younger man. If you have a hard time separating fantasy from reality, or if this theme turns you off, you shouldn't continue reading.

The events in this story are loosely based on my personal experiences when I moved away from home. I won't say they are completely true, but they aren't so far from reality either.

Use of this story is strictly prohibited unless permission is granted by the author. If the content of this story is illegal where you live, then stop reading.

If you have feedback on my writing, feel free to email me. hcoboy1987@yahoo.com

The next morning I woke up and was getting ready for work and I still couldn't get John off my mind. While last night with Bam was great, it just wasn't the same now that I knew there was a real man that could make me feel good like that.

I decided I needed to call him. With my hands trembling I dialed the numbers on the phone. After four rings he answered.

"Hi John, I mean daddy!" I said

"Took you long enough bitch! So you moving in or not?" John asked

Letting Go of Myself, Part 3

"Um, uh, well" I was stuttering on the phone.

"Come on bitch it's an easy question! Yes or no?" John demanded

"Well I think I'd enjoy being your roommate, but I'm just worried that down the road you might not like who I am once you get to know me better?" I said unsure.

"Have I not made u moan like a slutty bitch? Pleasured you more than any other man could? Made you lose control of your body and let your slut instincts take over? Isn't that the kind of man you want to live with? Don't get me wrong. I'm all top, but from the way I was seeing things you were really loving me pounding that pussy." John reminded me

"I did love all that daddy. It's just that what if I go too far and get really into it so much that I can't stop? What if I love it so much that all I can think about is you fucking me all night?" I asked.

"Any man I know would kill to get regular pussy from his bitch. A boy like that is hard to come by. Once they realize that they have something that men want, they tend to get moody about giving it up.

If you turn out to be a full-time slut Elliott I won't be offended, in fact I'd be rather pleased with you that way." John replied

"OK. I'm glad you feel that way but it's a big commitment and I just want to be good for you like you are for me." I said

"I know baby. I know. You want to be the perfect slut for me because I'm so good to you. And I must say you've got what it takes to be that for me. That's why I want you living here. And that's also why I'm done asking. Come over here now and bring your things. You are going to move in with me whether you are ready or not." John commanded.

Grinning to myself and enjoying being ordered by this sexy stud I replied "Yes daddy."

John said "Bitch I want you here in 20 minutes. Bring everything you want to have here and leave the heavy stuff at your apartment. We can take care of that stuff when the time comes. Don't bring a lot of shit either because I keep my place tidy and don't need clutter everywhere."

"Ok daddy. I'll just bring my clothes, electronics, bathroom stuff and some personal things." I said

"Fine whatever. And one last thing. On the way here I don't want you wearing a lot of clothes. A pair of flip flops, sweatpants, and a t shirt should do. A slut like you shouldn't be wearing clothes and when he does it should be the bare minimum."

"Ok daddy. I'll be over in 20 minutes then." I answered

"You're down to 18 bitch. Clock was ticking already. Hurry your pretty pink pussy ass up!" He barked

I scurried frantically to get my stuff together and to get dressed as he wanted me. I quickly pulled down my pants and gave my pussy a cleaning in case he wanted me right when I got there which I thought could be possible. With my hand on the door, I froze and thought to myself how big of a change this could be and wondered if I was ready for it. After a few seconds I felt my pussy twitching with excitement as I remembered how good John made me feel when his cock filled me up inside. A lewd smile came across my face as I knew it was definitely gonna get better living there 24/7.

I snapped back to reality as I looked at my watch. Shit! I only had 9 minutes to go and he lived at least 15 minutes away driving fast.

I ran from my apartment to the parking lot. Flip flops flipping and flopping. One almost flew off and I had to catch my balance. An older lady that lived in my building was left looking at me like "Why the fuck is he wearing flip flops in January and running?"

I started my car and made way for John's house. I arrived 10 minutes late and knew I was in for it. I slowly walked up to his door and rang the doorbell.


No Answer


No answer

Finally after one last ring and no answer I started heading back to my car. I really fucked up I thought to myself. I had a man that was ready to make my dreams come true and I couldn't even show up on time on the first day. I really must look like I don't care about living with him if I can't be prompt. A good pussyboy would have been early, not late.

Just as I was about to open my car door. The door to John's house opened and I heard him say "Get the fuck in the house bitch"

Startled I walked quickly with my things into his house. Dropping my things on the floor and removing my flip flops I felt the plush carpet tickle my bare feet. I kept my head down because I was ashamed of what had happened and knew John wasn't happy with me.

"Look at me Elliot!" John commanded

I couldn't move to lift my head I was so scared of this man. I continued to look down and not say a word.

John grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. "Bitch when I tell you to do something, you will listen to me do you understand?"

"Yes daddy" was all that I could manage to say.

"Why were you late today Elliott? What happened?" John asked slightly more softly.

"Well I had all of my stuff together, but then I got sidetracked. I started daydreaming about how nice it would be living here and I lost track of time." I confessed

"What type of things about living here did you think about?" John asked

"Well I just thought about how lovely you made me feel when we are in bed and how it will be great to have it more often since I live here." I said

"So what you're telling me is that your inner slut took over and regardless of what you had to do, you had to let the slut out?" John asked

"I guess that's kind of what happened." I admitted

"No bitch. That IS what happened. You're a fucking whore and you couldn't help but think about how much cock you're gonna be getting up that cunt of yours." John asked

I blushed not knowing what to say. It was all true but the way he described it embarrassed me a little I must admit.

"Why are you wearing clothes bitch? Take them off now! 5, 4, 3, 2.." John ordered

By the time he said one I was completely naked in front of him. Good thing he had me wear sweatpants and a tshirt otherwise that could have been a problem.

"Good bitch." John commended. "Now we need to go over the ground rules of you living here. I'm letting you stay here rent free but that means you live here under my terms."

"Ok daddy." I replied

"Rule number one: Under no circumstances are you ever allowed to be wearing clothing in the house. I don't care what random situation happens, no clothes do you understand?" John asked

"Yes daddy" I said

"Rule number two: You are not allowed to have inhibitions when we make love. I want you to say what you feel and you better not keep anything inside. Got it?" John said

"Yes daddy" I said

"Rule number three: The more slutty the better. This coincides with rule number two. I want you to let the slut out. I want you to be all that you can be, except this isn't the US Navy, it's the US lay me. OK?"

I chuckled. "Ok daddy"

"The final rule is you must wear this at all times to show that you belong to me. Think of it like when a dog wears a collar. It shows who their owner is, this is to show that you are mine." John said

With that he pulled out a small silver anklet with a pink charm with the word PUSSYBOY written in baby blue in the center. John grabbed my right leg and put it on his tall shoulder while holding me to help balance on my left leg. He put the anklet around my right ankle and fastened the clasp. I was now his.

He grabbed me by the back of my neck and brought my mouth to his and forced his tongue into my mouth. I moaned as he tongue fucked my mouth like a pussy. He pulled his tongue out of my mouth and licked the right side of my face over my eye and then did the same to the left side. He then moved to my left ear which really got me going.

"Oh daddy! That feels so good. You make me feel so sexy stud! Ever since I left yesterday all I could think about was getting more of that big cock of yours up me. Are you gonna give it to me daddy? Are you?" I blabbered.

"What's a matter? Slut going through cock withdrawal? Well maybe I can give you some cock but you're gonna have to work for it bitch! Like I said you have to earn your keep as my pussy slut" John said

"I'll do anything daddy! Just tell me what it is!" I said. My pussy was twitching with anticipation by now knowing that I could get some cock soon. I was rubbing it on his leg as he held mine high trying to get some friction to ease the burning itch inside.

"I'll be right back" John said as he put my leg down. He returned with his Droid camera phone.

"OK bitch. I wanna see your sexiest and sluttiest poses. Gonna take some pictures of you." John said

I thought to myself what some good poses would be and then got to work. I did all kinds of positions. On my back with my legs in the air looking at the camera licking my lips. On all fours looking back at the camera and blowing a kiss. On my knees with my head back and pulling my tits. On my side with leg in the air. And finally my favorite: on my back again while pushing out my pussy lips to make me hole open.

I could see John was visibly aroused by my poses. He then asked for me to do a strip tease which we he wanted to record.

He put on "FutureSex / LoveSound" by Justin Timberlake which has a nice slow beat. He sat on the couch and I crawled over to him in time with the music. I then stood up and wiggled my pussy in his face. He darted his tongue out to my surprise and a shiver ran up my back in pleasure. I smiled and turned around and started running my hands over his body from head to toe. I focused a lot of time on his cock which he didn't complain. I then sat on his lap and started rubbing my pussy lips all over his body. In a way I was blowing him kisses with my pussy lips instead of my regular ones. The feel of the soft fabric on my pussy felt so good.

When the song ended he stopped recording and was messing with his phone for a while. I asked what he was doing and he said he was uploading them to Xtube.

"But daddy! Those pictures and videos show my face. People I know might see them!" I cried

"Bitch, why do you care who sees them. If you are a slut, then everyone should know you are. You think people won't like these pictures? They are fucking hotter than anything I've ever seen on there." John said

I was really scared. I was prepared to be full time pussy for this man, but I didn't know if I was ready for other people to see the real side of Elliott.

When he finished uploading, John said "I think you've earned some cock time bitch. Get it out of my pants"

I started to fish it out and John slapped me. "Use your mouth bitch. No hands!" John barked

Pulling the metal zipper down with my teeth was easy. Getting the button was a little more difficult, but I found if I held the button in place with my tongue and pulled with my teeth it worked fine. I was relieved to see he wasn't wearing underwear.

"Can I suck it daddy? Pleeeeeaaassssse?" I asked

"That's right bitch. Ask for your mans cock. Now if I give this cock to you, do you promise you are gonna service it like no other bitch has? You gonna let yourself go and make me feel good?" John asked

"Yes daddy. I want to take care of my man. Please let me have it!" I cried

With that John shoved his cock in my mouth almost immediately hitting the back of my throat. I moaned as I was finally getting some cock after all this time. While I was sucking him my mind became dazed as I got more and more into it. I was no longer thinking about the details of what I was doing and I just did the first thing that came to mind. I was moaning loud, seemingly enjoying blowing him more than he was. I looked up at him while doing this and then felt my eyes roll in the back of my head. He looked down at me and spit on my face. I loved it and started getting even more into it working my head and neck to hit all kinds of angles on his cock. I then took it out of my mouth and started fluttering my tongue all over it while rubbing it all over my face. I wanted the scent of his cock on me while I worshipped it.

John started slapping my face with his cock by swinging his hips and said "OK snap out of it bitch! I want some pussy!" John said

I must have been smiling from ear to ear as I knew it was time to get my brains fucked out again.

I moved to sit on his lap and positioned his cock at the entrance of my hole. John started rubbing the tip of his cock all over my pussy lips teasing me.

"Now bitch if I give you this cock are you sure you are gonna love it? Because if not I'm sure I can get some other little ho to come here and take care of this. You have to promise me that once I fill this twat of yours, you're gonna want it again and again and never deny me access." John said

I was rubbing my hole around and moving my hips like a belly dancer. "Please daddy! Put it in my cunt. I already always want it in me and every time I get it I just want it even more. It's like a drug to me" I confessed

"OK bitch. Now that we have an understanding. It's time for you to get fucked." With that John rammed his cock into me to his balls.

I let out one long OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that I'm sure his neighbors heard.

John told me to get to work as he put his hands behind his head and I started riding his stick. I kept my eyes open looking at him the whole time. I was going up and down and in circles at the same time to give myself maximum feeling. I could hear the couch below us creaking as I was pushing myself down with such force. I suddenly stopped when it was fully in me and started giggling.

"What the fuck you laughing at bitch?" John asked.

I stuck my tongue out and licked my lips and said "I'm a slut daddy. I love being a slut and I've found the perfect cock to make me feel good."

With that I threw my head back and arms in the air. Sort of doing a strange dance on his cock as I felt my orgasm building inside of me. I was moaning continuously and screaming "Daddy" on every thrust. Drool was coming out of the right side of my mouth as I lost control of what was going on in my body.

Suddenly I felt John playing at the entrance of my hole. I couldn't believe it as he slipped two fingers inside me alongside his cock stretching me even further. I was surprised by the lack of pain and the even fuller feeling it gave me.

"What are you doing Daddy?" I asked

"Don't worry baby. Just trust me. Let me in and you will loooooovve it!" John said

"Oh my god!" I screamed

"You like that bitch? I figured that sloppy cunt of yours could handle a little more stretch" John chuckled

"It feels soooo goooood. Can I have another daddy? I want to be even more stretched and loose for you." I begged

"That's my slut" he said. And with that he added a third finger alongside his cock.

John started to pick up pace with his fingering and fucking. I was moaning and drooling all over myself uncontrollably. I could hear John laughing me as I'm sure I was a site to see.

"Look at you, you fucking slut! A while ago you were bitching about people seeing you on video. Now I bet I could march the evening news camera crew in here and film you live and you wouldn't give a fuck. Is that right?" John said

"Yes Daddy. I don't care anymore. I want everyone to know I'm a slut. A dick riding whore with a sloppy pussy for men to use." I admitted

After a few more strokes of John's cock over my joy button, I couldn't take it. I screamed high-pitched like a woman and shot my load. After I came down from my high, I climbed off John's cock and immediately put it in my mouth. The combination of cum and my wet ass on his cock was wonderful. I deep throated John's cock and felt pulse after pulse of his hot cream spilling down my throat. It tickled the back of my throat and made me giggle.

"Get upstairs bitch. Time for daddy to take you to bed!" John said

I giggled and ran up the stairs. My sloppy wet pussy wiggling behind me.

That night we fucked 4 more times. One in the shower with my legs wrapped around his waist. Another on the floor next to the bed. And finally twice in the bed on my back before we both passed out in exhaustion.

As John was bringing me to my last orgasm of the night I thought to myself. I was definitely gonna be one used slut while living here and I was going to love it. I couldn't even begin to imagine the ways Daddy was going to use me in the future, but my pussy was already twitching for the next stuffing from his fat cock.

End of Part 3

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