Lessons from Uncle Samuel

By Bart

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Hope you enjoy my first story. Comments are welcome to AHungryBear@aol.com. This is a work of fiction with themes of domination and submission, consensual adult incest, and will grow increasingly kinky as things progress.

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Lessons From Uncle Samuel, Part 2

Recap: Virginal 18-year-old Bobby is seduced by his Mom's boyfriend, Arnie, into giving him a blow job. But as he completes the deed, his Mom arrives home from work.

And then I heard a gasp and looked past Arnie to see my mom standing by the front door. I didn't know how much she saw, but she certainly saw enough...

"Oh shit," mumbled Arnie as he tried to pull his pants up without standing up. I stumbled back from where I was kneeling, keeping my head down so she couldn't see my cum-smeared face. I somehow got to my feet and fled to my room, slamming the door behind me. Definitely a coward's move, but I truly had no words to express my feelings at the moment. Leaning back against the door, trying to catch my breath and fighting the urge to be sick, I could hear my Mom screaming and Arnie's only slightly less loud responses. And then a slam of the front door, and the sounds of Arnie's truck turning on, which somehow managed to sound angry, before the vehicle departed our property with a roar.

I waited for Mom to pound on my door, but instead I heard her go into her room and close the door. With a sigh, I flopped onto the bed, my head spinning. Despite all the drama of the last hour, one thing remained: being on my knees sucking Arnie's cock was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. I found my tongue running around my lips seeking any remnants of his cum. And that taste was ambrosia. My hands slid down to my aching crotch, for I had been so focused on satisfying the man who let me service him that I hadn't thought about getting off myself. Loosening the belt on my jeans I shoved them and my briefs down, freeing my cock, which immediately shot to attention.

Closing my eyes, I wrapped my hand around my prick, allowing my mind to replay the sensations worshipping a man. His strong hands on my head, controlling me for his maximum pleasure. His deep voice purring encouragement and verbal abuse with equal measures, and both feeling so rewarding to me. The sensation of his large cock exploring deeper into my throat than I ever thought possible. And the truly electric charge in the moment when his body exploded in orgasm and I was allowed to taste and drink his essence. And now I came. I had to bite my lip to keep from shouting out. My cum spread across my belly and chest. I swear I felt some on my face. And after that I seemed to black out, falling into something between sleep and unconsciousness.

I must have woken up a few times during the night to hear Mom talking in low but emphatic tones on the phone; I didn't need to hear the words to know that she was "making plans."

In the morning, the aromas of a cooked breakfast reached my nose and woke me up. Pulling on my sweatpants and a t-shirt, I wandered into the bathroom and then the kitchen. A full meal was set out at my place, waffles with strawberries, fresh juice, a sectioned grapefruit. Mom was dressed casually -- not work clothes but still not sloppy. She had washed her hair and it was tied back with a bright red scarf.


"Sit down and eat. And we'll talk."

I did as I was told. After she finished the dishes, she picked up her coffee cup and sat across from me. Her mouth was set in a strong but not angry line. And when she spoke, her voice was level and even a bit loving. Definitely not the fury I was prepared for.

"Listen, I have several things to say and I'd appreciate if you didn't interrupt me until I'm done." She paused for a moment, watching me carefully. I shrugged and put a piece of waffle in my mouth, trying to match her unemotional expression.

"First, and maybe most important, I love you. I don't care that you're gay. In fact, frankly it wasn't much of a surprise. Arnie and I... well, let's not go there."

I couldn't help grinning at her faux pas, then quickly tried to return to neutral, but I swear I saw just a bit of a smile on hers.

"I wish you hadn't chosen to seduce my boyfriend..."

For a moment I was going to protest but decided that wasn't the point of the moment.

"But that's over and done with. After what happened, I can't stay here. I've quit my job and I'm moving. I gave notice to the landlord.

"Now, I think it would not be a good idea for us to live together. You have a couple of options. You can stay here for the next 30 days. The rent's paid. You're an adult so you can get a job and you can let the landlord know if you want to stay. I can let you have a bit of cash to tie you over until you find work.

"You have another option. I talked to Samuel and he's willing to take you in. He lives somewhere out in the woods so I'm not sure how much fun that will be, but it will be a roof over your head and food. And you can finish high school there in the fall. He's driving in this morning, so you'll need to make a decision. Now, finish your breakfast."

She stood up, finished her coffee and put the cup in the sink, and walked out of the room. I looked at my breakfast and had a difficult time deciding if I wanted to eat, but figured I might as well. Thinking about my Uncle Samuel, I visualized him: a towering man well over six feet tall, a hefty man with lots of muscles apparent under whatever fat (definitely not flab) he carried. He had a full dark beard, just starting to show some silver the last time I saw him. His arms were hairy, as was a tuft that stuck out of the throat of the plaid shirts he favored. His voice was deep and rumbling, though he seemed to talk only when he has something to say. All in all, he was intimidating as hell, but also kind of sexy. I certainly had no reason to believe he was dangerous so living with him seemed the best option.

Which is how I found myself sitting next to him in his Range Rover about four hours later. Packing my clothes hadn't taken long -- one of the few benefits of the life I had lived was that I wasn't in the habit of holding on to much stuff. We had been travelling for maybe a half an hour in silence, when my Uncle turned his head in my direction and asked in a very even tone, "so, are you a gay man or a faggot?"

I wasn't shocked that Mom had told him about the hot unfortunate incident with Arnie, but his question totally baffled me.

"Um, isn't that the same thing?"

"Not at all. A gay man is a man who is attracted to other men. A faggot is born to service all men without focusing on his own needs. Both are totally valid, but very different. So, which are you?"

I was so confused by this concept that I just fumbled around for a minute trying to figure out what I wanted to say. And then he continued.

"For instance, I'm a gay man. I adore men. And boys. My sexual tastes are varied. But I'm always in control and always on top."

I turned and looked at him incredulously. I would never have guessed that he was gay. But then, my knowledge of gay men was certainly limited. Non-existent was probably more accurate. Without thinking further, I stammered out "then I guess I'm a fag."

He turned his head to smile at me.

Then we drove on in silence for a while, giving me a chance to digest what I just admitted. And images of being on my knees pleasuring Arnie began to fill my imagination. Except that Arnie began to fade, being replaced by images of my Uncle Samuel. As if I was afraid he could read my mind, I began to blush furiously.

"Well," he rumbled, "there are a few rules for living with me."

"Yes, Sir?"

He nodded at my salutation and continued, "the first is that under no circumstances at no time will you refer to me as Uncle Sam." He shot me a grin, but I didn't hesitate to believe he meant it. Then he continued, "second is that you will always be honest with me. I want to know what you are thinking and feeling. Third, you'll have your chores at home, and you will do them. In the fall, you'll be going to school and you'll work hard at your classes.

"Finally, as to sex, you have two choices, and believe me, you have a choice. Whichever you choose, you will remain with me, at least until you've graduated from high school and figured out where you want to go next. You can live with me strictly as my nephew, and pursue romance where you find it, or you can be my sex slave and I will teach you everything I know about being a fag, which is considerable. Take some time and let me know what you want."

The last 24 hours had certainly been confusing, exciting, difficult and shocking. But I was beginning to understand myself; what I was born to be; what I needed to be.

"Yes Sir, I want to be your sex slave."

"Good boy. Then get your face in my crotch and show me what you've learned."

I felt a grin spread across my face as I carefully slid my head under his arm so not to interfere with his driving. Burying my face in his denim covered crotch, I inhaled deeply. An intoxicating mix of sweat and jeans and man. I had only been drunk once in my life, but just these scents were enough to move me in that direction.

"Open up my pants, boy," his command was gentle but firm.

Gently I undid his thick leather belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Beneath them, I found no underwear, just his thick uncut cock nestled in a thick nest of wiry hair. Tentatively, I stuck out my tongue and ran it across his flesh. Beneath my tongue, his manhood quivered a bit and shifted as if trying to grow. With my fingers, I freed his cock, surprised by its heft. Not quite as long as Arnie's (the only cock other than my own I had to compare it to), but definitely thicker. I knew it would challenge my jaws to encompass it, but that knowledge didn't make me pause for a moment.

With a wet mouth, I took the head in my mouth, propelling my tongue under the foreskin, which obliged by sliding backwards. A stronger taste of man and a bit of dried cum and piss filled my mouth. Startled, I being to slide back a bit, but Uncle's elbow firmly pressed against the back of my head, pushed me back down. I heard his deep chuckle as I lightly gagged, which propelled me forward eager to please him. My head began to bob up and down on his thick rod, my tongue exploring to find his most sensitive spots. Nothing else existed -- the car, the road, anything -- except for pleasing him.

Without realizing what I was doing, one of my hands slid down to my crotch and began to grope myself. My Uncle slapped my hand away and in a serious tone instructed me "you never touch yourself without permission. You exist for Men's pleasure, not your faggot self." Awkwardly I moved my hand behind my back and kept it there as I continued to service the cock in front of me.

I could feel that beautifully cock pulsing within my mouth, growing harder and longer as he got closer and closer to climax. Then, without any warning but a quickening of his breath, he shot rope after rope of thick cum into my mouth and down my throat. "Don't spill any of that in my car. Take it all down." As the last of the cum struck the back of my throat, he let out a whooshing sound and I could feel his entire body relax. Carefully, I returned his softening dick into his jeans and buttoned them up. Feeling slightly dizzy and exhausted, I straightened up and settled back in my seat.

Uncle turned to me and grinned. "Yes boy, I think we're going to get along just fine."


Next: Chapter 3

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