Letters from Home

By Jered Baker

Published on Oct 17, 2012


Hey ya'll, this is number #3 of the Letters From Home series. Don't really have much to say so... super awkward, hope you enjoy this, mmmmmmmmkay bye :P

Chapter 6:

Luka got up from the couch and held his hand out toward Derek's. Derek put his hand into Luka's palm, which Luka grasped and hauled him up. Their chests were touching and Luka wrapped his arms around him and swayed Derek along with him. Derek was on cloud nine as he felt himself surrounded by Luka. As he rested his head on Luka's chest, Luka put an arm underneath Derek's leg, swooped him up into his arms, and planted a kiss on his lips as he started to carry him to his bathroom. "Whoa, wasn't expecting this!" Derek exclaimed. Luka smiled happily as he walked into the bathroom with Derek in his arms. As they walked through the door, Luka turned on the lights and heater. Once they were in the bathroom, Luka let Derek down and they both stood there, staring at each other, both with a grin.

Luka took the step to close the space between them and pressed their bodies together. He looked up at Derek who was just about a head taller than he was. Luka put his hands on Derek's side and slowly slid them down to his shirt bottom and lifted, revealing the muscular and toned body that was hidden underneath the fabric. The warm air that now filled the bathroom hit Derek's skin, making him warm in turn.

Luka leaned in and let his tongue lap over one of Derek's nipples several times before latching his mouth onto it. Derek moaned out in pleasure. Luka's teeth lightly grazed and nibbled at the hardening nub a little while longer before switching over to the other, repeating the steps he had just taken. Derek reached down and yanked at Luka's shirt. Luka leaned back so Derek could pull it off, but before he could go back to Derek's chest, he pulled Luka up to his mouth. Both of their tongues were warmly invited into each other's mouths as they explored each mouth they were in. Luka had one hand on the back of Derek's head and one traveling down to his waist band and pulled. He did the same to himself but pulled off his underwear at the same time. He was rock hard and his 8-inch cut cock was standing at attention. Derek never even noticed this until their kiss broke 30 seconds later.

He looked at Luka and when his eyes reached Luka bearing it all, he blushed severly. "Everything okay?" Luka asked. "Your bigger than me, by a couple of inches." He said shyly. "Aw." Luka said turning on the shower, kissing him on the cheek and moved his mouth to his good ear. "I don't care what size you are, but I do care if your self-conscious. Now pull that sexy little piece of fabric off your ass and get that ass of your in that shower Marine!" He whispered and lightly whipped Derek's ass and he jumped a little bit. Luka leaned back and walked into the shower and then looked at Derek. Derek looked at Luka's wet body as water ran over every muscular bump and divot on his body. Derek put his thumbs in his waistband. He looked at Luka and then slowly pulled them down till they fell at his ankles. Luka put two fingers into his mouth and did a loud cat call whistle. "There's my big stud." He said with a smile ad held out his hand for Derek to grab. Derek took his feet out of the leg holes and put his hand in Luka's, who pulled him into the shower, directly under the showerhead. They both washed their hair. Soon after, Luka's hand moved around Derek's wet body and went down to his ass and squeezed. Derek's eyes flew open at the touch which sent shivers up his spine. "Turn around." Luka said and Derek obeyed. He heard the pop of a cap and then hands on his back as Luka rubbed soap into his skin. Luka's hands traveled back down to the perfectly toned ass that was all Derek. He made slow movements as he worked that area and then slowed when he went in-between the cheeks. As Luka's hands worked around to his front, Luka positioned himself behind Derek, placing his hard cock in the crack of Derek's butt. Luka started kissing Derek's neck, lightly biting it at times. "Let me wash you." Derek said, and for the next the next ten minutes, he lathered soap on Luka's wet abs and chest muscles and lightly rubbed his nipples, making Luka painfully hard in the process. Then, his hands washed Luka's back and moved lower, and lower, until both of his big hands rested on Luka's rump. He squeezed each one and rubbed each of them. His hands traveled around to his front and started work on his cock, which was ridged. Soon, Luka's cock pulsed and cum spewed out the slit, shooting roughly 7 ropes of cum with a massive moan of pleasure. Luka nearly feel to the floor but Derek moved himself behind Luka and wrapped his arms around Luka's waist. Luka sighed out of happiness and leaned back into his bulking shower partner. He cuddled his head into Derek's chest and let his mind drift away into a state of complete bliss. "Luka?" Derek said quietly. "Mmm?" Luka moaned. "Does this mean were... together?" Derek asked shyly. Luka stood up and faced Derek, landing a kiss on his lips. "I hope so!" Luka said giggling, pulling Derek closer for another make out session. Once they came up for air, Luka sighed when he looked at the clock. "Dammit, we need to go pick up the girls." With one last peck on the lips, Luka stepped out of the shower. "I'll be out in a minute. I still have some shampoo in my hair." Derek called to him. Luka smiled at him as he dried the last of the water off of his massive body, and then he left the room.

Derek sighed in relief. Even though that was one of the best things that had ever happened to him, he was afraid that that was going to lead to sex, which he knew nothing about. All he had knowledge of were hand jobs. Derek was still a virgin and knew nothing. Of course he had watched things before but a visual aid can only take you so far. He knew he would have to tell Luka now that they were in a budding relationship but he knew that right now wasn't the best time. He has always thought of himself as a top in this type of matter but now, when he looks at Luka and then at his cock, he has been starting to think otherwise.

Luka closed the bathroom door and had a massive smile that would be impossible to hide how happy he really was. He had fallen and fallen hard for this man, no, his man, his new boyfriend and he knew it too. Luka sighed happily as his thoughts wondered to all of the possibilities that this could bring them.

As he poked around in his closet for something he wanted to wear, a thought crossed him. "Would father approve?" Well, would he? He didn't know, but he certainty hoped he would! His father knew of his sexuality and accepted it with open arms, so this shouldn't be an issue. The bathroom door swung open and a butt-naked Derek stood there, water dripping down his chest. Luka turned his head and then licked his lips as he saw his Marine walking towards him. "I'll go get changed." He said. As he walked past Luka, Luka smacked his ass making Derek jump. Derek turned his head to look at Luka and winked at him. "Go get dressed before I attack you, and that's an order." Luka said in an demanding but still playful manner. "Yes sir." He said with a smile and walked off. "Hot damn!" Luka said to himself. Even though he had just gotten off, he was getting to that point of arousal again.

In under ten minutes, they were both walking hand in hand across the parking lot to Luka's car; both of them wearing tan cargo shorts but Luka had a white AE muscle tank on and Derek a dark green t-shirt. "So what do you think the girls will think?" Derek asked as he and Luka both sat in the car. Luka turned the key in the ignition and soon they were on the road. "Uh, well, Lucy seems to be cool with it, although she's a bit jealous. Stacy well, I don't know any of her sorority sisters very well so she is up in the air." Luka said. "Why is Lucy jealous?" "I'm living what she wanted to do from the get go." "And that would be?" he asked. "She told me the first day that we got the assignment that she hoped her Marine would be a hit guy and then when he got back stateside that they would get together." Luka said and Derek burst out into laughter. "So, how does that connect to you?" Derek asked with a smug grin. "You're an ass." Luka said starting to laugh himself. "Yeah, but I'm your ass." He said and Luka blushed at the double meaning of what Derek had just said. Derek then placed his hand on top of Luka's on the center console and said, "and I always will be." As he kissed Luka's hand.

Those words slammed right into Luka like a semi-truck loaded up with cinder blocks. Did he just say he loved him without really saying it? Luka looked over at him with surprised filled eyes. Derek was blushing softly and smiled at him. He hoped Luka got what he meant.

Luka's gaze was torn between Derek and the road, but he said nothing, not knowing what to say. When they pulled up to the girls home and parked, Luka turned and looked at Derek. Luka started to say something but Derek shushed him. "Luka, even though we have only just officially met, I fell for you way back when with the letters, I fell harder when I first met you in the airport and when you kissed me, I knew I loved you." Derek said and Luka was frozen. A man just told him he loved him, and he knew that this was for real and not fake like all of the other assholes in his past. His lips began to tremble as he fought for the right words to say.

"Luka?" Derek ask, worried he had just gone too far. No one wants to be the first person to use the LOVE word, but he had to, he needed to tell him how he felt. Before he knew what was happening, Luka had his hands gripping both sides of Derek's head, and then warm soft lips were pressed firmly to Derek's and they both let out a sigh of relief. Their kiss quickly became intimate as Luka's tongue slipped into Derek's and were slowly melting each other into a puddle of emotion. Derek pulled back first, but Luka lightly bit his lip, letting Derek playfully pull away. Luka still held his head though and made their foreheads touch. "I love you too." Luka whispered and lightly kissed Derek on the lips before they both sat back in their seats, breathless and sated.

"Lucy, will you tell me when they get here? I still need to get dressed." Stacy asked. "Yeah, just meet me downstairs when you're ready." "Sure!" she said running into her room. Lucy shook her head. She liked Stacy but she was a bit obsessed with the way she looked, and now knowing that she would be in front of two hot and available guys, she was looking to impress all those whom gazed upon her. Lucy had told her countless times of Luka's sexuality but Stacy just thought that she was lying to her to keep him all for herself saying "There is no possible way that man is neither a fag nor a sinner. You just don't want me to have him." Oh yes, Stacy was also Little Miss Christian, not that she had anything against religion, but Stacy was one of the ones that thought that gays were an infection and shouldn't exist. Either way, besides that flaw to her, she was a nice girl. Knowing this too, Lucy wasn't even going to try to explain about the Corporal... nor their relationship with each other. It would be an ever losing battle.

Lucy saw Luka's Maserati park outside and was about to call to Stacy to get her ass down here when she saw movement in the car. The boys were in lip lock, and a very heated on if that. A singe of jealousy burned through her for a quick moment. She got this way whenever she saw Luka with a guy, knowing that she was staring at something that she could never acquire. Those feelings were quickly killed knowing it was stupid to feel that way and she was genuinely happy for Luka that he had found someone after all that life has thrown at him. He was a great guy and deserved this more than anyone that she knew. "Hey Lucy, they here yet?" Stacy called to here as she descended down the stairs. Her head shot back to the two in the car, still having their own moment, and back to Stacy, who was all dolled up and raring to go. She had to stall her, somehow... "Stacy, wait! I uh..." She stuttered, not knowing what to say. "What?" Stacy said, stopped at halfway down the stairs. "I, uh, need my green p-coat. It's in my room. Could you grab it for me?" she asked. Stacy huffed but went back up the stairs and into Lucy's room. She sighed in relief as she was looking right at the coat she was talking about hanging on the filled coat hanger. She looked back at the guys and was relieved to see that they were sitting back in their seats. "Stacy, I found it, never mind." And before she could count to three, Stacy was opening the door and going out to the car. "Wait for me, much?" Lucy said to herself. Lucy fast walked to catch up to Stacy. Stacy talked subtly into Lucy's ear. "Damn, both of those guys are so hot!" she said with a major grin. `To bad they're together' Lucy thought.

Lucy opened the car door and slid all the way over in the back seats as Stacy followed. "Hey Luka, oh, hello Corporal..." Stacy said in a very seductive tone and Lucy rolled her eyes. "Thanks Luka, I owe you one. Hey Corporal." Lucy said. "Girls, you don't need to call me corporal, I'm not a Marine anymore. I'm just a civilian, so call me Derek." Derek said and then Luka started. "It's fine Lucy, we were kind of out of food too, I didn't remember till you called though." Luka said, not mentioning that she interrupted a loving moment between the two men. Luka started to drive off down the road. "So, Derek, how long were you in the Marines?" she asked, still in that tone. "Since I was 18, I'm 24 now." "So your five years older than my friend Luka here?" she asked. Luka looked back at Lucy with a raised eyebrow as he barely knew Stacy, only from the countless times that she hit on him; Lucy just shrugged her shoulders. "Wow, you look so big and strong, Derek." Stacy said, batting her eyes. Her hand curled around Derek's massive bicep and slowly rubbed it. Derek looked at Luka for help and Luka looked back at him not knowing what to do. "And it's so hard, it's like a rock!" the words had a slight purr to them.

In Stacy's mind, the look on Derek's face was pure enjoyment but when in reality, he wanted the hell off of this chick! Derek chuckled awkwardly and pried the girls hand off of his arm. "Uh, thanks, Stacy... you look good too?" he was unsure of what to say. If Lucy and Luca could hear each other's thoughts, they would have both heard a loud "FUCK!" because of Derek's answer. Luka knew the only way to get her away from his boyfriend; he would have to do something to show that they were a couple.

The rest of the ride, even being ten minutes, seemed to drag on into infinity by Stacy's horrific attempts at trying to swoon Derek, which were making Derek feel awkward and speechless. When they pulled into the parking lot, the three nearly bolted out of the car. Luka and Derek started way ahead to get away from Stacy. "Just call us when you're done, Lucy!' Luka yelled back to her. "Okay!" she said. Knowing that Stacy would most likely be watching them still, Luka put his arm around Derek and Derek looked at him surprised. "You may hear a scream behind us..." Luka said and with that, he slowly slid his hand down and groped Derek's butt. Derek grinned and did the same as they walked. Then they both put their arms around each other's waists.

"Hey Derek, wait up." Stacy said as she was getting out of the car but when she got out, he was already up with Luka. "Lucy, you think he liked me?" Stacy asked. "I don't know Stacy, I think..." but her jaw dropped when she saw Luka make a move. "What's so..." Stacy started but stopped and her eye started to twitch in outrage. Luka just put his hand on Derek's ass and Derek followed suit. Then, they leaned into each other and their hands moved to each other's waists as they continued toward the store. Lucy looked over at a stunned Stacy. "Stacy?" Lucy asked, but she didn't respond. "STACY!" she yelled. Stacy looked over at her and then became pissed. "They're fucking fags!" she screamed at the top of her lungs causing other shoppers to look over at them in disgust, one teenager with his mother gave them the finger when the mom wasn't looking. "They are an abomination, Lucy, and they have been living right under our noses. They are just so gross and... unnatural. How could we possibly be friends with..." and Stacy's rant ended with a booming, "Stacy!" Lucy said sternly then, darkness seemed to take over her being and Stacy seemed to shrink where she stood. Her voice was dark and quiet. "They may be gay Stacy but, I have told you time and time again that Luca was gay and then he magically gets a new best guy friend and you are going to say that you are shocked? I don't even want to hear it. Now, let me make myself VERY clear here, you even think of the word faggot again, and your sorry goody-goody ass will be forever damned to fucking hell. Luka has had a hard life "Oh, but he was rich!" you may think, but everyone treated him like shit, so for Christ sakes he finds love and the world will end if he fucks a guy in your mind, but if you fuck this shit up out of vengeance, then you won't have to worry about finding love anymore." Lucy's scorn seemed to have burned a path through Stay's head. Stacy stood there not sure what to do. She had never seen Lucy in this manner. She always thought of Lucy as a mild mannered happy girl, not well, this.

A bus pulled up to the bus stop and Stacy looked at it and then back at Lucy, then started off for it. "I'll uh, see you back at the house Lucy, uh, bye." And she scurried off. Lucy scoffed in disgust at her friend and then walked into the store.

"Well, that's the first time I've been called a fag." Derek said, frowning, as they looked at the food behind the glass window in the deli in the store. "Hey..." Luka said and wrapped his arm around Derek's shoulder. "She was going to explode now or later and I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. So what she thinks doesn't matter, okay?" Luka said and a small grin appeared on Derek's face. "There's the smile I was looking for." Luka said quietly and kissed his cheek. "Hey guys!" Lucy called for them. "So, where..." Luka started. "She went back to the house on a bus. I had a little talk with her." Lucy said with a darkened face. "You flipped shit on her then?" Luka asked although he already knew the answer. She nodded her head to confirm it.

It took about an hour for the group to get what they all needed but soon, they were soon back out to the car on the way home. Derek put his hand on Luka's in the center console as they drove home. Lucy sighed to herself, wishing she could have what they had. Then she saw the look in Derek's eyes as he looked over to Luka. There was a special glimmer in those sparkling greens and it was all just for Luka. How she wanted a man to look at her the same way. When Luka and her became friends, this was another thing that they both shared, but in Lucy's situation, she never got an offers which was weird with how blessed she was with looks.

She had light blue eyes, mid-back length bleach blond hair, and a nice natural tan which was easily obtained being here and back in California where she was born and raised. She had the curves that would fill out any piece of clothing she was given and would make all of the straight guys drool. But for some reason, it just never happened. She would just tell herself it would happen eventually and she would just have to wait...

They pulled up to Lucy's house. "Okay guys, thanks for taking Me." Lucy said as she "Sure Lucy." Luka said. "See you later."

Lucy got out of the car and waved as they drove away. When they were out of site, she started to walk back to the front door of her house. Once inside, the first word to hit her was `faggot' and by no other than Stacy's voice. Then, there were several other girls' voices starting to talk amongst themselves quietly. The rest of the girls in the house started to walk out of one of the rooms upstairs while Lucy just stood there and waited. "Don't bring this up to Lucy though, she would kill me if she found out." Stacy said and several of the girls laughed. "I wouldn't fucking doubt it!" Lucy yelled and the house fell silent. Lucy waited few moments before she took the initiative to go to them since they wouldn't come to her.

She marched up the stairs and stood at the top of the stairs glaring at the 12 other girls. No one said anything and the tension grew tighter and tighter. "Well Stacy, I knew you were a shallow bitch before, but this brings it to a new level." Lucy said calmly looking down at her feet. Then her head shot up and her eyes held everyone where they stood. "Unless you want to die, leave me and Stacy now." She demanded. All of the girls scrambled to their rooms and locked the doors behind them. "I never thought you were this fucking stupid." Lucy said. "Lucy, I didn't mean..." "Don't give me that shit! You knew what you were doing. You are only sorry you got caught. You would have been right as rain if I never found out! Did I not make myself clear enough back at the store?" there was a brief silence where they just looked at each other. Lucy started to walk back to her room but then turned around and screamed "I was your friend! That is the one thing that I cannot get over Stacy, but to be honest, I-I-I just don't care anymore. Go burn in Hell!" And then she went off to her room.

When the groceries were put away, the two men looked at each other. "So, this morning has been pretty eventful, don't you think?" Derek asked. "I think that could sum it up." Luka said moving in front of Derek, wrapping his arms around Derek's waist, pressing their waists together. Luka smiled at him and pressed their lips together. As they kissed, Derek felt Luka's hands go to the waistband of his pants, and soon they were off. Soon after, his shirt also disappeared. Luka then followed suit in under ten seconds and their kiss resumed. Derek had a feeling he knew where this was leading as Luka slowly walked them down the hallway; he knew he had to say something. "Luka... I... I've never..." he tried saying between kisses, but Luka prevented words from escaping in any coherent sense. Derek the put his hands on Luka's face and pushed him back a little to where he could speak. "Luka, I've never had sex before." He blurted out, now realizing they were right next to Luka's bed. Luka looked like he had a shimmer in his eyes and then he wrapped Derek up in a loving embrace which he held for some time until Luka leaned in next to Derek's ear. "I'll teach you." He whispered smoothly.

Alright guys, that's it for this installment. I know most of you probably want to through my through a wall for leaving it like this and I know it has been several weeks since I put up the last chapter. I do deeply apologize for that but blame the school system for trying to make our lives revolve around school and nothing else. So I've been writing on days when I'm not swamped with crap from around 10 to 11 pm. I have been writing this from the day I sent out the last one. Being how inconsistently I am able to write, I'm not sure when the next one will be out but as you can tell by the ending of this one, you can probably guess where it shall be going lol. I also would like to apologize to any of you who have sent me an email with any questions and I have failed to get back to you. Again I haven't had time to do really anything. Anyways, thanks ya'll for reading and I hope you keep reading whenever I can get to writing them out. Take care everyone, Jered:)

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