Letters To A Friend

By Dude Sweet

Published on Sep 11, 2004



Dear John: Well I said I would write so here is your letter. How are you? Have you moved in your new house yet? Sucks that your not here. Jack

Dear John: Yes I agree. But man I will always be your friend. Not to worry. Anyway Mrs. Johnson asked about you. I thought she hated you. And Jeremy said to say hi. And my mom to. So hi from Jeremy and my mom. Anyway school still sucks. Jack

Dear John: Does anybody read your emails besides you? Jack

Dear John: Yeah well I wanted to make sure before I tell you something. Guess what. Mine shot the other day. Yeah man. It shot out. Shit I was surprised. I tried it again later but it only dribbled out like normal. But then the next morning it shot again. Shit man it's way cool. Does your shoot yet? Jack

Dear John: Damn cool man. Anyway so I do it now in the morning and at night. 2 times a day. And it shots both times to. And mine is like 5.5 now whats yours? Yeah I know you will lie. You always lie. But that's cool man. Oh yeah I got a super boner today in math class. Can you believe it in math class. Anyway I had to hold my books over it so nobody would see it busting out. I mean I get them lots at school but it usually goes away before class changing so it don't matter to much. What about yours? Jack

Dear John: Good that you have a friend now. I mean it don't make me jealous. I happy you got a friend. But are we still best friends? Jack

Dear John: Cool. Anyway since Jim is at college my mom said my guests can sleep in his bed if I want to have anybody over so I invited Jeremy over. He's pretty cool and he says hi again. Also I wonder when you will come back here to visit? Ever? I mean my mom said maybe one day I can visit you or you can visit me. Jack

Dear John: LOL man. No I don't think your gay. I mean hey we used to do stuff but that sounds pretty damn cool to me. Is it way better than doing yourself? Does his shoot to? How did you guys get started? How big is his? Anyway sounds damn cool to me. Also I jacked today in the living room when my mom was upstairs vacuuming. Hehehe pretty damn cool. Well not as cool as what you guys did. Jack

Dear John: Shit shit shit. My dad cot me. Yeah I was in the living room watching crappy cartoons and my mom left to go to the store. Then I got a boner not from the cartoons just got a boner and decided to do it. So I pulled my pants down a little and started pounding it. Shit my dad came in. Now I don't know if was home and I didn't know or he came home and I didn't here. But I pulled them up but there's no way he didn't see. So I was freaked out the rest of the day and at dinner I thought he was gonna say something. But he didn't he just gave me a funny look. I was scared he would say it in front of mom but he didn't. Shit. Jack

Dear John: Well my mom asked me what was going on between my dad and me and I was scared he said something to her but I just said nothing. But later my dad came into my room and I knew he was gonna say something about me jacking. What he said was do you have any questions about anything. I said no he said about sex or anything. Shit. So I said no. So he said ok if you need any questions answered just ask. And I said ok. And finally he left. And he never said anything about it. So I think maybe your dad was right when he told you that all guys do it. I mean I didn't think you were lying or anything. I wonder why my dad didn't say anything. He still looks at me funny. Jack

Dear John: You are right. Anyway jerking has become my new favorite thing to do. I mean I am doing it all the time now. And shit I get boners all the time even when I'm not thinking about jerking or sex or anything. Weird. Did you ever tell Scott about what we used to do? Do you guys still jerk each others? Ok later. John

Dear John: So when Jeremy was over and we were getting into bed I asked him how big his was. And he just looked at me so I asked him again and he smiled and said hanging or hard. So I said hard. And he said how big is yours so I said hey I asked you first and he said between 5 and 6. And I said cool mine is to and he said cool. So I totally had a boner under the covers but I was to chicken to say or do anything else. But in the morning when we were getting dressesd his flopped out of his boxer hole. I didn't really see it and I pretend I didn't see it cause he was embarrassed. So maybe next time I will be braver. Jack

Dear John: So after school my mom was driving me crazy in the house so I went to hang in the backyard. And you know how it gets dark so damn early now well I jerked it in the backyard. Yeah I almost froze my dick off. So I wonder if the grass will grow better? Have you done it any weird places? Jack

Dear John: By the side of the shed. It was pretty cool. Strip poker sounds cool. I might try it. Jeremy says hi again. Jack

Dear John: So after the Halloween dance Jeremy came over and I decided to ask him. So we were on the floor chowing on candy and I said Truth or Dare? And he said truth so I said how much do you jack off. And man he turned bright fucking red. So he said every damn day. So he asked me and I told him every day and 2 a day. So I asked him and this time he said dare. So I said here take the ruler and measure it. So he said truth and I said to late. So he said ok but I had to promise not to tell and I said ok. Well I'm telling you but that don't count. So he pulled his pants open and pulled it out and man it was already hard. He gots about as much hair as me. And I got more since you saw me. I mean tons more. Anyway his was more than 5.5 like 5.75. So he put it away and dared me so I pulled mine down and he busted up. And I said hey what's so funny and he said nothing he said he never seen one before. And I say what you jack off with your eyes closed? Any way I measured mine 5.5 and put it away. So my mom hollered time for lights out. So we went to bed. And I asked him still got a boner and he said damn straight. So I said lets jerk and he said ok you first. So I pulled my covers down and pulled my boxers down and stated pounding it. Then I herd him do it to but you know how dark my room is so I didn't see if he shots so After I come I can here him and when he comes I say do you shot yet? And he says yeah since this summer he could shot. Jack

Dear John: Well Jim came home for Thanksgiving. So my jacking had to stop and then in the morning I couldn't take it anymore so I started jerking in the bathroom. Well he was banging on the door yelling for me to open it or die so I pulled my boxers up and opened the door and hide my boner with my hand and he said why did I lock the door. And I didn't say anything. I mean what was I supposed to say. So he was pissing and I know he could see my boner so I just went to brush my teeth and stand close to the sink. So he said hey man sorry for disturbing your privacy and he left. So I didn't want to jack so when I went back to our room to get dressed he said so how long you been wacking. He said wacking not jacking or jerking. So I just said a while. And he said don't worry about it man. And I said I'm not worried. And he said cool. So that night I can't get to sleep and he says man settle down what's your problem and I say I cant go asleep. He says why not so I just tell him the truth. I tell him cause I usually jerk it at night and then go asleep. So he says go ahead he don't care. But I am kinda chicken but I decide what the hell he probably does it to. So I pull it out and start and then I say are you gonna do it to. And he says he will do it later. So I jack all the way and then I say when are you gonna do it and he says when he always does it after I fall asleep. And I say how long and he says for 5 years every night. And I say how come I never herd you and he says cause I sleep like a dead person. I mean I do. You know that. He says he used to even turn on the light and wack it and I never knew. Weird huh. So I said do all guys jack it just to make sure and he said yeah dumbass all guys do it. I said do you every do it with your friends and he says he used to. He said they would even do it in our room after I fell asleep. He said I would never even wake up a little. Anyway he said do I ever use lotion. And I said no. He said I might want to try it sometime. I said ok what lotion and said I could try his in his suitcase. So I was hard again so I said can I try it now and he said sure and turned on the light and got out of bed and got it and threw it to me. He said just squirt it on your dick and hand and rub it in rub it in. So I wanted to do it but he still had the light on. And he said what are you waiting for? So I said the lights. And he said ok. So he turned it off and I sat up and rubbed lotion all over it and was just rubbing it in and he turned on the light and laughed at me. I was pissed and he was still laughing and he said I'm doing it wrong. So he just pulls his down and plays with it till he gots a boner. A gigantic boner with more hair than you and me and Jeremy added together. And he says throw it here. So I do and watch how he does it. Then I do it that way but I want to watch him and he just turns out the light but I can still here him and then I know how to do it to. So he is noisy when he comes and then he turns on the light and gets a sock off the floor and wipes off his come but I can't see to good cause I'm still doing it. Then he just watches me come and then he turns off the light. And he says goodnight and me to. In the morning he wakes me up and pulls off my covers and says get up and I have a boner but he don't say anything and we go to the mall and stuff. That night I am wondering if we will jack together or what but he goes out with his friends and I don't see him till the next morning. So when I wake up he is in the shower and I go in to pea and stuff and he just acts normal like the old times when we shared the bathroom and didn't care if the other guy saw our dick or anything. So he leaves to go back to school but leaves his lotion for me. Yeah. So I suggest you and Scott try the lotion. I will show Jeremy when I can. Jack

Dear John: See I knew you would like it. And Jeremy did to. He came over and when we were in bed I told him about my brother and the lotion. And he said he wanted to try so I turned on the light and took the lotion and sat on his bed and pulled mine down and started doing it. Well he decided to do it to and I got to sit next to him while he jacked. I wasn't brave like you and Scott but it was fun to do it together and watch him and watch him come. So in the morning he said lets do it again. And we did. But I am still to chicken to ask him to jerk me or me to jerk him. Jack

Dear John: My dad cot me again naked with lotion all over my dick and hand and stomach. But he didn't say anything and I avoided him for the next few days. So I guess he don't really care about me doing it. I wonder if he knows about Jim? Jack

Dear John: So me and Jeremy and Alan spent the night at Arthur's on his birthday. And you guessed it. We played strip poker and got naked and compared and then after everyone was asleep I jacked it. Later when I told Jeremy he said he heard me then later he jacked his to when everybody was asleep. Anyway Arthur got no hair with a little dick like we had last year and Alan gots pretty much and a big one like Jeremys. Jack

Dear John: So I spent the night with Alan at Jeremys and we all slept in his den. So after his house was quiet we played truth or dare. And anyway we all ended up jacking off and watching each other and man Alan can shot all the way to his chest. He also gots tiny armpit hairs. See if you can beat that! Jack

Dear John: So Jim cam home for Christmas break and we jacked a few times together. And he said Merry Christmas to you. He gave me a Penthouse for a present but told me not to get cot with it or say where I got it. So I had Jeremy over and I had a plan. So I was looking at the magazine naked and So was he and I said I will jerk yours if you jerk mine. And he said ok. So I had to do him first then he did me. His feels cool and he even squirted on my hand. It made me pretty horney. Then he did mine and I just laid there and relaxed. Your right feels damn good. So now I cot up with you and Scott except for lotion, but I'm sure I can get him to do that to. Jack

Dear John: So Alan and me finally jerked each other with lotion. Then next night me and Jeremy. I am turning into such a horn dog. Jack

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