Lessons from the Neighbors

By Josh Williams

Published on Jan 6, 2023


The following contains graphic depictions of men having sex with men. If this offends you, stop reading right now.

This is my second venture into writing erotica. All comments are

welcome. Enjoy.

"Lessons From the Neighbors" by Josh Williams xxxscribe_sf@yahoo.com

Part One

"You wanna suck my cock, don't you, kid?" he teased me, one corner of his hot, mustached mouth turning upward into a sexy smirk. I was kneeling in front of him, my heart pounding and my knees shaking, looking up into his eyes. I was so excited I couldn't speak. I felt paralyzed by his stare.

I was still fully clothed; he was standing there in front of me naked but for his briefs. I finally found the willpower to break his gaze and let my eyes languorously travel down his manly body. From my vantage point below, his broad shoulders looked even more powerful, his hairy pecs even more meaty. I noticed the thick tufts of dark hair peeking out of his armpits and followed the furry trail over his chest, his erect nipples, and down his strong stomach to where it disappeared beneath the waistband of his briefs.

I could see the shape of his man-sized erection through the thin material. His cock pointed diagonally up to the left and was straining so hard against the white cotton that it was pulling the waistband away from his body a couple of inches. I peeked in and saw the dark, curly mass of his pubes.

A jolt of electricity shot through my body as he reached down and tousled my hair with his strong hand. My 18-year-old cock surged in my jeans. "Go on. Take it out and play with it," he urged softly but firmly.

I moved in a few inches closer and tentatively put my hands on his thighs, momentarily reveling in the sensation of the warm, muscular hairiness. I was so close to his body that I could smell his sweaty crotch, and I noticed the large, wet spot on his briefs where his cock head was oozing precum. I moved my hands up his thighs and started slowly pulling his briefs down. Smooth fabric slid over hot skin, gradually revealing his thick, dark pubic bush. I was about to get a glimpse of another man's erection for the first time, and I was so excited I could barely see straight.

"So this is what goes on while I'm at work?" the deep voice behind me boomed. My heart stopped. I looked up at Bill. He looked surprised, but he was smiling. What the fuck was going on?

I slowly turned around to see Bill's lover, Tom, standing in the doorway, clad in only his unbuttoned dress shirt and boxers, which were tented over a big, fat hard-on. Tall and blonde with a sexy, trim beard, he was a hot contrast to Bill's dark, compact hairiness. Tom, like Bill, was smiling, silently communicating something to his lover while they locked eyes on each other.

"We're gonna have to show you what happens to horny little bastards who try to suck my lover's cock behind my back," Tom said, looking right at me with a mock seriousness that quickly turned into a sexy grin.

Tom walked right past and joined his lover behind me. My head was spinning as the implications of the scene started to sink in. Still on my knees, I slowly turned around to see Tom slip his muscular arm around Bill's beefy shoulder and pull him close. They nuzzled each other's faces for a moment and whispered something to each other that I couldn't hear. Then Tom planted his mouth on Bill's and they kissed, swirling their tongues together and sucking on each other's lips and hairy faces. My cock was throbbing inside my jeans and aching for release. I reached down and squeezed it through the denim and felt a slippery spot of precum that had leaked through.

Bill and Tom stopped their kissing, and both men looked at me lustfully while they advanced toward me. When their crotches we right in front of my face, Tom knelt down so that he was face to face with me.

"You look like you've got a pretty big boner in those jeans there. Why don't you let it loose and show it to us?" he asked, one eyebrow playfully raised. I fumbled over my words and hesitated, so Tom took charge. Pushing my hand away, he unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. Then he slowly pulled my shirt up, exposing my stomach and chest. "Sexy body, kid," he said, leering at me and letting out a long, low whistle. "Hey Bill, get a load of this tight little body." And with that, Tom pulled my partially-unbuttoned shirt up and over my head until I was kneeling in front of both of them, half naked, heart beating a mile a minute.

Bill then knelt down and pulled my jeans down the rest of the way. My cock was tenting out my briefs and was pulsing in time with my heartbeat. I was so close to cuming that I was gonna bust my load if I so much as looked down at my hard on. Then Tom reached over and finished what his lover started, pulling my briefs down to expose my erect cock and balls.

"Kevin... Kevin."

I froze. It was my mom's voice. She was going to walk in on me fucking around with the neighbors! I had to get out of there.

I reached down and started to pull up my underwear, but Bill intervened.

"Not so fast, kid. We're not done with you yet," he said, smiling, as he reached out a big hand and grabbed me by my dick.

That's all it took. Lust trumped fear as I felt a powerful orgasm exploding in my groin, and everything started happening in slow motion. I looked down at my cock just in time to see the first volley of cum shoot out and splash all over Bill's dark, wiry pubes.

"Fuck yeah, kid! That's it. Shoot your load!" Bill growled as he kept pumping my spasming cock.

"Kevin! What are you doing in there?!" It was my mom's voice again. She was going to walk in on me while I was naked with two other guys, one of whom was dripping with my cum. I didn't care, though. These guys were so fucking hot, and I was having the best orgasm of my young life.

My groin contracted violently again, and another squirt shot out of my piss hole, this time landing on Tom, who had just leaned in to watch the action more closely. Just as my cock was erupting again, I looked up to see Tom licking my cum off his hairy hand.

Suddenly, everything started to fade and get blurry, and I was afraid I was passing out. My cock was still on fire, though, and I kept shooting and shooting, even as I was losing consciousness. Then everything went black.

And I woke up.

My ejaculation continued even as I was coming to and was rudely interrupted by my mom rapping on my bedroom door, trying to get me up for summer school. Suddenly the door opened opened, and she peeked in.

"Kevin, I've been calling you for the last 15 minutes. You're going to be late for school!"

"OK, Mom. I'm up, I'm up!" I answered, worried she'd find out I just jizzed all over my sheets and annoyed that she'd woken me out of such a fuckin' hot dream. I reached down to feel inside my jockeys, and sure enough, they were soaked with my thick, hot cum. Luckily, it was cool the night before, so the covers were over me when my mom looked in. My cock was still rock hard and slick with cum, so I wrapped my hand around it and gave myself a final few strokes as I replayed my erotic reverie in my head.

Tom and Bill -- the stars of my dream -- were the 30-something gay couple who lived down the street. They were also the object of my fantasies during many (OK, most) of my jerk-off sessions. Just thinking about the two of them fucking around with each other got me hard. They were both so masculine and rugged. Occasionally I would see one or both of them working out in the yard, shirtless and dripping with sweat, and I'd have to try really hard not to blatantly stare. Then I'd usually have to run back in the house to relieve the throbbing erection I'd spring.

Both men had beefy, muscular bodies and lots of hair in all the right places. Tom was tall with short sandy blonde hair and a close-cropped beard that set off his square jaw and sexy mouth. Bill was shorter and a bit stockier, with dark hair and a mustache frequently accompanied by a five-o'clock shadow that drove me crazy.

It was the summer of 1977, and I had just turned 18. I was living with my mom; she and my dad were divorced, and I didn't see much of him. I had known I was attracted to men since I was about 10, and I had recently told my mom that I was gay. She was a hippie and pretty cool, so she was very supportive. We had a really good relationship. Well, as good a relationship as a teenager can have with his mom. I was very lucky, since most gay kids my age who came out to their parents were getting kicked out of their homes back then. Even though we lived in a fairly progressive Northern California town, it was still the 70s, so mom urged me to be discreet for my own safety. Some people, like mom, knew about Tom and Bill, but to most people they were just the very attractive neighborhood bachelors who happened to share a house.

After a quick shower, I stripped the bed of my semen-soaked sheets and headed downstairs for breakfast. After our usual weekday morning chit chat, mom put down her coffee cup and cleared her throat. That was a signal she was about to get serious, and I wondered what was up.

"Kevin," she began, looking a bit uncomfortable, "I hope you don't get angry with me for doing this, but yesterday, I told Tom and Bill that you're gay."

"Mom!" I cried. "What did you do that for?!" I was mortified. I was still new to being gay, and mom was the only one I had told so far.

"Because, Kevin," she answered, reaching over the table and taking my hand, "I'm worried about you. You're 18 years old, and you should be enjoying life. Lately, all you've been doing is shutting yourself in your room and listening to records. You need to get out and meet people -- gay people. I just want you to be happy. I love you."

My anger melted away. She was right.

"I love you, too, mom. But next time, please ask me before you tell anyone, OK?"

"Deal," she agreed, smiling. "But please promise me you'll talk to Tom and Bill. It'd be really good for you. They're great guys, and they have lots of friends they can introduce you to. And they can answer questions for you that I can't answer."

"OK," I acquiesced, still uncomfortable with the idea. Talking about my homosexuality with the two guys who were the objects of my jerk-off fantasies both excited and scared me. The few times I had spoken with either of them, I always got distracted and flustered, and I ended up sounding like a fool. The last time Bill and I had an exchange, he was in his front yard trimming the hedges. It was a hot day, and he was wearing a tank top. I couldn't stop staring at his hairy, muscular arms, and I started stammering like an idiot when I noticed the dark hair that was peeking out of his sweaty armpits.

"Gotta run, mom!" I said, realizing I was going to be late.

"Think about what I said, OK?" she pleaded as I pecked her on the cheek and made my way out the door.

"OK, OK!" I agreed, just wanting to get her off my back

Going to summer school sucked, but I had to go in order to graduate. I'd always been a pretty good student, but my grades had slipped a bit during my junior year. Fortunately, classes ended at noon, so I had the rest of the day to bum around and enjoy the warm weather. Mom had other plans for me, though. When I got home, there was a note on the table:

"Kevin, don't forget to mow the lawn today. Spoke with Bill and Tom yesterday, and they said we could use their mower while ours is getting fixed. Love, Mom"

Fuck. I really didn't want to spend the afternoon mowing the lawn. And I really didn't want to go over to Tom and Bill's house to get their lawnmower. I was always eager to sneak a peek at them, but now that mom let the cat out of the bag, I was even more uncomfortable with the idea of talking to them.

I decided to get it over with and went over and rang their doorbell. No one answered on the first ring, so I tried again. Maybe they weren't home, and I'd be off the hook? But just as I was turning around to leave, the door opened., and there stood Tom in shorts and a t-shirt. He looked strange, like he just got out of bed, but he didn't seem sleepy or groggy.

"Hey Kev!"

"Hi Tom," I said, trying hard not to stare at his hairy legs. I could swear I spied a slight bulge in his shorts, but I wrote it off as wishful thinking. "Mom said I could borrow the lawnmower?"

"Oh, yeah.... sure," Tom replied distractedly. "Come on in. It's out back." As I walked through the door, Tom put his hand on my shoulder, and my heart skipped a beat. He'd always been a very touchy-feely guy, but ever since I hit puberty, it took on an entirely different meaning for me.

As Tom was leading me through the house and making small talk, Bill emerged from the bedroom. He had that same disheveled look as Tom did.

"Hi Kevin, how are you?" he said, patting my back. Feeling both men's hands on me at the same time was having quite an effect on me, and I could feel my teenage cock start to swell. Within seconds, I had a raging hard on. I looked down, and to my horror, my shorts were very obviously tenting out. I turned bright red.

"Is something wrong?" Bill asked when I hadn't responded to his greeting. I saw him look at Tom, who nodded his head toward my crotch. They exchanged a smile, both looking like they were trying to stop from laughing. I was mortified.

"I'm sorry, I, I..." I stuttered, wanting to crawl under the nearest rock.

"Kevin, it's OK," Bill said, his hand still on my back. "It happens to all of us guys! It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"When I was your age, Kevin, I walked around with a permanent hard on!" Tom added, laughing.

That made me feel a lot better, and I started to smile a bit. I was still pretty embarrassed, though.

"Look, Kevin," Bill began, his voice softening and taking on a kindly tone, "your mom told us about you... about your being gay, I mean. If you want to talk or have any questions, Tom and I are here for you, OK?" Bill had his hand on my shoulder. I glanced at his rounded biceps and caught a glimpse of his hairy armpits. I averted my eyes before he could notice. And before my hardon came back.

"Any time, whenever you want," Tom added.

I nodded, looking at both of them, a little dazed.

"Would you like to talk now?" Bill asked. "You don't have to. Whenever you're ready. It's just that you look like you could use it right now."

I nodded again.

My heart was pounding as they led me to the living room. We sat down, and I started to talk. It was slow going at first, but before I knew it, I was pouring my heart out. I talked about how I knew I was gay from a very young age, about what it was like at school, about how mom reacted when I told her. I also asked a lot of questions. When did they know they were gay? Did their families know?

Tom and Bill were great listeners, and they answered my questions frankly and honestly. I even got up the nerve to ask them when they lost their virginity. I didn't expect them to ask me the same question.

"Um, I still haven't." I admitted sheepishly.

They both looked surprised.

"I don't really know any gay people besides you guys," I added.

"Look Kevin," Tom said, leaning closer, "you've got to get out there and meet other gay guys your age. It's important for you to develop friendships with other gay men. And besides that, it sounds like you need someone to, uh, show you the ropes." He and Bill were both grinning now.

Before I knew what I was doing, the words were coming out of my mouth.

"Will you guys... show me the ropes?"

Silence. Both men looked dumbstruck.

"Oh, Kevin, I don't think..." Tom started to say.

"No, never mind. I'm sorry. That was stupid. I'm gonna go now," I stammered, not able to look either of them in the eye. I started to get up and head toward the door.

"Kevin, wait," Bill pleaded. Then Tom got stood up, grabbed me, and gently turned me around. He had his hands on my shoulders. I couldn't look at him.

"Kevin, look at me." I slowly raised my head and met his gaze. He was smiling. "Kevin, Bill and I both think you are very, very sexy, and we would love nothing more than to take you upstairs to our bedroom and teach you everything we know about man-to-man sex. We've talked about it before."

"You have?"

"Uh huh. In fact, we usually talk about it while we're having sex," Tom said, grinning slyly.

Just then I felt Bill behind me, grabbing me and drawing himself close. His big, hairy arms were wrapped around my torso, and I could feel his huge boner rubbing against the crack of my ass through my jeans.

His hands still on my shoulders. Tom stepped in closer and nuzzled his face to mine. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek as he spoke. "You know, Kevin, when you rang our doorbell, Tom and I were in bed, shirts off, making out and getting ready to go at it," he said, his voice sexy and low. "We had to scramble to get our clothes back on. I was hoping you wouldn't notice our hard cocks when I answered the door." With that, Tom leaned his hips in and rubbed the rock hard bulge in his pants against the erection that was straining against the cotton of by boxers and jeans. At the same time, Bill slipped his big hands under my shirt to rub my hairy chest and tweak my erect nipples.

"You like your nipples being played with, kid?" Bill asked as he was squeezing, flicking and pulling on my erect nubs.

"Uh huh," I panted. My heart was beating so hard I could hear the blood pounding inside my head. I couldn't believe I was there, being sandwiched and manhandled by these two incredibly hot men. I'd never been so turned on in my life.

"Why don't you take your shirt off, Tom, so Kevin can have an up close and personal look at another man's body?" Bill suggested. "Would you like that, Kevin," he continued, pulling me back into a giant bear hug.

"Yeah!" I nodded, dazed. As Tom shucked his t-shirt, I took in the view. Hunky, solid, hairy, especially his pits, which I zeroed in on as he pulled his shirt up and over his head. His manly scent, which I'd detected a bit earlier, hit my nostrils full force. My cock swelled, and even though it was as of yet untouched, I was dangerously close to shooting.

Bill's hands left my chest and went to Tom's, latching on to his nipples and using them as handles to pull him close. Our eyes locked, and I instinctively knew what would happen next. Tom's hand came up and gently grabbed the back of my neck, pulling my face to his.

"First kiss?" Tom asked gently, one eyebrow raised. I nodded. He smiled, and our lips met. I knew what kissing involved, but I wasn't prepared to feel his tongue as it snaked into my mouth. I was overwhelmed by the sensations -- the softness of his lips, the roughness of his beard, the slickness of his tongue, the taste of his breath and saliva. My mind was reeling. The next thing I knew, Bill's hands were on mine, guiding them up and resting them on Tom's furry pecs.

"Go ahead Kevin," Bill urged. "Don't be shy. My lover has a great body. Feel it."

Still locked in my kiss with Tom, I moved my hands down, running my finger over his solid pecs, through his thick chest fur and brushing them against his erect nipples. Tom responded by moaning into our kiss and driving his tongue even deeper into my mouth.

"Tom and I both really love having our nipples played with," Bill continued, his mouth so close to my ear that I could feel the heat of his breath. "Flick them with your thumbs, like this." A jolt electricity shot from my nipples right to my cock as Bill demonstrated his technique on me. I grabbed Tom's nipples and started flicking them in earnest. Bill let out a deep moan behind me, and I realized that Tom had reached around me to lift up Bill's shirt and play with his lover's neglected nipples. The three of us stood there moaning and breathing heavy, lost in our kissing and nipple play.

"Let's have a look at you now, Kevin," Tom said, breaking our kiss and reaching down to pull my shirt off. As he was undressing me, I felt Bill pull away behind me and heard rustling as he, too, bared his torso. Big arms once again encircled me as Bill pulled me back into his meaty, furry chest. Tom followed suit, wrapping his muscular arms around both of us, his hairy stomach and chest rubbing against mine. I was in heaven, surrounded by muscles, skin, hair, and musky man smell.

I was feeling bolder and wanted to play with Bill, so I leaned back and turned my head toward him. He took the cue and planted his lips on mine. I decided it was my turn to explore, so I pushed my tongue into his mustached mouth, and he eagerly accepted it. We kissed passionately, tongues swirling, sucking, nibbling, as I got lost in the second kiss of my life.

My cock was twitching in time with my heartbeat as Tom and Bill continued to feel me up -- rubbing, caressing, squeezing, pulling. Tom was paying special attention to my nipples, working them over until I was panting and moaning into his lover's mouth. All of a sudden, I felt Bill's hand start making its way down toward my cock. Before I could protest, he gave my cock a firm squeeze. That, combined with working my nipples, and my tongue in Bill's mouth, pushed me over the edge.

"Fuck... no!" I rasped into Bill's mouth, but it was too late. I started tingling all over as my groin contracted and the spasms started. I felt the hot, thick semen squirting out of my cock and coating the insides of my briefs and I experienced the most mind-blowing orgasm of my young life. Tom continued working my nipples through my climax, and Bill held me tight to his warm, furry chest.

Even as my orgasm subsided and I floated back down to earth, my prostate continued to twitch. My briefs were soaked. The intensity of my climax had caused me to squeeze my eyes shut, and I realized they were still shut. When I opened them, Tom was looking right at me, rubbing my stomach and smiling.

"Dirty boy," Bill chuckled behind me as he kissed me on my shoulder.

I was embarrassed as hell. My first sexual encounter, and I couldn't even last past first base.

"I'm sorry, you guys," I said sheepishly. "When I jerk off, I usually last a lot longer. I guess I just got too excited."

"Hey, that's OK," Tom consoled as he kissed me. "We have plenty of time to play. And besides, this just means you'll last longer when we take you upstairs to our bedroom." He winked at me.

"You wearing underwear?" Bill asked, still kissing my shoulder.

"Um, yeah. Why?" I asked, puzzled.

"Mmmmmm. I was hoping so," Bill replied, squeezing me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Never mind," Tom interjected. "You'll see. Now, how about coming upstairs with us and helping Bill and I pick up where we left off, right before you arrived?" He didn't wait for me to answer. He just kissed me, hard. Then I watched breathlessly as he and Bill kissed. I'd never seen two guys kiss before, so it was incredibly hot to watch, especially up close. I was getting rock hard again just watching their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Bill reached down and grabbed my cum-covered cock through my jeans.

"I think our friend here is ready to move on to his next lesson," Bill said, breaking their kiss and nodding for Tom to look down at the raging erection that was bulging in my jeans once again. They were both smiling playfully, but Bill suddenly got serious and pulled me a little closer. "Kevin," he began, "Tom and I are really excited to be sharing your first sexual experience, but before we do this, we want you to know that we'll only take this as far as you want to go. We're going to take charge and show you how men make love to each other, but if there's anything that makes you uncomfortable, just tell us, and we'll stop. And if there's anything we're not doing that you'd like to try, just ask. Tom and I are both very open-minded about sex. OK?"

I was speechless. I couldn't imagine NOT wanting to try anything sexual with these guys.

"I want you guys to teach me everything," I replied, looking Tom right in the eye.

"Atta boy!" Tom laughed, kissing me and giving my ass a little smack.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and get started," Bill said, grabbing my fat boner. "I'm horny as hell!"

Next: Chapter 2

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