Lessons from My Fisting Dad

By Red Right

Published on Oct 14, 2007


If you are uninitiated, read LESSONS chapters 1-3. Again, the disclaimer: this is fiction between consenting adults and a late teen. It involves incest and kinkier shit. If you're squeamish about this (then why are you on this site?) please do not read further. If you are under legal age to read this material or you live in an area where this is illegal, please do not read further. All characters are of consenting legal age. Comments/feedback are appreciated - RedRt@hotmail.com (tell me where you're from city or country as I'm always curious how far these stories extend). Enjoy.

"How you doin' Boy?" Uncle Tony leans into me, kisses me, then pulls back, checking his nephew out.

"I feel great," I say slowly, twitching my ass a little as Uncle Tony slowly pushes his two large fingers in and out of my spent hole. I am practically lying on his lap, spent (for the moment), legs spread open, relaxing. Uncle Tony continues playing lightly with my hole, caressing it, teasing it, loving it, making it hungry. He does this for awhile, just slow, rhythmic patterns, changing his fingers from two at a time to just a single digit. "I love taking breaks," I repeat again.

Dad is sitting on the floor now, facing me, smoking one of his cigars, taking the smoke slowly then bringing his mouth near my right nipple and exhaling the warm, pungent exhale of smoke against my tit as he bites it just ever so slightly.

"Y E A H ," Uncle Tony moans at both of us, his middle finger just brushing against the outside of my engorged pussy lips. I'm moaning along with him as Dad pushes away from my chest and takes another slow drag off his cigar.

We stay like this for awhile. I'm not keeping count of time, I'm too far gone just being in the moment. On the TV monitor, the dvd is almost over as the orgy of hot Dads continue to assault each other's hot holes in one position after the next. Dad is stroking his dick thru his piss-yellow stained jocks. Under my head I can feel Uncle Tony's firm tool also. I am the only one not playing with my dick. I'm too content just having my ass teased by my uncle.

"Your hole hungry for more action now?" Uncle Tony asks with two fingers probing inside.

"Uhh..." I moan back in reply. "Yeah, please."

"OK BOY! Then get your hungry ass up!" Uncle Tony barks, almost startling me.

Dad gets up from the floor and lifts me, helping me up by grabbing my arms and pulling me off his brother. I stand up and stretch my arms over my head, take a deep breath and do a slow stretch, lifting my feet off the floor for a few seconds, resting on my toes. It feels good to stretch, to straighten out, to get ready for more action. I exhale as I come down to the ground.

"Grab my bag there Boy!", Uncle Tony commands and I do as I'm told. I hand it to him and he fishes inside for something, then hands me a DVD disc marked only with "FF vol 3" rendered in a thick, black sharpie scribbling. "Here - put THIS on! I'm tired of your Dad's porn - time for some of mine! And I do mean MINE! This is some REAL SHIT!" he winks at my Dad, and I'm not really sure I get it. I lean forward with the disc in front of the DVD player, get down on my fours while I eject the previous disc and insert Uncle Tony's. Meanwhile Uncle Tony has stood up and is doing some insertion of his own. "Yeah, nice to see you in this position, " he offers, a finger slides in, feels its way inside my hungry, wide open hole as I try to maneuver thru the remote control to start the disc. Finally it starts, no FBI warning, no fetish announcement text scrolling through the screen, nothing but just a tight close up of some guys ass spread open sitting on some furniture except there's no seat. The saturation is somewhat poor and the image is just a bit grainy and the lighting isn't the most complimentary, but the spread ass is something to behold. It's nice and open.

And so am I.

"Ok, I think I have an idea," I hear Dad behind us now standing behind the couch, putting his cigar out on the ashtray, still stroking his dick. "Why don't we all get back here-behind the couch?" Uncle Tony and I look back and stand up alongside Dad. "Help me with this," he looks at us, and we all grab the vinyl playsheet as Dad motions, sliding it away from the floor, pulling it toward us, and now covering most of the couch, draping over the backrest and over the back side. "BOY!," Dad yells, "stand over here." I do as I'm instructed and stand between my Dad on my left, Uncle Tony on my right, all three of us facing the backside of the couch. Uncle Tony is smearing his hands with Crisco, rubbing his fingers from one hand to the other, coating all his digits with grease. Dad has the poppers and feeds me, "Take a big hit. Yeah. And another, slower this time Boy!" I do as I'm told as I feel Uncle Tony insert one of his fingers up my hole. "Ok, Boy - now lean forward onto the couch," he pushes me from behind, gently and slowly, guiding me. I am now draping over the backrest of the couch, my abdomen and chest sliding on the slick vinyl playsheet directly under me. As I slide down, my ass and legs are lifted off the ground so that my legs are now sticking up in the air with my ass just at the edge of the backside of the couch where you would have your head if you were sitting in a normal position. I bring my arms forward then fold them over the edge of the seat of the couch and rest my head to one side on my folded arms. "How you feeling Boy?" Dad inquires. "Ohh..." I moan, feeling the poppers take effect as Uncle Tony finger fucks me.

"I feel great," I reply, eyes closed.

Dad reaches over and gives me the bottle of poppers. "I want you to take control of that yourself, Boy. You hear me!?" My eyes open and I see the vitamin jar in front of my face. I grab it with my nearest hand. "Yes SIR!" I reply obediently. "Now you take hits whenever I tell you-make sure they are slow and long hits." He reaches behind his brother and grabs some grease and coats both of his hands and forearms. Uncle Tony is grabbing the J-lube bottle and smiles at my Dad. Dad grabs my upper thighs and with a little bit of pressure, pulls my legs apart. "OK BOY!" he yells at me, "take a HIT!" I do as instructed...long, slow, deep inhales from the poppers, my left nostril first, then the right. Dad has four fingers from his left hand caressing my left ass cheek, then he slides it toward my hungry hole and slowly cups it in, transitioning in perfectly from cheek into my cunt. "Uhh..." I moan back in return. I feel his right hand do the same with four fingers again until they are all inside. With his eight fingers in, he slowly and very gently grabs at my hole from the left and from the right and spreads my pussy apart. I can feel the stretch, but there is no pain, only this numbing pleasure. "Oh yeah, BOY!" Dad is growling, a hint of pride in his voice, "spread it wide for DADDY!" I take a deep breath and close my eyes and visualize my hole, getting it bigger inside my head, bigger for Dad.

"And don't forget your UNCLE!" Uncle Tony shouts. And with that commanding voice behind me I feel a new sensation of a thick liquid being poured into my deep hole. Uncle Tony is holding the J-lube bottle about a foot over my ass, aiming for it up in the air, as he squeezes the plastic bottle, with one greased hand. A trail of thick, gooey, clear liquid is drooling from the nipple of the bottle and towards my hole. "Yeah, fill up your nephew's fucking cunt!" Dad encourages his brother. Uncle Tony continues to squeeze the bottle as more of the thick J-lube enters my ass, some of it misses its mark and smears my Dad's fingers, still holding my hole apart. The J-lube accumulates in my hole until it is filled and spills out of my ass, dripping around my asscheeks and balls. Uncle Tony puts the bottle down and inserts his two thick fingers in the hole in between my Dad's. As he pushes in, some of the lube is pushed out. My Dad removes his right hand as Uncle Tony inserts another two fingers to replace it. Dad pushes in, sliding over his brother's knuckles. I feel it go deep, just a bit, but so smooth and silk-like. Then Dad pulls out slightly then Uncle Tony goes in for his turn. "Oh fuck, that feels great," I moan back. They continue in unison, taking turns, one brother to the next.

"Another Boy!" Dad yells and I do as I'm told, shaking the poppers bottle.

Uncle Tony pulls out, Dad goes in, fingers aiming in entry, fist following. I moan slowly with each insertion, from my father to my uncle. Dad pushes in, traipsing in slowly, getting the tip of long finger probing deeper into my open, hungry hole. Then he pulls out, slowly and pausing to a creeping pace as the widest part of his hand stretches my hole. "Yeah, look at that Boy's hole get bigger!" Uncle Tony claims, excited. Then Dad's hand pulls out, and as I breathe a long exhale, Uncle Tony is going in, repeating his brother's steps, inching in deeper than my father. And then he pulls out, also pausing at the widest part of his hand, then going in just a half inch, then pulling out another half inch, stretching, stretching...stretching my hole even more. "Fuck Boy! Your hole is getting so fucking HUGE!" My Dad yells, proudly. Dad enters as Uncle Tony pulls out. This continues for several minutes. I am losing track of time. Time is inessential at this point with my eyes closed, my mind visualizing the brotherly assault, the sensation in my ass switching from Dad to Uncle Tony. The pace is building so at this point I don't even know which hand is going in, going out, going in.

"Take another long hit," Dad instructs. I do as I'm told. Behind me I feel some grease slapping my asshole with a finger probing, smearing more inside. "Do some more," Dad adds and I obey.

Dad inserts his hand, fingers pointing in. My hole takes his hand without complaint as it glides in easily. He pauses once he is past his wrist, leaving his hand still. And then I feel a fullness as I sense Dad is rolling his fingers in his palm, making a fist inside my very open hole. Dad pulls out, the knuckles of his fist facing up, pausing at the widest part of his hand before he pulls out, stretching my hole even more with the extra width of the fist. He pushes in slightly, I moan, then he pulls out fast. "Aghhh...." I am in ecstasy with the sensation of the stretch, the rapid pull-out, the vast emptiness that cries to be fed. And before I can complete my moan, Dad's hand - still balled into a fist - punches into my hole quickly. The sudden entry feels amazing, resetting the emptiness from a moment earlier. Dad repeats the process, pulls out slightly, pushes in slightly again, the pulls out rapidly with the wide fist making my hole stretch even more open. And before it can contract, his fist enters again and repeats its dance. After the third retreat, I feel a wider entry. "My turn," Uncle Tony announces, in that commanding voice. I do another hit of the poppers in anticipation. I can sense the stretch is a little bit wider. The poppers kicks in and I can feel my hole get even more wider. He follows in Dad's steps, going in, pausing for a moment at the wide point, pushing in an inch and pulling out slowly then rapidly. Then back in again, his fist just pounding into my hungry hole. He does this several times, then Dad takes a turn for a single thrust, then Uncle Tony repeats, then Dad. The brothers share my hole every other turn as my ass just takes it, no protest, no complaint, just a wide, open, inviting hungry Boy hole. "Fucking HOT!" both Dad and Uncle Tony yell out in unison.

They both piston fuck me for several minutes. Again, I am not keeping track of time or thrusts. As one fist goes in and out, it is replaced with another. I can feel my hole stretch so wide at this point that there is nothing but simple ease in each fist's entry. It is smooth and effortless with no restriction. I am moaning and rolling my head from side to side on the vinyl playsheet, licking my forearm folded in front of my head.

Dad has his fist inside me. He pauses. I feel his fingers unroll, folding out from the palm, extending itself out, the index and middle fingers first, then the two smaller fingers so now his hand is pointing into my hole. He pauses again for a moment and then shifts his hand slowly from left to right, the knuckles teasing the top walls of my cunt, sliding along, a little pressure here, a little pressure there. I hear a little movement behind me between my legs as Uncle Tony shifts position. And I feel something else start to invade me. At first I think it is more of Uncle Tony's fingers, maybe his hand sliding alongside my Dad's. And then I realize it is his thick cock.

I immediately grab the poppers bottle and feed myself. Uhhh......

Uncle Tony's fat dick slowly starts sliding alongside his brother's stationary arm. The head squeezes into my hole, no restriction there after that punchfucking duo action from earlier. "YEAH BOY!" Uncle Tony is all excited and impressed, "take that like the fucking PIG BOY that you are!" Dad's hands stays still as more and more of his brother's thick cock slides in slowly into my hole, inch by inch. "Oh yeah..." Dad adds in. He is just as impressed as his brother. After a moment, Uncle Tony is fully inside, his thick bush at his crotch married my Dad's wrist at the edge of my hole, creating one family unit. I feel a minor movement inside me and I realize that Dad is turning his hand to its side, counterclockwise so his palm is facing his brother's thick tool to its side. More movement, a feeling of enlargement inside me, not quite sure what is happening. And then I feel Uncle Tony fucking me slowly while Dad's hand is stationary. "Oh brother - that feels so FUCKING INTENSE!!!" Uncle Tony screams. He continues to fuck me slowly, slowly, and I feel a slow shift inside me and then I realize my Dad is grabbing Uncle Tony's fat cock from inside me while he fucks not just my hole-but Dad's hand-who is jerking him off inside my cunt! "Yeah, just keep it there," Uncle Tony is instructing my Dad, "a little tighter, yeah, yeah...YEAH!!!" I take a deep breath and then contract my ass muscles, tightening it's hold on both my Dad and Uncle Tony. "Oh yeah Boy!" Dad moans, in encouragement. Uncle Tony continues to fuck both my hole and Dad's hand, going faster, slower, then faster and faster. I stretch and contract my ass as he plunges in. "Uhh...uh..." Uncle Tony is groaning...And then he pushes in hard, just the edge of his crotch slapping against my ass as he pounds hard against me.

"OH FUCK YEAH!!!!" Uncle Tony screams, pumping his seed into me.

He stays motionless, while Dad holds his dick, both still inside my huge hole. I can hear Uncle Tony's breathing, from rapid to slower to normal. "Man, that was some family bonding," he chuckles. Uncle Tony pulls out and a feeling of some emptiness is left but soon replaced with my Dad's hand, turning inside me, no doubt smearing my Uncle's load all over my insides, coating my ass walls as he pulls out. Slowly, slowly, giving me that delicious stretch.

"Okay, time for another break Boy!" Dad says as both Dad and Uncle Tony pull me up from the couch, both strong men holding me on each side until I regain my composure and balance, my head still a little dizzy from the poppers and the pounding my ass has taken. Dad grabs me and plants a big wet kiss. Then Uncle Tony pulls me over to him and does the same, brushing the handlebar moustache over my wet lips. Both men are finger-fucking me at the same time with their index fingers as they take turns kissing me. I fucking love breaks!

Both Dad and Uncle Tony sit back on the couch. I sit on the floor between them, fingering my hole, keeping it ready. Uncle Tony's homemade FF DVD is still playing on the monitor, two hot guys getting double-fisted from one lucky top. Dad and Uncle Tony both light cigars, Uncle Tony jerks his dick, now hard again from the action on the TV. Dad motions for me and I get his signal and suck his Dad dick. Uncle Tony leans over a little to the side to allow me more room; he moves one leg up on the couch, spreading his legs. I continue to suck Dad's dick, his hand on the top of my head, stroking my close-cropped hair. "Yeah..." Dad moans, "make your Dad feel good!" I do as I'm told, bobbing up and down, sucking, swallowing, savoring it's thickness inside my piggy mouth. After several minutes, Dad erupts in my mouth and I take as much as I can, but some of it escapes, leaking out of the side of my mouth.

"You've taught this one well, " Uncle Tony says to Dad, in between a drag from his cigar.

They both smile and laugh. I'm about to lick off my Dad's cum that is dripping from the side of my mouth until Uncle Tony sees what I am up to. "Hold on Boy!" he commands, again, that voice. He spreads his legs wider and slides down the couch a few inches, moving his torso up a bit so his ass is exposed from the seat, his hole visible. "Why don't you kiss your Uncle's ass and smear some of your Dad's seed on my hole." He winks at me. "Then lick your Dad's cum off my hole."

I do as I'm told as I approach Uncle Tony's hole. I am amazed at how big it is, how the folds of his uncle hole are varied and extended, like some very experienced ass. I lose my thought as my lips start devouring my Uncle's hot ass, my tongue getting it all wet and slippery as his hole opens up, winking for his Boy.


Next: Chapter 5

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