Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Jun 11, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. See the end of this Part for links to the other stories.

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Letter to a College Roommate (8 of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 8, The conclusion of Kevin's Letter.

I woke up to the bed moving slightly. My dick was hard and still buried in Demetri's ass. There was light coming in around the drawn curtains of the hotel room, so I knew it was past dawn. I raised myself enough to look over Demetri but did not see Joe. But the bed was still moving and there was a big hump under the bedspread. So that explained the motion. Joe was sucking Demetri's morning wood while he continued to slept.

So, remembering what Demetri said the night before, I started gently thrusting. It only took a couple of minutes of that combined stimulation to give Demetri a very pleasant wake-up call. And only about 10 minutes more for Demetri to give Joe a fresh load of cum.

Joe emerged from the covers, and we all hugged right there in bed. My dick was still in Demetri's ass, and I had been moving it enough to keep it hard.

I asked, "Joe, did you cum while you were sucking down Demetri's load?"

"No, but it wouldn't take much to push me over the top right now. Why? What do you have in mind?"

"Well," I said, "I am the only one who hasn't been in the middle of the three-way fuck yet?"

"So, lets fix that right now." Joe said enthusiastically. "How do you want to do it?"

I threw off the covers to reveal that I was still in Demetri's ass. As I started thrusting, I said, "Joe, move around and fuck me from behind." As he did so, he grabbed the lube and spread some on his dick, laid down behind me, and slid right into me as I stopped thrusting to let him in. I moaned deeply as he slowly entered me.

We laid in bed on our sides fucking with me in the middle and I was loving it. It really is quite different getting both kinds of simulation at the same time. As promised, it didn't take long for Joe to start fucking me really hard and to bury a load deep in me. Which sent me over the top and I loaded Demetri's ass with a fresh load of my cum. As Joe pulled out of my ass, Demetri started jacking his dick furiously, so I continued thrusting in his ass trying to concentrate on where I thought his prostrate would be. Seeing what we were doing, Joe raced around the bed to get into position to catch Demetri's second load this morning but didn't make it in time and missed the first volley which arched up, went long, and hit the nightstand running down its front. But Joe caught the second shot and all those that came after greedily gulping them down.

Joe said, "I know I have just eaten two loads of cum, but I am hungry. Let's get cleaned up and go down to see what they are serving in the dining room." And we did. The Brunch Buffet was still open, and we filled our trays and sat over in a somewhat secluded section of the dining room. We talked about everything that happened in the last 15 hours or so, and at one point, Demetri said, "I LOVED being in the middle of that 3-way fuck. I sure hope we can do that again soon."

I responded, "Demetri, did you know that some people call a 3-way fuck like that, a sandwich'? Because there are two slices of bread on the outside, a bottom slice and a top slice, and Meat' on the inside." I smiled and waited for it. Then they both burst out laughing, so loudly that the whole dining room stopped talking and looked our way. We just smiled and waved at them, and they presently went back to their conversations.

Joe said, "I don't know about you, but all the cumming we did last night was a personal best for me, even when I was younger." Then, I said, "Me too." Joe and I then looked at Demetri, he sat there with an almost smug look on his face. Joe said, "I know you cum more times in a single night that anyone I have ever known, but are you honestly telling us that you have cum even more times than you did last night?"

Demetri said, "Well, I once came NINE times in a single day... beating off... when I was 16." Joe looked at me and asked, "Does that even count?" I shrugged and Demetri continued, "It had been a hot, horny, and lonely summer day, and at the end of it, my dick hurt so much I couldn't get to sleep." We both laughed at that. And Demetri said, "Seriously, I often cum three or four times when Joe and I get together, but I have never before cum that many times in a single sexual encounter, with girls or guys. It has typically been twice because they get too tired to continue, but apparently I cum many more times when I am with incredibly hot and horny studs." Joe and I both smiled at that, and pointed out that he was the real stud with that monster hanging between his legs.

I brought up the more serious topic of my father's offer for me to take over his business and asked what they thought. The first to respond was Joe, "It depends mostly on what you want and whether or not you can deal with small town life after living in Louiston. So, let's look at it reasonably. In Louiston, you have a good job and your AC/DC club, but you are divorced, and your son is a senior in college about to be out on his own."

I said, "Yeah, I am proud of Al, he is in the top 10% of his class and set to graduate in May with corporate recruiters already knocking at his door."

Joe continued, "And you do not have any love interests or own property in Louiston anymore. But here you have the opportunity to own your own electrical business, help your parents out, and like I said last night, this town does have its attractions." Joe said as he looked straight at me but glanced sideways toward Demetri.

"What do you think, Demetri?" I asked.

"I don't know as much about you as Joe does, but I can tell you that owning your own business is a lot better than working for someone else, even if it is your father. After my father retired and gave his business to me, I was able to put my own stamp on the business and expand it. To watch your own business grow is a wonderful thing, almost like watching a child grow. And since my Ex limits my time with my girls, the only child I can actually watch grow is my business."

"Since Joe picked me up and slapped sense into me about the other side of my nature so long ago," Demetri continued, "except for Joe and my Ex, I have not been very sexually active with other men and none with women since my divorce. Not counting Joe and last night, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I have been able to find someone to fuck my butt in the last 20 years. And none of them wanted to start a relationship or even be friends, with or without benefits. It's been lonely."

"So," Demetri continued, "if you are looking for advice, you cannot beat owning your own business, and you would start out with one devoted friend in town... me, in case you are wondering."

When we left the dining room, we hugged each other in the lobby and went our separate ways but not before vowing to get together one more time before Joe left. When Demetri and I embraced, he held onto me tightly and whispered in my ear, "Thanks for forgiving me. I hope we can be friends." I whispered back, "I'd like that."

On Christmas morning, I announced to my parents, siblings, and their families, that I would be taking Dad's offer to sell the business to me and that I am moving back to town. Everyone was happy about it, especially my brother and sister, because they had both moved away from town and at least I would be here to help our parents in their retirement years. Al came in right after that to visit and was happy for me at the news, he said it was because he hated my apartment in Louiston and begged me to find something nicer here. As usual he was staying with his mother's parents in town for Christmas but spent a good bit of time visiting with me and my family. He also ran around with his cousins who were in town for Christmas.

Joe, Demetri, and I got together Christmas night because it was to be Joe's last night in town this time around. It was not the marathon suck and fuck-fest the other night had been, but it was enjoyable and exhausting. And of course, Demetri came as many times as Joe and I put together. If he really is as lonely as he said, perhaps he is making up for lost time, or perhaps he really is just that horny.

When I told them about my decision, they started cheering. Joe shouted like he was in a Pentecostal church and then I was blindsided as Demetri grabbed me into an embrace and kissing me on the lips. But a moment later, realizing he had overreacted and seeing my surprised reaction, he backed away, hung his head, and even headed for the door apologizing profusely. I went after him and grabbed his hand just as he got to the door and said, "Demetri, it's okay, you just caught me by surprise, in fact, it was much better than okay." And to drive the point home, I looked up into his eyes putting my hands on the sides of his face and pulled him down into another kiss this time with lots of passion (and tongue) which he returned.

Joe just stood there with one hand on his hip and patting the other palm on his chest, saying, "My, Oh, My! It sure took you boys long enough."

The next day was to be my last full day, but I wanted to stick around to explore the new feelings I was having for Demetri, so I called my boss and asked for my last week of vacation for the year and since business was light through the holidays, I got it. I told my parents that I was staying to find an apartment. And I told Al that I would spend some time with him in Louiston between New Year's Day and when I took him back to college.

That next week was busy. Mornings I spent looking at apartment listings and visiting some of them. Afternoons were spent helping my dad catch up on chores that had piled up because of his injury. And nearly every evening I spent with Demetri, getting to know him better, and exploring one-on-one sex with him. Things were going well on all fronts, except no apartment yet.

When I was over there the evening before New Year's Eve, Demetri asked if I could come over again at lunch time the next day and stay to ring in the new year with him. I told him I would love to. He said that I should bring something dressy to wear because he had "plans." That was all he would say.

Demetri had more than one surprise for me the next day. He showed me his basement apartment saying that the current renters (who were still visiting family) would be out by the time I would need it, and it was mine if I wanted it. He took me to the Grand's dining room for dinner and up to an overlook of the town owned by his uncle to watch the town's fireworks display (at 10 pm) and then home to watch the ball drop on TV with champaign. It was a wonderful and romantic evening that ended with both of us telling each other that we were falling in love and committing to explore it further.

Well, to finish this letter. About a month later, I moved into Demetri's basement apartment and worked with my father for a couple of months to learn the business and meet all his biggest and most regular customers before he turned it over to me both actually and legally. And, all that was completed and I had the business running smoothly by the time for Al's graduation from college. Demetri went with me.

We were to meet up with Al before the ceremony, but as the time approached and we were waiting in the designated place, I saw my Ex, Jane with a man and we all walked toward each other. She said, "Kevin, this is Richard, my fiancée." And she showed off the engagement ring. Al told me about this ahead of time, so I was not surprised. I congratulated them both, hugged her, and shook his hand.

I was about to introduce Demetri when Al walked up with a friend, a cute young man with a neatly trimmed beard, a bit shorter than Al, and possibly a bit older. Al said, "Mom, Dad? I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Randy. It is short for Randall, but he does not like to be called that. He graduated with a Master's degree last night."

Now this took me by surprise. Al knew I was bisexual when he was in high school, I knew that he didn't date much, and never talked about girls like most boys do, but it never occurred to me that he might be gay since we never had the "Dad, I'm gay" talk. I wondered if Jane knew, which was promptly answered when she hugged them both and said, "Congratulations Randy, it is good to finally meet you in person." I hugged them both and said something like, "Congratulations Randy, I am happy for you both."

I suddenly got brave and announced to them all, "And, this is my boyfriend, Demetri. Jane, you probably remember that he played football at our high school, he now owns the Jiffy-Serve convenience stores and the service station downtown his dad built."

Jane said, "Demetri, I am happy you could come with Kevin. Uh, wasn't your nickname in high school, `Meat'?"

Demetri responded, "Guilty as charged."

Then Jane gave me a look that I interpreted as something like, "Are the rumors true that he has a lot of `meat' between his legs?" My response was a look that said something like, "I'll never tell." When any two people spend most of 22 years together, they learn to read each other like that.

While the others continued to talk, Richard got my attention, drew me aside, and said, "Jane told me that you are bisexual, but from what she said I got the impression that you leaned toward females, but you are with a man now? I don't understand."

"Well Richard, I am bisexual, as is Demetri, but we both were a bit more attracted to women when we were young, and more recently we've both been favoring men. Come to find out, we both had some attraction for each other in high school and recent circumstances led to us reconnecting. We discovered that we still have that attraction and as a result of exploring it, we have fallen in love. Does that answer your question?"

Richard pulled us farther away from the others a step or two more, "Not quite. If a bisexual man commits to one, does he still desire the other?

"Sure, he does, Richard. Bi men can make a commitment the same as straight men, and open to the same foibles as straight men, wanting the one that got away or one with different physical assets. If desires get out of hand, it is only the relationship, the love that holds them together or not, and that is the same for straights, gays, and bisexuals. If a man is wise and genuinely loves his partner, he never lets those stray desires to get out of control. And, if you are wise with Jane, you will never let her forget how much you love her... like I did."

"I will!" said Richard. And we rejoined the others.

We were all so proud of Al seeing him walk across that stage to get his degree. He did something I could not do, and I guess that is what any parent wants for their child, but he did it and I couldn't have been more proud.

The next morning Demetri and I had breakfast with Al and Randy before heading home. It was good to see them apart from Jane so we could talk about things that might be less comfortable with her there. And we did.

When we were almost finished eating, I asked Al if he remembered when he was 13 and we went on that weekend fishing trip with Doug from work and his boy, Jake. Al said he did remember, so I asked him, "What happened the day we left, because you and Jake got along so well together, and then suddenly you didn't? Everything between us is out in the open now, so tell me what really happened, I want details, especially if it makes a good story we can all enjoy."

"We told you we went skinny dipping on Saturday," Al said, "but what we didn't say was that we both popped boners, and instead of exploring the woods, we explored each other. We were up in the woods overlooking the swimming hole and had just finished sucking each other off, when we heard noises coming from the other side. Two guys in their 20s, one taller and stockier than the other, came down the trail to the water. We watched while keeping quiet because we thought they might have come there for the same reason we did. And sure enough, they stripped their clothes off and jumped in butt naked. The bigger guy looked like he was well hung."

"Jake whispered to me, Al, I think he is hung even bigger than you.' That made me blush a bit and I told him that he might be right. And we watched as the two of them played for a while, then they stood on the bottom with the water chest high facing each other, and they took turns sliding down into the water in front of each other but only for a couple of minutes each time. At first, we didn't know what they were doing, but when the smaller one cried out Oh, Fuck!' and acted like he was cumming, it was clear."

"The bigger guy stood up, turned the smaller one around facing away from him, bent him over slightly and acted like he was rubbing his dick against the smaller guy's ass. But the smaller guy's reaction told a different story. I whispered to Jake, `they are actually fucking, in the water.' After about two minutes, the smaller one was AH-ing and the larger one was grunting, both loudly and in unison with each thrust."

"Jake and I were both still naked, and the scene below made me excited again, Jake too. I was taking every opportunity to look at Jakes pretty little butt and hoping to get a chance to see if he liked getting fucked. A short while later, as we watched, the bigger guy started thrusting faster, churning the water, and ended with a mighty plunge into the smaller guy leaving it there to pump his load deep inside as the ripples in the water spread outward around them. Then the smaller guy turned his upper body around and the bigger guy moved to meet his lips while his dick was still buried in the guy's ass. Eventually, turned to face each other and kissed some more before getting their clothes on to leave."

"At that point, Jake said that he had been dreaming about being fucked and wondered how it felt. So, I offered graciously to make his dream (and mine) come true. And we did, right there in our little hideaway above the swimming hole. Jake was actually a virgin, and it took me nearly a half an hour to get my dick all the way in him, working it in slowly so I wouldn't hurt him."

"After he got used to it, it was great, and he told me later that fucking hurt a lot at first, but that it started feeling good along with the pain as we kept going. We ended up with his legs on my shoulders and me jacking his dick in time to my strokes. He came and squeezed my dick so hard that I thought it might break off. But it was exciting too, and it sent me over the top. After we calmed down, we went back to the swimming hole and played around for a while before heading back."

"That evening in our tent, we sucked and fucked again quietly before going to sleep. The next day we went back to the swimming hole and after playing around for a while, we decided to try fucking in the water like the guys had done the day before. We were both worked up about trying something new and exciting like this, but we had a real difficult time getting my dick inside Jake because we had nothing that would work for lube underwater. The guys the day before must have used an oil-based lubricant. We had nothing but sunscreen, it was water-based so it didn't work."

"By the time I was all the way inside Jake, he was very sore. I was so excited and near cumming that when he asked me to stop. I just thrust into him one more time and came. I didn't thrust any more but he pulled himself off my dick. He was pissed."

"I followed him back up to where our clothes were, apologizing profusely for my selfishness, but he was not having any of it. We got dressed and started walking back. I tried apologizing to him again, but he would not even listen to me, which made me mad. The rest you know."

Then Randy asked, "How did you two meet? Tell us your story."

We told Al and Randy how we knew each other in high school and even fooled around once, but Demetri graduated, and we lost touch. We told them how Cousin Joe had kept up with both of us since high school and reintroduced us just before Christmas last year, but leaving out some of the more embarrassing details, and of course, the whole three-way debauchery in Joe's hotel room. I may eventually tell Al all of that story, but not yet.

We had been in the restaurant for more than three hours and they were gently trying to get us to leave so they could set up for the lunch crowd. We parted ways in the parking lot after inviting them to come and visit us at any time, and with hugs all around.

My Dad has retired, and I am paying him monthly for the other half of the business. And I am slowly expanding the business. Demetri is planning to open his fourth store. We are getting along very well and have just decided to have a wedding ceremony on January 1st weather permitting, and we may even make it official. Details will follow soon.

Allan, I have asked Al will be my Best Man, but I would love it if you would come up and stand with me too as my Gentleman of Honor. And if you have anyone in mind, you can bring a Plus-One. My cousin Joe will stand with Demetri as his Best Man and has taken over the role of Wedding Planner. But I think the main reason Al agreed to be my Best Man because he wanted to plan the Bachelor Party. So, like the Flintstones cartoon says, prepare to have a "gay old time."

So, that is my story up to now. Thank You for the role you played in my life and for being a friend to me when I didn't deserve it but needed it most. Let me know what you think about my story and about coming up for my wedding.

Love Always, Kevin

As originally planned, this was to be the end of Kevin's letter to Allan and the end of this Chronicle of Kevin story. But the feedback I have been getting from fans made me reconsider. So, I condensed parts 7 and 8 a bit before submission making room for the new ending. Please be patient with me as it may take a few weeks for Part 9 to go through my writing process.

Cum back for Part 9, Kevin's Wedding Party...

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And check out the other Chronicles of Kevin stories:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/porked-by-meat

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/joes-revenge-on-meat

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

------------------------------------------------------ Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 9

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