Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Oct 20, 2021


This is the last addition to the chronicles of Kevin within the established timeline. See the end of this Part for links to the earlier stories.

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Letter to a College Roommate (9B of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 9B, Is There Such a Thing as Happily Ever After?

Inside Joe's huge Master Suite, we started stripping him and taking turns kissing him. When we had him stark naked, Kevin told him to put on some soft music and sit up against the headboard of his King-Sized bed. As he did so, his dick was already almost at full mast with anticipation of what we might be doing.

The three of us started a slow strip tease, but not too slow. As we did, I was impressed by how beautiful Joe's dick was and overwhelmed by the total package that was Joe. And when Demetri's dick was fully revealed, I marveled at how truly huge it was. Of course, Kevin's dick was still perfect and appeared to be a bit bigger than when we were 18. We disrobed about an arm's length from each other across the foot of the large bed, and Joe's head kept going back and forth between us as he took us in. But his eyes seemed to rest longer on me than the other two, well, at least I hoped he liked what he saw.

Kevin who was standing in the middle said, "Demetri and I wanted to thank you properly for all you have done for us. And as a special treat, we asked Allan to join us. Between the three of us, I figure that we can keep you in Joe sandwiches for quite a while. So, are you ready?" Joe nodded gleefully and we all pounced on the bed around Joe to begin ravishing him.

In time, we had kissed, licked, or sucked every square inch of Joe and had a taste of each other's dicks as well. I had fun trying to swallow Demetri's donkey dick but never could do it. I think they all thought watching me try was amusing. Tasting Kevin's dick again was another of those Deja-vu moments.

But Joe's dick was a novel kind of special treat for me, I had never sucked a dick quite like his. It was a good 8 inches long, almost straight, an even circumference up the shaft, had a crown beautifully larger than the shaft, was smooth with no apparent veins showing, and was quite thick. But that was deceptive in that it was very spongy to the touch with a hard core.

Judging mostly from the porn I have seen over the years, spongy dicks like Joe's are particular to larger dicks and rare even then. We've all seen porn in which the star's dick seems not to be hard enough for fucking, yet it goes in easily. The old classic gay porn star, Scott O'hara had a similar dick that appeared to compress at the point where it goes in a guy's ass and decompresses as it is withdrawn from the bottom's apparently tight hole. This is exactly what I saw as Joe inserted his dick into Demetri, who (on queue) insisted on being the bottom slice of bread in our first Joe sandwich.

It was overwhelmingly sexy to watch so my dick was as hard as it has ever been before, and Demetri seemed to be really enjoying Joe's dick. Kevin, who had been eating out Joe's ass while Joe fucked Demetri, turned to me, and said, "Joe is ready for you to fuck him?" I was really enjoying the show these three beautiful men was giving and would be content to just watch. Then Joe turned to look at me and said, "Yes, Allan, please fuck me. I want you to be first."

No one in their right mind could possibly turn down that beautiful man, so I eagerly agreed. Demetri had laid down on his stomach and Joe had mounted him lying face-down on top of him. I lubed my dick and straddled the pair marveling at the sight before me. Joe stopped his thrusting to let me enter him even though Demetri was bucking his ass into Joe's crotch underneath to keep the sensations going. I lowered myself toward Joe's ass while pointing my dick at his hole. I started entering him and easily got in as far as my crown passing his sphincters and Joe reached around, grabbed my hip, and pulled me the rest of the way into him.

Joe let out a huge sigh which surprised me and encouraged Demetri who bucked his hips even more than before. I started thrusting and every time I hit bottom, Joe sighed again. Demetri was pushing his hips back at the same time I was thrusting into Joe. Joe was going crazy with pleasure.

Kevin sat at Demetri's head offering his dick to his lover. And because he was so engaged with that, Joe started thrusting, so I stopped. When Joe would pull nearly out of Demetri, he would be pressing his butt back into me, so I gave a short thrust forward when Joe stopped his hips backward thrust, which caused him to sigh even louder.

Being spit-roasted like that caused Demetri to cum on the sheets below him. My meeting Joe's back thrusts into my groin and Demetri's contracting ass drove Joe over the top, creaming in Demetri's ass. I was close, so as Joe's contractions continued, I gave two or three long thrusts more and emptied my load in Joe. I felt like collapsing on Joes back but knew that Demetri could not take both of us on him, so I lowered myself like I was going to put my weight on Joe's back, but I reached down to Demetri and guided us all into being on our sides while Joe and I kept our dicks buried. I loved being in Joe like this, and knew from experience that keeping my dick buried in the ass I just fucked has the effect of keeping me hard and ready for another round after a short rest.

A few minutes later, Kevin said, "Hey guys, everyone has cum except me." Joe having recovered, said, "You have to let Allan fuck you. He hit my prostate just right, repeatedly until it drove me crazy and couldn't hold back my cum any longer. It was the best fuck I've had in a LONG time. And the Maker knows that I have been fucked by some of the best."

Kevin asked, "Allan, are you up for it, can you fuck me for old time's sake?"

"Do you want me to fuck you with your legs up, like I did back then?" I said.

"That is exactly what I had in mind." Said Kevin.

Joe chimed in sounding like a southern Preacher, "Yes, Kevin. Raise those legs to Jesus!... but I get dibs on sucking your dick and swallowing your load."

So, Kevin laid down in the middle of the bed and raised his legs giving me full access to his back door. I worked some lube into his hole and knowing that he had not been fucked yet, I lubed up my dick again and got ready for a slow entry. But I had forgotten that he had been taking a large porn-star-sized dick at least occasionally for over a year. And as I started to push in slowly, Kevin said, "go ahead and push it on in, Allan, I can take it." So, I did and he didn't even flinch but looked like he was in heaven when I got it all the way in, like Joe did.

With each thrust into Kevin, he grunted or Ah-ed in pleasure. And each time it was right before I bottomed out inside him. Joe was already gobbling down his big dick and seemed to be enjoying it.

Kevin looked up at Demetri (who's erection never went down), and said, "Honey, why don't you lift up Joe's hips and fuck him doggie-style?" Demetri eagerly said, "Sure Thing," because he knew Joe would love it. Joe took Demetri with practiced ease as Kevin reached over and milked Joe's ample cock. Joe was soon going wild from all the attention and so was Kevin who looked as if he would bust his load into Joe's mouth any second. Just then it was Demetri that said, "I'm cumming."

Kevin was not far behind; since I was not very close to cumming yet (my second cum usually takes a long time to build up), I kept thrusting through Kevin's cum and just held it in him after his anus stopped contracting. Joe came up from Kevin's dick licking a drop of cum from his lips and then smiled ear to ear as Demetri started pulling his long dick from Joe's ass.

Kevin asked, "Allan, have you cum yet."

"No." I answered.

"Then don't, not yet." Then to Demetri, "You simply MUST get fucked by Allan's Magic Dick"

Demetri needed no further encouragement, he simply got in between Joe and Kevin, laid on his back and raised his legs high, holding them there, ready to be entered. When I pulled out of Kevin, I was still hard and scooted over and knowing that Demetri had easily taken Joe's fat cock, I knew he could easily take my average sized dick. So, without any additional lube, I quickly slid my dick in Demetri to the hilt. His eyes got bigger, he moaned, and his half-hard erection came immediately to full attention. The two grooms started kissing as I started thrusting with Demetri groaning at the bottom of every inward thrust.

I was simply amazed at all three of these beautiful, large-dicked men finding such pleasure being fucked by my average dick. I almost could not believe it was true, could they be faking it? It did not seem possible, but if they were it could only be because they love me and want to give that as a gift to me. If not, then I know why Ron initially chose me over all the bigger dicked men he had known.

I had fucked a few "big-dicked bottoms" before, but Demetri's was the largest by far, and playing with it while continuing to fuck him was really getting my motor racing. As I started building toward a fantastic climax, suddenly, Demetri cried out in pleasure as he started cumming. Joe dived into catch as much of the fresh cum as he could gushing out of the extra-large spout I was holding. Demetri's contractions sent me over the top and I slammed into him hard with each of my contractions.

Presently, Demetri said, "WOW! That was great! Before tonight, if someone had said that an average dick could make me feel that good, I wouldn't have believed them. And I only half believed Kevin when he said so. But Allan, you really know how to fuck!"

We all fell into a satisfied heap on the bed and just laid there cuddling each other for a while.

Joe interrupted the afterglow, "It is getting late, and you grooms need your beauty sleep before your big day. But Allan, will you stay with me in my bed tonight?"

In my head I heard the 70s Patty Labelle song, "Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"

I looked right at Joe and gave him a big smile, saying, "I'd love that!" Joe got up and started herding the grooms toward the door grabbing their clothes on the way throwing them into their arms as he pushed them out of the door still naked. But they did not seem put off by it, in fact they both sported big smiles as if it made them happy that Joe and I were connecting, or at least hooking up.

When alone, we went into his huge and luxurious bathroom and cleaned up before turning in. We kissed and made out until we were both hard and sucked each other again as foreplay.

Joe said to me, "I want you to fuck me and give me your load again. I want to see how long I can hold off cumming with your magic dick exciting my prostate. How would you like to start this?"

I responded, "Let's start with you on your back, legs up. That way I can play with your gorgeous dick and watch your beautiful face." He smiled and we moved into position.

I was so excited that much of the rest is a blur to me, but I can recall when Joe came great gobs of cum all over his chest and stomach. When he was done, I was still thrusting because I was close, and Joe started rubbing his cum into the skin of his stomach and chest, a habit he probably picked up from his cousin. Joe then, in a gymnastic feat worthy of the Olympics, maneuvered us onto our sides, my front to his back with my dick in his ass as the pivot point, and then rolled us with me on top of him face down.

It seems that Kevin had remembered what I told him all those years ago, that I prefer to cum fucking like that, and told Joe about it. And it was still my favorite way to cum while fucking. So, I started long-dicking him, pulling my dick out to where it was outside his sphincters and plunging smoothly all the way in while pushing hard at the bottom of the stroke to get in in as far as possible. It felt wonderful to me and had Joe moaning so loudly that the grooms probably heard him down at the other end of the hall.

I came! I came hard. It felt as if every contraction shot stars into existence across the galaxy and Joe was its bright center.

It overwhelmed me so much I must have passed out, because when I was again aware of my surroundings, Joe was face to face with me, kissing me, stroking my hair, and quietly repeating my name. He was concerned, but I assured him I was okay.

We shifted positions and I fell peacefully asleep with Joe holding me protectively.

The next thing I knew was Joe's alarm going off. I was spooning Joe's back with my morning wood against his bubble butt. He turned and we kissed not caring or even noticing each other's morning breath. Joe said, "Good Morning, Sunshine. As much as I would love to have another love-making session with you right now, we just don't have the time. Can I have a "rain check" for this evening?" "Sure. Gladly!" I responded eagerly as I had hoped for another night with him.

Kevin and Demetri's wedding day had finally arrived. The day was a flurry of activity, but I will try to hit the highlights.

It started with a "walk of shame," again wearing my evening clothes back to my bedroom off the kitchen to shower and get ready for the wedding. And as luck would have it, Kevin and Demetri were already there making coffee and looking for something to eat. They teased me good-naturedly, but I rushed on. When I came back out a while later, Joe looked like he had already showered and was in a robe, cooking something for our breakfast, and it was ready.

"Damn, he is fast" I thought. I was in only sweatpants and a t-shirt. I went up behind Joe and cuddled him from behind, putting my arms around his middle. He melted into my embrace and turned his head slightly so I could see him smile, just like Ron and I used to do when he was alive. And Joe and I stayed like that for a few sweet moments.

I noticed Demetri nudge Kevin and tilt his head in our direction. They both looked and smiled.

Joe said, "Okay everyone, dig in and eat hardy because there may not be time for much of a lunch." He washed up the last pan as we served ourselves, and then made a plate for himself. After a few bites, he asked me if I minded sticking with him most of the time before the wedding to help him, and I eagerly responded with, "Yes, I would love to." His instructions to the grooms were mostly when to be ready, where to be and why.

The rest of the morning was busy. I mainly played the role of assistant to Joe, fetching carrying and holding things he might need.

When all the preliminary planning was done and we were alone and eating a snack, Joe explained some things that he thought might interest me. He said, "The grooms' families were not invited to the wedding except for Kevin's 24-year-old son, Allan; I suspect he named him after you."

I interjected, "Kevin told me he did. It will be good to meet my namesake." Joe continued, "Okay, so, I let Allan know that if he wanted to tell his mother and step-dad about it, they are welcome to come as well. Kevin told his parents about the relationship, and they didn't take it too well, so he just avoided them as much as possible the last few months and did not invite them. But what I want to tell you is that I have been talking with his parents and I found out that they just needed time to process it. So, I convinced them to alter their vacation plans and stop over here for the wedding, they only have a 5-hour layover, but it fits with the time for the wedding and reception with enough time to get them back to the airport. And something else, my parents have been planning this vacation with Kevin's parents for quite a while, so they will be here as well."

"So, you are out to your parents?" I asked.

"Yes, I came out to them while I was still in college. But they were not surprised by the news. I have a good relationship with my parents, but they keep bugging me to settle down with some nice man and adopt some grandchildren for them. How is your relationship with your parents?"

"My mom seemed to have no problem accepting that I am gay, but dad was another story. He is a Deacon and still has some trouble reconciling what he has been taught about the Bible, and his love for me. But I actually have a better relationship with him than before he knew."

"That's great. Now, I must warn you, if my parents see us together, they will probably assume we are an item because I like you and have never been able to hide such things from them. I think you will like my parents." Joe said.

"Then I probably will. But you said you like me?" Joe nodded. "Good. Because I like you too." And we sat there looking at each other with what Kevin and Demetri might have called goofy smiles on our faces.

Eventually, I continued with another question, "I know that Demetri rarely sees his daughters, but what about his parents?"

"Demetri parents were in their fourties when they had him and are in their 80s now, and not in good health. He never told them about his affection for both women and men, and certainly not about his relationship with Kevin. But, Demetri thinks his father suspects, but has never mentioned it, and especially now that they are both in assisted living. So that is why they will not be here."

Joe got up to put away what we didn't eat and said, "It is time, we need to leave for the church in a few minutes." So, we grabbed our Tuxes and anything else we needed, and Joe drove us. He had ordered a Limo to bring Kevin and Demetri to the church in time for the wedding at 1:00.

As we approached the church, the sign out front said, "The Centurion Worship Center." So I asked Joe, "Did they tell you what their name means?"

He said, "No, but it IS a gay congregation, perhaps it is just a sexy, uniform thing?"

"Or, it could be a reference to the Centurion that asked Jesus to heal his beloved slave boy who was sick."

"Well, I guess that makes more sense. I never learned much about the Bible. How do you know so much?"

"Hey, Deacon's kid here, remember?" I said.

"Yeah, I do." Joe said as we got out and started walking into the church. Joe made one trip through the sanctuary and fellowship hall checking everything and making sure everything would be ready for the wedding at the proper time. And then, we got dressed, checked everything again, ushered the grooms into the dressing rooms when they arrived, and then we stood in the vestibule to greet guests. I knew no one, but Joe introduced me to people he knew. Kevin's son, Allan, arrived with his latest boyfriend and then I got to meet Joe's and Kevin's parents. I overheard Joe's mother say to him in a hushed tone, "he is nice (referring to me), is he single?" Joe answered, "Mother!"

The wedding went off without a hitch, except for one; the grooms got "hitched" to each other.

Kevin did not notice his parents being there until he and Demetri was walking down the aisle at the end. They stopped and everyone hugged. The ceremony was over at that point as everyone got up and congratulated the couple. Joe grabbed me by the hand, and we joined in. Presently, Joe stood on a pew and announced that the reception will commence shortly in the fellowship hall, and everyone started making their way.

The reception went the usual way. There was a cake cutting and the obligatory feeding it to each other, a toast to the happy couple, the opening of presents (mine was a coffee-table book of photographs of "men in love" dating back to the earliest days of photography), and then the send-off as the couple got into the limo for the short ride to the Hotel. Joe and I were the last to hug them, Joe slipped the room key to them and told them that they have the room for the next three nights, and to order room service whenever they want, it is all taken care of.

Joe's parents, aunt and uncle was waiting to say goodbye as their Lyft car was waiting to take them back to the airport. As they turned to leave, Joe's mom got in one more parting hint, she said, "Don't the two of you make a handsome couple?" Joe was planning to take Allan and his new friend out to dinner, but they said that they were wanting to drive on to Gatlinburg tonight, they had ski passes for tomorrow. I was disappointed because I was looking forward to getting to know my namesake better. After seeing that everything was cleaned up, still in our tuxes, we freshened up before leaving the church and Joe treated me to the dinner that was originally planned for four.

Joe and I spent the night in the luxurious master suite of his home. We made love and fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning after a quick trip to the bathroom, we jumped back in bed and made love again. I didn't know what Joe thought but for me, each time we made love my feelings for him deepened. We seemed to be developing a deeper connection that made the physical sex better as well. I could now no longer deny that I was developing feelings for Joe. And it was happening exactly as I did all those years ago when I started falling in love with Ron, and that lasted until death parted us.

We were lying in bed luxuriating in our afterglow when I looked into Joe's eyes and saw tears there. Placing my hand beside of his face and brushing the hair out of his face with my fingers, I asked, "What's wrong, Joe?"

After a long pause, he said, "I've never been in love before. I've been in love with the idea of being in love for as long as I can remember, but I have never actually been in love... until now."

I could not believe what I was hearing, it was the perfect response to my heart's deepest longing. And it filled an empty place in my heart that had not felt whole since Ron's death.

Partly as a defense mechanism, I turned to humor, and said, "Dammit! You've gone and ruined it." Joe looked shocked, but I continued without a pause, "I wanted to be the first one to say, `I love you.'"

Joe asked, "You love me?"

"I know this is real, because it is exactly how I felt at the beginning with Ron, and that ended only because he died. But it has been only three days since we met."

Joe said, "You love me." It was more of a statement this time.

"I don't know how we can possibly handle living so far apart or what the future might hold."

"But you love me?" Joe said.

"I know that this is fast, but YES! I already love you. I think I started liking you when Kevin told me about this wildly successful, crazy, and outrageously handsome cousin that he was close with and been sharing sex with since they were sophomores in high school. The same cousin that maneuvered Kevin into forgiving the foolish and stupid, older horse-hung teenage boy who raped him right before he graduated. The cousin that had discovered the good man the horse-hung teenager had become, all of which led to the two of them having a shot at a `happily for ever after'. The cousin that I started falling in love with the moment we met just three days ago."

It all gushed out, all at once. But I had the overwhelming need to say it all, and now I was scared that it was too much. But Joe's reaction said all I needed. He started crying and smiling at the same time and we embraced into a passionate kiss that lasted forever in a moment of time.

Another parallel between Ron and Joe was that no matter how tired I was or how many times I had cum, Ron could always get me hard one more time. And even though we had both cum twice in the last 12 hours, we both got hard again and without planning or any preparation, we had slipped into joining out bodies once again. This time after cumming we fell asleep embracing and still joined.

During the next two days, if we were not sleeping, eating, or making passionate love, we were talking as if trying to catch each other up on our entire lives so far. This morning ended our last night together for this trip. Kevin and Demetri would be arriving back to the house for at least one more night with Joe, and I would be heading back to Atlanta and my work. The next few months would undoubtedly be difficult, but I had every expectation and confidence that everything would work itself out.

Kevin and Demetri arrived at 11 am sharp and Joe had asked June to fix us a nice luncheon, then had given her the rest of the day off, so that we could talk and act freely. Joe and I greeted them with prolonged hugs and kisses, and over lunch we caught each other up on what had happened since the wedding.

Kevin and Demetri were not surprised by our news, in fact they had been hoping that it would happen. As I was getting ready to leave, I pulled Joe aside and told him, "now that they are married, they may not want to have sex with other people right away, but if those two beautiful men invite you to their bed, please accept the invitation, but if you do I will want you to call me the next day with a thrust by thrust account of what happened." Joe said, "I will, gladly."

As I was leaving, Kevin said, "It makes us very happy to see the two of you so happy. Perhaps very soon, we will all be back here celebrating YOUR wedding?"

The End!

If you enjoyed this ending to The Chronicles of Kevin, Donate to Nifty, http://donate.nifty.org/

And check out the other stories that are part of the saga:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story)


Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer)


Allan's New College Roommate (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

------------------------------------------------------ Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ------------------------------------------------------

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