Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on May 24, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. If you want a clearer understanding about how Kevin and Allan met and what happened between them, first read the story, Allan's New College Freedom. But I have tried to give enough basic information within the story to be read independently. Allan is mostly autobiographical, but Kevin is with this addition more than 90% fictional. I really did have a roommate in college like Kevin, especially as described in the first four parts of New College Freedom.

My stories never mention protected sex unless integral to the story. In real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

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Letter to a College Roommate (3 of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 3 - The Letter Continues

I just heard back from the service I hired to track down an address for you. They did not charge as much as I thought they might and they gave me an address in Atlanta, not in what I remembered as your hometown. But they were 95% sure this is the current address of the college roommate I had with your name. So, I will send a note with a stamped and addressed return envelope to be sure it is you, and if it is, I will send this letter to you.

For now, I will continue writing.

The relationship with my wife, Jane, had become more strained, but we seemed to get along better when I slept in the guest bedroom, so we made that a permanent move. She too, had a job and hobbies she enjoyed so that her life was becoming more independent of mine as time went on, and we both continued to care for our son the way we always had. When we were only living together as roommates and friends, things went a lot more smoothly, even Al seemed happy that we were not fighting so much. We had talked about divorce, but we agreed that we would stay together at least until Al graduated from high school, then we would reevaluate the situation.

So, of course, the sex went from seldom to none. And I just did not care if she was getting any on the side or who with. Since Doug moved away, I had asked a couple of married guys from work who seemed interested in some gay sex on the side to "go fishing" with me. The first one I asked was Eric, but he was sexually selfish, did not want to make any accommodations for me (sound like anyone you used to know?). And the second one, Walt, was a total B&D masochist, wanting me to tie him up, slap him around and rape him. I just could not handle that.

I did have a one-time, no-strings-attached encounter with a server in the bar where I sometimes stop on the way home, and with her boyfriend. I had never had a 3-way before. It was her birthday and her boyfriend, who was a bit bigger than me in every way, was willing to treat her to one of her fantasies; to be tag-team fucked by two studly men (her words, not mine). It was a lot of fun for me, but I think I shocked the boyfriend when at one point I leaned over and started sucking his dick. But she obviously enjoyed watching, in part because her boyfriend was visibly shaken by what was for him a completely new experience.

Finally, about a year after Doug moved away, I started to notice a new hire in the showers at work. He was beautiful! He was almost my height, near my age but younger, and had about 30 lbs. on me which looked fantastic on him. He reminded me of my Cousin Joe (I will tell you more about him later if I have the chance) because he too has strawberry blond hair, light red pubes, a big/thick dick, and a delicious looking bubble-butt.

I found out that his name is Rob, but for some reason I was bashful about talking to him. I kept an eye out for him in the locker room and showers, and thought I was discrete enough not to be noticed doing so. I never saw him taking a particular notice of me, but the few times our eyes met, I smiled, and he always smiled back.

I ran into Eric, the selfish coworker I had sex with once. He drew me to the side to speak with me privately and said, "Have you noticed the new guy, Rob?"

I nodded my head yes and he continued, "I had a piece of that ass."

I was surprised by his bluntness and that he would "kiss and tell" like that, but I was curious, so I let my surprise show and said, "Really? Tell me about it."

Eric told me that they both ended up in the same bar after work last Friday and got to talking.

"Rob usually goes straight home after work to be there for his two girls," Eric said, "he is divorced and has primary custody of them, but that weekend they were with their mother, so Rob had a weekend to himself. We continued talking and the booze lubricated the way so to speak. We ended up going to Rob's apartment. Rob was more than willing to be fucked so that is what we did. When Rob had a butt-load of my cum, he turned to tell me he hadn't gotten off yet and asked if he could fuck ME. But I told him `I don't do that' and got my clothes on and left."

I said, "GEES, Eric! You are a selfish SOB."

Eric shrugged and said, "I thought you would want to know" and he winked, then walked away. At least I knew that Rob was Bi and why he was not wearing a wedding ring. That next Friday, I was a bit late getting back into the office so by the time I got into the showers there were only a few stragglers finishing their showers, including Rob. But he seemed to slow down after I started washing off the day's grime, perhaps waiting for the others to finish? Well, I can dream. But when we were the only two left, he was the one that struck up a conversation.

During the rest of our shower, neither of us hid the fact that we were checking out each other. So, I suspect that Eric had said something to Rob about me too. I was happy that this introduction went so smoothly, but I made a mental note to have a "come to Jesus" talk with Eric, the blabbermouth about respecting people's privacy.

When Rob and I were both done and ready to head to our lockers, we both had to hide large, fuller-than-normal penises for a workplace shower. I asked him if he wanted to get a beer with me. He said sure but that he couldn't stay long because he has his daughters this weekend. In the short time we had together, I discovered that Eric had indeed blabbed, and the two of us gave each other a short version of our situations and ended up talking about what we like to do sexually.

Over the next week, we talked on the phone and after work several times and found we really liked each other as we learned more about each other. We both liked what we saw of each other in the shower, the fact that we are both "vanilla" and both versatile, even though I have been more of a top (Doug did not like to top at all) and he genuinely likes both top and bottom equally. The way he put it was that "all sex is fun." Also, we found out that we both are looking for a Friends-With-Benefits situation, not a lover relationship, at least not until (as Rob put it) our kids are "old enough to vote with their feed" about the situation, if they think it is necessary.

I asked Rob if he had ever been camping or fishing and he said only when he was a Boy Scout. So, I told him about the arrangement Doug and I had about "going fishing" and suggested that we could do that even on a weekend when he had the girls if a grandparent was available at least part of the weekend to watch them. He said, "That sounds good, but this first time, I would prefer to be more comfortable. The girls will be with their mother this next weekend. Come and stay with me." Grinning ear to ear, I said, "Yes! I'd love to."

I told Jane and Al that I had found a new fishing buddy and we were going that weekend. Neither reacted so I guess they did not care one way or the other. Rob asked me to arrive between 6 and 7pm and he would fix supper for both of us. I was ringing his doorbell at 6:04. The table was set, and the meal was wonderful. We took our time eating and talking, and before we knew it, it was after 10:00. I went with him to the kitchen to put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, and we went on to bed... but not to sleep.

We took our foreplay slow and easy, teaching each other little tricks we had each learned over time to please a lover. When we had both settled solidly into oral sex, Rob stopped and seeing the alarm clock, said, "Do you know it is after midnight?"

"NO!" I said, "It seems like only about a half hour since we came in here... and we haven't yet Cum in here."

We both laughed. Rob said, "Well, we are in no hurry, but let's keep going."

"You'll get no argument from me."

We continued and the passion only grew. We were in a 69 when Rob said, "I need to stop, or I will blow my wad soon."

I responded, "Then let's take a minute, but then I want you to fuck me."

Rob's face brightened and we both went to work, him straightening up the bed we made a mess of, and I went into the bathroom with my travel kit to put some Vaseline in my anus and used two fingers to loosen myself up a bit. I found that doing that helps whenever I get fucked, which isn't too often, thus the need for the help. I wiped off what had gotten on the outside with some toilet paper and went back to the bedroom smiling.

As we laid down, we embraced and kissed. Rob moved me onto my back and lifted my legs putting them on his shoulders. Then bringing my knees to my shoulders, he kissed me while rubbing his fat dick across my hole.

Damn, this is nice. I love it for the guy I am with to take control when I bottom. And I like to take control when I top. I hoped Rob will want me be in control when it is my turn on top. As an adult, Rob's dick was going to be the largest yet to fuck me.

The only bigger dick I ever took was my very first time in high school. It was that monster-dicked Senior named Demetri, Meat for short, who promised me things if I would let him, so I did, and he would not stop when the pain was unbearable or even slow down. In the end he even broke his promises.

But then there was my Cousin Joe who sucked me off many times in high school, and then near graduation started letting me fuck him. He told me that getting fucked did not need to hurt, especially if the top was gentle and went slow to start. Yes, he enjoyed being fucked just as much as sucking dick. And he never even once asked me to return the favors. Back then, I could not have done it even if he had asked.

Then there was you. You taught me that I could enjoy being fucked even if I still liked doing the fucking more. And, that it was okay to be the fucker and the fucked, or as I thought about it back then, the man and the woman. But Joe's and Rob's dicks were about the same size and shape except that Rob's crown was a bit bigger.

All these thoughts were racing through my mind as Rob prepared to start fucking me. My mind came out of this reverie just as he started pushing into me. The crown of his dick was beginning to spread my sphincters wide when there was a sudden stab of pain, and I instinctively and immediately clamped down on Rob's dick. If he had not been so excited and hard, I would have pushed his dick right back out. As it was, he stayed put and kept it in saying, "Damn! You have strong muscles down there. It is a good thing I have strong muscles too."

That made me smile and distracted me from the pain that was already subsiding. But it also made me remember a trick about pushing out while someone was pushing in so that it would not hurt so much. So as Rob started pushing in again, I started pushing out, and he slipped into me smoothly with surprisingly little pain to me. All the while, he was looking directly into my eyes so that we could see each other's reactions to the fucking.

When he was all the way in, he started slow, gentle thrusts and started kissing me again. Before I knew it, he was thrusting faster in much longer strokes, and there was almost no pain, only a growing feeling of pleasure. So, in the heat of the moment, I told Rob, "Take me, I am yours. Take me any way you want me. I only want to please you and take your full load deep inside of me."

He smiled, and smoothly pulled his dick out of me. I started to protest but then he stretched out my legs and rolled me onto my stomach, saying, "I want you like this." And he climbed on top of me to take me from behind. - Just as Demetri did. - But, because it was also just as you had taken me, I knew I was going to love it.

And I did love it. I was already past the initial pain and discomfort, I quickly got past the numbness stage and to the point when pleasure builds. His dick felt perfect inside me and with each stroke, my pleasure grew. I guess I started showing signs of being close to cumming because Rob stopped with his dick still buried deep in me and said, "Please don't cum yet."

I asked, "Why? I was getting close."

"Because after I cum in you, I want you to immediately turn the tables and fuck me just as hard as you can, for as long as you can."

"I'll try to keep from cumming, but you are doing such a great job that it will be difficult."

As Rob started stroking into me again, I thought, I am going to like fucking him right after getting fucked. I would be all worked up, but I do not know how long I can manage to hold off my cumming in him.

He was an attentive lover, showering me with kisses and occasionally reaching under me to give my hard dick a few strokes. Soon, he was cumming, giving me a powerful thrust with each volley of cum planted deep inside of me.

When I felt him go limp on my back, as he requested, I turned Rob to the side and moved forward to pull off his dick with an audible "Pop!" I turned, pushed him onto his back, and lifted his legs... only to find that there was something covering his anus. Still in his after-glow, he reached around himself and removed a rather large butt-plug. "Had it been there all evening" I thought? So, this was how he prepared himself to be fucked "as hard" as I can. Knowing that he was already well lubed and stretched, I spread my pre-cum around my crown and just plunged my big dick right in. His reaction made me immediately regret it, so I stopped.

"NO! Don't stop! I love it!" he said, so I continued brutalizing his asshole. Well, brutalizing is too strong a word, but I was not gentle either. After a few more deep and powerful strokes, I leaned over and kissed him as I continued.

I was already so excited that it wasn't long before I was pumping what seemed like gallons of my seed into him. We kissed deeply until I was spent, and I felt my dick start to withdraw from his ass. I gently pulled out of him and laid on my back beside of him. I wish I had set up a camera to record all this because it was epic.

After spending the night spooned together, we fucked each other again the next morning, the next evening, and again on Sunday morning, trying different positions and ways to please each other. After an excellent late, long, and leisurely lunch that Rob made, I had to leave and go home to put away the unused equipment from my "fishing trip."

Part 4 of Letter to a College Roommate is cumming...

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And check out the other Chronicles of Kevin stories:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/porked-by-meat

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/joes-revenge-on-meat

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 4

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