Let It Loose

By Coistrel Wolf

Published on Jan 18, 1999


Let It Loose, Part 1

By Coistrel

Daniel woke up slowly, consciousness coming reluctantly, his surroundings refusing at first to sharpen into focus. His first sensation was soreness in his arms and legs. He felt himself lying on a hard surface, on his stomach, hands together above him and one knee bent. The realization that his wrists and ankles were enclosed in leather restraints and secured to the polished wooden surface with short lengths of heavy chain caused a panic response in his chest. His heart began to race; his breathing became erratic. He took in the rest of the scene with darting eyes as his mind struggled to comprehend. He was naked, chained to a large wooden platform about six feet square and 12 inches high. The chains attached to the leather restraints were locked into four steel-ringed bolts drilled into the corners of the platform, which was squarely in the middle of a large musty room that had the look of a cellar. Indeed there were a couple of small windows high up on one of the bare walls. The moonlight that came through them was the room's only illumination. There was an open door against one wall that revealed a dark ascending staircase. Other than that, nothing much to see. Shaking off the residual dizziness, he found the chains gave just enough slack to allow him to rise to his hands and knees. He struggled onto all fours and tried to remember.

Slowly his mind recovered the series of events that led to his imprisonment. He remembered the stranger, the mysterious but compelling man he had met outside the bar he had gotten into the habit of dropping into after work. The man had asked him for a light, and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

"I've seen you in there a few times. What's the appeal, if I may ask?" He exhaled smoke away from Daniel's face.

"I don't know that there is one. It's nearby, convenient. I really only stop in for a drink. What about you?" Daniel tried to be cagey, but wasn't very good at it.

He looked at Daniel a moment before responding. "Sometimes I meet people I'm attracted to. You, for instance."

Daniel studied his face. His directness and the way he almost leered at Daniel got his freak radar going, but something about him was mesmerizing. He found himself relaxing in spite of his normal cautiousness. "Well thanks. What about me in particular attracts you?" That wasn't what he'd been planning on saying at all. Why did he?

"You're young, like me. What are you, 23 or 24? You're cleancut, nice build. You look like someone who'd enjoy what I have to offer."

"Which is what, exactly?" Daniel thought: oh great, a hustler.

"The opportunity to express your true nature, to let the animal in you come out to play. I have a good instinct for that. I've been watching you. You're inhibited, shy. But there's wildness in you. You know it's there. I can help you release it."

"My animal nature. What animal would that be?" Daniel attempted a smirk, but something about this man was causing him to lose control of the situation.

"I don't know exactly yet, but possibly wolf, like me."

Daniel studied the man for signs of craziness. He seemed pretty normal outwardly. Early twenties, about 5'9", lean, maybe 150 pounds. Dressed casually, like everyone else going to the movies or shopping in the neighborhood. Black jeans, white t-shirt. Nicely muscled torso, a light dusting of brown hair on his thick forearms. Big hands. A natural eroticism permeated him; he seemed real. No jacket on this cool autumn evening. Except for the directly intimate way he was speaking, nothing about him seemed immediately threatening.

"You're sizing me up. You can't decide whether I'm a maniac or not, right? You're attracted to me, what I'm saying resonates, but you're hesitant because this town is full of lunatics and you don't want to end up on the news as a missing person." He smiled engagingly. "My name is Brian." Daniel was hooked. Game over.

They walked together to Brian's car. As they drove Daniel beat back second thoughts. Brian had him pegged, certainly. He had always been too inhibited. Growing up, he had been ashamed of his sexuality, and on top of that he had been a real late bloomer physically. Only in his late teens did he realize that the little runt of his pubescent years, while not getting very big, had nevertheless filled out nicely. 5'6", 130 pounds, a smooth, athletic body made hard and supple with several years of gymnastics training. His father had encouraged him to get into gymnastics when he complained that he would always be too small for the sports he really liked. "Nothing takes the combination of strength and sheer guts that gymnastics requires. I was a small kid, too, and gymnastics really did wonders for my self-esteem." He was right about the effect it would have, but it took Daniel longer to get over the physical shyness that being small (and secretly gay) had instilled in him. Now, at 23, he was trying to come out of his shell. He had had a few sexual experiences, and it was true that the men he'd made out with seemed pleasantly surprised by the studliness of his small frame (always somewhat hidden by bulky clothes), but he still couldn't help feeling inadequate. Inadequate and somehow held back, unable to fully express the raw sexual heat he sometimes felt inside. It looked so easy in pornos, and in the jackoff stories he read. But still to this day he wasn't even comfortable in a locker room, much less the more completely vulnerable setting of being naked in bed with a stranger.

Brian pulled into the driveway of a small house. The driveway circled back behind the house, which was situated on a small hill. They parked and got out. "Welcome to the sanctum sanctorum", Brian intoned in mock ominousness. He put his arm around Daniel's shoulder and led him inside. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Uh, sure." Daniel glanced about the small living room. Bookcases, stereo, TV. Normal stuff. He was still on edge about Brian. He walked up to a framed photo on the wall. Brian came up behind him and handed him a glass.

"Vodka and tonics. That's an arctic gray wolf. I bought the print from a wildlife photographer a couple of years ago. Stunning animal." He put his hand on Daniel's lower back. Daniel resisted his natural urge to flinch.

"You seem to have a thing about wolves." Brian watched Daniel take a sip from his glass.

"Like I said, I think an important part of self-awareness is getting in touch, really intimately in touch, with our animal natures." He took a big gulp from his drink, and gestured at Daniel's glass. Daniel took another sip.

The cocktail was already going to Daniel's head. He'd never been a drinker. Brian's grinning face commanded his attention. He admired his easy sexuality, the comfortable way Brian inhabited his own skin. He glanced down at Brian's crotch and saw that his cock was definitely stirring. Brian noticed him staring and took Daniel's free hand, moving it to rest on the growing bulge. "You want this."

"I--I, uh, I think I have to go." Daniel's old fears all returned in a shameful rush. Panic overcame him at the thought of getting intimate with this guy so soon after meeting him. His own exposed lust, and the way Brian acknowledged it, made all the old emotional baggage come back. "Thanks for the drink. Maybe I'll see you around." He started for the door.

"Daniel!" The abruptness of Brian's voice startled him. He froze instinctively. "Don't go. You know you want to do this. I think you need it." Brian looked at him calmly, and continued in a more patient tone. "Look, why don't you just finish your drink? I can drive you back downtown after that, ok? It's no big deal."

Daniel accepted this, and he relaxed a bit as Brian handed him his glass.

Brian raised his own glass toward him. "Here's to taking it slow!" He smiled warmly, and they both drained their glasses. Daniel immediately sensed something was wrong. His vision became blurry, he didn't think he could stand. He remembered seeing Brian moving toward him, easing him down onto the sofa before he passed out.

Now here he was. Naked, on all fours, chained like an animal, still in a druggy stupor due to the narcotic Brian had obviously slipped into his drink. He looked around the room again, searching for any hint of a way to escape. The chains clanked when he tried to look over his shoulder at the wall behind him. Blank. In front of him, next to the doorway, a large mirror showed him what he looked like in his bondage. The mirror was attached to the wall about a foot off the ground; it was obviously put there for the sole purpose of showing him to himself. What he saw was a young man whose densely muscled arms and shoulders were held in coiled tension above manacled wrists, strong thighs upon which a light coating of blonde hair glinted in the moonlight. Visible between his legs, a six-inch circumcised cock hung in front of a perfectly symmetrical pair of hairless, low-hanging balls. Daniel's cock stirred as he considered this image of himself. His nipples hardened as a gentle breeze wafted in from the small basement window. Before realizing what he was doing, Daniel shifted position in his chains as much as possible, to get a different angle view of himself in the mirror. He managed a kind of three-quarter view, and his cock came further to life as he saw the way his rib and back muscles bunched in response to the pull of the chains. His muscular ass was visible in profile, and looked smooth and globelike in the diffuse light of the moon.

Wait! What was he doing? Here he was trapped by an obvious maniac, possibly moments from being raped or worse, and he suddenly found himself admiring his own physique! Had there been something else in that drink besides something to make him black out? His confusion was interrupted by the sound of someone opening a door and quietly descending the stairs toward him.

Brian appeared in the doorway. He was naked. His spectacular body took Daniel's breath away. Even in all his years in locker rooms, he had never seen anyone so confidently sexual. Brian smiled as Daniel stared in open lust at his perfectly shaped 8-inch cock and powerful legs, the clean lines and angles of his torso, the classically proportioned arms and shoulders. He stood in front of Daniel without a hint of self-consciousness. "I'm sorry, Daniel. This was the only way. I wasn't lying when I said I could help you. But the truth, as I'm sure you've surmised, is that my motives are a little more selfish than that." He smiled down at Daniel with slightly amused pity.

"What will you do to me?" Daniel trembled. He couldn't take his eyes off Brian's body. He was frightened, but his erection grew. In spite of his fear? Or because of it? He realized then that whatever was about to happen, he could not think of himself honestly as a victim or unwilling participant. Something in him wanted it.

"Just what I told you I would do. I will show you the animal within me, and hopefully reveal the one inside you." Brian reached for his own cock and began stroking it. "You have a beautiful body, Daniel. I'm sure you noticed that in this mirror. Look at yourself. You're an animal, a wolf just like me. Don't resist me and I'll make you see. You seem very natural there on all fours. Your body lacks for nothing. It is strong, lithe, powerful. It seeks its pleasure. Right now, for instance, it seeks this." His cock was growing in his hand. A look of feral desire was coming over his face. He didn't seem as much in control as he had been earlier. As he worked his beautiful cock up to full erection, his eyes glazed over. He let his head droop back, the muscles in his neck popping into relief. He took his hands off his dick, which remained rockhard, and began stroking his chest and abdomen obscenely. His mouth hung open in lewd pleasure as he began to let low growling noises escape his diaphragm. He looked down at Daniel and spoke in a suddenly lower, gravelly voice. "This is what you do to me, Daniel. You are so beautiful, you make me want you so much, that you turn me into ... this."

Daniel was hypnotized. His own penis was fully engorged; he was in danger of exploding even though he was unable to touch himself. He remained transfixed as Brian became more and more heatedly worked up. Then he saw it. Some part of him knew it was coming to this. Brian's open mouth revealed bared teeth as he grimaced in an uncontrollable erotic frenzy. His canine teeth were ... lengthening into fangs. Looking down, Daniel saw small black hairs sprouting rapidly in shifting patterns across Brian's heaving chest and stomach. His already well-defined torso and arms were becoming more sharply etched as his muscles grew denser and threatened to pop out of his skin. The hands, which roamed lewdly around his upper body, grew sharp black claws. He buckled but somehow remained upright as his now-clawed feet lengthened and narrowed, and his calves shortened, black fur covering his legs as they assumed their new configuration. Daniel then looked up to see Brian's shuddering face push out violently into a dog-like muzzle and his ears move up his head and become longer and pointed. The look in Brian's eyes was now no longer fully human. His growls became lustful snarls as the transformation continued. His cock became longer and thicker, brutish veins running its now monstrous length. A fur-covered tail became visible, swinging between Brian's legs. He was obviously in agonizing pain, but just as obviously it was bringing him indescribable sensual pleasure.

The change was complete. Standing before the chained boy was a panting, growling, digitigrade werewolf, staring at him with canine lust through piercing yellow eyes. His torso, arms, and genitals were still fundamentally human, although striking black and gray fur covered his entire body. He hissed at Daniel's cowering but obviously aroused form, saliva dripping from his glinting fangs. He moved toward the bound captive until his erect cock was inches from Daniel's face. He grabbed both sides of Daniel's head and shoved the bound man's mouth onto the monster phallus. Daniel, still in shock over what he'd just witnessed, struggled to take it all in. He slurped hungrily at the immense object, covering it with spit and opening his mouth as wide as he could to allow it full entry. The wolf pushed it greedily down his throat, eliciting Daniel's gag reflex but not allowing him even a moment to recover. Soon the entire slab of meat was sliding in and out of the boy's throat, cutting off the airflow with every brutal push. Daniel's own cock was painfully erect, he wanted nothing more than to be able to touch it. After several minutes of face-fucking, the wolf moved away from Daniel and stood there panting. Daniel caught his breath, and shook his head to discharge some of the sweat that had collected on his face and in his short blonde hair. Seeing this instinctive dog-like move caused the wolf's eyes to widen. He moved slowly behind the restrained victim, his claws clicking on the stone floor, and pulled Daniel's body roughly backward when he got into position behind him. Daniel remembered the mirror, and the picture revealed when he looked into it almost sent him over the edge. The huge powerful animal was positioned behind his ass, growling rhythmically as he looked down at the muscular naked form in his grasp. The contrast between Brian's dark fur and Daniel's smooth, fair skin was striking. His claws gripped Daniel's hips painfully, threatening to draw blood. The beast's tail swung behind him. Daniel strained against the chains that bound him. He was about to be taken: penetrated and used by what can only be described as a sexual demon, pure lust personified. The association of the wolf with extreme sexual desire had always been a metaphor. Now it was real. The wolf's cock stroked along his virgin ass crack tantalizingly as Daniel rocked back and forth in anticipation.

Without warning, the cock plunged into him brutally. Daniel screamed as Brian filled him to the hilt, the furry balls slapping rudely against his smooth ass. The pain was exquisite, so intimately entwined with the pleasure he felt that the two sensations could not be thought about separately. The relentless fucking, the almost unbearably intense feeling of that enormous dick hitting his prostate with every stroke, the sound of Brian's obscene growling filling his ears. It was all becoming too much. Brian leaned forward, maintaining the rhythm, and explored Daniel's left ear with his long tongue. He moved down his back, leaving a trail of saliva as he licked, then moved back to his right ear, snarling lustfully as Daniel moved his head back and forth, unwilling to let the furry snout lose contact with his flesh. The eroticism of the coarse fur moving against his back, the hard muscles beneath. Daniel's mouth was open and his eyes were closed. He was lost in sensation. His body had taken over, and seemed to move and react completely on its own.

When Brian suddenly stopped licking his ear and moved back to an upright position, Daniel opened his eyes and looked in the mirror. The naked figure he saw, sweat pouring off him, lost in the throes of erotic bliss in the merciless embrace of an enormous wolf, was a revelation to him. All the years of denying himself, of feeling ashamed of his yearnings, unable to express his needs to another, were now distant memories. He was free, and had no fear.

Brian paused momentarily, his canine head thrown back, his tongue hanging out one side of his muzzle, his long ears flattened against his head. Time seemed to stand still. Then suddenly a great howl escaped from him as great pulses of wolfcum rocketed up his cock and into Daniel's waiting ass. Brian's claws dug into his sides, and then his head plunged forward with shocking quickness, his bared fangs finding Daniel's neck and biting him before he could react. This sent Daniel over the top, and his swollen cock finally burst forth with six tremendous volleys of cum, covering the polished wood below him. The howl resounded in his ears as he lost consciousness.

Next: Chapter 2

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