Lessons in Humility Series

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 23, 2015



this is a work of fiction about m/m sex and humiliation. if you are underage or it is illegal for you to read such stories in your region, leave now. stay safe.

last time on lessons in humility everyone's favorite teen fag Jake was abused by his step brother's drug dealer and thrown out in full bondage gear as the police busted the door.

two upstanding citizens found our Jake and turned him into one of them - a filthy, pierced, hair dyed punk.

now as Jake has encountered a police officer, it's time for:


the man who opened was a giant. easily over seven foot, broad chested ... and in police uniform.

naturally he was taken by surprise by the appearance of a tiny bruised punk with cum stains on his face, legs and chest, a raging hard on and piercings all over.

I must have looked baffling, but the officer quickly broke into a roaring laughter, still baring the entrance.

"damn, look what we have here."

he looked up and down my body. I reached barely up to his chest.

his expression showed mocking pity. "sorry pal, your friend is already spending the night at the station. you will have to look elsewhere for drugs and dick."

I blushed with shame. my dick throbbed with excitement as I felt the anger of being accused of crime, surge up within me.

my neck already hurt from looking up so high.

with disdain in his voice, the officer said. "you're the perverted dealer's little plaything aren't you. man, you bitch boys are pathetic. you look like 15 or something."

he laughed again as if my mere presence was a joke. I tried to signal him to take out the gag, my eyes begging him to notice. if only I could explain, maybe he would take me home out of pity.

after his laughter had died down, he reached for my throat. I held still, hoping he'd remove the gag. which he did indeed.

but not without saying "look bitch, I don't want to put you into jail. with a face like yours you wouldn't make it through a single night."

my voice was small and squeaky compared to his and with my jaw aching from the gag it was hard to talk at all. I stuttered as coherently as possible. the new tongue piercing made me slur my words.

"I-I'm not with that drug dealer, S-Sir. I swear. I-"

the officer yelled over my statement.

"shut your bitch mouth! look at you. ugly punk. I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of a faggy whore mouth like yours."

he leaned down with a devious grin. I was immediately worried and felt like crying on the spot.

"listen fag bitch, your suck hole is only good for one thing. you know it, I know it and I'm sure you let your boyfriend weed dealer know it. so, how about you do me a solid and we forget about this, huh? it's been a long shift for me."

he gestured down to his crotch.

"really long shift. long and hard."

there was only one way out. jail sounded like a less pleasant option than anything I had seen tonight. if I could get away from this with just another favor, I had no trouble doing it.

I went on my knees.

his belt rattled as the huge man loosened it. he dropped his pants and stepped out of them, towering over me in his shirt and jacket. his legs were massive. like muscular, hairy tree trunks, the same olive skin tone as his face.

his dick was...impossible. I thought a dick like this only existed in photo shopped fetish porn.

my eyes widened with terror.

"Sir, it's-"

"huge, I know. of course I know. stop talking, scum whore. don't want to hear your squeaky fag voice. let me show you what a real man - and I mean a REAL man - feels like."

both of his hands sprung forward, cupping my face.

he showed great practice in aligning his dick with a mouth as he instantly split my lips with a single thrust.

I was so small on my knees, he had to bend his own knees to fuck my throat. it didn't go down easy. I sucked as hard as I could to produce the necessary spit, but nothing could spare me the aching jaw spread. the gag had been bad, but nothing compared to this.

and he wasn't even going in very far. he rubbed me sore with just his mushroom. the officer slammed his dick head into every corner of my mouth. after seconds my face was dripping with saliva and mucus.

my struggles to escape the grasp on his hands yielded no effect. he didn't even have to clutch me very hard to keep my head perfectly still, against all my desperate force.

that said, he clutched my face very hard anyway.

when he grabbed my hair firmly in one hand knew I was in trouble. I gagged and coughed as he forced his giant's rod further and further down.

I thought he was going to end up poking around in my lungs or stomach.

each deep thrust cut off my airflow for several moments. after a few thrusts I was beginning to see stars and became unstable on my knees.

I couldn't see, since my eyes were watering too much, but I could feel his pubes tickling my freshly ringed nose. the piercing through my tongue only seemed to add to his pleasure, while making my life more difficult. just one more thing that took up space in my mouth.

I coughed up a lot of mucus, and I think I dry heaved with little result since I was already empty.

this went on for long enough to make me feel like I was going to pass out. I wondered if he would stop ramming my throat if I went unconscious or face fuck me to death.

my dick had been switching between limp and semi hard, but this thought make it stand up proud again.

as the officer found a rhythm he used his free hand to take off his jacked and begun unbuttoning his shirt.

in the moments when my tears run from my eyes and I could see clearly for a second I looked up. his massive tool and bushy pubes took up most of my field of vision, but I could catch sight of his unrealistically big body looming above me.

where coach Long had been huge with great proportions, this man was huge with out of this world proportions.

I had already known his tree trunk legs with my face being between them and all, but his torso was a sight for itself. a lean, brawny barrel, growing so broad at his chest and shoulders that I had to wonder how any uniform could fit him.

throat nub, lips swollen, I held onto whatever breaths I could catch. sometimes he slowed down and I began to hope it would be over soon. then he sped up again and found a new angle to challenge my gag reflex.

ever so often he grunted in satisfaction. but after minutes of headache inducing face fuckery he still didn't come.

he pulled out without spraying me in cum. it felt anticlimactic. after all this hard labor I didn't even get to see the fruit of my work? just as he pulled out and I realized how much my throat had been spread by his soda can like rod.

the officer went to the kitchen counter and wiped his dripping, slimy tool clean on a towel.

I was still on the floor, breathing deeply, occasionally dry heaving and unsure of what to do. I kneeled frozen in place. the sight of my massive abusers meaty ass and amazingly V shaped back, sitting enthroned over his crazy big legs, was making me leak a slow stream of precum over my own shaft and balls.

finally he turned to me. "alright bitch. I had my fun. now it's your turn. I know you're dying to get me inside you."

what was he talking about. he had already been inside me.

"I know that's all you fags want. we'll today is you lucky day, cunt face. your suck hole was nice and all, but let's give the tighter one a try."

staring in shock, I didn't say a word. I would not have been able to speak through the jaw ache right now anyway.

the man stepped closer and lifted me wholesale. it seemed like no effort to him. I was sure I could have fought him with all my power and he wouldn't even have loosened his grip.

but I didn't want to fight him. I wanted to feel him. his hands held me in a tight embrace, letting my perfectly smooth skin press up against his rough torso, his arms enwrapping me.

he carried me past the counter and into the kitchen. he sat me on the table in the middle of the room, swiping all of Simon's dirty glasses and dishes to the floor with one gesture.

to my infinite relieve the police man removed the spreader. my legs could assume a more natural position again. all of the sudden I felt tired and wanted nothing more but to get back into this man's arms to fall safely asleep.

but he didn't pick me up again. so I was on the table, facing away from him, on all fours. and of course with my hands still bound "all fours" meant knees and shoulders.

still, looking up at the reflective cabinet doors I caught my reflection staring back at me, with its swollen eyes and lips and its red marking all over. for the first time I saw all the piercings I now had.

but what's more, I finally got to see what the punks had done to my beautiful, perfectly styled quiff.

my not quite emo length hair that I had retained on the right side was cotton pink. it added a lot to my "pathetic cocksucking whore" style. that had been the punks' work.

while I was shocked at the image of my pierced face the police man had readied his soda can thick dick.

I hadn't been paying attention to the policeman's whereabouts while I had come to terms with my new look. it appeared that he had found Simon's lube in one of the dirt piles throughout the house. and applied some to his dick – sparsely.

he did not hesitate. still distracted by my reflection, I didn't see it coming.

never in my life have I screamed so loud as in the moment he found an angle and pushed in. all. the. way.

he covered me mouth - and nose - with his big hand, yanking me back by my hair with the other one, so I couldn't pull away.

the man let me get used to the stretching, holding still inside me for a few breaths. it barley hurt any less after a minute. I could not stop whining, the sounds of my suffering filling the space left by the sound of his hips slapping my perky ass.

my back was arched to the limit for his viewing pleasure. I could see my wide eyed, mouth covered, crying reflection in the cabinet door, his immense body right behind mine.

"shut it bitch." he spoke during grunts, his voice low and raspy.

"be glad a real man is using your cunt for once. not a small kid like your lover, weed guy. no idea why your so in love with him. but you must be, the way you showed up at this back door."

I could barely breath. but I needed to say something. the moment I got the opportunity, I would tell him to stop. the moment I-

"you know, bitch, you're as pretty as a girl. not just from behind. a face like that is worth killing for. good suck too. every alpha male would be blessed to have you."

I stopped whining. he had spoken softly, like he didn't even expect me to listen. like he was stating things that were already well known.

blessed to have me, he had said. worth killing for, he had said.

no one had talked to me like that, ever. no one had praised my for my looks or skills this highly. and I bet no one had ever praised Craig like that.

I was determined, that I would make this night the best fuck in his life.

screaming into his hand, I pushed against the pain, getting him deeper in. the monster was stabbing me in ten places at once, each deeper than the one before.

but he got the signal.

there was no holding back. he went out all the way and just as far in again. over and over. he stopped covering my mouth, grabbed my shoulders instead and went faster.

he loved it. I knew he did. I was doing something great – to a respected adult no less. this was my calling.

"oh yes Sir, please, fuck my slutty whore ass. don't stop."

"I said shut you face cunt hole, bitch."

"yes Sir. thank you Sir."

I didn't say anything more, but I moaned. loud and satisfied with every thrust. eventually the stabbing pain subsided.

was it really possible that getting someone's dick slammed brutally into my asshole could be pleasurable? or was I just fooling myself, believing the sound of my moans like I wanted him to believe?

could this be my calling indeed?

in the end the table shook under me as I was thrown back and forth. he gave me a few slaps on the ass and came inside me. as the officer roared into my ear, the hot juice flooded my guts, further inside than any of tonight's guys had gotten.

I tightened my ass as he pulled out, too keep his jizz from flowing out. he made a satisfying plopping noise. some jizz was lost anyway, dripping out of my guts and down onto Simon's dinner table.

I collapsed on the table, my back thanking me for stopping to arch it - but the rest of my joints complaining worse than ever.

"alright kid. I'll be going now. but don't think you're off the hook. I'll have to see you a couple more times."

that sounded promising. I really was a great suck and fuck. I, the pathetic little teen boy, was well liked by a powerful adult.

the officer put his clothes back on, as I could see in the reflection. I didn't dare to turn around, unsure of his stable the table was without him holding me.

"what's your name, slut boy?"

"Jake. Jake Gallagher." I whispered with my high but now raspy voice.

"well, that's good to know. I'll have to share this with a few colleagues at the station."

at last I turned my head, seeing him put away his phone. he could have been filming my ass taking dick for a long time, I had never looked behind me.

"alright bitch. my shifts end around midnight. can you be at the station, let's say, every friday from now on?"

"y-yes Sir."

he stepped next to my face, his softening monster hanging, wet and pulsing next to my face. I crawled forward an inch and kissed it.

he ruffled my hair and I licked his softening shaft up and down, cleaning it of... well, of me.

"see you around then."

he unbound my wrists and let me step off the table while he buttoned his jacked up. he opened my mouth with his thick fingers and spat in it. without another word, he left.

I was alone in Simon's house, naked and shaken but otherwise fine. there was a weird warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach that had nothing to do with the sexual experience I had just lived through.

..."blessed to have me"...

I walked a few steps through the kitchen with super shaky legs and kept my hole tightened. cum ran down my thighs anyway.

it was past midnight. I decided that there was no point in rushing. the longer I waited the less likely I would run into anyone again.

the bath was adjacent to the kitchen. I stepped into Simon's shower and let the hot water soak me up. finally free of any bondage gear again I felt truly reborn in the shower.

I tried to find some clothes but Simon's bedroom/dungeon was well locked and there were none lying around. I'd have to make it home naked.

the bedroom being inaccessible also meant I couldn't spend the night here as I had thought about doing. the weed dealer didn't even have a sofa in his shabby house.

it also meant that there was no way to get my keys. wait!

there they were. on the sofa table. and some of Simon's sneakers were by the door, almost in my size. my luck wasn't running out. after a terrible night, things looked up at last. surely this streak of luck would hold until I was safely at home.

indeed, there was nobody in the streets the whole way I jogged back to the community. nothing of note happened. finally some good news.

it must have been about one in the morning when I arrived at the gate. I was still in thought about the alpha male police man and how my week was now filled with duties. sex duties. I had dreamed of this – sure – but never thought what it would truly feel like to be fucked every day.

at least I still had the weekend to myself.

and there was a more immediate concern anyway.

without the card I had no way of getting in. perhaps I could ring the bell and Craig would open for me.

or wasn't there a neighborhood watch out at night? I was almost positive there was such a thing.

the gate opened on it's own.

someone was leaving the estate on a bike. and he was looking right at me as I stood naked in the light of a street lamp.

next time: Jake gets to fulfill an old fantasy. but at a price. and is punished for it, right away.

feedback, suggestions, etc is welcome and appriciated. even just a couple of lines.


Next: Chapter 5: Lessons in Humility 5

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