Lessons in Humility Series

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 18, 2015



this is a work of fiction about m/m sex and humiliation. if you are underage or it is illegal for you to read such stories in your region, leave now. stay safe.

last time on lessons in humility Jake was found in the nude by a massively muscular teacher he had long admired. the boy was finally praised for his skills, but in return had to endure something he had never even known about - getting fucked in his little teen ass.

now it is time for:


I though about running without even looking who it was. if he hadn't recognized me there was no reason to change that.

"wait aren't you a Gallagher? not Craig. the other one. the wimpy, girly one."

too late.

whoever it was, he recognized me. I slowed down to a halt, fully aware that I had a semi hardon, massively ruffled hair and cum stains all over.

turning, I saw the man who had spoken face to face. Craig's weed dealer Simon.

for someone who lived comfortable off of weed he didn't use much himself. he was barley older than Craig, but not interested in attending college. scrawny from smoking, pale from life indoors, but dark featured otherwise.

the neon tank top and the cargo shorts were the obvious signs of a "frat boy", but the backwards cap was the universally recognizable symbol of a duchebag.

I had never liked that guy, but it would be stupid to make him mad now.

"hey Simon, just go back inside. I... my brother put me out here. it's a... a bet."

"don't tell me shit, little bitch. where's your bro?"

"he's not here. I told you, it's just a bet. I just want to go home."

"that's a lot of walking. why don't you come inside. I'll grab my keys and bring you there."

maybe I had misjudged the man. he seemed quite eager to help.

"really? that would be grand. thanks Simon."

he waved me to follow him. as we walked into his shabby house I let my arms hang by my side, my semi hard on exposed. I didn't care. I was finally getting out of this mess and Simo seems very uderstanding.

as soon as we were inside Simon slammed the door shut and grabbed my wrists from behind. he was taller than me and despite his skinny body also stronger.

the drug dealer chuckled. "alright, got myself a new plaything."

my shoulders were twisted painfully. I panicked.

"Simon, what are you doing!?"

"shut it, cunt face. can't let a pretty girl like you get away."

he dragged me through his filthy living room into what I guess functioned as a bedroom. it was however mostly a sex dungeon, going by the gear spread around the room.

I struggled against his grip.

"what are you saying Simon, I'm not a girl. please let me go!"

"you're pretty enough to be a bitch. a hole is a hole, am I right?"

he made me drop my card and key and bound my wrists together with thick rope. the moment I showed a sign of struggle, he hit me over the head.

my legs were spread two feet apart by a spreader bar. now I was waddling.

"Simon stop, I don't -"

"shut it. I don't want to hurt you. yet. not before I'm done."

I could only let it happen. my hands and feet were tied. I resigned to my fate. what was one more fuck tonight? how bag could a little guy like he really fuck?

Simon put a spiked dog's collar around my neck and attached a leash to it. he led me to his dumbbell weights. I thought he would make me work out somehow, but no. he attached a weight to rope and the rope to my ballsack. my eyes watered as the weight pulled on my balls, but my dick hardened rapidly.

just when I thought I was wearing all possible gear Simon put a ball gag in my mouth and fixed clamps to my nipples.

I squirmed and screamed muffled screams of pain.

dragging pain in my balls, scorching pain in my nipples, dull pain in my legs from exhaustion and also the pain of humiliation. it didn't matter what my dick wanted, I wanted out.

Simon took a picture. "how about I send this to your bro and all his friends. no?"

I shook my head.

"then I want you to see me every wednesday from now on. understood?"

nodding slowly, I mumbled a "yes" through the gag.

"alright, I just have to find the blindfold. then we're all set for the beating. some doms like to use tools like a paddle. I'm personally more of a fist kinda guy. so where did I put the blindf-"

there was a violent knock at the door.

someone outside was shouting. "police! open up! we have information about drugs in your possession. open or we break the door."

"shit" said Simon.

"fuck" I said, muffled by the gag.

the dealer was surprisingly calm. this was perhaps not the first time.

"alright bitch. fuck off or we're both busted. I have to go flush the weed before they break in."

he rushed out. I panicked. I could barely move with my legs spread. every step I took made my nippleclamps and ballweight swing. glistening drops of precum ran to down my balls and the weight's rope.

I walked as well I could to my card and tried several times to get it of the floor. finally, using my nails, I was successful, but I couldn't see where I had dropped the keys.

there was no more time. the front door shattered with a terrifying cracking. the police had broken through. if I wanted to get out unseen I had to leave now.

and so I hopped/waddled/leaped to the backdoor at the end of the corridor that Simon had fortunately opened for me. the police ran in the opposite direction as they heard a flush coming from the bathroom. that was my chance at escape.

I was outside. not risking a look back, I heard an ugly smacking noises and metallic jingling, possibly the sound of handcuffs. I was glad that Simon was about to get a dose of his own treatment.

getting down the stairs was difficult but now that I was out of the policemen's potential sight I didn't have to hurry.

I was in Simon's overgrown back garden. the dark side backstreet was in front of me. I had finally made it.

if only I could get out of this gear. maybe if I had something sharp to rub the wrist-rope against I could saw through it like the spy in the movies when he had been taken hostage.

the empty factory building! of course.

I would surely find something saw-like there. and it was basically just across the street. the reason guys like Simon could live here was because this had been industrial area long ago and nobody wanted to live here now.

I waddled across the street, into the darkness. after leaving the house it was difficult to get my eyes adjusted to the night.

careful not to step on anything I made my way silently onto the factory area. luckily, a part of the back seemed lit so I went there. probably just an automatic light.

I walked as fast as the gear let me, without making a sound. the sharp pain in my nipples was making my wish I could just rip off my whole chest, while the weight on my balls seemed to slowly drag my guts out of my torso.

at last, I made it to the junk filled back of the factory. let's see, what could I use to-

"man, what are you doing here? wait, what are you wearing? what the fuck?"

on no.

two punks in studded leather jackets and baggy pants hung out behind the building. they couldn't be older than twenty. maybe they were even my age.

one was my size and had dark red-dyed hair, the other one was much taller with blue hair.

"are you one of Simon's little playthings?" asked Red.

I mumbled a response through the ball gag. there was no way to make myself understood.

Blue said "about time he sends us a new one. wait, so are you here for Simon's pleasure or ours?"

I don't know how they expected me to answer.

so Blue continued. "doesn't matter. we'll give you our favorite treatment and send you back. this way we can all have our fun."

my balls hurt immensely. I tried to signal them that I wanted no part in this.

Red said to his friend "can't believe Simon got such a young boy to sign up for this. but if he's here, he must really want it. now where do we start?"

each punk held onto an arm of mine and they led me to a tattered, broken sofa and took off my ball sack rope.

huge relieve surged through me as my crown jewels could retreat back to their natural position. though not without complaining painfully.

next the nipple clamps came off. sharp, hot shots dashed through my sore teen nipples, much harsher than the pain before. at least the pain was way less long lasting than the one in my balls, but I winced anyway.

I hoped they might remove that gag and let me explain but it stayed on, together with the wrist ropes and spreader bar. my position on the sofa was quite uncomfortable.

the two guys dropped their pants and jerked themselves hard. I though I was in for a quick fuck, but no such luck.

"his dick's already super hard. we'll start there." said Red.

he pulled a gun-like machine from a bag. my eyes widened. what was that?

he held it to my dick. I trembled. "looks like he can't wait. hold still boy, I know you're excited."

the pain felt like he was slicing my penis to pieces. as I looked down, through the tears, I saw what he had done.

it was a piercing gun. I had a reverse prince albert ring stuck in my dick.

Blue prepared the next load. both punks dicks were hard and leaking.

in quick succession, my nipples were pierced with rings, my nose as well, then my belly button was studded. it all happened rapidly and while the penetration of my flesh was unpleasant, I could bare it.

once the pain in one area had stopped, they were already working on the next one.

and they got off on it. they moaned as I shook with terror, just before the gun hit it's next target.

finally I thought my torment was over, but Blue lifted the bar that held my legs in place and applied a guiche piercing between my sack and my hole.

it was the worst one yet. getting my taint sliced through was even worse than my nose, even though having the gun right in my face had been especially terrifying.

that seemed to be it. for now.

since he was already in position, the tall punk with blue hair lined his dick up with my ass and started pushing in dry.

Red handed him lube, to my infinite relieve.

while Blue' dickhead worked his way into my asshole, Red walked behind my head. I cursed into the gag as I realized that my hole had tightened again since the coach had fucked me.

a buzzing sound started up next to my face. Red shaved my hair off with an electric razor. but only on the left side. he followed up by dying it.

I couldn't see what color he used, but he was clearly using beer instead of water.

My wonderful quiff. the one part of my I had been so proud of. the hair I put so much work into every day.

I would have liked to know what color I was going to run around with but I had other problems anyway, since Blue was done lubing himself up and had begun pushing fingers into me, in addition to his dick to give it even better access.

the penis took up all the room it could find, making me scream muffled cries into the gag. trails of spit ran down my cheeks as I tried to fight off his invasion.

"wow, this one plays really well. good job boy, very few are so convincing. I've got to ask Simon to send you over more often."

he humped my ass harder. going in all the way. I was opened enough to stop struggling. my eyes rolled back into my head from the intensity of Blue's meat punching my guts from inside.

Red washed the dye off with more beer just as Blue climaxed inside of me.

"oh yeah, you're so tight. good boy."

with hot jizz filling me up, I thought I could relax for a second, but sharp pain made me jump. Red was adding two more rings on my left ear and a stud on my right ear lobe.

he jerked off furiously, ripped the gag out of my mouth and shoved his dick in before I could say a word. I had no choice but to swallow the meat.

after a few humps, he slowed down. finally I could explain. or so I thought. but as he pulled out, Blue was already prepared, pulled my tongue out and pierced it too.

the gag went back in. since I was struggling, they had to use quite a bit of force to get it back on me. the punks helped me up and sent me back to the road, pushing and shoving me, and even kicking my ass.

"you know, boy, you're lucky we were here today. usually we only hang out here on thursdays."

I groaned. yeah, how lucky.

"how about you come by next thursday? I'm sure Simon has something really unpleasant for you in store if we get angry. we're his best costumers."

we were on the dark road. they left me.

I was back on my way. still with legs spread and hands tied.

well, I could probably still make my way home.

fuck! the card. where was the card? I must have lost it somewhere at the factory. there was no way I could find it without a light source.

I had to go back to Simon's. if he took the gag out, I could explain. he could help me find the key I had lost at his place, and tell the punks, I had to find the card I must have lost near their place.

waddling back into the garden and hopping up the stairs I wondered how I must have looked like. not just with the bondage gear on, but also with my hair styled in a filthy punk fashion and piercings all over.

most likely I looked like the dirtiest, most perverted cocksucker in existence.

leaning down on the knob I found out that the back door was locked. fuck fuck fuck.

I knocked my body against the door. he had to hear me. he had to.

steps approached from the other side.

the man who opened was a giant. easily over seven foot, broad chested ... and in police uniform.

next time: Jake is taught a lesson about by a real alpha male.

feedback is welcome and appreciated

Next: Chapter 4: Lessons in Humility 4

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