
By moc.liamtoh@ressew

Published on Jul 9, 2009


Don't read this if it's illegal to do so. This story is completely fictional. Feel free to email me if you like it and especially if you have suggestions for future improvement. As always, I hope the accent isn't too hard to follow. Thank you.

Lessons Lesson 2 Do Not Run Into Trees

Memember I said thare wuz a lesson two. Who'd a knowed I is too stupid to not follow this rule. Cause runnin yer noggin into a tree at full out tilt Fucking Hurts! An it leads right smack inter lesson one.

Lord awmighty, my head hurts, my ass hurts, fuck my whole all over hurts. An everthin is black so I is prolly blindered now asides. Oh right, scratch that, it's just fucking dark cause it's night. Gawd I must areally hurt my head bad! Blind nonsense shit.

I know it aint always dark Cause I Aint That Fuckin Stupid! Just close. Ow, yellin makes my head hurt, more. I member started out a nice evenin. I'd has had been goin swimmin....

. o O o .

You know how you kin tell when sumthins fucked up? It's fucked up if'n it looks like 'town.' Cause town folk is shit for brains fucked up folk. I mean I gets it, don't make no natural sense but I gets it. So as I is walkin deeper inter town I got trunks an I don't need no shirt nor shoes on cause I is going swimmin. Sides I's gotten nuff sun so fer this summer as I might get red but's not like I's gonna get too burnt out a shape about it. So's I is goin swimmin town style. Like in a real pool all stinkin wid cloriniated water n shit but if I's finally invited to a birthday thing at this c'munity pool then I is goin.

So things is lookin up fer a change, I got invited to a party from a fuckin girl at school no less. She rides my bus an has some name or nuther. I cain't r'member. Some fucktard girl wants me at her party. So I's there. Yeah, things is lookin up.


You notices the world's full a butts. An one uv um is standin smack in my way an I's gettin riled even if this butt's butt is perticular fuckn horndoggin my prong in that there skimpy faded blue spee-doe. But Butt Head here says I cain't git in the gate cause I's wearin cutoffs. What the flyin fuck stupid ass place fer swimmin has rules bout yer trunks?! Jesus' nuts!

"I'm sorry but we don't allow frayed swimming attire because it clogs the pool filters," the pool dick says.

So I mention right polite like cause it's town that "That's a Fuckin Stupid Ass Backward rule, that is there, an it's just bullcrap to keep my 'poor white trash' ass out uh yur stinkin fancy c'mmunity pool an in its proper place is all it fuckin is." Some reason this prissy college boy harlot dinna like my additude.

So I 'pologized, "whatever!" cause I's polite in town. I said well as it's fer swimmin anyhows how bout if I just go nekkid then? Figgered maybe he'd jus faint dead away wid scandal an I'd jus go on in the gate anyhows while he knockered. But bitch boy says "no." But he's got a scare on his face like he means 'yes' but is afeared to say it so I shimmy out uh my trunks lickety split as I ain't wearin nuthin underneath. Fuck's sake, this aint church. An I put my pale half wooded pecker in my hand so's I's like testin its weight fer im.

He shore is 'town' through n through cause he goes red like raw steak an looks like he's been lightin struck right there on the spot. I mean it's just a fuckin cock for God's sake! I smiles at im an says "we don't akchully haf to go swimmin as I take yer meanin there," kinder pointin toward his 'attire.'

An I just gotta say a minute what the fuck is the fag ass point uv uh 'spee-doe' anyhow cuz it shore ain't to cover up this prissy boy's throat choaker when it gets hard! An trust me I know cause we's there! Spee-doe my ass, spee-don't's more like it.

He starts to stutterin like in I should leave but I don't. I know what he wants now an I want it too so's I step up close at his self. An my black haired butt buster is fixin to poke through his leg an his blond poker is rubbin half up my chest.

Y'all'll notice that means he's way taller'n me but that's cause I is a little short spindly skinny little fucker. But member I did say he is some prissy college puke so he's older'n me too. An he's all brown tan an all an overly purty. But fuck I wouldn't kick im out o bed unlessen I is wantin to do it on the floor!

(That there's called humor so be shore to r'member to laff cause you might be 'town' too an not recornize funny shit like that. I's only sayin is all....)

But shit if he don't go mad with the want to rutt cause he grabs hold uh my balls tight an pulls.

"Ow! fuck fella, watch that shit!"

An he perceeds to drag me by the juicers inside the buildin there into a tiny crampt room wid an outside door. Innards it gots workins an pipes an guages an all. An it's powerful hot in there too. He ain't none too gentle bout yankin my quipment round neither!

He gets to it quicker nuff though cause as y'all recall I saed he was in the rutt. He lets loose uh my strainin nads an pushes me back aginst the hot pipes an shit an I yell cause it's hot. Not quite to burning but it's got its tang to it.

But he don't pay no mind an just like folds in on his knees an swallers me up in one. I knewed he knewed what he were doin. An boy did he?! This boys got talent! He's got me to moanin in a fuck's second! An you know what, I don't fuckin care about no party right so much no more.

He's a right slobbery one on the cock an I is always liked that for damn sure. He pumps me to fuckin his tonsils cept he's doin all the movin wiv his head so I's just pushed back there agin the pipes. He continues to suckin an comes off uv my cock some to lick round good, swallows me whole agin an is just at it, he is.

He's right unusual fer a town guy, he pulls right off agin an pinches his lips together tight an slides down my meat pushin back the cockskin real right!

"Oh Jesus fuck!" He puts the clamp on my inner shaft there tight an he ain't afraid of bathin me thick with his tongue there neither. An fuck if my legs don't go. I stumble down those rough hot water pipes till my nekkid ass is squat solid on that warm cement floor. And shit, fuck ouch! I burned or scraped my back on them pipes sumthin fierce after all. This is gonna be a good one! I love me sumthin to r'member a good fuck with.

I slow im down but I's lost somewhere in translation as I'm pumpin a mile uh spunk down his gullet. I fall my head to the floor an buck my hips up somthin powerful. I just hold my back arched there tremblin n still all at one. Afore God I don't know how long the mile of cum I put in him was but it's good.

I knows I's starched tight as my butt cheeks turn to burning fire with the strain uh holding up an drivin the squirtin. But he jus sucks an chews my root jus like a calf to its favorite teet. Ventually I just fall to my back in a crash on that dusty floor. An my back goes to sizzle as I feel the dust an dirt grind inter the inside uh my back.

I knows I burnt or cut down by my spine on that piping real good but God the extra feelin of soot n sand n grime n pain shootin through my back sparks a direct line to the innards uh my cock and my shitter. An I knows if'n I have to murder this boy an ride his dead hard rod myself even that I is gonna be makin him fuck my crapper hard as all he can.

An I says that to him elerquent jus like I here jus told you. Same words an everthin, I say, "GOD FUCK ME!" (Okay so's maybe he missed sum uh the poerty uv the moment but he got the meanin clear nuff.)

Now this fucker's a biznus machine! He's got a rubber on his knife sharp prong so fast I guess he must uh been hidin it up his butt cause I shore don't know where he got it from in there. He impales me hard an dry! All straight in in one go, an fuck it hurt. An fuck, if he ever fucks me again an does it anyway differnt I'll kill him. That wuz good hurt there boy!

Oh but he plowed my ass n I feel his cock smashin the shit that's back in me deeper in makin me feel that more stuffed on ever slam. "God-slamnation!," that's wut it was.

I knowed I cum least once agin but shit if'n I know what become of the spunk cause I seen no sign later. Must a just ground in twixt our bellies like liniment. I ain't feel him cum so I don't know when but then we's just lying there heavin deep on each other tryin to draw nuff breath to not die!

"Oh my God," I think he said it but it might a been me. I bet my soul for a sawbuck that neither of us could rightly tell you which said it. He slides out a my ass an I feel the sting of shit that followed his cock out so I knows he broke skin on me back there. Goddammit. I really hate scat.

We lay an lay an breathed up all the good air in there but we cain't move. We'll be found dead here an neither of us will care one squat. He laffs and I guess I said that out loud but didn't even know it.

. o O o .

Well Jeff is stronger'n he had looked in that skinny spee-doe cause he got me up an got us both back outside in the light. And then to the shower even nekkid n all. I know we had to go outside that room agin to do it but I don't fuckin 'member it.

The showers has stalls but no doors so it were only a little private but he warshed me all the same. I heared little kids fuckin around the locker room out beyond us somewhere but Jeff dinna seem to care an I cunna move so what the fuck? Right?

Well Jeff washed me. Oh did I mention his name is Jeff? I found out his name was Jeff. Came out while he had five fingers up my ass wid a goodly amount uh soap. Our fuck was so good them fingers weren't even sexshul, just cleanin. He warshed my whole self. My open dirty back. The blood from my ass an my nose. And NO I have no fuckin idee when that happened.

He wanted to banderge me up on my back. I'd tore open a burn welt or sumthin an had a long ass hole there, like ten er twelve inches but I said no it's awright. "I ain't no baby after all. I's a tuff little fucker," I says. An we both cracked up laffin an he said okay but he did put medicine shit on it just the same when we got out ter the sink in the locker room. Some folk saw us some, both nekkid n wet n me a little renewed to bleedin from the stinging medicine he put on my back but no one said nuthin.

Then a minute when we were alone he cleaned inside my cockskin last. Wid his slobbery wet fucking heavenly sinfully so good fuckin tongue it's gotta be a ticket to hell. I was so spent n tired I dinna even get boned agin but he did get another cum out o me an all I could do was whimper like a little fuckin kid.

. o O o .

I think I passed on a minute cuz he startled me back to wake saying "I'm sorry..."

"For what are you fuckin sorry bout Jeff?! That was the meanest good ole time I...." He put his fingers to my lips to shut my shit up an I must a been beat cause I let him shut me up. My whole body just went to melt when his fingers touched my lips. An you might a noticed sumwhere twixt here an yonder I don't never actually just shut up. I's like Bugs Bunny like that... "SHUT UP SHUTTIN UP." That one always goes to crack me up.

But yeah, he shut me up and says "I'm sorry but I can't find your cutoffs anywhere. Someone must have taken them." He hands me a little piece of plastic that turns out to be one uh his spee-dont's. "That's all I've got that you can wear home. I'm sorry."


. o O o .

And like I said. There's lesson number two. So now you understand. "Don't run into trees." Wait, I'm thinkin I may've left out a step in there sumwheres but I'll tell ya after I get my nekkid fucked up sore ass body an throbbin head out uh these dark ass woods an get home. Where I will plum put my fuckin ass to bed straight way.

Yeah I don't think I ever told ya bout the tree part.... So I guess I'll tell yuh tomorra if I ever wake up. Shit my head hurts.

"Lord what a day!"

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