Lessons in Humility

By Kenji De Sade

Published on Jan 9, 2008


Lessons in Humility

Chapter 2

"Humility is the state of being humble. A humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others."

As provided by Wikipedia

When we last left our diaper boy he had been caught in the throws of an UN authorized orgasm. Punishment was decided; he was bound, hypnotized into shitting himself in his sleep, and carted off to the airport to fly hundreds of miles away for intensive training to teach him proper humility through diaper training.

The Story Continues...

As well pulled into the airport parking garage, David explained that he would be releasing me from my bondage, and if I was a good boy, he would leave it off as we went through the air port and would wait until we got on the plane to go. He also explained that no, my diaper would not be changed yet. I had three changes every 48 hours, and frankly he didn't feel I'd earned one yet. Finally he explained, as he pulled a back pack from the passenger seat, that since I couldn't possibly go through air port security in nothing more then a shitty diaper I'd have to be clothed first. I was very accepting of this, and thankful for Daddy David's sensible mind. After he'd fully removed the restraints and puppy mitts, leaving the pacifier gag in place, he began to pull my new cloths out of the backpack. Already I was being reminded of one of the first rules.

"First things first Daniel, we're going to put these locking plastic pants on you, so in the event you do get out of my sight for just one moment, I wont have to worry about you getting that mess in your diaper all over the airport, imagine how embarrassed I'd be if my naughty boy got his mess everywhere!" As he painted the scenario for me my face grew warmer and warmer and I knew I was a deep scarlet. My humiliation was as obvious as the bulk between my legs and the smell emanating from it. And now, even though I was free of my initial bondage, even if I escaped and ran off, I still wouldn't be free of my diaper.

A loud noise caused me to shrink my head down as an airplane made its victorious war cry mocking the laws of gravity. Daddy David looked up at the sky to watch the airplane fly away and pointed towards it saying, "Look Daniel, it's an airplane, can you say airplane Daniel?" He looked at me with what appeared to be a mocking smile, and at the same time an expectant glare, as if I were supposed to answer him with a pacifier strapped in my mouth! I looked back at him with a pouting expression on my face.

"Boy!" He said loudly and sternly with a look that matched "When I ask you a question I expect you to answer me! That's why we have to teach you these lessons! You don't seem to think anyone else but you deserves your effort. It's selfish. You can't even fallow simple orders. If you ask me Daniel, you really just need more attention and stricter discipline, and then you'll stop acting out and start being a good boy! Now, I'll ask you again Daniel, can you say "Airplane"?" He stared at me expectantly, with his big for arms crossed over his chest and his blue eyes starring at me over his glasses. I felt like a child who'd just been scolded.

"Ahh Paan" I muffled as best I could over the pacifier pressed tightly against my mouth. I looked up at him with what I'm sure was a frightened child's eyes and waited to see if I'd done a good job.

"Good boy Daniel! Good little boy! You keep following the rules and your goanna make daddy proud!" He ruffled my hair with a big grin on his face; I felt loved and praised all at once. Despite my fully loaded state, I also began to get a hard on again. Luckily for me, daddy David didn't seem to notice.

He frowned at me a little for a second as he reached In his bag and pulled out a navy blue onesie, "The bad news boy, is that I was thinking of letting you out of your diaper once we got into the airport and passed the security check in, just making you feel a little bit weary of having to fly in the cramped passage flight all smelly. Which I wouldn't mind anyhow as you'll be flying in coach while I fly in first class." I was crushed to hear this, my daddy David didn't even want to sit next to me on the plane! I think you're a big enough boy to handle yourself and answer everyone's questions properly on the plane. I'm sure you'll do good all by yourself. Now it will be especially good for me, as I wont be changing your diaper until we get home, and you can thank your little act of defiance a few minutes ago for that!"

It was then that I realized it was all about the humiliation of the flight. Someone was sure to ask me about my diaper, or my clothing. Worse yet, someone was bound to smell my stinky filthy diaper and me! Surely someone would complain, and he was going to leave me all on my own to deal with it! I'd have to come up with an answer for people before we even got to the security gates. I didn't know what I would do, so of course, as soon as daddy removed the pacifier from my mouth, I whined "Please daddy, don't do this to me, please, I'll do anything! Just don't continue with this, at least not in public, not like this, please daddy!"

He tisked at me a few times "Now now Daniel, you keep saying you want to be a big boy, but your not being very big now are you? All this whining and complaining. If your not a good boy daddy's just going to have to figure out new ways to punish you. You remember when you and I first started chatting, and I asked you what you thought you needed to learn from a daddy. You were so noble then, telling me you felt you were rather selfish, especially when it came to sex. You thought it would be great to be able to experience things you wouldn't normally. You wanted to be able to expand your horizons so you could please others. Mostly you wanted to learn how to be a good boy. You went so far as to say you wanted everyone to like you. Look at you now Daniel, your in a shitty diaper, acting like a shitty little brat, dressed up like a baby, because you can't seem to act mature enough to do otherwise. You're still only thinking about yourself. This is for you Daniel; I'm just helping you by giving you exactly what you said you needed. A few lessons in humility."

He sighed heavily as he led the onesie over my legs and passed my arms through the arm holes, then he continued to explain "I think the onesies with the crotch snaps are just so cute, however I've found boys tend to find a way to get them off without having to remove all of there cloths, so as an extra precaution, I use the ones that button on the shoulder, that way you have to take off everything below the waist before you can peel yourself out of it." with that he snapped the shoulder snaps and reached into his bag one more time for three more items, white ankle high socks, black sandals, and blue and white stripped coveralls with a sleeping puppy printed on the front kangaroo pouch. I was quickly fitted with these and standing on my own two feet in the parking garage. My legs were spread farther then normal as the bulk of the extremely dirty diaper was holding my thighs further apart then I was used too, and I was afraid to squish it around anymore then I had to. I was relieved however to find the cloths seemed to help cover up the smell of the dirty diaper a little, it was at least less pungent and might be less noticeable to people we passed.

With me all dressed up and already humiliated daddy pulled me from the back seat and stood me on my own two feet. He locked up the car, went around to the back to get my luggage, and with his other hand grabbed mine to walk me into the airport. As we walked he looked over at me and giggled slightly, saying, "You look so goofy dressed up like that with your long mop top hair and your goatee and mustache, you just know you're a big boy who's being punished. You wreak too high heaven too. I really do hope you learn to be a big boy Daniel, but I have to admit, I get a kick out of how goofy you look." He laughed a little louder at the end of this and I hung my head in shame as he continued. "But you know, you just don't look right, and frankly it makes me uncomfortable, having your mouth all empty like that. Your prone to tantrums and whining, and you look so much less silly when your have something in your mouth, I think you should suck on your thumb, just so I have some peace of mind"

I looked up at his large frame and his coxing smile and hesitated for a moment. He said "That's okay boy, go ahead and put your thumb in your mouth, daddy said to, so it's gotta be okay right? Because we all know that daddy knows best." I slowly led my hand up to my mouth and began to suckle on it as we got closer and closer to the airport. With my soggy diaper sagging as I walked, smushing and slurping the cocktail of punishment inside, my cloths reflecting the child I had been acting like, my daddy holding my hand because I wasn't responsible enough to walk on my own, and all while being shipped off hundreds of miles from my home, for a length of time not as of yet determined. I wanted to cry, I sucked on my thumb like daddy told me to, and I wanted to cry.

We walked into the corridor of the airport, to my relief there were moving sidewalks, which meant we could walk through quickly and my chances of being seen, or worse smelt were less. I quickened my pace; forgetting Daddy David was holding my hand and almost pulled him along with me. My eyes were glued on the moving sidewalk and my course was set, but Daddy David snapped me back by my hand and said "Now now Daniel, don't go running off, stick with daddy now" he cooed as he said it and a lady passing by looked at me very strangely, I blushed and continued to suck my thumb, as to my dismay me and daddy David passed by the moving sidewalk, walking slower then I would have liked. Continuing to suck my thumb I looked up pleadingly at daddy David. He smiled down and chuckled.

"You're not getting out of it that easy boy, we've plenty of time to catch our plane so we're in no hurry, we're just gonna walk through the airport in a nice leisurely fashion. Your just a little baby brat anyhow, you've nothing to worry about, that's what daddy's here for. You just keep sucking your thumb and thinking about what all these people who keep looking at you are thinking"

At that, just as if I were triggered hypnotically, I began noticing people around me looking, staring, I could imagine them questioning in there heads, in my mind it became a hell of my own creation, tormented by my own imagination and personal guilt.

A woman with a large flower hat and multi colored polka dot dress looked me up and down with a disapproving look as she walked past me. Almost as though her mind were talking in mine I heard her voice sternly seeking answers for her bewilderment at my state "Why are you sucking your thumb like a child? You must be some kind of slow in the head to walk around dressed like that."

A small child walking behind me with her mother changes sides to walk further away from my direct line. I hear her head just like the woman's "You smell like poo, you're a dirty gross boy! You poo your pants like a baby!" in my head her accusations are as childish as I imagine kids of her age to be.

Others passing by whisper thoughts as simple as "Infantile!" "Disgusting!" some even look to be creating full speeches about there feelings towards my punished state. All the while daddy mummers on in the background about his ideals of what they must be thinking.

We'd already gotten our tickets and checked what luggage we needed to check; only minor embarrassment came from that as most of it was done on a machine. Daddy David went on for a bit about how much he loved technological advances, however missed the personalization of human interaction, though not so much in the airport, all the while I sucked my thumb and listened.

Security was the scariest place by far. I was terrified when I realized the padlock was metal, and so was the chain around my waist. My heart was pounding, my blood was rushing, and my sweat was covering everything my mortal body was made of. I was sure my brain was drowning in the sweat that couldn't make it out.

I could see people in line behind me out of the corner of my eye holding their noses. I knew that for the short term most people couldn't smell me, but the longer they stayed around me the more likely it was, I estimated it wouldn't take less then five minutes, I found out in line it only took about two. A man made a loud vocal remark about how someone must have farted so hard he'd shit out his insides, another said we should hurry the line along so whomever needed new underwear could get it quickly, that was one suggestion I could agree with.

Finally when it was my turn up at the gate, I looked through the metal detectors at daddy David on the other side. I swear he had the biggest shit-eating grin I've ever seen on anyone. In that moment I felt confused, hurt, betrayed, tiered, lost, and afraid. Once someone made mention that I should probably hurry up before a riot started I realized my fear had stopped me from moving, which meant the room spinning must have been a side effect of my fear.

Sure enough as I walked through the detectors went off. I was suddenly even dizzier and more tiered, every word the security guard spoke to me sounded like a shout. At first I couldn't make out what he was saying, I was in such a daze from the horror I felt. Eventually I realized he was simply asking me to cooperate by spreading my arms and legs out. As I did this I felt more embarrassed, realizing the sag of my diaper was more evident without my legs to hold it up, and I was sure too long in this position would cause the smell more freedom, it was seconds before the wand was finished making it's pass. When it was done the security guard asked me what I was wearing under my cloths, I panicked and started stuttering out words that I can promise you don't belong in any dictionary ever written.

My mind raced a mile a minute with hundreds of ideas on what to tell him, congruent with that were thoughts of moral, should I lie, or would that end in trouble? Questions, answers, they were all muddled up in my head, and every few seconds I would come back to realizing that every time I went through a list of a hundred words, I wasn't answering the man with a badge. I felt like a hen trapped in a fox den.

"It's a medical device Sir, he has doctors orders to wear it at all times, I'm sure if you need to see it that would be no problem at all, right Daniel?" I heard what daddy David said vaguely through my stupor, but remembered what I'd been told about answering questions only moments before.

"N-no Daddy" I stammered, slapping my hand over my own mouth as soon as I realized what had come out of it, and cursing myself for making it so obvious that it was an awkward thing to say immediately afterwards. Daddy David Smirked.

After the man looked at me very strangely he dismissed me for the remainder of the conversation, explaining to daddy David that the sound hadn't been enough to really be concerned with and to my complete relief, the visual aide that had been so kindly offered on my behalf wasn't really needed, especially if it was a medical device.

Finally we were in the waiting area and daddy David was searching for a place to sit, I watched hoping against all my fears that he would chose one of the abundant clear areas to sit, where few people were. However he noticed a group of families, a few parents with several kids, he smiled at me as he looked down to make sure I knew where we were going, and he was pleased to see the sweat on my brow and the furrow it danced over as the worry continued to live on my face.

We walked over and he sat down, stopping me from doing the same. "Before you sit down I want to put something on you Daniel, I wont want to have to keep my eye on you every single second, and I'm sure you'll get curious and want to wander a bit so" He paused as he reached into his back pack and pulled out a series of nylon straps and what appeared to be a bungee cord all in bright blue. As Daddy maneuvered me in front of him with my back towards his face he began affixing straps to my upper body, two over my shoulder, one thick one around my waist, and two under my backside and up around my crotch, outlining the edges of the diaper perfectly, and as far as I could tell making the diaper bulk more obvious. "This harness will help me keep an eye on you even when I'm not looking." with that he gave a tug to the bungee cord and I realized I was leashed! Like a dog, like his own little pet something or other!

I looked at him aghast as I spun to meet his constantly smirking face. He sat there with my new leash in hand and a padlock in the other, and before I could expel the diarrhea of opposition he slid the padlock through a center peg which I had not noticed each strap seemed to be somehow connected to. The lock snapped and I heard wind rush from my thoughts. It wasn't a sigh really. It was more like my hopes, my interests in getting out of this one, every aspiration I'd had to get my way, just came out in that one strong breath. It was defeat. It seemed to be coming easier already.

"There now Daniel I have absolutely no reason to worry about you breaking any rules now do I?" Daddy David looked at me with a very fatherly figure look on his face. It was familiar in that I've seen is dozens of times, on my fathers face, on TV actors playing fathers, on fathers depicted through out the years. It was that look that said the wearer was correct in all things, but understood your lack of comprehension and would offer nothing but patients.

I thought about the question. My dirty diaper was locked on me, sagging between my legs with my own filth, worse yet it felt as though I'd have to urinate soon and I wasn't sure how much the diaper could hold. Top that off with the fact that I had a onesie, overalls, and now a harness not only strapped over all of that, but also locked on to boot. I thanked whatever spirits may be that Daddy David and James had been thoughtful enough to at least layer my diapers. "No daddy, you don't have to worry about my breaking any rules at all."

"Good boy, now that I have you all strapped in I'm going to give you something to drink and some toys and you can sit next to me or play on the ground in front of me, but don't forget how much better you look with your thumb in your mouth, you really should try to keep it in there longer, at least until I can get you a pacifier again!" When he finished this statement I noticed one of the moms look over her shoulder her eyes opened wide in shock as she stared at us. Daddy David just smiled at me before digging in his backpack and producing a bottle of what appeared to be baby formula and a bag of Lego's. He handed them both to me, reached back in his bag and pulled out a crossword puzzle. My face got redder when I noticed the mom was still watching.

I sat down in the seat next to Daddy David and put my Lego's and my bottle in my lap. I kept looking around, at the nosey mom, whom I'd come up with the nickname Nosey Posey, whom had poked at her husband and pointed me out. The fact that he seemed to have told her to stop starring made me feel little at ease as she didn't seem to worry much about it. I noticed others mothers and fathers looking at me, at first passively, but slowly they all seemed wretchedly fascinated with my current status. Eventually I pulled out my Lego's to begin trying to distract myself.

Soon I felt a little thirsty and figured I was embarrassed enough, it would be silly not to just drink from the bottle in front of me. So I picked it up and nervously put it to my mouth, slowly so I could watch the people around the room to see if they were looking. Of course the only one that seemed to be paying real attention was Nosey Posey. So I looked her straight in the eye and began sucking down as much as I could.

To my surprise the stuff tasted really good. So good in fact I got lost in it and completely forgot about Nosey Posey starring. It was a strange vanilla malt flavor; it was really good and sort of filling in an odd way. Before I knew it I'd finished the cup, and even before I could say anything David was praising me, he was paying closer attention to me then I noticed.

"Good boy Daniel! You finished all your formula so fast, however we want to be careful, Daddy only packed four bottles so you can't drink them too fast, but since you liked that one here's another bottle, just try not to drink so much!" And with that I was handed another bottle and left back to my own devices.

I felt so good for having done something I enjoyed and having been praised for it. It was little joy shortly lived in the situation I was in, as a small boy ran up to me and began the embarrassing conversation that would end up always making me feel a little worried about airports.

"Hey mister, why are you wearing little boy cloths? Even I stopped wearing things like that already! And why are you drinking from a baby bottle? Is something wrong with you mister?" The little boy was about seven years old, oddly enough, dressed in full adidas track wear, somehow I doubted he was an all out track star, but kids are always spoiled so well these days. He was toe headed with freckles and a tooth missing in the front bottom row. He kept looking up at me inquisitively, only looking away when his parents called saying. "Johnny leave that poor man alone!" with a small nod of apology my way.

I felt daddy David's hand on my shoulder and looked up at his stern eyes, he was reminding me of the rules. I sunk down into my seat, pleading with my eyes, I somehow felt he could understand my pleading "Please no daddy, not a little boy, I can't say it to a little boy, please daddy don't make me do it." and his look replied in kind "You know the rules boy." Simple, to the point, but without a word we understood each other. I looked back down and the boy was again looking at me, still awaiting an answer.

"Well, um, you see, I was naughty, or, er, rather I am naughty." I felt slightly choked and I wanted to come off as eloquently as I could, to possibly shake off anyone who might be listening and mask the truth of what I was saying "I couldn't act like an adult properly, I did things I knew shouldn't have been done, so now I'm being punished like the dirty diaper boy I am." I said it and trailed off into obvious defeat, looking sorrowfully at the boy, suddenly hoping to find a sympathizer behind those innocent young eyes.

"Is that why you smell like poo? Because you're wearing a dirty diaper? You are naughty mister." The boy made a face at me and plugged his nose and walked away giggling towards what I assumed were a brother and sister, who were also holding there noses and making faces at me.

I got angry, I got sad, and I felt like crying all at once. I looked down at my lap and stared at my Lego's as hard as I could. I played with them and pouted. I shuffled and fussed. Daddy David never paid me any mind. I was mortified, and every time I looked up I saw Nosey Posey staring at me, along with everyone else who had heard the exchange between the boy and I. And daddy David just sat there doing his crossword. Until finally our flight was called.

We got on the plane, my harness having been removed while we were in line. My bottle still in my hand, and my thumb freshly in my mouth. Daddy David took me to my seat, which I found was nestled next to the window toward the front of the cabin, next to me was an old woman followed by a young business type looking guy.

Daddy made sure I was buckled in before leaving me, handing me a teddy bear and some crackers in a zip lock baggie before leaving, the old woman looked at me strangely, the business man type didn't seem to notice me. Eventually the flight took off, the stewardesses made their rounds and everything seemed to be going fine. Until at one point the woman made comment to the business man about how rude it was when some people didn't consider other peoples air space and smells they may not find enjoyable. I was subjected to her starring, her sniffing and her spraying the most god-awful perfume I've ever smelt into the air several times. I couldn't blame her though, I could smell it thickly in my own nostrils, eventually though she managed to fall asleep, and shortly I followed her.

In my dreams I was diapered, I was diapered thickly, so thickly I couldn't move my legs. I wobbled uncontrollably on the thick fabric of the diaper until I maneuvered my way onto my knees. The diaper was so thick the only part of me that could touch the ground were my knees and my palms. If I wanted to move around I'd have to crawl. So I crawled. I crawled down halls and corridors, into rooms and closets, all with random assortments of memories. Some of babyish things like pacifiers, bottles, cribs, and some with more random things, like pink fish in blue water, or dog dishes glued to the ceiling. Through every room I crawled until I came to my living room.

All of my friends, everyone I knew, and everyone else was somehow standing, comfortably around me in my living room. They were all smiling at me. All of them seemed very happy to see me. They were all calling me little man, or little boy, things like that and all of them smiling, but none of them would help me stand up. They kept telling me it was for my own good and that it would be better if I stayed on the ground. Eventually I agreed with them.

Suddenly my bowels, bladder and all, let lose and I couldn't stop myself. There was no warning to it, no feeling before it hit, I was just Suddenly urinating and shitting all at the same time. I felt so full yet getting emptier all the time. At first I noticed the diapers were really thick and would hold a lot. Then I realized they were soaking it all up to fast and it wasn't stopping. Everyone started backing away from me. They all started talking about how much I stunk and how horrible it was to be around such a bad boy. I couldn't help myself, I pleaded with them and begged them to stay, and as they all left I woke up. The plane had landed and people were starting to get off. I realized that my diaper was warmer. As I stood it felt heavier then I'd remembered. I started to cry a little when I realized I'd dirtied myself more in my sleep again. I was still letting tears slowly slide from my eyes when Daddy David came to retrieve me.

"Aww what's wrong Daniel? Why are your crying? Didn't you nap well on the plane?" He cooed at me as he said this and stroked my forehead a bit with one hand while getting my bag out of the overhead compartment and listening to me explain about feeling so bad about having expelled myself once again.

"Don't worry too much Daniel, now that we've finally landed I can change you in the airport bathroom." He smiled as he said these golden sweet words. He knew what it would do to me to have this release offered.

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly and sobbed a couple of times while thanking him and promising to be good from now on. By the time I was finished we were among the last to leave the plane. We hurried to the bathroom and to my shock daddy David patted the child's changing table that was built into the wall and beckoned me.

"Come on Daniel hop on up and well get you all cleaned up and in a fresh didee." he held up wipes and baby powder from the diaper bag in one hand and continued to pat the table with the other.

I was torn at first between the humiliating possibility that someone might come in, but the look of warning and the thought of being trapped in the diaper any longer pushed me forward and I gave in. Hopping up on the changing table I stared at Daddy David while he undid my shoulder snaps and overalls and worked me out of both, then unlocked the plastic pants, worked them down to my ankles and began unfastening the duct tape around my waist. It took a bit of wriggling and a bit of strain but eventually James' job was undone. Next came the tabs, and when they were done the smell hit me head on.

"Oh boy Daniel! It looks like you're such a shitty boy you have run over!" Daddy David chuckled a little at this but just continued onto the next diaper, making a loud whiffing sound as he opened my diapers completely. "Oh man boy! I should have hired a cleaning crew to come in and help!" Just as he said this, the door swung open.

My heart forgot what it was for, and my lungs had there own form of Alzheimer's as I looked at the man gagging in the doorway who's only vocal expression was "Oh god!" he sort of held his chest a bit and heaved breaths a few times before finally bolting from the bathroom in some new direction I bet he wasn't even sure of. My shock was broken only by daddy David's loud heavy laughter.

"Boy I'll tell you, some of these folks are a riot! See now, that wasn't so bad was it boy?" As he looked down at me and continued with the task at hand, using more wipes then I thought he could carry in the diaper bag to clean the mess I was, I thought about what had just transpired and in the end I said,

"No daddy, that wasn't really that bad, thank you daddy." I smiled up at daddy David and relaxed for the first time since this all started. Daddy David smiled back at me as he re-diapered me, much to my surprise in first a disposable, followed by a cloth diaper! I was a bit perturbed, but daddy David soon fixed that.

"I'm glad your realizing its all for the best boy. But before you forget, I want to remind you, it's not over yet." With that he pulled the pacifier gag out of his back pack and nestled it back between my lips, fastening both the buckle and the lock behind my head, pulled up my locking plastic pants, again locking those as well, put the rest of my cloths back on and pulled me down from the changing table. "There boy, he said, lets get you home.

It was all so sudden and shockingly cold I felt confused and worried all over again. The relaxed calm sense I'd had moments ago was harshly pulled away. I walked behind daddy David all the way to the car in a daze. I didn't have tears for this. I barely had thoughts for this, as I climbed into the backseat where I was buckled into the center, my hands once again put into the fist mitts, in a car headed somewhere I'd never been. All I had was shock and bewilderment. It appeared I had many more lessons to learn.

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