Let the Sun Fall Down

By moc.loa@oeLetiLetiW

Published on Feb 19, 2001


*Hey everyone. Here's part six. Hope you enjoy. Also, if you want, feel free to e- mail me and tell me what you think and all. And as for the disclaimer stuff. that still works here.

Let The Sun Fall Part 6: Epilogue

JC stared out the window of his 7th floor room. The sun was just now peeking over the hills and coming across the tops of the small buildings that clogged the ground. It had been a week since he got back, and thankfully, not too much had changed. They had some meetings to go to today, nothing to stressful and he was thankful. He sighed, as he turned backed to his bags. He really needed to get ready. In half an hour one of the guys would be at his door, making sure he was OK, and ready to go, and that he didn't need anything, and. OK, maybe some things had changed. He was certainly treated a lot differently. And there was always Justin. Justin did what JC expected, shied away and didn't bother JC too much. He would give JC these 'I'm sorry' looks, but he never got around to saying the words, or anything really. After the hug at the airport, it was just awkward. But JC tried to not let it get to him. That was a lot harder than he pretended though.

"Since things have died down a little, we were going over some publicity things and we got a couple of charity events we want you guys to look over, see if there is anything you want to get into." Johnny passed out the folders he held as the group sat around the table. "You can all look at those now, but Steve is coming to talk with you in about a hour so you should really stay here. They have some food in the cafeteria and all, so help yourselves." Johnny headed out with his staff and left the guys alone at the table.

"So, are we eating first, or looking through these papers?" Chris asked ready to jump up. He made a clear vote for lunch.

"I love how he asks us like he have a choice." Lance said, standing up, and therefore, signaling Chris to go and run towards the food. Lance and the others laughed and followed him.

"So, which looks good to you?" Justin set his tray down next to JC. JC had sat at a different table from the rest of the guys, and since Justin felt like it was because of him, he was the one to go over to him. Justin could tell by JC's face he was surprised to say the least that Justin was next to him.

"Justin, what are you doing here? I mean," Justin nodded his head.

"I know, I know you thought I was avoiding you, and I was, but. listen, I have to talk to you. It's really important. I want things to be like they were, and for that to happen, we both have to talk about some things." JC nodded; taken back that Justin was being so straightforward about things now, after ignoring him for the week. "Good, you agree." Justin smiled. "Meet me in my room when we get back to the hotel." Justin flashed one more smile before walking out of the cafeteria.

JC paced outside Justin's door, debating if he wanted to hear what Justin had to say. He wanted them to be friends again, but he thought it was a lot harder than Justin was making it seem. They couldn't just talk about it and it be ok, could they? Somehow, through his thoughts, he managed to lightly knock on the door.

"Good, you're here, finally!" Justin joked as he opened the door.

"Yeah, well, sorry, but honestly I was debating if I should even come." He was cut off by Justin's mouth on his. Justin was kissing him, nothing big and passionate, just enough to capture his lips closed and take his breath away from fear and desire. When Justin pulled back, JC couldn't help but looked confused and even intimidated.

"Justin, what, why, when. I mean." That was all JC could get out as Justin stepped back slightly.

"I'm sorry, about before, when you ran away." Justin started talking like nothing had just happened. "I didn't know how you felt, I swear. Everyone knew but me. And I know that's my fault, I was too caught up in everything, and I was even caught up in wanting you, so much that I didn't see you. I didn't see what you wanted." JC stood there stunned. "When I found out why you left, I thought I was going to shoot myself for being so stupid." Justin finally stepped back to stand in front of JC, as if he were to kiss him one more time, but sound came from his voice, and he seemed content to finish his speech. "JC, I love you, I know this is stupid for me to come out and say it, but I can't think of another way to do it, and believe me, I've tried all kinds of ways in my head. I don't want you to run again, and I don't want to end up like you and running. Not when you feel the way you do, and I feel the way I do, about you." Justin brought his hand to JC's, and he squeezed it lightly. "What do you say?" JC stood there, and before he knew what he was doing, before he could process if he was dreaming or if this was in fact real, he leaned in to kiss Justin.

"What did I tell you about me leaving again?" JC asked as he leaned in. Justin looked at him blankly, confused. JC smiled before cluing him in. "I said. never." And then JC leaned in to kiss Justin, not for the last time.


*Alright, sorry this took so long to get out, and its short, and hell, that it's the end, but I never did get a lot of feedback on this story, and the only reason I wrote this part was because it needed an ending since I didn't have the energy to write it anymore. I didn't care too much for it myself. Well, anyhow, thanx to the people who did like it and the even fewer people who wrote me to tell me they liked it. :) I appreciate it, and those of you who liked my writing, look around and I'm sure you'll find more of it. Right now, I'm leaving the realm of boy band slash and stepping into Roswell Slash. It's been interesting, and hopefully some of you will come over to it. :) lol C-ya laters!

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