Let the Sun Fall Down

By moc.loa@oeLetiLetiW

Published on Nov 9, 2000


*Hey guys, I'm back. Hopefully some of you remember me. I know it has been awhile, and if you are waiting for my old stories to continue... (my REALLY old stories) i'm sorry but I have started anew with my life and that means anew with my writing. My writing especially. But do not worry, b/c I already have a whole bunch of this tsory written so I'll give you something new. :) Anyway enough of that.

** This people are not mine... (I have my own people thank you! lol) I do not know if any of them are gay, and if I did... I wouldn't be writing about it, i'd be living it. So, hopefully you are reading this for pleasure or whatever cause it ain't real. Now, on with the story.

** One more thing, this is sorta pre-slash and it will be for juts alittle bit. I am one of those writers who has to have a story line, and no... this story will not be all about sex. sorry but it's now my style. Ok, now really, on with the story. :)

Let The Sun Fall Down By: CJ

Close the door and leave the world behind you...

There was a definite plus to leaving the world behind. Sometimes you have to... more often than not you need to. He understood that. The ceiling was dark, no contrast to the rest of the room. He didn't mind though. It was what he wanted. Well, what he had left to do anyway.

Open the window and listen to the breeze blow through the pines...

The breeze had been there all night, ever consistent, urging him to wrap up, pull something around him to give him comfort but he refused. He was stubborn and was not in the mood for comfort. There was nothing in that house, no one in that house that had any comfort left. At least not for him.

Take a deep breath, what more can you do.

Nothing. If there was something left he didn't know. He didn't want to know anymore. It hurt too much to go on, it hurt to much to try, so he would just be. No feelings or thoughts or inspirations of his own, those had been striped away sometime ago. When he gave up hope. What more could he do?

Let the sun fall down all around you

Yeah. That was gonna help.

"Josh! He's a little kid. We were going to have fun, but we can't with a little kid! He is going to ruin everything." Tony was not mad so much as disappointed. Josh, Keri, and Tony had decided to go and hang out at the little ice cream place close to the Mickey Mouse Club set. It wasn't much but they had just turned 16 and they didn't know any better. But now... JC had gone and invited the new kid. The new kid was intruding on their time.

"Tony, that's the point. He is just a kid. I feel bad for him. He was talking to me during the audition and he doesn't know anyone here. He's left his school and his friends and now he is one of us. You did the same for me." JC smiled knowing that would get his friend. Tony nodded and smiled too.

"All right. I guess he can come. Like I could ever say no to you anyway J." Tony said smiling. JC returned the smile before turning back to the stage.

"Thanks. I'll go get him and we'll meet you up there." Tony nodded as JC ran the other way. He was glad Tony wasn't mad. He didn't expect him to be honestly, but the three had talked about going out just the three of them and JC had brought a fourth. Oh well, it was cool. He saw his new friend sitting in a chair off to the side in the dark, by himself. He had his little hand propping his head full of curly hair up and he looked bored, and tired, and lonely. How could JC leave him there? Truth was, he couldn't.

"Hey man!" JC said softly taking a place on the floor next to the kid. The young man's face lit up with recognition from the day before. `He's talking to me again. Good He's the only person who seems to wanna.' The boy though as he turned his chair to face JC.

"Hey! I didn't know you were here today... I mean I hadn't seen you. What are you doing JC." The way JC's name came out at the end, it sounded if the boy was trying to show he remembered the name and was proud of that fact.

"I'm doing good," JC couldn't resist. "Justin." He added just because the other did. They both smiled before Justin turned his head back to the stage. "So, what are you doing?" JC asked standing up.

"Waiting for my mom. We got done early and she won't be here for another hour and a half." Justin said sighing. JC laughed, it was cute to see the kid sigh. He was only twelve! You'd think they had nothing to sigh about.

"Well, me and two of my other friends... we are going to the ice cream shop right next to the lot." JC informed Justin, then waited for him to answer. "Oh." Justin didn't quite get the invitation. `Just rub it in that you have friends and I'm here alone, waiting for my m...' His thoughts were interrupted by JC's voice once again. "No," JC said laughing.

"I meant, me and two of my other friends are going to get ice cream... would you like to come?" JC smiled as the boy's face in front of him lit up once again.

"Really!" Justin asked standing too. JC laughed once again, he couldn't seem to be amused by Justin and how excited he had become.

"Yes, really. I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't mean it. Justin nodded quickly, got his stuff and soon he and JC were on their way to meet up with the rest of the people.

Justin didn't have any problems with friends after that. Keri and Tony had laughed along with JC every time Justin did something like... like he was twelve. It seemed so far ago for the older three it was nice to see what they were like. Justin didn't mind, he had figured out they were laughing at him, but it wasn't in any bad way. He knew right from the start JC was a person who would never laugh at him to hurt him. He just knew. And the other two, if they were JC's friends, they had to be somewhat like him. So it was cool. And since the three liked Justin so much, they introduced him to everyone, showed him the ropes, and even invited him places that no of the other little kids were allowed to be part of. And Justin knew it was all because of JC.

`I wish things were like that again. It was so much simpler, so much easier to handle things. Now, it just seems wrong. Everything is out of place and everything is anything but "n sync."' His thoughts were interrupted by that one menacing doubt that always showed up. Sometimes, when no one else could hear his words or his thoughts, and when he could go back and regret saying it... he wished that the call was never made. His life would have definitely not turned out like this.

"Very funny Greg. You wish you could play ball like me... you wish that you could take me down... but let's face, you're a girl.!" JC laughed at his joking and after a second so did Greg.

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with being a girl!" All the guys laughed at Stephanie's mock protest as they sat around the drive way. They had all took a break from studying and decided to play some basketball.

"On that note, I'm going to get something to drink. Does anyone want anything?" JC asked, but as soon as someone opened their mouth he headed inside. "Guess not" He laughed.

"He's such a butt!" Rachel laughed as she stood up and started dribbling the ball with Greg and Stephanie.

"What do I want, what do I want?" JC stood in front of his refrigerator. Truth was, he was cooling down more than looking for a drink. H e dreaded going back out there. He was tired! RING RING `Oh, saved by the bell.' JC said to himself as he walked over to his phone.

"Yo, this is JC, how can I help you?" JC said quickly into the phone. It was his new way to answer. The line was quiet for about five more seconds before JC spoke again. "Hello?" JC said a little louder. "Alright then, I guess you don't have anything to say..."

"Josh?" The voice that interrupted was low and JC couldn't believe he heard it over his own rambling.

"Yes, who's this?"

"Oh, um, it's me, Justin." Finally the voice was loud enough for JC to hear, like he could ever forget that voice! It had been awhile since they talked. MMC was over, Justin went back to school, as did JC. They had talked one or two times since the end but not really. JC was busy and Justin was busy and... for some reason for the two friends, it just didn't happen. But Justin had called.

"Oh my gosh! Hey! I cant believe you called me. That's.. great! Hey!" JC hoped Justin could tell the smile he had across his face. Justin was the one who always gave it to him. JC heard Justin giggle.

"Hey to you too. It has been awhile, I know. What are you up to?" Justin asked politely.

"Not much, school and hanging out. How about you? Anything new and exciting?" JC smiled at Justin though he were there.

"Actually, that's what I was calling you about. I um, got asked for something recently." Justin said to JC almost nervously.

"Really, what, you know I want details." JC waited patiently and that was when his invitation came. Just like he had gave Justin a chance so long ago to eat ice cream, Justin had a chance for JC... well really a chance, a plane ticket, and a place to stay as long as he needed it while he tried out with Justin. They were going to try to become members of a band.

*** TBC So...? :)

Next: Chapter 2

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