Lessons from Uncle Samuel

By Bart

Published on Jun 1, 2020


Hope you enjoy my first story. Comments are welcome to Ahungrybear@aol.com. This is a work of fiction with themes of domination and submission, and will grow increasingly kinkier as things progress.

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Lessons From Uncle Samuel, Part 1

Hey. My name's Bobby. I guess before we get to the sex stuff that I know you want to hear about, I should tell you a bit about my background, so you understand what happened. My Mom raised me alone -- I never knew who my Dad was and I kind of suspect neither did she. Yeah, she's kind of a major slut, just like me. She got knocked up in high school when she was 17, so she was still pretty young and sexy when this all started. She had a weakness for very rugged, macho guys, a bit on the crude side. And, judging from the sounds coming from her bedroom from the time I was old enough to understand what I was hearing, very rough sex. Spent a lot of nights jerking off to the filthy talk and pounding (and slapping) I heard through the wall. Guess that's what turned me into such a perv myself.

Listen, I'm not knocking my Mom. She tried. She really did. She could have abandoned me or put me up for adoption or just left me at the side of the road. Her parents had kicked her out when they found out I was on the way, and the only relative I ever met was my Uncle Samuel, Mom's brother, this hulking bearded character who showed up maybe twice a year to argue with my mom and throw me a few compliments.

I always had my own bedroom and plenty of food and went to school. Wherever we were. Yeah, we moved around. A lot. Mom was always in pursuit of the next big job. And the next big man. So, I never had much time to make friends. Or form crushes. Well, not many. The unfortunate side effect of this peripatetic life was that I turned 18 just as I was finishing my junior year of high school. What was not her fault (unless you want to get into genetics) was that I barely looked 15, only 5'5", with no noticeable facial hair or much body hair either; the fact that I was so fair made the hair I did have almost invisible. I stayed active but while I had a toned body, I didn't have much muscle to show for my efforts.

We had been settled in Seattle for almost a year. Mom's new man was named Arnie. A mechanic, he was a dark-haired, naturally muscular stud. His chest was covered in a thick mat of hair and his broad hands were never too clean. He wore a porn `stache about 20 years after they went out of style, but it made him hot and a bit sleazy, which frankly made him even hotter. He was a hard riding fucker -- I could hear my Mom's mattress banging against the metal frame when he got going. My mom was sometimes limping a bit in the morning, but always smiling. One night I had woken up in the middle of the night, needing to piss badly. I made it quickly down the hallway in just the sweatpants I slept in. Having finished what I needed to do, I opened the bathroom door and froze. Arnie was standing there, leaning against the wall, waiting his turn. Stark naked. His cock half-hard from a need to piss and was already considerably bigger than mine with a full hard on. I couldn't help staring at his cock. His muscles. His hairy chest. His powerful legs. His cock, which I swear was growing harder. Blushing furiously, I tried to get pass him. He put a hand on my shoulder, and as I glanced up, he had an unmistakable smirk on his face as if he could read my mind. As I hurried down the hall, I could swear I heard a quiet laugh.

Back in my bedroom, with the door firmly closed, I flopped on my bed, trying to catch my breath. I felt like I had just run a marathon. My face was flushed and sweat was forming. And my cock was as hard as it had ever gotten. My hand reached down without a conscious thought and I was gripping it and beginning to stroke. My eyes were closed as I visualized Arnie standing that, unembarrassingly naked and erect. Suddenly I heard faint footsteps outside my room. Or maybe I imagined them. Maybe I imagined the stud standing there, listening, knowing what I was doing. Suddenly, I heard the door to my Mom's bedroom open and her softly calling his name. After a moment, I heard the door close and then some laughter, as if he was reporting to her what had happened. Without warning, I shot a huge load that actually reached my face and the headboard behind me. Exhausted, I fell into a deep sleep filled with erotic dreams I couldn't quite remember but knew involved my new obsession.

The next morning, I delayed coming to breakfast as long as I possibly could. When I finally came down, Arnie was gulping down his coffee, getting ready to leave. That didn't stop him from giving me a once over lingering look with a knowing smirk causing me to blush again. Mom was at the sink washing dishes and didn't notice. He slowly got up, adjusted himself, and walked over and grabbed my mom, giving her a deep kiss and a quick grope of her breasts. She tried to pull back a bit, obviously aware I was in the room, but he laughed, slapped her on the ass, saluted me and walked out. Pulling herself together, she asked me to finish the dishes as she had to get to work. Of course, I agreed, trying my best to hide my hard on with the kitchen chair. Hearing her leave, I suddenly realized I had been holding my breath and let it out slowly. Wasn't sure how long I could keep this all up, you should pardon the expression. And before I got to the dishes, I headed back to my bedroom to jerk off another sizable load.

Nothing changed for the next couple of weeks, except every time Arnie was around, I felt like he was watching me, which was both arousing and nerve-wracking all at once. One afternoon, I was hanging out at home watching some television when I heard his truck pull up into the driveway. I was surprised because Mom was at work. As the stud let himself into the house, I glanced up. He had clearly come directly from work; it was a hot day and he was sweating enough that his white t-shirt was stuck to his torso, highlighting his powerful chest and arms. I could see his nipples sticking up against the material and even swirls of his abundant chest hair through the thin material. His masculine aroma filled the room, and my dick started to stir up.

He plopped into one of the recliners in the living room and grinned at me. "Get me a beer, would you, kid?"

I hated when he called me a kid, made me feel so insignificant, but my body obeyed without my brain summoning it to. Got him one of the ever-present bottles of his favorite brand out of fridge and brought it back to the lounging stud. He took the beer with a grunt of thanks and I settled back down onto the sofa.

"Where's your Mom?"

Surprised that he didn't know, I responded, "it's her day to work late. Thought you knew."

"Oh, fuck! I forgot." He settled back and his free hand reached down to grope his crotch. He saw me watching and grinned, "Fuck kid, you know how it is. Sometimes you just have to get off." Blushing, I simply nodded, as he continued, "Your cock and balls have a mind of their own. They want to get satisfied and they don't give a fuck who or how. Now, I would never cheat on your mom with another bitch. That wouldn't be right. But you know, a man using some fag to get some relief, that's a different thing. You know what I mean?"

Truthfully, I half knew what he meant and was half totally confused. I knew I was frightened and ready to run to my room and let him wait for my Mom to get home. Or offer him some porn and let him jerk off if that's what he meant. But as I started to get off the sofa, he grinned and said, "Relax kid. I was just talking. Of course, if you want to make some kind of offer, I might not say no, you know what I mean."

I think I made some babbling sounds. I was so confused of how to respond. Was he suggesting we have sex? Or was he just teasing me. Maybe he was setting me up to respond and then he'd have an excuse to beat the shit out of me. Not that he had ever been violent to me before. I just kind of froze.

He leaned forward, staring at me, never losing his grin. His legs moved wider apart, the material of his pants stretching tighter across his ever-growing crotch. "Listen kid, let's stop playing games. I know you're gay. That's no problem for me, so don't get nervous. Fags give great blow jobs. I need to get off. So why don't you get down on your knees and be a good faggot and get me off?"

"I've never... that is, I haven't..."

Arnie's grin widened. "You're telling me you're a virgin?"

"Um, well, yes Sir."

"No fucking kidding? You're 18 and you've never swung on a cock?"

Blushing furiously now, I could feel the heat on my face. "No, Sir."

"Bet you'd like to try it. Bet you watch fag porn and jerk off watching boys going down on men. Wishing it was you. You going to tell me I'm wrong?"

It came out as barely a whisper: "No Sir, you're not wrong."

His grin launched into a full smile then. "I sure do like the way you call me Sir. Shows you know your place. Fags were created to service real men like me. You know that's right, don't you?"

Again, I could barely whisper my response, but somehow, I knew this was the moment and everything he was saying was true. At least, true about me.

"So, come and get it, bitch." He leaned back and reaching down, undid his belt and opened his jeans. Undoing the zipper, he reached in and pulled out his impressive cock, already half-hard. It hypnotized me, like a cobra does its prey, as he swayed it back and forth. With his other hand, he gestured as if beckoning me. I began to stand up, but he shook his head, and in almost a whisper, he commanded, "On your knees, boy. That's how you approach a man."

I lowered myself to the floor, and on my knees crawled to him. It was both humiliating and liberating all at the same time. It simply felt so right. I reached him, deeply breathing in the intoxicating mix of his sweat and musk. I had only been drunk a few times in my life, but this scent had the same effect, only multiplied by 1,000. He chuckled as he reached out and put his strong hand on the back of my head, gently guiding me toward the head of his cock. My mouth opened and my tongue snaked out to lick the tip as I had seen in so many porn videos.

He let go of a deep sigh and pulled me closer. My virgin mouth took in the head of his cock, my tongue instinctively running around and around the circle. A taste, at once bitter and salty and sweet, a mix of a bit of dried piss and some drops of pre-cum hit my tongue. Holding my head lightly, he let me adjust to the feeling and the taste. I began to gently nurse on the head. I was moving into some strange headspace of not thinking, not resisting, simply focused on giving pleasure. Tasting, testing, accommodating my mouth to the heft and size of the cock.

"I was right, kid. You're a natural cocksucker. Now's the time to move forward. Take me boy." The grip of his hand on my head tightened, as he pulled my mouth forward, onto his shaft. My tongue instinctively found the underside of his cock, the thick vein running the length, throbbing at my light pressure. I began to suck harder, feeling the meat growing harder and larger in my mouth. I felt at once powerful and totally helpless.

The cock continued to move further through my mouth as Arnie pulled me in closer. I could hear him moaning now, mixed with his chuckling. As the head of his mighty cock hit the back of my mouth and began to enter my throat, I instinctively tried to move back, but my master grabbed my head with both of his hands and held firm.

"No, you don't bitch. You're going to deep throat me like the good little fag you are."

He slammed forward and I began to choke. For a moment I thought I'd be sick, and that quickly followed with a more accurate fear that I was going to faint. "Breath through your nose, baby," Arnie purred, and I blindly obeyed, beginning to adjust to my total task of satisfying my man completely. My throat began to accommodate the head of his cock as my tongue swirled and teased. I began to taste his pre-cum -- my first taste ever of anyone's -- as it seeped into my mouth; a taste I found addictive.

Holding my head firmly but not painfully, Arnie began to work my head up and down his shaft, each time letting his cock shift out of my throat until only the head was planted and feeling me feeling weirdly empty, and then plunging it back through my mouth and into my throat. No longer gagging, breathing in rhythm, I was moving out of my body, out of the room, out of anything physical but the sheer thrill of serving a take charge man.

I became aware of my master breathing deeper and faster, of his body tensing and even trembling, and then with a roar I had often heard coming through the walls of my bedroom, Arnie erupted deep in my mouth, his sweet cum hitting the back of my mouth. I began to swallow his cum as he pulled back, leaving his head against my tongue to shoot another thick thread of cum into my cocksucking mouth. Slowly, my heart beats began to return to normal, and Arnie's hands fell away from my head as he relaxed back against the padded sofa. He smiled down at me, still on my knees, cum smeared across my face, and chuckled. "What a good little cocksucker you are. A natural."

And then I heard a gasp and looked passed Arnie to see my mom standing by the front door. I didn't know how much should saw, but she certainly saw enough...


Next: Chapter 2

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