Lessons in Humility Series

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 16, 2015



This is a work of fiction about m/m sex and humiliation. if you are underage or it is illegal for you to read such stories in your region, leave now. stay safe.

last time on lessons in humility the resident teen Jake was left naked in the woods in the middle of the night by his step brother Craig, where he was found, beaten, pissed on and face fucked by a gang of motor bikers.

now trying to run past the school, Jake encounters someone else unexpectedly. it's time for:


"Jake? Jake Gallagher? what are you doing here?"

"c-coach Long? err I- what are you doing here."

it was the dumbest response I could have given, but thinking was not my strong point tonight.

coach Long was a beast of a man. easily 7 foot tall, he had won a great deal of bodybuilding contests in his youth. now at forty he had lost some definition, but none of his form, looking bigger than ever.

his jar shaped head was almost bald. his thick beard was trimmed to a perfect three inch length.

he chuckled.

"why Jake if you must know, I gave a little, shall we say, extra lecture to one of your classmates."

he grinned in a way that made the hearts of every girl in school swoon. he winked and grabbed his crotch demonstratively, but seemed to realize that he was being inappropriate.

the coach continued with more concern in his voice. "seriously, what happened to you? you look like you've cried. and were are your clothes?"

"Sir, in short, my brother threw me out like this. I ... kinda walked in on him and his girlfriend."

coach Long laughed. "ah, good old Craig. how is he? I always thought that kid would make a great alpha man one day. how many girls has he had? a few dozens for sure, huh? you must really look up to him. bet you wish you where half the man he is."

"um Sir, can you just help me get home?"

"of course Jake. let's go to my car."

my dick was still hard, so I walked behind the coach, hoping he wouldn't notice. we took a shortcut by walking across the football field which was still illuminated, as the janitor often forgot to turn the lights off after a game.

coach Long turned around, putting down the duffle bag he carried. he put his hand on my shoulder. it was as big as my head.

"now Jake, there's no need to hide the tiny boner. I know you must be ashamed but you're still growing, it won't stay like that."

wrinkles appeared on his forehead. he bent down slightly to look closer at my face. I felt exposed. slowly I dropped my hands to my sides, letting my small penis press softly against my belly.

the coach grinned with amused confusion.

"wait, what are those spots on your chest? that looks like... is that fucking jizz?"

I swallowed hard, close to tears. this was more embarrassing than getting my face raped.

since I had started school, I had looked up to coach Long and even fantasized about his amazing body. this man was my idol. having him laugh at dry cum on my chest was emotional torture.

"S-Sir... I- I did someone a favor. my brother let my out in the woods and I had to get back to town, so I- did a favor."

the hand on my shoulder gripped harder. coach Long's voice was deeper this time – more threatening.

"you know what Jake, I just gave extra attention to one of you classmates, but I kinda could do that again right now. I mean, if you want me to bring you home..."

there we were. in the exact center of the football field. floodlights shining down on us. and my personal idol cupped my face before moving his hands to the rim of his top.

coach Long took off his shirt. he was huge. hair covered his chest and abs, trimmed into form. he pulled down his pants quickly. there was no underwear.

I starred at the dick.

it was thick. really, really thick.

"oh god. Sir, I just- there's no way I can get that in my mouth."

he just chuckled.

"we'll see about that."

I kneeled in the grass intuitively, willing to do anything to satisfy this beast of a man.

he threw one leg over my shoulder. I leaked precum at the sight of his tool as it swung in front of my mouth.

I whispered "is this th-the special attention you gave s-someone just now, Sir?"

the coach grinned as he aligned the massive dick with my lips.

"you know Matty? blond, quiet, skinny, effeminate."

"yes, his in my math class."

"ever wanted to know what his ass tastes like, from the inside?"

"um, no?"

"well, I didn't have time to shower, so you're gonna find out."

he fucked my mouth, adding an inch every dozen thrusts. the salty, dried spunk of his previous "special attention" study session with Matty intensified the musky, salty taste manifold.

he changed his position, turning around. the backside of his legs resting against my chest, with my head bent back, he could face-fuck me from above with his asshole right over my eyes. his huge, meaty buttocks covered my entire field of vision.

it didn't take long until he was in too far and I gagged. I expected him to keep going, but instead he stopped completely, picked up his duffle bag and led me to the border of the field.

I was releaved I wasn't forced to gag on his massive tool, but didn't know why he was leading my away. my throat was too sore to say anything.

we stopped at a rail that went up to my hips. coach Long fumbled his bag.

"alright Jake, how do you like it?"

I coughed until I could speak again. "what?"

"come on," he sounded impatient "don't play coy. you want to be a big boy, don't you? so, what do you want us to do?"

"um, what did Matty want?"

"sure, we can do that if you like. but I warn you, I don't do takebacks."

"can't you tell me first wh-"

he rolled his eyes. "you're talking my dick soft, boy. yes or no?"

he had sounded even more threatening than before.

I whispered. "y-yes Sir?"

he grabbed my hair and slammed me against the rail, bending me over it by my hip. he produced roped from his bag. my wrists and ankles were tied together sidewise. the resulting two pairs of limbs were tied to the rail's poles, forcing me uncomfortably far apart.

despite the icy rail pressing on my belly and technically holding me up, I felt like I was doing constant squats as each of my deep breaths bobbed me up and down.

coach Long spit on my hole and pushed a finger in. I orgasmed immediately with a violent tremor. the cum sprayed all over my stomach and ran down my legs.

unaware, coach Long kept finger fucking me.

I moaned louder and louder, convinced someone would hear us eventually. the cumming had brought no relieve. I was merely more sensitive to thei intrusion into my virgin hole.

I craved a second orgasm. I craved to be able to touch my dick.

sure, I had vaguely heard from Craig that faggots "took it up the ass", but I hadn't known it meant getting something shoved up your literal asshole. I seriously thought it was just an expression to insult me, like most things Craig said about me or fags.

the coach spanked my ass and balls. I yelped at every stroke. he was amazing at torture.

somehow he knew exactly how many spanks it took on every spot until painful pleasure turned to full pain. then he waited for a moment and hit the spot again, kicking me over the "pain edge". he was so consistent with this ability, I cried continuously through the whole ordeal.

as my butt cheeks were glowing bright red and my ballsack screamed through my nerves to retract into my body, he worked in another finger, slowly opening my hole.

"you're a much better bitch than I thought Jake, my boy. you can take it like a man. Matty could learn a thing or two."

"thank you Sir, thank you so much." I said in between sobs.

this meant the world to me. I was terrible at sports. never had I gotten a compliment from the coach before.

until that moment I had only bared the ordeal to please him, but no I realized that pleasing that coach was exactly what made me happy.

he spoke close to my ear. "yeah, you took the preparation really well. are you ready to get started now?"

I swallowed hard. was he going to put a third finger in? most likely. after all, what else could possibly be shoved into an asshole?

when he impaled me with his dick, I screamed so loud he shoved the fingers he had used to open me, in my mouth to muffle the sound. the noises of a teen boy getting a brutal dicking out of the blue for the first time filled the area.

it hurt less after the first few thrusts. he was inside me. I really had the strongest man in school inside me. if it wasn't for the feeling that my guts were about to be ripped apart I would have been happy about it.

despite anything else going on, I felt proud. I was taking so much pain, surely I was almost as manly as Craig right now.

but the humping became less and less bearable. soon my world was nothing but anal torment.

"Sir, oh god, please slow down. please coach. please. just a bit slower. I can take it I promise, but just please-"

he muffled my cries with his ass-fingers again.

"no takebacks Jake."

he did go a bit slower though, just to reposition himself. then he fucked as fast as he could, in and out almost the whole length. the rail's metallic clanking, his massive hips hitting my smooth, perky butt and my own muffled screams competed for volume.

after a full minute, the hot pain gradually – very slowly - turned into hot pain and pleasure. my high pitched teen boy screams became deeper grunts, joining the coach's.

when he stopped without warning, I felt empty. my asshole throbbed with every breath I took.

the rope was untied. coach Long threw me around to face him. with my whole body trembling and my mind occupied with the devastationleck of dick inside me, I didn't realize what was coming.

he jerked his dick off at me.

"get down, Jake. don't waste a drop."

fighting through a veil of lust and confusion I did as I was told and was rewarded with five shots of hot, slimy jizz to the back of my sore throat.

as soon as he had shot his last stream of cum, he left me panting, kneeling on the ground.

"hm, I could go for a hot shower right now. but I promised I'd bring you home. don't worry, we'll find a time to shower together. hate to do all the soaping myself."

I got up on legs that gave out under me every few steps. I was breathing through my mouth, loose drops of cum still drying on my face.

the coach turned back to me. "come here, gimmi a hug. you did great, Jake. a real star. with your stamina I wonder how you didn't make it on the track team.

I beamed overjoyed, falling right into his arms. I inhaled his musky aroma as his hot, hairy skin enveloped me.

after he had held me in a tight, protective embrace for a moment, he made me lick his sweaty armpits clean.

"you're such a good sucker and such a good fuck too, champ. you'd do anything, wouldn't you?"

"yes Sir." I said with my tongue still working over his pits.

"then see me in my office on ... let's see Matty is normally my Monday, Wade is Fri- yes, see me every Tuesday after school. can you do that for me?"

"sure Sir."

he let go, continuing his way to his car.

I grabbed the card and key I had dropped on the field when we went back across.

while we drove in his car I was not allowed to sit since I'd probably leak cum everywhere. so I was on my knees, cleaning the coaches semi hard dick with my tongue.

"we're here boy. the hills you said right? now get out."

"thank you Sir."

he reached over me to open the door. I practically fell out of his car, glad to finally being able to stretch my legs again.

I almost felt rested. home was almost in reach and-

as soon as he drove off I noticed my mistake. I had been to unspecific. "the hills" was basically one half of town. I still had some way to go.

that was frustrating, but at least there were only regular houses on the street. no reason anyone should be outside around here at this time.

I quickly waddled along the sidewalk, my asshole still sore enough to occupy me mind. one item in each hand I fell into a slow jog. if I made it a bit further down the road I could go to the less well illuminated side street and escape any possible views.

additionally, I knew the territory well. I had been here a few times before. Craig and I both had friends in the area. it shouldn't be to hard to avoid being seen.

"what the fuck. hey kid." came a voice from the side.

I though about running without even looking who it was. if he hadn't recognized me, there was no reason to change that.

"wait aren't you a Gallagher? not Craig. the other one. the wimpy, girly one."

too late.

next time: Jake is thought how changing your body can enhance pleasure - someone else's pleasure.

feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3: Lessons in Humility 3

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