Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on May 10, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. If you want a clearer understanding about how Kevin and Allan met and what happened between them, first read the story, Allan's New College Freedom. But I have tried to give enough basic information within the story to be read independently. Allan is mostly autobiographical, but Kevin is with this addition more than 90% fictional. I really did have a roommate in college like Kevin, especially as described in the first four parts of New College Freedom.

My stories never mention protected sex unless integral to the story. In real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

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Letter to a College Roommate (2 of 9) By: AllanNKnox

(The next 12-month electrician's course was to begin in 2 weeks, so Dad asked if that is what I wanted to do. Since I enjoyed working with him that week, I said, "Yes, I'd like that.")

  • The Letter Continues -

Allan, I know that this letter is getting longer than letters usually are, but I have a lot more to tell you. And, I am enjoying putting my thoughts into words like this. Also, I think I may have found a way to get your current address, so you may get this letter someday after all.

With the money from work that week with Dad burning a hole in my pocket, I asked Jane out, the girl I dated as a Junior in high school (and once before Christmas), on a proper date. She accepted and it went well, we even spent the night together and it was even better than old times. So, we started dating again, but then I had to leave for trade school. I came home as often as I could, and she even visited me up there a few times. Every break I had from school, I came home to see her and to work with Dad, learning from him, and earning some extra money.

That next Christmas, I came home for the longest of my breaks before graduation, but Jane was not her usual carefree self. She told me that she had been feeling under the weather and went to the Doctor. That is how she found out that she was pregnant and about 3 weeks along. There was crying and comforting, but to make a long story short, since we had already talked about getting married at some point in the future, we decided to move up our plans to get married right after I graduate in about 5 weeks.

I graduated on the last Friday in January, fourth in my class which meant that at the banquet that evening, I was awarded one of 5 coveted Apprenticeships at a large electrical contractor in Louiston that was set to begin in 2 weeks. That was perfect. Jane and I got married the next day and honeymooned at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Seven months later I was doing well in my apprenticeship, we settled into a roomy 2-bedroom apartment. Our marriage was not easy, but we were generally happy. And then, our son was born... 9 pounds and 6 ounces of pure joy... that is, until we got him home and discovered that babies do not sleep through the night.

Jane and I had discussed names for our new addition. She wanted to name him after one of her grandfathers, Rourke, an old Irish name her family gave to at least one baby boy in each generation. I objected, saying that people would not want to call him that and he might even be bullied in school, but she insisted. So, I suggested picking a second name that was more common, but not as common as Bob or Sam. She liked the idea, so I suggested, Allan, telling her that was the name of my roommate in college and that I liked the name. So that was it. You have a namesake. And we ended up calling him "Al" as a shortened version of Allan.

After my 4-year apprenticeship, I went to work for the same company, and Jane and I bought a house in the suburbs. We didn't have any more kids because Jane developed a condition that made it very unlikely for her to get pregnant. But Al was perfect. Very luckily, I think, as Al grew, he was the spitting image of me from the neck down but from the neck up he looked a lot like Jane's handsome and auburn-haired younger brother. That combination was unbeatable, and he got a lot of attention. Fast-forward about 9 years when Al started his teens, when the light of my life and joy of my heart, my son, suddenly started into a rebellious teenage brat stage.

Jane and I were not getting along very well, and we rarely had sex anymore. It seemed that she was almost never up for it when I was, and vice-versa. And when that trouble first began, I developed a wandering eye, not for other women, because in my mind that would be cheating, but for guys.

My company hired a lot of electricians and we started and ended each day (except when we had to travel for a job) at home base where there was a large locker room to store our uniforms and tools. And they also provided a well-equipped workout room and showers that were stocked with different soaps and plenty of towels because electrical work can be dirty. From my earliest days there, I got into the habit of showering off the grime of the day before heading home and would occasionally work out before my shower if it had been a light day.

After several years of working there, I had met all the men who worked there but didn't socialize with them outside of work. And, I had seen most of them in the showers naked at one time or another. Most of them didn't interest me because I found that I was attracted most to men around my age or younger and most of them were far older than me. Oddly enough, I also didn't like it if they were too slender, the ones I found most attractive were guys who were a several pounds overweight or stocky with some extra pounds. I was still slender but started developing a bit of a gut. It didn't hang over or anything like that, but did "pooch out" a bit.

One day after my shift, I was showering as usual and noticed that a guy named Doug, a smaller guy a few years younger than me was stealing glimpses at me. Unknown to him at the time I had been watching him as well. I noticed first his belly that stuck out in a smooth arc from his pubic hair to his lower ribcage. It was almost like a beer-belly but somehow much sexier, and he had a nicely shaped bubble-butt, in my opinion, that is a near-perfect shape for a Bottom. He looked to weigh in at about 165, a bit stocky, and since he only came up to my chin, I guessed his height at about 5'9". I also noticed a wedding ring on his left ring finger. But, so what, I have one on mine too.

Being very horny from what I was not getting at home, I had trouble keeping my dick from standing at full attention, especially after noticing him noticing me. I set out to see if making friends with him (and perhaps friends-with-benefits) might be possible. So, since no one else was around at the moment, I defied the unspoken rule against talking in the showers while naked and struck up a simple conversation with him. We talked briefly about the work and the weather, and he seemed to welcome the conversation. After that, our lockers being on opposite ends of the room, I hurried to get dressed and waited at the exit for Doug. I asked if he was up for a beer at a neighborhood bar that I knew a few miles in the direction of where I lived. He said that it was not out of his way, so he said yes.

To make a long story short, we found that we both had a lot more in common than just being electricians: we both grew up on a farm, we both had children, we both were in rocky marriages, and we both had been trying to suppress an interest in sex with men. So, we discussed it and came up with a way to discretely explore our mutual "interests" together... a weekend fishing and camping trip on a lot near a lake outside of town that he owned.

We went on a "fishing trip" an average of once per month and had a great time "exploring" together... and fishing too. When we were planning our third "fishing trip," Jane insisted that I take Al along. She and Doug's wife, Ann had been talking and decided that taking Al (13) and Doug's son Jake (12) with us for a "father and son" outing was just what both boys needed. Doug and I loved our kids and were happy to do things with them whenever possible, but this was our time together and our wives had just ruined it for this month.

We always fished in a lake that was walking distance from the land Doug owned where we camped. Doug planned to eventually build a vacation cabin on it. It was early June and school had just let out for the summer. As usual, Doug and I headed home after work on Friday to collect our things, and this time the boys as well, and headed out. On the way there, Al and Jake hit it off well even though Al was quite a bit taller and a year older than Jake. We had two tents, one for each father and son, but when we got there, the boys asked if they could bunk together in one of the tents, so we agreed. We were happy about this development as it gave us more opportunity to play with each other if we were quiet about it.

Usually, we would stop and eat supper on the way, as we did this time too. And after arrival, we would set up the campsite, start a fire and then retire to the tent to fuck like rabbits. Doug was nearly a total bottom enjoying nothing more than to suck me or get fucked by my dick. But he enjoyed any attention I gave his dick like bringing him off while I fucked him or even sucking him off, and he said I was getting good at it. Yes, I was getting over my previous hang-ups, we even kissed... a lot as it turned out!

Doug was a firecracker. He would often cum during our foreplay while I was sucking him, but he would rarely let me cum until after I was inside his pretty round ass. And once in, that is where he wanted me to stay, even after I came, even if I came more than once and got really soft inside him, and he somehow had the ability to clamp down to hold me inside him. Often, we would wake up in the middle of the night still joined and fuck one more time before having to un-couple to go pee. On Saturday mornings we would sleep until we woke naturally, sometimes I would find that Doug took my morning wood and slipped it again into his ass before I woke. But we would always fuck or suck each other off one more time before getting up and going fishing.

Neither of us really liked fishing that much but we had grown up doing it with our fathers, so we still enjoyed it on some level. What neither of us liked about fishing was cleaning and fileting our catch, so we often took pictures of us with our larger catches (for bragging purposes and proof to our wives), and then removed the hooks and let them go.

This fishing trip was going to be different than usual. When we finally got the boys into their tent to sleep, it was well after dark and we could hear them talking and laughing for a good while afterward. Doug and I had been cuddling and being very quiet with our foreplay, but we dare not fuck because Doug could be quite loud when excited, and nothing excited him more than my dick rubbing across his prostate. After the boys had been quiet for a good while, we brought each other off orally and went to sleep.

We woke up the next morning at daybreak, got breakfast ready then called the boys to get up. We ate and went fishing and had fun, but after the first couple of hours, the boys were bored and want to go exploring. So, we stopped early, went back to the campsite, and had lunch. We gave the boys canteens and snacks and told them to be back by 5:30 or we would eat without them and they could go hungry. They left to explore and after a short while we used the free time to have a fuck in the tent.

Our sons returned just as we got supper ready all excited about what they had seen and done. They had even gone skinny dipping in a secluded cove they found. Now, I have seen my son naked a few times over the last few years and I can tell you, he shows all the signs of being as big or bigger than me, and like me a "show-er" not a "grow-er." I had to wonder what affect that had on Jake. They asked if they could skip fishing in the morning to explore some more, so we said okay.

That night, they went to their tent without us telling them to and not long after that were quiet. We supposed that they must be tuckered out from the day's activity. Our night was about the same as the night before. We woke up the next morning, made breakfast and woke the boys. Afterward, they were off again to explore. We went fishing but they were not biting so we found a secluded spot in the forest and had a slow fuck until we both came twice. We returned to the campsite and started breaking camp.

Presently the boys returned but this time they were sullen and acted like they were angry with each other. We asked them together and separately what was wrong, but neither of them would say a word about it. And they were quiet all the way back home.

Our two families were friendly after that, but Al and Jake never had anything to do with each other after that fateful fishing trip. Our wives tried again to arrange another father-son weekend right before school started back, but both boys flatly refused. Doug and I continued our "fishing trips" whenever weather would allow.

I told Doug about what happened to me in high school and what you and I did together, and I asked him if he would consider fucking me one time when we went "fishing"? He said that he preferred Catching rather than Pitching, but that he would try it if that is what I wanted. And we did try it the next time we went fishing. His dick is nearly 7" long and on the slender side, and it felt good in me. But Doug was not really into it like you were and so he wasn't good at it. I never asked him for it again, and I think he was relieved.

We had grown quite close, and it was great having this mutually satisfying and almost loving relationship with each other. But always, our first commitment was to our families and we both were okay with that. And less than two years after we started "fishing" together, Doug told me that his in-laws were starting to need constant care. And that Ann, being an only child and born late in life to her parents, wanted to move back to their hometown to care for them, especially since a good plumber can always find work anywhere, they go. We were both sad about it, but we both understood that family comes first.

We tried to compensate by going fishing more often between then and the end of the school year when they planned to move. Afterward, we tried to keep in touch, but we were just too far apart to get together. Doug made a good offer for me to buy his property where we camped all those times, so the last time I saw him was when he came down to sign the property over to me. He didn't need to come and do that in person, but it gave us a final time together in his motel room, and that was it. We ended up sadly wishing each other all the best and good luck in finding a new "fishing buddy."

Part 3 of Letter to a College Roommate is cumming...

--------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy this, Donate to Nifty, and check out the other Chronicles of Kevin stories:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/porked-by-meat

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/joes-revenge-on-meat

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 3

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