Letters from Home

By Jered Baker

Published on Sep 12, 2012


The normal restrictions apply (insert things you have read a crap ton of times...). Okay, this is my first story to Nifty and well, I hope you enjoy it. Any questions, concerns, responses, email me at orangesattack70@gmail.com and if I respond to as many as I can. Also, this is not a story where you can jack too and go... I actually put thought into this.

A Letter From Home...

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" and with a loud smack of his hand, Luka punched his alarm clock and it to Luka's contentment, it shut off. He opened his eyes and looked at it. In the bright neon green read `7:30' and he slowly moved himself out of his bed and stood. Before he reached up and stretched, he adjusted his protruding morning-wood and put in up into the elastic band of his bikini briefs. After his stretch, he walked across his bedroom to his bathroom in his apartment and looked in the mirror. His short brown hair was messy, but that was a constant thing, it never really looked bad per say, all he had to do was brush it. He also had a nicely kept 5o'clock shadow growing on his face.

"Eh, I'll shave tomorrow." He mumbled to himself. It would himself 5 extra minutes so he could get to campus on time. His chocolate brown eyes were slightly blood shot, no, not from drinking, he rarely did that along with drugs which he has never done, but from just getting up. Luka was a good looking kid, at age 19 three days ago, 230 pounds of big muscle, stood at 5'11', and he had a noticeable tan, not much but it still looked like a good bronzing. Yeah, the ladies wanted him bad, but he couldn't have cared less about them. He was out of the closet but didn't go around advertising it on campus or in town.

He opened the glass door to the glass/ marble shower, turned on the hot water, stepped back out, and stripped off his underwear; his 8 inch cut member smacking his well-toned and defined 6-pack. The steam fogged up the glass and he stepped back into the shower, letting the warmth of the water and air envelope him in its warm embrace. Like he did most mornings, or really every time he took a shower, he closed his eyes again and let his mind drift. He imagined two strong arms wrapped around his waist, a tall and muscular man holding him close to his body.

Even being open about who he was and being a walking god of a person (to the point where people were throwing themselves at him), they were all interested in a quick fuck of ages to go tell everyone about, and he never wanted that, he wanted for someone to hold, someone to hold him, someone to tell him they loved him. Of course his father told Luka that he loved him, but that was his dad, and dads are supposed to tell you they love you. His father also showed his love through his money. Luka's father was wealthy, to an extreme degree. He paid and continues to pay for Luka to go to Embry Rittle out in Prescott AZ, and bought him an expensive luxury apartment. Luka knew his father loved him unconditionally, even Luka being gay didn't affect him; Luka was his only family after his wife died during birth to Luka. So, because of this, Luka was given everything he wanted as he grew up, that is, if he earned it. His father was no push over and there were rules he was told to follow or else, which Luka did. The only thing his father's money could never get him was... an honest boyfriend. Everyone just wanted him money and Luka learned that people sucked and he just avoided everyone. He did have one close friend, a girl named Lucy. Lucy was Luka's age and they both are studying to become aerospace engineers. She had liked Luka at one time to be more then friends, but after he told her he was gay, they just became very close best friends.

"BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP!" the fast and loud shower's alarms system. Luka looked at the clock which read 8:00 am. He had been in his love day dream for a half an hour, as usual. He sighed and put the shampoo in his hair and then rinsed, letting the soapy water run down his massive pecks and ripples in his abs. He did the same with his body wash and then shut off the water. He grabbed his towel and stepped out of the shower and dried himself down, pretending it was someone else.

By 8:20 am, he was out the door of his apartment and was in his car (a dark blue Maserati GrandTurisimo-S) on his way to campus. The cars phone rang and the caller ID said it was Lucy. "Hey Lucy, what's up?" he asked in his deep but friendly voice. "Hey sweetie, I was wondering, if you could give me a lift to the school today?" she asked. Luka smiled at the thought of seeing her. "Sure, I'll be at your Sorority in five, okay?" he asked. "Great! Thank you Luka, see you then." And she hung up. Luka drove the rest of the way to her Sorority with a small grin on his face. He pulled out in front and honked the horn twice. Lucy bounced out the door waving bye to some people and then she ran out to Luka's car. Once she was in, she leaned over and gave Luka a peck on the cheek. "Thanks for the ride Luka. Anglia's car broke down so she could drive me." she said as they started toward campus. "No problem. So, English right?" Luka asked. "Yup, what do you think Mrs. Smith will have for us today?" "I don't know, I just hope it's nothing that's going to be time consuming." "I second that!" Lucy said, raising her hands over her head. They drove the rest of the short way with just some small talk about school.

Luka parked and they both got out of his car and walked into the English building. They were both one of the first few people in the room and they too their usual seats, even though not assigned, next to each other. After mindlessly chatting about nothing in particular for the next ten minutes while the class filled, Mrs. Ghiligar, or, as referred to, Mrs. G, started class. "Okay everybody, today, we are going to be doing something a bit different. As you all know by now, my husband is in the military over sea's, and the other day I was talking to him and he said he thinks the guys would like letters or something along those lines. I will skip the other minor details and get to the point. For 10% of your grade, I'm going to assign each of you a person in my husband's platoon to write a letter to. This will be done on your time." There were several groans and what the fuck' s in the classroom. Luka didn't care though; it would be an easy 100 in the class. Mrs. G pulled out two bins from under her desk which she announced had the names in it; those of students and of the military men/ woman. She would pull a student and then pull a marine. Then, Luka's name was called. "Luka, you will be matched with..." she dug around in the box. "... Corporal Derek Willer." Lucy was matched with another Corporal named Dane Luis. After all of that was settled, Mrs. G started class, which was a boring lecture. After her class, Luka had Geometry 3, to then where he met up with Lucy at Lunch. They both sat down at a both in a café on campus, Luka with a burger and Lucy with a chicken salad. "So, are you excited about the project?" Lucy asked. "It's an easy 100, that's how I see it." He said taking a bite of his burger. "I am!" she nearly shouted, making Luka jump slightly. "Okay, why the enthusiasm?" Luka asked. "Maybe me and my match will fall in love with each other and then finally meet after just writing back and forth..." she was in full out dream mode and there was nothing that Luka could do about it. He went back to his burger just saying uh-huh' when it was necessary. "God damn-it Luka, you aren't even listening." She said sounding pissed off. "Because you are dreaming something fierce girly." Luka said with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe, but I'm excited for it." "For all the wrong reasons." Luka thought to himself. "Do you know what you're going to write?" Lucy asked. Luka stopped mid bite and thought. No, he had no idea what he would say. "Not in the least. What am I supposed to say "Hey, sorry I'm all you have for some to write to; by the way I like men. Stay safe" Luka said with a sarcastic grin and then it fell as he looked back at her. "Good point." "Eh, I'll figure out something." He said.

After his remaining classes, he went back to his apartment and decided to get the letter over with, now that he was actually dreading it from his realization that he would have to lie to this person about his sexuality, at least for the time being. These guys are marines, they hate gays, or that's the stereotype. Luka sat at his desk with a pencil and paper, but that was it, he just sat there. He looked up at the clock, it was 5:00! He had been sitting there for over two hours doing nothing. Then, it came to him. January 3, 2012

Dear Corporal Derek Willer,

As you probably know by now, our class has been assigned to write to your platoon as a result of our teacher being married to someone in your platoon. I'm not honestly sure what I should right in here, for Christ sake I spent the first two hours staring at this damn sheet of paper! Anyways, I guess I'll start off with the basics...

My name is Luka Taylor, I'm 19, 230 pounds (not fat), 5'11'' in height, I have short black hair and dark blue eyes, and a tan, god no would I ever go to a tanning booth, it's all natural. I go to college for Aerospace Engineering. This is what I'm willing to share at this time. If you have any questions, just ask, just not too personal. -Luka

The day after next, Luka handed in his letter to Mrs. G the next time he had class. She smiled at him and he took his seat, soon joined by Lucy. Today they got to write essays, fun...

Later at Lunch; Luka sat down in a booth with slice of pizza, just watching people go by. There were a lot of cute guys here, but Luka had really just given up hope for the time being because everyone knew he was rich. He didn't want to get used again, like all the times before. Before long, Lucy walked over and sat down. "Hey." Luka said. "So, what did you put in your letter, I haven't been able to talk to you since the other day." "Oh, I didn't put in much, so I just put in a description of myself and who I was and what I was going to school for, that's really it." He said. "So what did you tell your future husband?" Luka asked with a sly grin. Lucy threw a French fry at him. "Screw you!" she said laughing. "If you must know, I just attached a picture to it and then asked him a couple questions about him and told him about myself." She said smugly. "So, you know if he thinks you're hot, which I think he will, he's going to have something to jack off to every night." Luka said and she blushed to a deep shade of red. Then, another thought came about in Luka's mind. "You asked him if he's shot someone before, didn't you?" he asked. She blushed and nodded her head. "I think everyone did." She said. "Probably." He said and they both laughed a little, and then continued to eat their lunches.

The over the course of the next couple of days, everything went smoothly, but today he had English and was pretty sure that the letters were going to be coming back in today. He drove into the campus and parked. He was a few minutes later than usual and when he got in the classroom, all of the other students were reading their letters with every type of emotion possible, and some of which he wasn't sure how to depict them. Then, Mrs. G was handing him his letter. "Oh, uh, thanks." He said and went to sit down next to Lucy who was reading her letter with a smile on her face. "He thinks I'm cute!" she squealed. "And he's hot." She held up a picture of the hunky marine and Luka was almost drooling at the man and Lucy started to laugh. "He's mine." She teased, pinching Luka on the arm. Luka smiled and then opened his letter.

January 7

Dear Luka,

Sorry first off that my hand writing is shit; can't keep my hands steady anymore. Compared to yours, your hand writing is so freaking neat I don't know how you do it! I was also surprised by your letter; you were the only one that didn't ask if I had shot someone or some retarded question like that when the answer is obvious, I think. This buddy of mine got a girl named Lucy (curious if you know her) she sent him a fucking picture of her in a bathing suit! Let's just say that a lot of the guys had fun with that photo. I laughed at your letter a good deal too. I hope you don't have to think so hard this time when you respond, if you do. I'm not entirely sure what this project has you do besides write to us over here. You can just talk to me about anything, I just enjoy the communication with another guy that's not raging day in and day out. By the way, in your description, you sound like a tank dude. 230 pounds at 19! For Christ sakes I'm 200 at 24, you're my new role model XD For myself, like I said I'm 210, 24 years old, I'm 6'3", extremely short blond hair and dark green eyes. I don't know much about aerospace engineering, I'm not going to lie, but it sounds cool bro! I look forward to hearing from you again.

  • Corporal Derek Willer

Luka just stared at Lucy and sighed. "Which bathing suit did you use?" He asked shaking my head. "Oh, I... shit..." she said. She buried her face in her hands. "The white one." She said softly. I burst out in laughter. Her white bathing suit was a thong and a bandoo type thing that was maybe 4 inches wide. "I guess all the guys had a little fun with that picture too. By now the whole platoon probably has a copy of it under their pillows!" I was pissing my pants laughing. "What!" she screeched. "Oh the wonders of porn." I said. "You suck." She said. "I didn't send an almost naked picture of myself in the mail to lonely horned up marines now, did I." I said.

The rest of the day passed on by. Classes were busy and lunch was dull because Lucy had a doctor's appointment. So, because of the solitude I had, I was able to think about what to write to Derek, and when I got home, I was able to just start right away.

January 18

Dear Corporal Derek Willer,

You don't have to worry about your hand writing; it was legible. I'm just one of the few men in the world who can write nice. So, about Lucy... she's my best friend, well, my only friend. I know you probably think she's a whore but she's not really. For her, that was a dumb-shit move on her behalf, and I got to laugh my ass of at her embarrassment XD! But on a serious note, she is a really nice girl, I think too good with the looks for her own good. So anyways, what's your story... I guess. Like, where are you from, what's your family like, that type of stuff. I would like to know more about you so we can talk about things we may have in common. You also said you didn't know much about this project. In a nutshell, we came into class one day and were told we had to write to you or you flunk the class, end of story mmmkay bye Mrs. G. So yeah, that's the jist of our little project. Anyways, I'm looking forward to your next letter.


Luka stretched in his desk chair and stood up. He made himself dinner and work on some other projects and such for another couple hours. By the time he was finished, it was 11:30 pm. He packed all of his things away for the next morning, took care of his dishes and stripped down for bed, where he just laid there under the covers. After a long while, he rolled over onto his side and fell asleep, alone.

Chapter 2:

Over the next week or so, there weren't any letters, but then on Saturday morning when Luka went to check his mailbox, there were two letters in his box. The entire time home, Luka had a hard time keeping his mind on the road. He would always glance over at the letters in his passenger seat. When he got into his apartment, he sat on the couch and ripped them open.

January 29

Dear Luka,

Even though your being forced to write to me, I hope you don't think of it that way, I enjoy it if that counts for anything. My backstory, well, it's not the greatest, nor happiest. I never knew who my real parents were, I grew up in orphanages, and when I graduated, I joined the marines. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. My question to you is what is yours? Sincerely, - Corporal Derek Willer

Luka opened the other one and laughed at the subject.

January 29 Hey, it's Corporal Derek Willer. I forgot to ask you in the last one, what is your last name? I don't think you have ever mentioned it before. I just figured that out when everyone was going over names. - Corporal Derek Willer

He smiled and pulled out some paper for his response.

February 2

Corporal Derek Willer,

Me? Well, my life was always easy. My dad is a successful business man and he is very well off, to say the least, but it has always been just my father and I. My mother died from heart failure while in birth with me... I never knew her. My dad tells me stories of what a wonderful woman she was and I loved every minute of them, knowing she would be the only woman I would ever love in my life. My dad only wanted the best for me, being the only family he had left. My last name is Dales. My full name is Luka Denver Dales. The middle name is because that is where I was born and raised and, it was also my mothers.

-Luka Denver Dales

Luka put the letter in an envelope and sat back on the couch, closed his eyes and relaxed. `KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!' was pounded on the door. This was the reason he moved away from campus, to steer clear of people. Freshman year was a perfect example. Everywhere Luka turned, guys and girls were practically throwing themselves at him so they could get with him. The only normal person was Lucy, even if she was a little bit out there herself, she was nice and knew he was gay and didn't pursue him like so many others had.

Luka opened the door and saw no one, but when he looked down, there was a bouquet of roses and a note. Luka picked it up a brought it inside. He read the note.

Luka, These roses show my love for you...

and that is where he tore up the note and threw it away. He found a vase for the roses and then put them on the dinner table. He then went back to the living room and picked up the letter. An idea crossed his mind and he grabbed his car keys.

He parked outside of the English building and walked inside. He knew she would be there, even on a Saturday. He knocked on the door and opened it. "Mrs. G?" Luka asked. "Yes, yes, and come in." she said. Luka walked in and up to her desk. "What can I do for you Luka?" she asked. "What is the mailing address for these letters? You know, to the military guys." He asked. She seemed surprised. "Did you get a letter, no one else got any this week?" she asked. "Two, actually. I wrote one back but I don't know the mailing address." Luka explained. She shrugged and wrote it down on a spare sheet of paper for him. "Thanks." Luka said with a smile as he left the room to the post office.

That afternoon, he had lunch with Lucy, who was also confused to why he got letters and laughed at him about the roses. This type of thing is not unusual. It's funny to Lucy hearing Luka bitch about it, but it is a pain in the ass for Luka. After that, he went to the gym, where he was hit on constantly pretty much the whole time. When he went home, he cooked for himself and ate by himself. He hated the second chair he had; always empty, reminding him that he was alone, which is why he never ate at the table. Usually he ate on the couch but tonight he just sat down. Even after finishing his meal, he just sat there staring at that chair. When he finally got sick of that chair, he got up and took care of his dishes before he went to his bedroom. He now found himself staring at his king-sized bed, again, alone with a big bed and no one around to fill it. He sighed deeply and stripped down before sliding under the covers. He laid there, sulking in his own loneliness and depression. As sleep overcame him, he felt a single tear fall from his face.

Chapter 3:

Over the next week, Friday was the last day for classes before a week vacation. In English class, Mrs. G. passed out the letters and Luka was happy to take his, though he wouldn't open it until he was home.

Once he was in his own section of solitude, he opened the letter and sat down at his desk in his living room.

February 21 Luka Dales,

I am deeply sorry for not knowing your mother. For once I can say I know the feeling very well. I was confused on one aspect of your letter though. You said that she was the only woman you would ever love. I don't get it, from how you describe yourself, you sound like you should be getting plenty of offers. So if you would care to elaborate on that that would be great :) Also, what does your dad do and what is his name? Speaking of your dad, I'm glad he still loves you deeply and thinks highly of you. I can imagine you have made him proud. -Corporal Derek Wills

Shit! Is all that passed through Luka's mind. Did he really put in that thing about love and girls... FUUUUUUUUU! Maybe he won't remember that he wrote it in there and the whole thing will be forgotten.

February 24 Corporal Derek Wills,

My dad is owns his own contraction company in the aeronautical field. So his company builds hangers and airports and stuff like that. It's two different companies in general but they are also merged since recently. His name is Nathan Paul Dales. How is life over there? I'm sorry if that is a stupid question.


February 27 Luka Dales,

Nice brush off on the love subject thing. Luka, you can tell me anything, you know. It's not like I'm going to rush off and tell everyone. I'm not that kind of person. Also, you can just call me Derek from now on. I don't think the need for titles means much for this. -Derek

March 1 Derek,

I know but, I don't want you to hate me. I don't want to put you in a stereotype either. I'm sorry.


March 4 Luka,

I won't hate you Luka, just tell me please! It's killing me here buddy.

The letter Luka sent back had only two words in it on the whole sheet of paper, now sealed away in the envelope.

I'm gay.

He dropped the letter into the mailbox. Now all he had to do was wait... and worry.

As the days went by and no letter was received, Luka pretty much accepted that the marine hated him. Classes dragged by and time he spent anywhere just barely passed. He would hit the gym, go out with Lucy, design things, but nothing helped. Then, in English class, Mrs. G said something that made his jaw drop. "From my past few letters with my husband, I have found out that a Humvee hit a roadside bomb the last week. This would be why some of you have not been receiving any letters recently." She then started to list of the names. "... Corporal Derek Willer..." and Luka's head shot up. He was relieved and felt horrible at the same time. This whole time he had been fretting when he had nothing to worry about. Mrs. G. explained that no one died luckily but a few going into a coma, now they are all out of it. Now knowing that he may have not been rejected was great and he was happy until Saturday morning, when he went to his mailbox.

When he opened his mailbox, the only thing in there was a letter from Corporal Derek. Luka's heart pounded inside his chest. He grabbed it and rushed back out to his car. To say he was speeding all the way home was an understatement. He hauled himself up the stairs in his apartment building before he got to his level. When he got to his room, he flung the door opened and spun around to slam it shut while still making progress toward the couch. He ripped the letter open as he sat down.

April 10 Luka,

I don't care if you're gay. To say I was shocked when I read those two words... I shit myself would be an understatement. If you have a mirror, I think you would know you're not the common stereotype everyone thinks a queer is. You had your rights to have your reserves about me because a lot of the guys don't like gays. I personally have no problem because you are one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of communicating with. Anyway, as you probably have been told, or at least I hope you have, my Humvee hit a roadside bomb the other week and I have been in a coma for a little bit; hence why I haven't written. The doctors on base tell me that I lost hearing in my right ear permanently. They haven't told me I'm going to be discharged yet, although I'm afraid of that time. What they have told me is that I'm going to need surgery as soon as my levels stabilize. Luka, I wouldn't for the world tell anyone besides you this, but I'm horrified. I haven't ever had surgery before and it scares me. You're probably laughing at me at a major contradiction right now, but I don't care. I'm scared and for the first time in my life I feel helpless and I don't think there is anything I can do. -Derek

The one thing Corporal Derek didn't know is that Luka was not laughing at him, not even in the slightest. He was only confused to why he was afraid of being discharged.

April 14 Derek,

I'm not laughing at you in the slightest sir. I remember my first surgery and I felt the same way. The only thing I can tell you is that you will be fine. I am slightly confused though, why are you afraid of being discharged? I also can't thank you enough for accepting me. For a while when I didn't know you were in a coma (just found out yesterday) I accepted that you probably hated me. I know am grateful that I was wrong. -Luka

April 20 Luka,

I went through corrective surgery and I am fine, just like you said! They told me that I am being discharged, honorably, for my own safety because of my hearing loss. The reason I'm scared is because I have nowhere to go. As soon as I graduated, I left the orphanage and signed up. I don't know what I'm going to do. -Derek

April 23 Derek,

This is just a suggestion, but my apartment has an extra bedroom and is built for more than the one person who has been inhabiting it. Just say where I need to pick you up from and you can live with me. It's not like I'm going anywhere because I'm stuck in college for at least another 5 years if not more depending on what type of degree I want to get. So anyways, the offers opened. -Luka

April 26 Luka, Yes! Oh my god thank you dude! Seriously I thought I was screwed and would have to go into a motel or something. Hey, this means well be meeting each other too! I'm really excited for this and extremely grateful for this opportunity. My flight lands stateside in Phoenix Az, on May 3 at 1:00 am. I'm sorry it's so early but I didn't get to book my flights. See you soon, -Derek

April 29 Derek,

See you soon Corporal!!!


Luka mailed the letter to Mrs. G. as he entered class and sat down in his seat next to Lucy and they started to chat before class began. "Hey, how would you like to do a little road trip with me on the 2nd?" Luka asked. "Awesome! Yeah sure, where we going?" she asked. "To Phoenix airport." And Lucy looked at him like he was half stupid. "Why?" she asked confused. "You know the person I was assigned to write to?" she nodded her head. "Well, he's been honorably discharged for hearing loss and he had nowhere to go so, I offered my spare bedroom." Luka said and Lucy's jaw dropped. "So you're going to have a hunky Marine living with you? I fucking hate you!" she said jokingly, but then she became serious. "Does he know..." "I'm gay? Yes, he does." Luka finished for her. "Well then, looks like your all set. Yeah I'll go. I don't have anything to do on Thursday and neither of us have class on Friday, so yeah I'll go." She said. "Great!" Luka said smiling. "There's one tiny catch though..." "What?" she asked. "His flight lands at 1 in the morning." Luka said. "You fucking suck. Oh well, I'm still going." she said. "Now all I have to do is tell my dad to call the landlords and tell them an extra person will now be staying there." he said. "Will your dad care?" she asked. "I think he'll think that Derek is gay." He said chuckling. "Oh, that's going to be fun." She said laughing too. Soon after, Mrs. G. started class.

On his way home from classes, Luka called his father. "Hello?" his dad answered. "Hi dad." Luka said. He was a little nervous. "Hey Luka, how's things going?" he asked, happy to hear from him. "Everything's good, well, really good. Uh, I need you to call the landlords and tell them there's going to be another person in the apartment." Luka said. "Who is he?" his dad asked. Of course he thought his new roommate would be his son's boyfriend. "Well, first off dad, he's not my boyfriend nor do I even think he's gay." Luka said. "I didn't mean to sound like that." His dad said. "I know but its fine. Anyways, our English teacher had us have a pen pal from the Marine's because of her husband being one himself. The guy I was assigned has been honorably discharged from hearing loss after a roadside bomb. He has no family, no friends, or a place to go so I offered my spare bedroom." Luka explained. "That's really nice of you Luka. I'll let the landlord's know." there was a short pause. "Uh, son... does he know your gay?" "Yeah, he found that out a while ago and he's cool with it." Luka said. "Good! So, what's his name?" "Corporal Derek Wills." "Corporal?" his dad asked confused. "Yeah, he just got discharged after becoming deft in one ear." "And you're sure about all of this?" his dad was generally concerned. "Dad, I'll fill you in on all of the small details later but trust me, I have things figured out." Luka reassured him. "Okay, thanks for letting me know Luka." "You're welcome dad. Talk to you soon." "Bye." And his dad hung-up.

On Thursday evening, Luka and Lucy both drove the five hour trip up to Phoenix to pick up Corporal Derek Wills. They chatted and laughed at things, talked about their classes, and listened to music. When they got to the airport, it was 12:30 am. Luka was more excited then he let on. While in the car, Lucy made a sign with the Corporal's name and title on it. In the waiting terminal in the pickup section inside the airport, they waited looking through the glass when they saw that his flight had landed. Ten minutes passed and passengers started to come into view. Luka and Lucy stood up while Lucy also held the sign in the air. Out of all of the normal passengers, there were three men in military getup, only one of which was a Marine. Luka was nearly drooling looking at him. He was tall like he said, he couldn't see his hair under his Marines cap, and he was buff like him too. His eyes were shining like Emeralds with that puppy dog look to them. He had a straight nose and a strong chiseled jaw line and a tan.

Derek was chatting with two other Army men returning home, but he soon seemed trained on a largely built, about twenty years old if he had to guess, guy in the waiting area. There was a girl sitting next to him with a sign. Then, as the girl stood up, poking the guy in the side, Derek remembered who this girl was; it was Lucy from the picture back on base. Then a light bulb went off in his head. That means that the muscular guy is... Luka. Derek instantly knew that keeping himself controlled around this hot young man was going to be a challenge.

When they walked through the security detail door, he looked around but then saw the sign. A smile broke out on his face and he walked towards them. Lucy saw Luka gawking and Lucy pinched his arm hard to get out of it. "Are you Luka Dales?" he asked. "Yes, are you Corporal Derek Wills?" and he held out his hand. "The one and only." He said with a smile shaking Luka's hand. "Oh, and you brought Lucy with you too." He said with a smile but, Luka swore heard just the slightest amount of disappointment in his voice. "Great to meet you." She said. "It's not every day you meet the pinup fantasy of a platoon." He said, laughing, and Lucy blushed. "Oh great." She said giggling as well. They made their way back out of the airport and back to the parking lot. Corporal Derek pointed to a blue Maserati. "Wow, look at that thing. Damn, that thing is a beauty." He said amazed. "You like cars Corporal Derek?" Luka asked. "Hell yes and Derek is fine. So where is your car?" Derek asked. Little did Derek know he had just been gawking at it. Luka smirked and took out his keys and clicked the unlock button. The lights on the blue Maserati flashed, and Derek's jaw dropped. "This is yours?" he asked. "Yeah, it's mine. Lucy, do you mind sitting in the back?" Luka asked. Without hesitation, Lucy hopped in the back row and laid down like she was going to sleep. "Night guys." She said with a yawn. "After you." Luka said, opening the passenger door open. Derek smiled and sat down in the chair. Luka closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. Once the door was closed and the car was on, they backed out of the parking spot and drove off. After ten minutes, Lucy was asleep, sprawled out on the back seats. Derek had reclined his chair some but was still wide awake, along with Luka who was sipping a massive coffee to stay awake this late. "How the hell do you get a Maserati?" Derek asked quietly. "I helped my dad run his, well, he says our company but I still think it's his until I get it when he retires." Luka said. "So, how wealthy are you?" Derek asked. Luka looked at him but hesitated. "Multimillionaires." Luka said quietly. He hated talking about his money. "Wow, that's awesome! Just the two of you and no restrictions." He said. Luka chuckled a little bit. "Yeah..." he sighed. "What's wrong?" Derek asked. "Well, when you say it, money sounds awesome." Luka said with a false smile. "You may not have guessed this Derek but, Lucy..." they both looked back at her for a brief second. "Derek, Lucy is my only friend, or I lied, only true friend I have. Everyone else has just used me." Luka shocked himself by what he just said. He just dumped some heavy shit onto Derek. "What do you mean?" Derek was confused. Luka then let out a breath and took a large swig of his coffee. "Well, it goes like this. When people don't know who you are, you are just another person; people may even be total assholes to you... especially when you're gay. Then, after a short while, people start to notice things, like the car, or where I live, or the cloths I wear. That leads to people who never noticed you, people who hated your guts, to throw themselves at you. When it first started, yeah, I fucked a couple of guys thinking that they actually cared for me, but it was the same every time. When I met Lucy, she could have cared less about money. She tried to get with me because of my looks, and even after finding out my orientation, she still wanted to be my friend. And if we are being honest, I needed one." Luka's hands gripped the steering wheel harder and he sighed. "Luka?" Derek asked after a short while. "Yeah?" "May I be your friend?" he asked. Luka smiled. "Yeah, I think I like that." And they both smiled at each other.

After the long drive home and dropping Lucy off at her fraternity house, they drove to Luca's apartment building. It was a six story building with an apartment on each floor. Luka was on floor four.

They got off of the elevator and Luka unlocked the door to the apartment. Marble floors, leather furniture in the living room, granite countertops, the car, Corporal Derek Wills wasn't expecting all this. He understood that they were wealthy but still didn't expect this. "Welcome home Corporal." Luka said. They walked in and Luka gave Derek the grand tour, finishing with Derek's bedroom. "And this is your room." Luka said. "And your bathroom is behind that door when you need it." He said. Derek nodded and put his bag down on the bed. "Okay, I'm going to go to bed and I will be up at noon. Feel free to do whatever." Luka said, looking at the hunk in the marine's suit as he closed the door as he left. Derek stood in the room for a little bit, taking everything in. He went from a dusty base in Afghanistan to a luxury apartment in Arizona in under 24 hours. He took off his hat and tossed it onto the dresser. He took off his uniform and hung it neatly on a hanger in the closet. He was down to his briefs and he walked into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror; he had very defined and developed shoulders, pecks, 6-pack, thick neck, massive arms, powerful legs, and to top it off, a nice tan. Then he thought of Luka, who was bigger than him, mass wise. He realized he was hardening at this and realized he hadn't gotten his rocks off in nearly two weeks. He pulled of his briefs and his 6 inch cut cock stuck straight out. He stepped into the shower, which was just as impressive as everything else, and turned on the water. The water was instantly hot and he leaned against the marble shower wall. He began stoking himself feverishly.

He thought of how big Luka was, what he would look like shirtless, or just bearing it all, naked. Within thirty seconds, Derek was coming everywhere from his built up load. He let out a relived sigh and slid down the wall till he was sitting on the floor. After several minutes, he got up and cleaned himself off, dried off, and got into bed naked. He wished that there would be a specific someone next to him in this bed, but he didn't want to disrupt anything this early... at least, if he wasn't the one to make the first move.

After a hour or so, Luka lay in bed, crying. He had just broke down and cried. He was so lonely, felt so used, so... broken. For him to know that a fixation near to a fantasy was asleep in the room across the hall made him want to scream! Soon though, he cried himself to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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