Lessons in Humility Series

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 26, 2015



this is a work of fiction about m/m sex and humiliation. if you are underage or it is illegal for you to read such stories in your region, leave now. stay safe.

last time our newly whored out slut Jake learned about the pleasure of serving an alpha male. now that he is almost home it's time to wrap up the night. surely nothing more could go wrong. or could it? find out in:


the gate opened on it's own.

someone was leaving the estate on a bike. and he was looking right at me as I stood naked in the light of a street lamp.

all I had on my were Simon's sneakers on my feet and the key in my hand. oh, and the numerous new piercings all over, glistening in the spotlight.

the figure on the bike must have already seen me, so I simply waited right where I was. after all, it could really only be my brother looking for me.

I wondered how Craig would react when he saw me like this. I hoped the cumstains and bruises would go unnoticed, but that was unlikely.

eventually the biker moved into the light. he stopped in front of me with an expression of shock, turning into amusement.

it wasn't Craig.

in all my life I could now have imagined feeling as much shame as I felt in that very moment.

for as long as I can remember I had a crush on my brother's best friend Lex. his tall, lean muscular build, his effortlessly beautiful boyish face, his rough, forceful voice.

the voice that was now yelling at me.

"holy shit! what the fuck happened to you. little Jakey got all punk and shit? going for a naked jog in the middle of the fucking night?"

my dick started to harden as he stepped off the bike and closed the distance between us.

how could I explain this? Lex had been less cruel to me than most of Craig's friends. I didn't want to turn him against me. and most importantly, I was utterly in innocent teenaged love with him.

year and years I had dreamed of the moment I'd get some time alone with him, but this was far from what I had imagined.

I had no idea what to say. I tried to be as nonchalant as possible.

"um, yeah. I thought that...that's the punk thing to do, you know?"

even as I said it, I realized how lame that excuse was. nervously, I brushed a pink streak of hair from my eyes, hoping he would not ask anymore questions.

Lex looked me up and down. I felt uglier than ever before. he stepped even closer. I could smell the weed and beer on him.

illuminated by the streetlight and the moon, he was simply stunning. one head taller than me, in perfectly athletic shape and with a menacing glare in his eyes.

rarely did I get the chance to look at him, without having to feign disinterest to lead Craig astray. the stunning sight made me want to die.

Lex grinned with one corner of his mouth and spat on the ground in a fashion so cool and bro-ish that only guys like him could pull of. I could feel a drop of precum running down my shaft, begging the powers that be, that Lex wouldn't notice.

"you know, little Jakey, I never thought I'd say that, but you have fucking guts. that's not a look many guys try to pull off and shit. you're a lot hotter than before, bro."

I dropped my keys. never in my life had a boy called my hot. and it was Lex, the love of my young life no less. I could have cried with joy. my knees were about to give in.

but instead, my dick rose up all the way. I could have covered it, but surely he had seen it by now.

Lex looked right at my crotch with amusement all over his expression.

"looks like tiny Jakey thinks I'm hot too, huh? always knew you were a fag. tell you what, babyfag: my girlfriend broke up with me a week ago."

usually I would have been overjoyed at those news alone, but in this current situation this information was all the more meaningful. was this taking the turn I had dreamed off every night for years and years, ever since I first saw Lex?

I barely dared to breath.

"what do you think, babyfag? it'll only cost you a hundred bucks to get your lips on that juicy meatsicle."

he gestured to his crotch with a lewd wink, that made my heart skip a beat.

not what I had imagined. but this was too good a chance to walk away from. though it would be hard to get one hundred dollars. I got no pocket money and I wasn't getting paid for housework.

I'd have to find a way somehow.

"um, okay sure...Sir. I'll have it in school tomorrow."

"good fagbitch. on your knees."

"yes Sir."

I dropped onto the hard concrete. Lex took off his spotty tanktop and pulled down his basketball shorts. he was going commando.

the love of my life stepped out of his shorts and rubbed his semi-hardon.

I opened my mouth eagerly. Lex grabbed a handful of my pink hair and rubbed his hardening dick over my face. the scratching of his coarse pubes and the hot pulsating flesh were heaven. it got even better as the smell set in.

he growled from above like the voice of an angle.

"haven't washed my dick since the bitch broke up with me. hope you like it, little punk faglett."

"Sir, I love it, Sir. thank you so much."

it all came together. the motorbike gang had taught me the manners, coach Long had taught me to take a dick no matter the pain, Simon the dealer had thought me that humiliation was a game to win, Red and Blue had taught me that changing to please a man was a good idea and the police officer had taught me to appreciate real men's superiority.

this was my place - my destiny.

as soon as Lex was fully erect I produced as much spit as I could and, with my mouth thoroughly wet, I swallowed his thick 8 inches whole.

his rock hard abs were right in front of me. I had dreamed about them many times. his meaty thighs were just below my face. I had dreamed about them even more often.

the jock gasped in surprise as my nose met his trimmed pubes for the first time. I bounced back and forth. remembering that my hands were not tied this time I held onto his hips and stroked his balls, shaft and taint as my tongue used every trick I had learned.

Lex' grip in my hair grew tighter. he started to push my head onto his beautiful dick in his own rhythm. then faster. and faster still.

I was getting dizzy again, but this time I wasn't crying. my eyes didn't water. I was right where I belonged. and I knew it.

making Lex happy was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me and certainly the greatest thing that would ever happen to me as well.

part of me whished that he would fuck my ass, too. but I knew that it was not my place to make requests from a superior, straight, muscular alpha male.

if this was how he wanted to use my body, then it was what I wanted, too. and I hoped that my muffled moans showed him that.

I tried everything I could think off to find out what pleased my beautiful Sir the most. I took his dick fully down my throat, licking his balls, through my own gaging. I slobbered my swelling lips all over his shaft, rubbing my face on his pubes. I used my hands to work his dick and balls and only used my mouth to put extra attention to his dick head. and much more that I improvised on the spot.

I had found my calling and I was going to make it good.

his breathing grew loud and deep, interrupted by pressed squeals. he was already close. it had barely been a minute. I was that good.

he froze. my tongue was just in the right position to rub his dickhead with my tongue piercing.

the lean, buff jock let out his held breath with a short scream, shaking as if about to collapse.

every drop - or rather every shot- was eagerly swallowed down. I couldn't get enough of his slimy jizz. it was gross and bitter, but it was Lex' jizz and therefore I would have licked it off the ground if I had to.

my own dick was encrusted with dry precum. I had started to sweat despite the chilly air around us, making me shiver now that it was over.

Lex pulled his wet, softening dick out of my face. slowly, with a heart melting sigh.

"good one babyfag. damn, what the suck. didn't expect that. should have looked for a fag sooner."

he patted my head as a stray drop of his cum ran from my lip down my chin and fell onto my chest.

"see you tomorrow. don't forget the money."

"th-thank you Sir."

"let's do this again. saturday? but you'll have to keep paying."

"Sir, that would be an honor, Sir."

he laughed, slapped my cheek playfully and gave me a view of his amazingly sculpted back and butt as he turned around.

Lex pulled his shorts back up, grabbed the shirt of the asphalt and threw it at me.

"don't catch a cold, faglet."

I picked the shirt up as if my life depended on it.

"Sir, thank you so much, Sir."

he mounted his bike and rode past me without looking back.

slowly, sensually putting the shirt over my torso, I kept kneeling on the ground, but felt like I was flying.

there was this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. stronger than anything I had imagined it would be. I wanted to shout my love for Lex out into the night.

the tank top was way to big for me. the stringers hung past my nipples, but the shirt covered my crotch. my erection tented the fabric and created a wet spot of precum.

my grin grew so wide it hurt the edges of my lips. the shirt smelled like him. Lex' aroma was one of manly sweat, weed, beer and jizz. I breathed into the cloth.

there was only one thing for me to do. go home.

I picked up the key and saw that the portal to the gated part of the town was still open. I entered the main street, surrounded by dark houses. the door to my freedom was only a minute away. the day had finally come to an end. and what a beautiful one.

surely I would look back on this night with great joy. the adventure had ended on a high note.

...the silhouette of a burly man stepped in my path.

"well well, what do we have here? you have no idea how much you'll regret coming here, punk."

the man had to be in his forties. gray hair, huge body, angry glare. he wore a vest from the neighborhood watch.

"s-sir, I live here. I-"

"sure, you do, punk. were you trying to rob a house or do you just like streaking? you're a piece of filth. get out before I-"

he took a step closer, starring my in the face - at my lips specifically. I could smell vodka.

"the fuck? is that cum on your lip? you jerked off here? you are a disgusting pervert, punk. that's it, you need to learn your place."

the giant grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and twisted my arms behind my back, forcing me to walk bent over.

the hot pain shooting through my shoulder was bad enough to make my eyes water and my dick soft.

"please Sir, I live here. I can show you. I have the keys in my ha-"

with a grunt the man tightened his grip and shook my arm to make me drop the keys. they landed somewhere in the grass in front of a house.

he shoved me inside and closed the door behind me.

"now punk boy, you think you're a really tough guy for breaking into the community and sneaking around. doing pervert stuff and stealing. let's see how tough you really are."

"no Sir, I swear, I-"

the man slapped me across the face several times until I saw stars.

my dick was rapidly hardening at the humiliation just as my cheeks were lighting up bright red. it seemed one night had been enough to condition me to find certain pain sexual.

or perhaps this had always been a part of me and I had just needed a lesson.

that gave me an idea. maybe I could get out of this mess the same way as all the other messes. obviously.

still dizzy, I fell to my knees as soon as the man stopped hitting me.

"Sir, may I please suck your dick?"

I looked a him expectantly. I was confident that I could get him off in minutes. I'd be on my way in no time.

but his face grew angry - even angrier than before.

"you fucking perverted faggot! is this what you're here for? to find a fellow pervert like you? well, you will be disappointed. there are only upstanding, exemplary man in this community. the mayor lives just a street away. and the chief of police. and that kid, Craig Gallagher, down the block. amazing guy. he'd beat the shit out of scum like you. if only there were more guys like him and less punks like you."

he took a huge step closer and grabbed a string of my shirt - Lex's shirt - in each hand.

with a deafening ripping sound, he tore the fabric of my dreamboy's present to shreds.

I was frozen in place as he tied two cloths from the shirt around my face - one as a blindfold, one as a gag.

he then tied my wrists together behind my neck.

the rest of the shirt served as a rope to bind the wrist-ties to something on the ceiling. I had to stand on the very tips of my toes to keep my shoulders from twisting.

for a moment there was no other sound then the man's rustling.

blinding pain shot into my leg. at first I thought he had stabbed me, but it seemed to be a tazer. my leg spasmed and gave out under me. it was hard to stay upright, despite already hanging from the ceiling.

he tazed my multiple times, until my whole lower body was a mass of trembling, spasming shivers.

just when I thought it was over and he might let me go, a knee hit my balls.

I was too shocked to scream but I whimpered louder and louder as the hot pain crawled up my stomach. I hopped around on my toes to get out of the way, but his knee found my balls again. and again.

my tears made the blindfold wet. it became difficult to stand. my body was aching to bend into a more protective stance. with every hit in my crotch my hard dick slapped against my flat belly.

in between sobbing, I breathed in short, deep bursts.

as my entire torso was burning with flaming torture, I felt I was about to vomit.

the man stopped.

I had a moment to catch my breath.

"p-please Sir, I swear, I'll be good. just let me g-"

my back was hit by a thin cane. I yelled out and bent forward in a futile attempt to get away from the next hit.

"no, Sir, please. I'll do anything. I'll-"

five hits in rapid succession on my lower back. then three on my shoulders, then seven on my ass and legs.

the man spoke from behind me, without stopping the incoming strokes.

"shut up punk ass perv. I'm trying to teach you a lesson."

a lesson. I was learning another lesson. I had learned so much about pain tonight, maybe I could treat this as the ultimate test.

it worked. taking the strokes was much easier if I imagined that I learned from it - learned how to please Lex. or the police officer alpha male. or even Simon, who would undoubtedly do something like this when I saw him again.

I was cut loose at my wrists without warning. I dropped to the floor hard, hitting my knees and barely catching myself before face planting.

the man proceeded to kick my with his boots. first in the sides then the stomach, then - as I rolled myself up into a ball - my ass.

finally he grabbed my neck and dragged my outside. he pulled the blindfold and gag off me.

"on your knees, perv."

I went down as he unzipped his pants. so I would be sucking dick after all. had I done that well?

he pissed on me.

my face, specifically.

instinctively I opened wide.

he aimed the stream in my mouth, letting me taste the bitter, acidic piss.

"damn, you're really perverted, punk. let me never see you here again."

I spoke as the last few drops hit me. "but Sir, I really do live here. I-"

he spat on me. "shut up. no one wants to hear your lies. no go away. the door's still open. if I ever see you here again, I won't be so gentle."

he stepped back inside and closed the door.

now all I had of Lex's shirt were two wet strips of fabric. no use picking them up. all I wore were Simon's sneakers, I was sweaty, tear trails had long dried under my eyes and I had bright red stripes and spots all over, from where I had been hit and beaten.

this would not be easy to explain. never mind the piercings and haircut. well, I could always say those were something I had chosen. it wasn't as if I could disappoint my stepdad any more than I already did.

I stood up on very shaky legs, looking for where I had dropped the key. after a minute of looking around I found it.

but in the meanwhile I has begun absentmindedly stroking my leaking boner. should I jerk off before going home? masturbate outside?

the idea was as attractive as it was preposterous.

my slow stroking turned into violently fast jerking. I felt on the edge almost immediately. but something kept me from cumming.

I looked around. the houses were dark. I was walking in the middle of the illuminated street. I was mere seconds away from home. if I was ever going to masturbate outside, it had to be now. but somehow I just couldn't cum.

I took the key between my teeth and reached around. jerking off with my right hand, I circled around my sore asshole with the other.

looking nervously left and right, I pushed in. I almost came right then. almost. something was missing.

with three fingers up my ass, I stopped stroking my dick and used my right hand to alternately pinch my nipples and slap my face.

without touching my dick, I came. I shot my load wider than I was tall. not something I had ever come close to accomplishing. startled by the strength of the orgasm, I couldn't help but let out a quick shout.

I collapsed on the road, my face inches from a streak of my load.

what had I done?

I was naked in my street, utterly humiliated. as all the pain and embarrassment came back to me, I felt disgusting and perverted.

...but also still turned on.

I was going to jerk off to this night many times more for years to come, I was sure.

now fully aware of my situation, my head cleared post-orgasm, I rushed home. I entered without turning on the light, made my way upstairs and passed by Craig's room where he was still loudly fucking his girlfriend - presumably again, now that Lex had left after getting stoned with them.

once in my room, I kicked Simon's sneakers off and fell onto my bed. I didn't have the strength to shower or do anything else.

sleep came quickly. there was only a vague worry, how to get a hundred bucks for Lex. and there were those bikers that wanted to fuck me. and all the other guys I had to see weekly from now on.

both my dick and my asshole were throbbing in anticipation.

but that could wait. this adventure was finally over.

tomorrow at school, things would surely return to normal.


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