Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Jun 3, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. If you want a clearer understanding about how Kevin and Allan met and what happened between them, first read the story, Allan's New College Freedom. But I have tried to give enough basic information within the story to be read independently. Allan is mostly autobiographical, but Kevin is with this addition more than 90% fictional. I really did have a roommate in college like Kevin, especially as described in the first four parts of New College Freedom.

My stories never mention protected sex unless integral to the story. In real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

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Letter to a College Roommate (6 of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 6, the Beginning of the End of Kevin's Letter.


Thanks for going into more detail about things in your life and telling me more about Ron. What you said about making a sandwich sounds interesting, I would have loved being in the middle and I wish it could have happened.

I remember Kelly and his roommate, and I remember Gerry. But I don't remember Billy and I think I would have if I had met him.

I would enjoy hearing more about that church that ministers to gay people. We only have the traditional sort around here.

Another thing I would like to hear about is how a music lover falls in love with a Deaf man who cannot enjoy music. How did that happen and how did it work out between you?

For now, I will continue my story...

When I left off, Jane and I had filed for divorce, Al left for college, and Rob and I had called off our exclusive sexual arrangement but remained friends with far fewer benefits.

I called our relationship exclusive, but we discussed early on that if we had an opportunity for sex with someone else that we would play safe so that Rob and I did not need to. I never took advantage of any opportunity with other guys or girls, if he did, he never told me about it. But after we started playing the field (so to speak), whenever we got together, I would insist on using condoms and he offered no resistance. Things were just not the same between us after all that, and the frequency of our get-togethers fell off to nothing within a few months.

By that time, I had found a 2-bedroom apartment between my old house and work, and I continued to help Jane with maintenance on the house until I was completely moved out and the divorce was final. Being an uncontested divorce, it only took 6 months and was final right before Thanksgiving that year. Jane picked up Al at college and brought him to her parents' house in our hometown. I drove separately and stayed at my parent's farm. Al spent time with both families, and I took him back to college, and we did something similar at Christmas and afterward. And when Al stayed with me, that second bedroom was his.

Over the next three years, my sex life was a bit sparce in comparison to the previous few years. I had encounters with one woman (a one-night stand because she started talking about marriage the next morning) and with several guys, mostly other married or divorced bisexuals from work. By this time, we had formed an unofficial club of sorts at work that we called "The AC-DC Club" (electrical humor intended) made up mostly of bi/married coworkers who needed to satisfy the other side of their nature and a few single gay coworkers. We became known to each other as we hooked up or heard of others hooking up over the years. We would occasionally, about once a week, have a drink together after work and some would use that opportunity to hook up.

My taste in men had always run toward the stockier, barrel-bodied men. It was their big round butts that attracted me most, and if they were average hung or especially if they were above average, that was even better. Most of the men in our club were closer to an average build or slender because of the work we do, so only a few of them appealed to me at all. But I had become very versatile. With Rob we almost always fucked each other cumming in each other's ass, but since then, there were times when I only wanted to top and others when I only wanted to bottom. I could suck dick, but much preferred getting sucked. I only cared about what the guy's ass looked like if I wanted to fuck.

There was one skinny guy, Gary, in our club who was mostly a top and the only guy that had a bigger dick than me and Ron. It was more than an inch longer and a thicker mine, it had a big crown and a wild downward curve. I got together with him a on the rare occasions that I wanted to be fucked hard in the face-down position. When he fucked me like that my prostrate really got a workout, and the feeling stayed with me for days afterward. I loved it.

My dick was in high demand as well, being nearly as big and better looking than Gary's. But, like I said, only a few of them appealed to me. However, on occasion I just wanted a really good blowjob and would let one of the guys suck me off no matter what he looked like if I knew he was good at it.

There was another guy in our club named Roger who was stocky with a nicely big, slightly hairy bubble butt, and a total bottom size queen. He enjoyed camping and fishing, so I invited him to my lot at the lake a few times for a weekend get-a-way.

On a typical weekend, I would fuck Roger on Friday and Saturday night before going to bed, again the two mornings, both in our tent. He would also want me to fuck him Saturday afternoon in the woods and once again before leaving on Sunday. We also got together sometimes in my apartment when we couldn't get away for the weekend. But even though we were exclusive for a while, our relationship was not very intimate. While I would have liked more, it was clear that he did not, he only wanted a hung fuck-buddy.

The wildest thing Roger and I ever did was to fuck in the water while swimming on one of our weekend trips. We had not been with anyone else for several months, so we got tested and was negative, so we started saving our condoms for when we got together with other people. We tried fucking while swimming with the only lubricant that would hold up under water, Vaseline.

It was wild and different. You need to apply the Vaseline when your dick or asshole is dry, so we got out of the water, dried what we needed to, applied the lube, and found a spot where we could stand in water about chest high. I was already hard with anticipation, so I stood behind him and slowly inserted my dick into his ass. So far, so good. But as I started thrusting, I started noticing that the water offered increasing resistance the faster I tried to thrust, and surprisingly, caused each thrust to be smoother and steadier. It was exciting to both of us, and we came, me in his ass and he into the water. We added that to our routine when the weather and the water was not too cold.

The last time Roger and I went up there, I asked him to help me clear away the underbrush and clear around the corner markers because I wanted to put it on the market to sell. On the way back, Roger asked me if he offered to buy it, would I work with him on the price and terms. I said that since I would not need to pay an agent's commission, I would. And he bought the lot. It seemed only right for it to stay in the family, so to speak, since I bought it from Doug (mentioned earlier).

We never went up to the lot again after that, but we did get together on occasion in my apartment. Each time was oddly enough like a one-night stand but we both knew what the other wanted and needed. We were both occasionally hooking up with other AC-DC members from work, and even when I got with other people, women or men, it was mostly once and done. None of them seemed to me to be "marriable" or even steady friend (with benefits) material And I guess that was a good thing as my life was about to change.

Al was in his senior year at college and was making A's and only one B in almost four years, and on course to graduate next May. His mother had been dating someone and Al predicted that they would be at least engaged by the time he graduated.

Then right before Thanksgiving, Dad who was 59 had an accident on a job that left him with permanent mobility issues and the doctor said he would never heal completely. So, Dad promoted his best part-timer to full-time and hired another part-timer to take up the slack, but it wasn't enough. As soon as I got home for Christmas, he and Mom told me of his doctor's prognosis and that he was faced with the real probability of having to sell the business. "Or" Dad said, "I could do something I have been wanting to do ever since you started showing an interest in Electrical work, add to my business sign the words, `And Son'."

So, Mom and Dad offered to give me a controlling interest in the business with an option to buy the rest over time, if only I would move back home and take over, with Dad's help of course. They wanted my answer soon because business would start picking up in March, and Dad wanted me in place by then. Dad's business was good and there was room to expand. Dad had been resisting expansion because he was getting older. I knew I really should agree to this if only for Mom and Dad, but there was an opportunity here as well. I just did not like the idea of moving back to this sleepy mountain town.

I knew that my cousin Joe would be in town for Christmas with his parents, so I contacted him and suggested that we meet to catch up, and so that I could see what he thinks of my parent's proposal. Joe said he would be arriving in town alone because he was between boyfriends. He was a bigwig in the music industry in Nashville with a nice house in the Belmont-Hillsboro area with all the eye-candy and awe-struck young music students (like he had been once) that he could handle.

But nature had dealt Joe two low cards, a strong tendency toward being overweight and early-onset male pattern baldness. But because he was financially secure, he could afford expensive fixes to these problems. The end effect was that he still looked very good. But you didn't dare try to run your fingers through his hair, he was very sensitive about maintaining the illusion of youth, and he still had what I considered to be his most attractive feature, his bubble butt, with his fat dick a close second. Which I knew because we had on rare occasions continued our high school tradition of "getting together" when we were both in town for a holiday.

About an hour after I sent Joe the message, I heard back that he had just rented a car at the Louiston airport and would be here in a couple of hours. He was staying at the Mountain Grand Hotel in town and suggested I meet him there at 6pm for Dinner at the hotel restaurant. So, I responded that I will be there.

Joe was waiting for me at the entrance of the restaurant, and he gave me a nice long hug. I could have sworn that I felt his dick getting hard against me. We were seated then we gave our order and proceeded to catch up. We saw each other one or more times per year at family gatherings, but it had been a couple of years since we had time to talk, and a couple more since the last time we had the opportunity to "get together." We not only caught each other up on things that have happened in our lives the last few years but also all the lovers, fuck-buddies, and some one-night-stands we have had. He had FAR more than I did but seemed to enjoy hearing about mine. So, this was nice.

During our conversation, I brought up the offer my Dad made me and he said, "There were worse things than living in a small town. And this town is not completely devoid of attractions." Joe said and smiled as he looked beyond me at someone raising his hand to wave. I turned to look and saw Demetri (Meat) with an older couple that could have been his parents. They were leaving so they had to have been on the other end of the dining room when we came in. Meat saw me and his smile faded a bit as if surprised, but his smile did not go away. He still had his hand up, so I waved back in a friendly manner, but I did not smile. Then Meat and his parents left.

I said to Joe, "You can't be serious about HIM being one of this town's attractions!"

He said, "Why not? He is still good looking, still has a huge fucking dick, and a willing asshole that just cannot get enough dick."

I had noticed that Meat was perhaps a bit stockier with just a touch of grey at the temples, was at least 15 pounds overweight, and it looked good on him though. But I was still mad at him. "Because of what he did to me in high school."

"Kevin, you need to let that go. It was a very long time ago and I already told you what he discovered about himself since then. And I can tell you without any doubt that he is sorry for the way he treated you and regrets having hurt you."

"And how can you know all that?"

"Because he told me so, on several occasions." Joe said, "And because almost every time I come home for a visit, he comes up to my room here and begs me to fuck him silly. And every time he is not satisfied until I have cum twice and he has cum at least three times. He seems to have an endless supply of cum. I enjoy fucking him only because he enjoys it so much. But except for lately, I have had to beg him to fuck me with that monster dick of his. One time he came two times while I fucked him and then came two more times in me. Once we fell asleep with him still inside me, I have never slept so well in my life, especially because I woke to him fucking me again. Before, he had always resisted fucking me, so I asked him why he fucked me so much this time, and he said it was because, `you love it so much and I want to please you.' Really Kevin, he has come a long way."

Joe continued, "Now, if I could only put Demetri's dick (and skill at using it) on the guy I dated last week, a young and handsome music professor at Vanderbilt, great guy, but he had a tiny dick. We ended up doing oral, which he did very well."

"You should know that Demetri told me once that back when he fucked you in high school, he wishes you had pushed him down and fucked him the same way. He said he imagines that every time he remembers what happened. If you had turned the tables on Demetri, it would have been YOU teaching him how much he loves being fucked instead of me. You really should let Demetri apologize to you; you might enjoy it."

We dropped the subject of Demetri when the desserts we ordered came. As we were leaving the dining room, Joe askes me, "Would you like to `get together' up in my room for old time's sake?" I responded, "Of course, I was hoping you would suggest it."

Up in his room, we wasted no time. We both stripped quickly. I pulled down the bed covers as Joe got us drinks. I jumped on the bed as he set the drinks on the end table and joined me. We spent some time worshipping each other's body and cocks, and sucking and teasing each other up to full hard.

We had only "gotten together" a handful of times over the last 20 years, so it still tended to surprise Joe whenever I went down on him. And I surprised him even more this time when I showed him how good I had become.

We had progressed to anal foreplay, and I was getting worked up and ready to fuck Joe's still beautiful bubble butt, when there was a knock at the door. Joe got up and went to the door with his hard-on pointing the way and said loudly and liltingly, "Who is it?" -- and muffled from behind the door came, "Joe, it's me, Demetri."

I immediately started waving my hands back and forth, shaking my head and mouthing the word, "NO!" But Joe flung the door open as if he was in some Hollywood movie, saying, "Cum on in!" He might as well have added, "Da-ling!" (ala Mae West). I grabbed a pillow to cover my lower body (an instinctive reaction) and gave Joe a pissed stare. Demetri came in a few steps, then noticing me on the bed, he stared as if caught off guard by my presence. Joe closed the door and said, "Isn't this a pleasant surprise?"

Part 7, the Letter continues with Cousin Joe and the unexpected guest...

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And check out the other Chronicles of Kevin stories:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story)


Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer)


Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

------------------------------------------------------ Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 7

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