Lessons in Humility Series

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 14, 2015



This is a work of fiction about m/m sex and humiliation. if you are underage or it is illegal for you to read such stories in your region, leave now. stay safe.


my big bro Craig and his friends had humiliated me many times. name calling, slapping, tricks played on me. I thought I had seen it all. but now that Craig was college bound his pranks had taken a more brutal form, just to make sure I absolutely wouldn't miss him.

just last week he and his buddies had gotten high and covered me in hair removal cream from neck to toe. as a thin teen boy my body hair had only just started growing.

I considered myself lucky they hadn't touched my head. I was quite proud of my perfectly styled quiff. one of the few things I liked about myself.

as a short, slender "prettyboy" who had been mistaken for a girl until well into puberty, I often felt inadequate next to Craig.

tonight however, I was too afraid for my life to care. I had walked in on my brother fucking his girlfriend. he had forced me into his jeep and was now driving me to the woods outside town. I thought he might kill me.

our parents had left us for a few weeks, putting Craig in charge during summer holidays. I stared at him in fear. he hadn't even bothered to put on a shirt. his well trained muscles flexed as he steered the jeep deeper into the forest. he fiddled the stubble of his buzz cut, too energetic to drive carefully.

finally he stopped and called me by my usual nick name.

"faggot, get out. in front on the lights. now!"

I hastily complied, almost falling out of the car.

"strip." he called from behind the wheel.

"what? Craig, listen, I'm sorr-"

"I said strip!"

sighing, I dropped my tee shirt, then slipped out of my sneakers and socks. after a moment's hesitation I pulled down my shorts and underwear at once and stepped out of it.

Craig smiled. "gimmi that."

I grabbed my clothing went up to his car window and handed everything to him. in return he dropped two things to the ground between us. the keycard that opened the front gate to our community and the key that opened the door to our house.

"when you're back home, you keep quiet and stay out of my room. I'm having a friend over tonight and I'll probably be giving it to my bitch again later. understood?"

"I have to walk home? from here?"

"you're even dumber than you look. yes, faggot, that's exactly what I've been saying. bye."

before I could formulate a response, he rolled up the window, started the engine and drove off into the night.

I was absolutely baffled. after a minute of rising panic I decided that I had only one option. I had to make it through the town unseen, back to the hills on the other side. it was night. not a big town at all. I could do it.

I grabbed the two objects Craig had left me and started walking in the direction in which he had driven off.

navigating the forest at night was difficult, with foliage blocking what little light the moon gave off. I had to go slow, but still tripped over numerous roots. The dry leaves and twist on the ground scratched my small feet and skinny, hairless legs.

the nights wind was mercifully warm on my bare skin.

not long before I came to a dirt road. easy so far. if I could follow it to the dirt road that led around the town I could avoid being seen by anyone.

motor noises from behind. someone was coming this way.

what should I do? hide? run?

four big motor bikes. I was caught in the spotlight. instinctively I covered my crotch with me hands. they stopped a few feet away from me.

"hey, kid. who are you? what are you doing here?"

their lights blinded me. I answered in the direction of the voice. "um my names Jake, Sir. my brother left me out here. it's um, a prank, I suppose."

"don't you know it's dangerous out here at night, Jakey. you should let us take care of you."

"oh, thank you Sir. I very much appreciate your help. if you could just bring me to the other side of town, I-"

the man who's voice I had heard jumped off his bike. he wore leather that hugged his big frame. he was much taller than me, perhaps 6 foot. his frame was broad and strongly defined. I couldn't see his face since he still wore his helmet, only speaking through a barely opened visor.

as the man stepped up to me I felt an inexplicable stirring in my loins. he caressed my cheek, raised my chin and forced a thumb into my mouth. as he explored my tongue with his finger he said "if we're going to do you a favor, you'll have to do something first. then we'll help."

with him thumb on my lips I said "Sir, if you j-"

he pulled his hand away and slapped me. I dropped the card and key.

the biker yelled without turning away from me. "hey guys, let's help our poor Jakey. help him to learn some manners."

he unzipped his leather jacket, revealing a chubby muscular body. he brought his helmed face close to mine, grabbing my shoulders with an iron grip. his visor was still barely lifted. my tender, boyish face reflecting off it. I could see my own shocked expression.

"you talk when you're spoken to first. and then I want to hear nothing but yes sir. got it, Jakey?"

"y-yes Sir."

my dick turned semi hard as I said those words.

the other bikers came close. they all kept their helmets on, making it impossible to read their expressions. they all looked about the same burly build, some hairier than others, with more or less tattoos.

Sir pinched my nipples, pulling them down to wordlessly force me on my knees.

the four men surrounded me. one grabbed my wrists from behind, pulled them away from my dick and zip tied them in the small of my back. my erection grew to full size.

"ha! little Jakey likes it rough, huh? what a pathetic cum stick. what is that, four inches?"

"yes Sir."

it was four and a half, but I wasn't going to argue. the dirt was hard under my knees. I didn't want to get into any more trouble.

my fast beating heart sped up even further as all four men opened the zippers on their leather pants. the one behind me grabbed my quiff and shoved me on all fours. well, not really, since my hands were tied. my face landed on the dusty ground.

"we'll help you. help you respect your betters."

a thin leather belt hit my bare, perky ass. I yelled more in surprise than pain.

"aren't you gonna thank your Master, Jakey?"

"um, thank you Sir? but please stop, I-"

three more belt hits followed in rapid succession. this time they hurt for real.

I was instructed to thank my Master three times, then had to count the hits out loud.

I made it to five before I started crying.

"tiny Jakey bitch boy can't even handle the lession. what a weakling."

ten more hits followed. my achingly hard dick was leaking precum.

to my great relieve the beating stopped. then a warm steam hit my back and arms. more joined in. it ran all the way to my face. I recognized the smell.

the four were pissing on me. all of them finished by crossing streams over my face.

crouching in the dirt after the worst spanking I had ever experienced, I was breathing heavily through my mouth. it was unavoidable to have drops of piss run onto my tongue.

"now Jakey, aren't you gonna show some respect to my boots?"

raising my head I could see the gang leader stepping up to my face. he had removed his jacket and pants, but kept the leather boots on. I crawled forward a few inches and began licking the dust off his footwear.

another biker softly kicked my nuts from behind, while yet another one kept his boot on my back, forcing me to arch harder and harder as I licked my way up the leader's shoe.

glancing up I could see the leader's thick, strong calves and extremely thick hams above me. I felt another drop of precum running down my shaft.

I was pulled back by my hair much harder than necessary. I could see that all the bikers had undressed save for their boots and helmets.

"little Jakey isn't too bad with his tongue, but I'm sure he can do better. you want to try your best don't you Jakey? it's only polite."

"yes Sir." I cried out.

the leader's broad torso showed a barely visible, bloated six pack, pointing to the tool that hung between his mighty thighs. six inches soft - and rising. huge low hanging balls too.

one beefy hand on my neck, the other in my hair, he pushed me against his coarse pubes, making me breath his scent while he hardened under my chin.

"get your tongue out bitch boy."

he rubbed his big dick head on my tongue, pushed it against my cheek from the inside, slapped my face with it and even humped my mouth a bit.

it was too thick. I am a small boy with a small mouth. he filled my up completely with just his head. my eyes were watering - both from the slight gagging and the intense musky smell.

one of the other men shoved his fingers in my mouth from behind to spread my lips as far as they would go.

the leader pushed in all the way. just for a second I had his pubes tickling my nose. then he pulled out.

I collapsed immediately and threw up a mouth full of creamy vomit, careful not to puke right on the men.

before I had stopped coughing I was pulled back into position again. this time a different man throat fucked me. as I threw up I wasn't let go, vomit dripping down my chin and the man's crotch.

this game was repeated with the other two as well. at the end I had no puke left in me. I had never felt so uncomfortable. my lips were sore. my throat was super ultra sore. my knees and wrists were aching. and of course I was still gagging on dick. my own little penis had gone soft.

"I'm so proud of you Jakey. you're doing really well."

the leader gently patted me head while fucking my face. I couldn't see because of the tears, but he sounded like he smiled.

that was what I had needed to regain my erection. maybe if I sucked really well he would stop pushing so far in. I tried working my tongue on his dick and using my lips. it did the job. he even let go of my head, giving me full control.

"oh yeah, that's it. you're a great little cock whore. keep going, Jakey."

the zip tie binding my hands was cut. I was instructed to jerk off two other guys. one with each hand. even though the leader was gagging me forcefully again, it was gentler this time. I only coughed every few thrusts.

finally the leader pulled out and sprayed me with jizz. three shots to the mouth, mostly missing. then he pushed back in to make me swallow the rest of his flowing man-seed. it tasted bitter and slimy. I was glad I didn't have to swallow much of it and let it drip down onto my chest instead.

the fourth guy who hadn't seen any action yet stepped in front of me and I was soon chocking on the next dick.

despite the pain in my lips and throat I found a relatively comfortable rhythm, sucking one guy off, jerking off two. the trio switched it up a few times.

I got more compliments on my cock sucking skills than I had ever gotten on anything. my whole life had been full of "why can't you be athletic like Craig? why can't you be as popular as Craig? why can't you bring lots of girls home like Craig?"

finally I was getting all the attention. four masculine biker guys and all they wanted was me. ha, take that big bro.

I was sprayed with cum a second time. my upper body taking most of it. as that point I wondered if all my own precum was forming a puddle between my legs. I could feel it run down my shaft and ballsack.

the third man came without me even noticing until I sensed the warm spunk running along my arm. the fourth guy came in my mouth, pushing in too deep. I coughed as he came in my throat, spraying him with his own cum.

the men laughed a roaring laughter and I felt truly accomplished. perhaps this was my calling.

as the four walked back to their bikes, however, an inner coldness overcame me. "S-Sir, I, please wait. I-"

"hurry up boy. hop on."

the leader nodded toward his bike while he put his pants back on. I was overcome with joy. "Sir, you mean-"

"told you I'd take you to town didn't I? now come before I change my mind."

I grabbed the card and keys from the ground and went up to the bikes, dizzy from getting up too fast and dazed from getting fucked in the face for the first time.

the ride was wonderful. the leader held me tight in front of him, ruffling my hair and telling me what a good slut I was. with leather pressed against my exposed skin, the whole gang drove slowly and carefully through the woods.

eventually the ride ended. I think I might even have dozed off. I felt so save in the leader's arms.

as I got off the bike I recognized where we were. it was my school right at the entrance to the town. not that anyone was still here at this time.

"Sir, could you ... maybe bring me ... like, I don't want to be a bother, but I live on the other side-"

"listen fucktoy, I could leave you here with your hands and legs zip tied together. but I'm a nice guy, I just needed to cum once tonight. I'd really like to explore that tiny, tight ass of yours sometime. I don't know if you noticed but we took some really nice pics of you sucking cock."

I had not noticed that. but I was getting very hard again.

"and if you don't want them on the web with your real name, you show up tomorrow monday evening at the truck driver bar on south street. let's say 8pm, alright?"

"um yes Sir, but can't you give me a ride ho-"

they drove off. I was left behind naked, with dried cum on my face and chest.

well, alright. it was what it was. the dirt road around town was somewhere behind the school. I shivered with excitement as I imagined what it would be like showing up to class naked and cumstained.

as I surrounded the building in the dark of night I ran into another person. I only saw that I was not alone on the road when it was too late. I could only cover my crotch and run past them, hoping they didn't recognize me.

the man said "Jake? Jake Gallagher? what are you doing here?"

next time: Jake learns that his small body can serve a man in ways he never imagined.

feedback, suggestions and ideas are welcome. even just a sentence or two.


Next: Chapter 2: Lessons in Humility 2

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