
By moc.liamtoh@ressew

Published on Jul 7, 2009


You know the rules, don't read this if it's illegal to do so. This story is completely fictional. Feel free to email me if you like it or have suggestions for future improvement. I hope the accent isn't too hard to follow. Thank you.

Lessons Lesson 1 Don't get took down nekkid

Don't get caught nekkid. Good rule. I notice tho it don't say nuthin bout bein nekkid. Just don't get caught. Reasnable enuff. But I clearly ain't a reasnable kind a guy. Cause I is caught. And I is nekkid.

And did I say pantin like a dog? Hot n cold at the same time, like a horse put up wet. Then they turn me over an I got a poundin of a head ache I don't remember as to why.

I do remember knowin Bob's a burly fucker so I thought I'd be out runnin him but here I is. And Bob hawls off an kicks me in the ribs. "Fuck you. Git off me!"

Pete says "we ain't on you yet, you little shit." And he lodges his shoe up on my balls an cock liking he's planning to smush my black haired nads into my innards.

Bob spits on my face and I member I gots more n just my jewels to be worrying over. Bob takes back to kick me agin but stops just when I cringe an tighten up an Bob lets out a deep ole belly laff. "The little prick is afraid we're gonna hurt him." Duh, fuckin yeah!

John, the third one, and least there is only three. He says "Bob, his little prick isn't exactly little, you know." And Pete presses in more wid his shoe an I is grateful.

And you says to your own self he's grateful? He's an idjit is wat he is. Well I cain't fault you there but why I is grateful is cause Pete is where my salvation lies if'n theres to be any. Pete's not a rat bastard bully like Bob an not a wicked mean prick like John. Petey's a decent sort an when he pushed harder on my balls n cock he didn't. Well's to say he didn't push hard he just looked it like he did and let my cock squirm out from under his shoe so and they could see it jut out. So I is grateful cause Pete ain't here to murder my cock or he'd be at it already, ya know?

Bob tells Pete to kick me good in the nuts there and Pete just laffs an pulls back with his foot an I tense up natural expectin the pain. But Pete just laffs an wedges like his knees tween mine. And the hard of his jeans feels good akchully cause it swipes some uh the sweat off an the breeze feels coolin. But that shit don't last long.

"Aw fuck!" I scream, or sumthin equally elerquent. Pete done wedged my knees apart with his an he's got me splayed part like a gutted fish, one uh each of his knees pressin my thighs sidewise to the ground an showin the others my balls an junk just laying on my gut there. And it fuckin hurt to have my crotch forced spread like that.

Pete says, "No, John's right Bob, our little Billy isn't so small at all." That's me, Bill, case in you was confunded.

"Well we have him now..." says John, "what ever shall we do?" He kneels down on ter the ground in the dark light of the moon too and leans in heavy on my left arm crushin it into the brambles that's all about in the woods too.

Remember that lesson number one, don't get captured nekkid. Well it goes doulbe for don't get caught nekkid out in the woods. And triple late at night in the dark. An four-whatever by three rich fuckers who hates hicks like me.

John reached out then and grabbed on my sweaty cock on twisted it to hurtin an it makes me squirm about somethin awful. An here you thought I won't literal like when I said don't get caught by "fuckers" didn'cha?

John says "Gross, baby Billy, do you really never bathe? I'm mean I always said you smelled but feel this grime. It's all over you!" An he perceeds to feelin of the grime on my dirty sweat slimed cock. Full knowin it's only dirty cause I been runnin from em through the woods nekkid at night an greazy cause I been sweatin up a storm an all.

But ya note he ain't so grossed out over the foul to not be squeezin on my pecker, as if he's really just there to be making a point. Then I hears it, a zipper. Shit, time for business. Bob's pulled out his cock an I see im rub it once over. "Hell, you're right John. He's so dirty I bet I'd make him cleaner even if I rubbed my cock all over him." Bob is such a ass an he aint near to as funny or clever as he thinks he is.

Bob pushes his cock to my face an rubs it around an then crost my lips an shit. He pushes it tween my lips an against my teeth an says I is to "open up." But I don't wanna. And right then John digs into my cockhead wid his thumbnail an I do 'open up' for Bob but that aint what does it.

Pete down there holdin me open sticks a wet finger in my butt hole. And thats what goes to does it. Pete makes me moan an in slips Bob's knob in my mouth.

Well what can I say? Nuthin, my mouth is stuffed with fat limp cock. An that surprisers me cause I knows Bob gets into this kind ah shit so I don't know why he aint hard yet. Usully he's hard.

An Bob starts workin my jaw an straddles my face wid his knees thrusted up in my pit hair. An I hear pissin an tremble cause as I hate piss n scat but turns out it's just John pissing in the bushes an making noise.

An I feel what must prolly be three of Pete's fingers twingin in my ass an I know it must be he who's got hold of my cock now if John's standing aside pissin. And shit it feels so fuckin good. Peter really knows how to jack peter. Heh, that'd make me laff cept the three fingeings open up my throat for Bob an he's all in an I feel his fat wide head plop past my tonsils.

Bob ya see is a long fat one. He's in so far I cain't even catch air through my nose an he's humpin away an I'd be seeing black if'n it weren't already dark.

I start to thrashin about as I is suffocating and I is a panicked. And then just out to nowhere I'm coughing an heavin an don't know why.

"Why the fuck'd you shove me off him Pete?! I about had my nut!" bellows Bob.

Pete says "Because it's John's turn you dope. You do remember 'turns' don't you. They teach it in kindergarten." And I knows now it's Pete that's pushed Bob's big butt over my head so's to make his cock plop out.

But John says, "Yeah, 'turns.' As in mine." And a course the fucker's nekkid and sits his ass right on my nose an says "Lick it boy!"

Well I may be filthy but he's none to fresh neither as he's done chased me through the woods as fer as I has run. An it smells to like he aint a real clean wiper asides. But he grinds on down an I just gotta anyhows so's I tongue out his hole. Does taste some little of shit though. Fuck I hate scat Least thanks to Pete it's better than suffocatin.

Or assfixiating as it were as Pete's fixiating to ass fuck me back there. We done at this kind uh thing before, me an Pete. He's got lube, he's always got a little bottle of baby oil in his pocket. And he squirts me right up in the open whole where his fingers has just been. And he does go on and put on a condom, I hear the packet tear.

Okay, I ain't an idjit an neither tis Petey. I knows he knows baby oil breaks a rubber. An he knows I knows he knows I.... What the fuck ever! Pete don't care as he has said before that I won't catch nuthin off him. It's just he likes the feel when his knob breaks through the rubber and the second feeling of pene-fucking-tration he gets. An if he don't mind I don't mind. Fuck he's the one in the danger of catchin somethin off'n me. Not the other ways round.

So's I'm holed in the shitter by Pete's cock. Nose deep in John's ass, who's fucking hammerin away at his own cock by the ways. An poor ole Bob is just beginnin to complain bout his 'turn.' Prick.

An Pete gasps an holds his in thrust a sec, I guess his condi just gived way an he's enjoyin the feel of my innards on his dick direct like. But Pete starts goin in an out of it right rabbit style but only for a dozen thrusts or so and I know he's cummin hard. Well for one cause he lets out a roar of sorts and does a shudder kind o thing.

Bob says "Hell yeah, my turn!" He pushes Pete back an takes his place while John cums in my hair an rolls off my face. But I do get to see Petey standing up behind Bob. See Bob's really into it an don't notice but Pete got pushed off while he was still cummin. Or he's cummin again now that he's standin. I don't know which.

Pete looks down at me an has a evil smirk an I watch im fill Bob's hair with his spunk. Gotta love Petey sometimes. Bob cums fast thank God. He's too big to be in me long without rippin me to bleeding.

And they's done.

John is dressed but he's left his Johnson hanging out an makes me to kiss it for being nice to me an all. Shit. No, really, "shit." I hope I got some of his ass shit that's prolly on my nose on his pecker so he'll freak on it later. John don't do ass fuckin, "he ain't queer you see." Uh huh. So might be he'll prolly panic wonderin' if'n he got carried away an fucked my ass if there's shit on his knob later. Heh.

Then Pete's dressed and Bob's getting that way. An I'm lain out there nekkid an raw, bruised, burr scratched, fucked and fucked, cum in my hair, and my nose smells of shit even if there aint none there. I ain't even got off an I'm tired as shit. And they leave.

But Pete hangs back a sec an arches a eyebrow an I give a tired nod that I is okay and he goes off too. Well, I is most to okay maybe.

And I hear Bob's voice ring out, "That'll teach you to run you ass into an oak and knock yourself out, shit for brains!" That's my head aching!

Did I neglect to mention lesson number two?

Next: Chapter 2: Do Not Run into Trees

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