Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Oct 19, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. See the end of this Part for links to the other stories.

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Letter to a College Roommate (9A of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 9A, Is There Such a Thing as Happily Ever After? (told from Allan's PoV)

Hi, Kevin and Demetri;

Of course, I will come to your wedding and be Kevin's Gentleman of Honor. I will go ahead and plan to be off from work that whole week but send me the details about where and exactly when so I can plan the trip and make hotel reservations. And, it makes no difference to me whether or not your wedding is "official," it is YOUR day, and I am proud to have been asked to be a part of it.

Kevin, your letter is amazing. I feel like I have been in touch with you through all these years because of it. And even though I have not met Demetri yet, I feel like I know quite a lot about him as well. Let's stay in touch between now and your wedding, and that will give us all a chance to get to know each other better.

Love to You Both; -Allan

Since I wrote that to Kevin and Demetri, we have stayed in touch by email and phone, and I consider them both good friends. In late summer, they took a vacation to Orlando and Disney World. The flight had a four-hour layover in Atlanta, so we arranged to meet at the airport. There would not be enough time to go anywhere but the airport's famous Atrium food court. So, I stood near the top of the long escalator up from the tram level waiting for them to arrive in the main terminal.

As I was waiting, I started to have some self-doubts. I had put on a bit of weight since college and especially since Ron died, although I was trying to lose it again with diet and exercise. We had exchanged recent pictures of ourselves, so I recognized them as they reached the top and I started walking toward them. They had their carry-ons and Kevin dropped his as we drew close, and he greeted me with a warm, swaying hug.

Then I was looking up at this big grinning man and was swept up into a full-body bear-hug. You have simply not been bear-hugged until a towering 6'5" man of Russian descent has enthusiastically hugged you, and he was still grinning when he pulled away from the hug.

I led the way to the food court where there were several options, we chose the Chophouse Restaurant and Brewery. We ordered lunch and settled in to pass the time until they had to leave for their flight out. We talked about their wedding plans which was going to happen in Nashville because Kevin's cousin invited them to have it there and volunteered as the Wedding Planner.

Kevin's son, Al will be attending but did not want to take an active role because he was now a gay activist and believes that gay marriage will destroy "gay culture." Their marriage would be recognized by the church conducting the ceremony but would be in no way official, so they would not be changing or hyphenating their names. They would be considering the whole trip to Nashville as their honeymoon but would stay at least their wedding night in a full-service motel suite.

In the time we had together, I noticed that at several points how attentive they were with each other, and I was reminded of Ron and me. So, I told them that and said it was good to see them sharing that kind of a bond.

There is a form of communication that many couples have, and some long-time friends as well, of being able to have a simple conversation without words. It uses body language and other subtle expressions. Ron (who was deaf) and I would use it when in public with anyone who could sign, but we had to be especially careful when among other deaf people, because it was readable to them much like whispering is to us "speaking" people. Just before they had to leave, I noticed them looking at each other again as if communicating in this way. Kevin was asking some sort of question and Demetri's immediate response seemed to be in the affirmative.

Kevin turns to me and says, "Do you think it would be possible for you to arrive a day or two early for our wedding? My cousin is organizing a bachelors party for us, and he throws some of the best parties. No, really, his parties are famous in Nashville." He really did say "bachelors," plural, because it was to be a party for both.

"Is this your Cousin Joe that you wrote about in your letter?" I asked. "Yes," Kevin responded, "We have a surprise for him for after the party to thank him for all he has done for us, and we would like you to be a part of that... if you are willing."

"What kind of surprise?" I asked, suspicious but interested.

"Well, it might involve a `sandwich' or two."

A couple of weeks later, my invitation arrived. The note inside asked me to arrive either very early New Year's Eve or anytime the day before, and for me NOT to make reservations as there would be room for me at Joe's house.

I responded by mail to Kevin's cousin Joe, and by phone, telling Kevin and Demetri I would be driving there after spending Christmas with my Parents and family, and would plan to arrive about 1pm on the day before New Year's Eve.

I drove to Joe's house in Nashville and parked in front at about 15 past 1pm on December 30th. It is better to be fashionably late than rudely early. The house was an old southern style white wood frame house with a large porch across the front, beautifully appointed and landscaped, and immaculately maintained.

Joe's house was southwest of downtown Nashville, south of Vanderbilt University and west of Belmont University. Both schools have great music programs and Belmont is famous for its second-in-the-nation Music Business school, and for hosting Presidential Debates. It was also convenient to Joe's offices in the famed Music Row and to Broadway in downtown where most of the country music night clubs are located as well as the Ryman Theater and the Country Music Hall of Fame.

As I got out of the car, I saw someone come out of the front door. He was blond, just ever-so-slightly overweight, wore lightly tented sunglasses that you could see his eyes through, and had a radiant smile. He reminded me of a younger, more handsome Elton John.

As he approached, he said, "Hello, are you Allan?"

I responded with a smile and a "Yes. Joe?"

"In the flesh. It is good to finally meet you, Allan." He said as he reached out to shake my hand. Joe's handshake was warm and strong. His hand was soft but with a firmness underneath that I found sexy, somehow. Joe continued, "If you will pull your car around the back and park in the carport just beyond the garage, we will come out and help you bring in your things."

I did as Joe asked, grabbed the few things I had in the car with me and opened the trunk for the rest. I heard a noise coming from the house and looked. It was Joe and two other guys that I immediately recognized as Kevin and Demetri. I put down what I was carrying and started walking to greet them. They all had big, warm smiles on their faces and Kevin walked ahead of the others and grabbed me up into a big hug. Then it was Demetri's turn and I got another of his bear-hugs. I do not know why but being hugged by these two men made me feel welcomed, safe, and loved.

When Demetri let me go, Joe said with a feigned pout on his face, "But what about me, guys?"

So, Kevin turned and reached for Joe as if to hug him, and Joe's reaction was comical. He said as he slapped both of his hands alternately against Kevin's arms and chest, "No... stop... get out of here, I wasn't talking about you." And Joe turned toward me, and embraced me.

I thought it felt good to be hugged by Kevin and Demetri, but it was nothing like what I felt when Joe hugged me. "Allan Junior" even started to wake up during the hug. I wondered if my excitement the result of all three of these beautiful men's attention or was I reacting more to Joe?

We all grabbed my things and walked into the house, and they led me into a very nice "mother-in-law's suite" right off the kitchen. And Joe said, "you can stay here for as long as you want." And we all went back through the kitchen into Joe's breakfast area where he had snacks laid out, saying, "if you haven't had lunch yet, I can fix something to tie you over until supper?" I said, "No problem, this will be enough."

We all sat down to catch up and talk about the plans for the bachelors party tomorrow and their Wedding the day after. There was also on the table a large photograph album of stars and bands for whom Joe had produced albums. After swearing us all to secrecy about anyone who is not out as gay or bisexual, he started pointing out people in the photos, saying, "I've had him... and him... those two together... and he is sleeping with her AND him" and so on. It was better than any celebrity gossip show I have ever seen.

Then Joe turned his attention to me, asking, "So, Allan, tell me more about you. These guys have told me a little but not much."

I responded, "There isn't much to tell. I have always been completely gay, a Kinsey Six. I was raised in the church where my father was a Deacon and even went to a Christian college..."

"Where we roomed together the only semester I was there," Kevin interjected, "and where he showed me that gay sex did not need to be dirty, one-sided, or forced; and could be enjoyable for both guys."

"And I wasn't even out of the closet yet. My first gay sexual experience came when I was 13, but I did not come out until a few years after college when, believe it or not, my parents confronted me with their suspicions that I was gay. And for the first time I did not try to deflect or deny, but came right out and said that I am gay and always had been, and I was ready for their questions. I ended up by saying that if God hated me for the way he made me, then to hell with God. That did not go over very well, but it got them to revisit what they had always assumed that the Bible said about homosexuality. Before the end of the conversation, they told me that they would always love me no matter what, that nothing could ever change that. I quickly realized that my conservative Christian parents actually reacted better than 90% of parents with gay children usually do."

"Coming out opened me to other things like gay bars and even to discovering a "gay church" where they believed that gay love is no different in God's eyes than straight love, and that the Bible actually has more to say against Straight sexual sin than it does against Gay sexual sin. I learned that most of the "Clobber Passages" in the Bible were about sexual sin and not gay love, or were not actually about homosexuality at all. For example, the story of Sodom was not about sex at all. Only then did religion and real life have any correlation for me."

"That church had one deaf member and one interpreter for the deaf, a lesbian who was very well-known and in-demand as an interpreter. They had just started a Sign Language class when I started attending so I got in on it. Several months later they had a party to mark the end of the class for which they invited several other gay-deaf people. That is where I met the guy that became the love of my life, Ron, and after dating for a few months, we made our first commitment to each other. We were together for almost 16 years during which we moved to Atlanta, found better work, and bought a home there. I currently live in that home alone because Ron passed away almost two years ago. He was only 50-years-old and I will be 42 my next birthday."

Kevin said, "I just turned 42."

Joe said, "I will be 42 next month."

Demetri said grinning, "I guess I am the old man of the group; I am 43."

That lifted the mood and got us all laughing. And Joe said, "Okay, for the rest of today, your name is "Old Man!"

"Old Man" said, "Allan, please continue... quickly!"

"Okay, I studied music in college, love most forms of music, I was a vocal major, and I have always been interested in the technical and business sides of the music industry." Joe seemed to light up at that. "But as an adult, I got a job working in color printing and do desktop publishing on my home computer, mostly as part of my volunteer work. I love to read and mostly read Science Fiction, Political Science, and Economics. I am politically active and vote Libertarian in part because they had a Gay Equal Rights plank in their Platform more than 20 years before the Democrats. I am an "only child" and my parents still live in my hometown, Knoxville, and by the way, the ORIGINAL home of Country Music. So, that is me in a nutshell."

"I want to hear more about your interest in music, but right now there are other things to do." Joe said as he looked at his watch, and then told us about the plan for the remainder of the day. We needed to stop off at the rental place for me to be fitted for my tux and then he wanted to take us out to eat at a nice restaurant with live music. Then he wanted us to stop into a music venue where he had backstage passes for us to see an Americana band for which he recently produced an album. We only stayed for one set, but we all had a great time and made it back home before midnight.

Joe poured us each a glass of wine and we sat talking about the evening and the plans for the party and the wedding. When the grandfather clock in the entry hall struck midnight, Joe suggested that we go on to bed as the next two days would be very busy indeed.

The next morning, I awoke to a lot of clatter in the kitchen. So, I got up and got ready for the day before going out. There was a flurry of activity happening in advance of the bachelors/New Year's Eve party and I was just standing in the doorway, marveling at the efficiency of the activity, when Joe appeared.

"Oh, Allan," he said, "I want to introduce you to my Cook and Party Planner, June, I could not survive without her." And turning me toward the breakfast nook, he said, "This is an assortment of breakfast items for us to eat. Help yourself. Our Grooms have not made an appearance yet, so I am going up now to see if they are awake." And he disappeared.

Presently, Kevin appeared in a bath robe, and he did not have anything else on. I knew this because as he approached the table the front came open and I could see everything. That had not changed much in all those years.

I said, "I see you are still showing off your assets to anyone who will look."

He put his arms out spreading the open robe further and said, "Well, if you got it..."

And I interjected, "...become a Flasher?" And we both laughed at that.

He sat down and told me that Demetri was taking a shower, and, in a few minutes, they would change places and Demetri would be down to eat. I asked him if they had pet names for each other yet.

Kevin said, "Not really. Demetri wants me to use his full name in public, but privately I call him "De" and he calls me "Kev". He continued, "Allan, I just want to go over in a bit more detail the plans for after the party tonight. De and I want you to stick with Joe as much as possible during the party, make him relax and enjoy the party, and take any burdens off of him as much as you can as they arise, and we will help as much as we can. We will rush the guests out as soon after midnight as possible and escort Joe to his bedroom for our own private party. Just an FYI, one of the things Joe loves most is to be the meat in a fuck sandwich. So, De will bottom for him first and we want you to be the first to top Joe and work your magic on him for all it is worth, just like you did for me back in college. And we will just play it by ear after that. But I want a turn both topping and bottoming for Joe if there is time; and if it is possible, I want to have you fuck me one more time, for old times' sake."

About that time, Demetri came walking into the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were not loose enough to hide his massively ample dick. I saw one of the young male workers nearly drop what he was carrying when he noticed Demetri. Kevin said, "it is my turn in the shower, so I'll see you later." He got up, grabbed the remains of his bacon bagel, and paused to kiss Demetri as they passed. And, even with that brief contact, Demetri's dick seemed to get even fatter and extended even farther down his leg. Demetri sat down to eat and said, "Did Kevin talk to you about the plans for Joe's private party tonight?"

I said, "Yes, I am looking forward to it."

"Me too," said Demetri, "I'm looking forward to seeing what Kevin calls your 'magic dick' in action."

"The last time Kevin sampled that magic we were both 18. So, I hope I still have it." A thought occurred to me, so I shared it with Demetri, "You know, my Ron's dick was almost as big as Kevin's, but he was 95% Bottom and a Size-Queen at that. I often wondered why he chose me to fall in love with knowing that I am only average in length and only a bit thicker than average in girth. So, I asked him once, and all he would tell me is that he enjoyed being fucked by me more than any other man he had ever had, and believe me, he had been fucked by many men, some of them extremely large. One he told me about had a humongous dick that he said was longer than a ruler not measuring the crown, and as large around as Ron's forearm, in the middle, not at the wrist. Ron said that it took more than a half hour to work it all inside of him and then they fucked till they both cum, slept with the guy's dick still in him, and whenever one of them woke up they would fuck again until they came again. And they did this several times, all night long until late morning. Ron loved it. I know that I tried very hard to please him, but perhaps he and Kevin knew something about me that I did not realize?"

"Perhaps so." Demetri said.

The party that evening went very well. The house seemed full of people, most of whom had never met the grooms but were fixtures at Joe's parties. At 10pm Joe got up and introduced the Grooms and we toasted them. Joe had them sit on two chairs on a large, raised fireplace hearth at the end of his large Living Room while he introduced the "entertainment" for the evening. They were identical twin young men, slender, about 6 feet tall, 20ish in age, who did a synchronized striptease that was sensational and revealed identically long flaccid dicks and low-hung balls that swung independent of each other as they danced. Then they gave the two grooms an unbelievable naked lap dance, at the end of which all four of them were obviously erect. So, I guess it was just as good for the twins as it was for the grooms.

At midnight, more champagne was passed out and we watched The Ball drop, in Times Square on a large TV that was brought in for that purpose. And we all cheered, toasted the new year, and kissed each other while Auld Lang Sine played. Someone put on a long slow-dance song, after which the music stopped, the lights were brought up to full and Joe stood to Thank everyone for coming. He and the grooms moved to the front door to say Good-bye to the guests as they left, while June and the remaining crew started clearing the remaining food and cleaning up the worst of the mess.

By 12:30, the guests were all gone (and the bedrooms checked for "stragglers"... there were three young men that coopted my bedroom off the kitchen, they were finished with their 3-way and Joe rushed them on their way), and Joe dismissed June and the crew, saying to leave it for another time (knowing that June had arranged for a few people to join her about noon the next day to finish cleaning up, and then join the servers at the church for the reception).

As June and the crew left, we stood around the kitchen polishing off the almost empty bottles of Champagne with the hum of the dishwasher going in the background. Eventually, Joe said as he put down his empty glass, "Guys, it is a big day tomorrow, so I am ready to turn in."

Kevin said, "I agree. Guys, let's take Joe to his bedroom and tuck him in." Joe started to protest, but Kevin told him, "Just go with the flow, Cuz" as he gently pushed Joe toward his room.

The story continues in Part 9-B

If you enjoyed this addition to The Chronicles of Kevin, Donate to Nifty, http://donate.nifty.org/

And check out the other stories that are part of the saga:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/porked-by-meat

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/joes-revenge-on-meat

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

------------------------------------------------------ Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 10

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