Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on May 25, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. If you want a clearer understanding about how Kevin and Allan met and what happened between them, first read the story, Allan's New College Freedom. But I have tried to give enough basic information within the story to be read independently. Allan is mostly autobiographical, but Kevin is with this addition more than 90% fictional. I really did have a roommate in college like Kevin, especially as described in the first four parts of New College Freedom.

My stories never mention protected sex unless integral to the story. In real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

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Letter to a College Roommate (4 of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 4 - The Letter Continues

It has been 9 days since I mailed my note and a return envelope to you. So, if it takes 3 days travel time each way, that means that you have had it for about 3 days. If that address really was yours and if you chose to respond, I could get it at any time now. Can you tell that I'm anxious?

For now, here is more of my story.

Rob and I continued our "fishing trips" (to his apartment) almost every other weekend, and every time I would reload and unload the same unused camping and fishing equipment from my car. So, over time, Al and his mother heard me talking about my "fishing buddy, Rob, from work" more than a few times. One Sunday, Al was home and surprisingly offered to help me unload my equipment. It had been an unusually rainy weekend and Al commented on how dry everything was, but asked no questions, so I let it go.

At the end of the school year, Jane decided to have a little backyard party for some of our neighbors and some people from her work. She said that of course I was invited, and I could invite a few people from my work as well if I wanted, and she suggested that I could invite Rob and his daughters, Joy (14) and Hope (12). So, Rob got to meet my wife and son, I had already met his daughters. At one point I noticed Al (who was 16 going on 23) talking to Joy conspiratorially, but it didn't last long, so I didn't think anything more about it.

A week later, on Sunday after another "fishing trip" with Rob, I got home, noticed Jane's car gone, and Al was in the Family room by himself, reading. I said, "Hi, Al. Is everything okay?"

He said, "Yeah, Mom said she would be back by supper time."

"Okay, I'll check in the kitchen to see if she laid anything out that I can get started for her."

Al followed me into the kitchen and just stood there. I asked, "Anything on your mind, Son?"

"Dad, did you really mean it all those times you told me that I could talk to you about anything?" "Sure, I did. What do you want to talk about?"

After a long pause, Al said, "Dad, I hope you know that it is okay with me if Rob is your Boyfriend."

I was flabbergasted by this. A million things ran through my mind and I had just got to the point where I realized that he said it was okay with him, when he added, "Both Mom and I can see how much happier you seem to be since you and Rob started your `fishing trips'."

I said, "Your mother knows too? I thought I was more discrete than that. Hoo, I need some fresh air... you did nothing wrong; I just need a little time to think... don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." I went out back and walked around the backyard a couple of time. I should have expected this and already thought through how to handle it. When I came back in, Al had gone back to his reading, so I sat down across from him.

I said, "Al, this was unexpected but I am glad it happened so we can talk about it if needed. Do you have any questions for me?"

"No, not really" he said. "Well, there is one: was I just a mistake?"

"God, NO!" I quickly responded. "Your mother and I were only 19 when you came along, but we were already talking about marriage. We loved each other passionately, so you only caused us to get married a little sooner than we would have, but you were a HAPPY Accident, certainly not a mistake! And, I will always have love in my heart for your mother, if for no other reason than she gave me the best gift in the world... You!"

I stood up because I wanted to hug him. He stood too and my 16-year-old son who was nearly as tall as me, ran into my arms. We hugged for several minutes and when we parted and sat back down, we were both wiping tears from our eyes.

After a few minutes, I asked Al if any other questions came to mind, and he responded, "You won't tell mom I cried, will you?

"Certainly, not! Because I would then have to admit that I cried too."

We both laughed at that.

Al continued, "What about you and Mom. What happened?"

"Well, I can't really speak for your Mom, so I will tell you about our lives from my perspective. I was already in love with your mother when you came along. My passion for her was growing and continued to grow after we were married, and you were born. But we married young and that caused problems for us, especially in those early years. We got past much of it by letting each other live our own lives and having things in our lives that didn't involve the other. We eventually settled into a comfortable routine but continued to grow apart bit by bit. At some point, we started to realize that the harder we tried to hold our marriage together, the less happy we were, so we stopped trying and just accepted our relationship for what it was. Things have been better between us since. We would probably both agree on this, that in our hearts, we are no longer married, and someday we may dissolve our legal marriage as well. But there is one thing that I am absolutely certain about, no matter what happens in the future, YOU will remain the most important person in each of our lives. We will always love you. Even when we are old, and even after we are dead and gone, our love for you will survive."

That brought on another round of hugging and wet eyes.

Al's next question I had been expecting, "What about you and Rob? Are you gay now?"

"The term for me is Bisexual, meaning that I can enjoy sex with either women or men. It also means that there is a possibility of love between me and someone of either sex. Although, I have not yet loved any man, at least not to the point I would want to spend the rest of my life only with him."

"You don't love Rob" Al asked?

"Not in an ultimate sense, not as much as I loved your mother when we married. Rob has been a dear companion and a real friend; we are both bisexual and understand each other because our situations are similar. My love for Rob right now is a good bit more than a best friend, but I am not sure exactly where our relationship is, nor can I predict where it will be at any point in the future. Love between adults is complex, there are many types of love and many levels of each type. Love can generally grow or wane through time or even stay about the same only changing in small ways. But change at some level seems to be a constant companion to love between adults. Someday, you will meet a girl who both excites you and makes you feel `at home' whenever you are around her, and if she feels the same, your love has a chance to last a lifetime."

Al said, "But dad, what if I never meet anyone like that and don't get married?

"While it would be nice to someday bounce grandchildren on my knee, it will not change how I feel about you.

Continuing, Al said, "But what if...?" He broke off. So, I said, "What if... what?"

Al stammered a bit, "But... but, you and mom are still married, but you are `with' Rob too. I don't understand why that is."

"Your mom and I are more like friends who live together than a married couple at this point, that is why I seek companionship elsewhere, and your mother is free to do the same if she wants. But companionship is all I want right now, and Rob feels the same way."

That seemed to satisfy Al for now. It never stops amazing me how resilient children are when they feel secure and loved.

Over the next two years things stayed pretty much the same. Al did well in high school and graduated in the top quarter of his class. He had applied to a few colleges and decided on State in the capital city. Jane and I became increasingly more like distant friends who shared a house, but we didn't fight or judge each other's behavior unless it affected our son.

Al was going away to college at the end of the summer, so Jane and I started again talking about divorce as we had agreed a few years earlier. And by the time Al left, we had already started the petitions for an amicable divorce. Having the greater income, I agreed to give up my claim on the house and the car she wanted to keep, both bought jointly, split the bank accounts and savings (except Al's college fund that we both would jointly administrate) in exchange for no alimony. Even though the divorce was amicable, it was still a stressful time for me.

At this time, Rob and I were still best friends as far as the world was concerned. In reality, we still met for a weekend together about every other weekend and got together for shorter encounters at other times. We enjoyed each other's company, and the sex was great. I had enough sex to keep me satisfied and tried hard to keep Rob satisfied as well because his sex drive was higher than mine. I guess that my own satisfaction and the stress I was under with the divorce blinded me to his growing doubts about how our relationship was moving. I think that my suggestion that when I move out of what was to become my wife's house, that I would try to get an apartment in Rob's complex is what brought everything to a head.

Rob finally told me that he did not what me to move so close to him. He wanted us to remain only Friends-with-Benefits and open our relationship because he wanted to find other sex partners of both sexes. He said he did not want to endanger our friendship or stop having sex with me, but that he wanted more variety and to pursue other relationships.

I said, "You know I am going through a rough time right now, why tell me this now?"

"I was planning to wait until after your divorce was final to say anything, but I did not want to mislead you with you planning to move so close. I thought you would want to know how I felt before you make such a decision."

I was too upset to talk any more about it and told him so. So, I gathered all my things and left. I drove up to my property where I used to take sexual friends "fishing" one of the few things I got to keep in the divorce settlement, got a motel room nearby for the rest of the weekend and took long walks in the woods and along the lake, just thinking.

Several days later, I ran into Rob in the locker room at work, pulled him aside, and told him, "I am sorry for last weekend. You were being considerate, a real friend, and I was being emotional. But I just cannot handle this right now with everything else going on, so I will not be coming over for a while, perhaps a long while."

Rob said, "I understand. When you are past this rough patch, I hope we can still be friends."

"I hope so, too." I responded.

Part 5 of Letter to a College Roommate is cumming...

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And check out the other Chronicles of Kevin stories:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/porked-by-meat

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/joes-revenge-on-meat

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

------------------------------------------------------ Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 5

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